// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //source = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //clip = source.clip; myLocation = FindObjectOfType <MyLocationHandler>(); uiManager = GetComponent <AudioUIManager>(); }
private void Start() { source = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); source.loop = false; locationsHandler = FindObjectOfType <OtherLocationsHandler>(); ui = GetComponent <AudioUIManager>(); playlist = FindObjectOfType <Playlist>(); planetRotation = FindObjectOfType <PlanetRotator>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { audioFilesManager = FindObjectOfType <AudioFilesManager>(); audioUIManager = FindObjectOfType <AudioUIManager>(); playback = FindObjectOfType <StoriesPlaybackManager>(); if (downloadOnStart) { StartCoroutine(GetAudioFileNames()); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { audioUI = FindObjectOfType <AudioUIManager>(); }