// PlayRandomRandomizedSFX chooses a passed AudioClip randomly and plays it with a randomized pitch.
    // Must create an explicit AudioClip[], but allows for customization of parameters.
    public AudioSource PlayRandomRandomizedSFX(AudioClip[] clips, bool loop = false, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0)
        // Generate a random number between 0 and the length of our array of clips passed in.
        int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, clips.Length);

        // Play a single randomized clip randomly selected from the passed in args.
        AudioSource sfx = PlayRandomizedSFX(clips[randomIndex], loop, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, delay);

        // Return a reference to the AudioSource for later use.
 // Used to play single sound clips and randomly slightly changes the pitch.
 public AudioSource PlayRandomizedSFX(SoundEffect sfx, bool loop = false, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0)
     return(PlayRandomizedSFX(sfxClips[(int)sfx], loop, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, delay));
    // Used to play single sound clips and randomly slightly changes the pitch.
    public AudioSource PlayRandomizedSFX(AudioClip clip, bool loop = false, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0)
        // Create a new sfx
        AudioSource sfx = PlaySFX(clip, loop, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, delay);

        // Choose a random pitch to play back our clip at between our high and low pitch ranges.
        float randomPitch = Random.Range(lowPitchRange, highPitchRange);

        // Set the pitch of the audio source to the randomly chosen pitch.
        sfx.pitch = randomPitch;

        // Return a reference to the AudioSource for later use.
    // The number of ms to play a sfx for.
    // Will automatically loop the sfx until the duration is over.
    public AudioSource PlaySFXFor(AudioClip clip, int durationMS, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0)
        // Start our sound effect.
        AudioSource sfx = PlaySFX(clip, true, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, delay);

        // Then start our coroutine which will stop it
        StartCoroutine(StopSFXInMS(sfx, durationMS));

        // Return a reference to our AudioSource
 // The number of ms to play a sfx for.
 // Will automatically loop the sfx until the duration is over.
 public AudioSource PlaySFXFor(SoundEffect sfx, int durationMS, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0)
     return(PlaySFXFor(sfxClips[(int)sfx], durationMS, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, delay));
    // Used to play single sound clips.
    public AudioSource PlaySFX(AudioClip clip, bool loop = false, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0, GameObject target = null, float vol = 1)
        // Create a new sfx.
        AudioSource sfx = createAudioSource(clip, sfxVolume, loop, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, target, vol);

        // Play the clip if we are in sfx playing or stopped state.
        // Change sfx state to playing if it was stopped before
        if (sfxState != SoundPlayerState.Paused)
            sfxState = SoundPlayerState.Playing;

        // Return a reference to the AudioSource for later use.
 // Used to play single sound clips.
 public AudioSource PlaySFX(SoundEffect sfx, bool loop = false, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, ulong delay = 0, GameObject target = null, float vol = 1)
     return(PlaySFX(sfxClips[(int)sfx], loop, positionOffset, soundEventCallback, pan, delay, target, vol));
    // Dynamically creates a new AudioSource with specified clip, volume, and panning.
    public AudioSource createAudioSource(AudioClip clip, float volume, bool loop = false, float positionOffset = 0, AudioSourceManager.SoundEventCallback soundEventCallback = null, float pan = 0, GameObject target = null, float vol = 1)
        // Create a new AudioSource to play the clip on.
        // Spatial blend is 0, meaning 2D.
        AudioSource audio;

        if (target == null)
            audio = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            audio.spatialBlend = 0;
            audio = target.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            audio.spatialBlend = 1;
            audio.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;

        // Set the clip of our AudioSource to the clip passed in as a parameter.
        audio.clip = clip;

        // Set the volume of the sound.
        audio.volume = volume * vol;

        // Is the sound going to loop indefinitely.
        audio.loop = loop;

        // What time offset do we want the sound to start at.
        audio.time = positionOffset;

        // Are we panning the sound?
        audio.panStereo = pan;

        // Add sfx to arraylist.
        sfxSources.Add(new AudioSourceManager(audio, soundEventCallback));

        // Return a reference to the AudioSource for later use.