private async void init() { bool isLargeLibrary = await AudioLibrary.IsLarge(); if (isLargeLibrary) { string redirectionStatus = (string)SettingsHelper.GetValue("AudioAutoRedirect", "Unset"); if (redirectionStatus == "Unset") { var loader = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader(); string messageHeader = loader.GetString("LargeLibrary"); //"Large library"; string messageContent = loader.GetString("LargeMusicMessage"); //"There seems to be a lot of music here. Would you like us to help you search for the music instead?"; string yes = loader.GetString("MessageOptionYes"); // "yes"; string no = loader.GetString("MessageOptionNo"); //"no"; MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(messageContent, messageHeader); dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(yes)); dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand(no)); var result = await dialog.ShowAsync(); if (result.Label == yes) { SettingsHelper.SetValue("AudioAutoRedirect", "Yes"); Frame.Navigate(typeof(SearchMusicPivot)); return; } else { SettingsHelper.SetValue("AudioAutoRedirect", "No"); } } } if (allAlbums == null || allSongs == null || allArtists == null) { ReloadAll(); } }