public void SetUp()
            mDbContext = new TestAuctioneerDbContext(Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient());


            mQueryable = mDbContext.Auctions;
        public AuctionExpireCheckBackgroundTask(AuctioneerDbContext context, IUserNotifier userNotifier)
            Contract.Requires(context != null);
            Contract.Requires(userNotifier != null);

            mContext      = context;
            mUserNotifier = userNotifier;
		public static void Add(AuctioneerDbContext context)
			context.Set<BackgroundTasks.BackgroundTasksData>().Add(new BackgroundTasks.BackgroundTasksData
				AuctionExpiryCheckLastRun = DateTime.Now

		public void SetUp()
			mDbContext = new TestAuctioneerDbContext(Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient());


			mUserNotifierMock = A.Fake<IUserNotifier>();
			var userService   = new UserService(mDbContext, mUserNotifierMock);
			mTestedService    = new AuctionService(mDbContext, mUserNotifierMock, userService, "Ignored", "Ignored");
		private void AddTestData(AuctioneerDbContext context)
			context.Categories.Add(new TestCategory
				Id = 1, Name = "Computers", Left = 1, Right = 22,
				SubCategories = new TestCategory[]
					new TestCategory { Id = 2, Name = "Desktop computers", Left = 2, Right = 3 },
					new TestCategory { Id = 3, Name = "Mobile computers",  Left = 4, Right = 5 },
					new TestCategory
						Id = 4, Name = "Components", Left = 6, Right = 21,
						SubCategories = new TestCategory[]
							new TestCategory { Id = 5,  Name = "Hard drives",    Left = 7, Right = 8 },
							new TestCategory { Id = 6,  Name = "Graphics cards", Left = 9, Right = 10 },
							new TestCategory { Id = 7,  Name = "Motherboards",   Left = 11, Right = 12 },
							new TestCategory { Id = 8,  Name = "Processors",     Left = 13, Right = 14 },
							new TestCategory { Id = 9,  Name = "RAM memory",     Left = 15, Right = 16 },
							new TestCategory { Id = 15, Name = "Power supplies", Left = 17, Right = 18 },
							new TestCategory { Id = 16, Name = "Cases",          Left = 19, Right = 20 },

			context.Categories.Add(new TestCategory
				Id = 12, Name = "Software", Left = 23, Right = 32,
				SubCategories = new TestCategory[]
					new TestCategory { Id = 13, Name = "Operating systems", Left = 24, Right = 25 },
					new TestCategory { Id = 14, Name = "Office",            Left = 26, Right = 27 },
					new TestCategory { Id = 10, Name = "Security",          Left = 28, Right = 29 },
					new TestCategory { Id = 11, Name = "Games",             Left = 30, Right = 31 },


			context.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "1" });

			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 1,  5);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 2,  3, AuctionStatus.Expired);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 3,  2);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 7,  3);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 8,  7);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 12, 3);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 14, 2, AuctionStatus.Sold);
			AddAuctionsToCategory(context, 11, 10);

Exemple #6
		public static void Add(AuctioneerDbContext context)
			var currencies = new Currency[]
				new Currency("$",  CurrencySymbolPosition.BeforeAmount),
				new Currency("€",  CurrencySymbolPosition.AfterAmountWithSpace),
				new Currency("zł", CurrencySymbolPosition.AfterAmountWithSpace),
				new Currency("£",  CurrencySymbolPosition.BeforeAmount),

		public void SetUp()
			mDbContext = new TestAuctioneerDbContext(Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient());

			mDbContext.Categories.Add(new TestCategory { Id = 1 });
			mDbContext.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "1" });
			mDbContext.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "2" });
			mDbContext.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "3" });

			mUserNotifierMock = A.Fake<IUserNotifier>();
			var userService   = new UserService(mDbContext, mUserNotifierMock);
			mTestedService    = new AuctionService(mDbContext, mUserNotifierMock, userService, "Ignored", "Ignored");
Exemple #8
		public AuctionService(AuctioneerDbContext context,
		                      IUserNotifier userNotifier,
		                      IUserService userService,
		                      string photoDirectoryPath,
		                      string thumbnailDirectoryPath)
			Contract.Requires(context != null);
			Contract.Requires(userNotifier != null);
			Contract.Requires(userService != null);

			mContext                       = context;
			mUserNotifier                  = userNotifier;
			mUserService                   = userService;
			mAuctionPhotoDirectoryPath     = photoDirectoryPath;
			mAuctionThumbnailDirectoryPath = thumbnailDirectoryPath;
        private void AddTestData(AuctioneerDbContext context)
            context.Categories.Add(new TestCategory { Id = 1 });
            context.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "1" });

            context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction
                Id           = 1,
                BuyoutPrice  = new Money(10, new TestCurrency()),
                MinimumPrice = new Money( 5, new TestCurrency()),

            context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction
                Id           = 2,
                MinimumPrice = new Money(1, new TestCurrency()),
                Offers = new Collection<BuyOffer>
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 5 },
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 8 },

            context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction
                Id          = 3,
                BuyoutPrice = new Money(6, new TestCurrency()),

            context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction
                Id           = 4,
                BuyoutPrice  = new Money(50, new TestCurrency()),
                MinimumPrice = new Money(2, new TestCurrency()),
                Offers       = new Collection<BuyOffer>
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 3 },
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 4 },

Exemple #10
        private static UserManager<User> CreateUserManagerWithoutValidation(AuctioneerDbContext context)
            var userManager = new UserManager<User>(new UserStore<User>(context));

            userManager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator
                RequiredLength          = 0,
                RequireDigit            = false,
                RequireLowercase        = false,
                RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false,
                RequireUppercase        = false

            userManager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<User>(userManager)
                AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = true,
                RequireUniqueEmail             = false

            return userManager;
		private void AddAuctionsToCategory(AuctioneerDbContext context,
		                                   int categoryId,
		                                   int auctionCount,
		                                   AuctionStatus status = AuctionStatus.Active)
			for(int i = 0; i < auctionCount; ++i)
				var auction = new TestAuction
					CategoryId  = categoryId,
					EndDate     = (status != AuctionStatus.Expired) ? DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1))
					                                                : DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)),
					BuyoutPrice = new Money(10, new TestCurrency())

				if(status == AuctionStatus.Sold)
					auction.Offers.Add(new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 10 } );

Exemple #12
        public static void Add(AuctioneerDbContext context)
            var rndGenerator = new Random(Seed: 2934228);
            var userManager  = CreateUserManagerWithoutValidation(context);
            var roleManager  = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context));
            var firstNames   = new string[] { "Alexa", "Amanda", "Olivia", "Jacob", "William", "Michael", "John" };
            var lastNames    = new string[] { "Smith", "Johnson", "Williams", "Brown", "Miller", "King", "Kelly", "Foster" };

            roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole { Name = "Admin" });

            for(int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
                var user = new User();

                user.FirstName      = firstNames[rndGenerator.Next(firstNames.Length)];
                user.LastName       = lastNames[rndGenerator.Next(lastNames.Length)];
                user.Address        = "ul. Wawelska 84/32\n45-345 Warszawa";
                user.Email          = user.FirstName + user.LastName + "";
                user.EmailConfirmed = true;
                user.UserName       = String.Format("{0}_{1}", user.FirstName, user.LastName).ToLower();

                userManager.Create(user, "Password");

            var admin = new User
                UserName       = "******",
                FirstName      = "Mr. Admin",
                LastName       = "Admin",
                Address        = "Administrator Panel",
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                EmailConfirmed = true,

            userManager.Create(admin, password: "******");
            userManager.AddToRole(admin.Id, "Admin");
		private void AddTestData(AuctioneerDbContext context)
			context.Categories.AddRange(new TestCategory[]
				new TestCategory
					Id = 1, Left = 1, Right = 10,
					SubCategories = new TestCategory[]
						new TestCategory { Id = 2, Left = 2, Right = 3 },		
						new TestCategory
							Id = 3, Left = 4, Right = 9,						
							SubCategories = new TestCategory[]
								new TestCategory { Id = 4, Left = 5, Right = 6 },		
								new TestCategory { Id = 5, Left = 7, Right = 8 },					

				new TestCategory { Id = 6, Left = 11, Right = 12 },

			context.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "1" });
			context.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "2" });
			context.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "3" });
			context.Roles.Add(new IdentityRole { Name = "Admin" });


			context.Users.Find("3").Roles.Add(new IdentityUserRole { RoleId = context.Roles.Single().Id, UserId = "3" });

			// TODO the tests are hard to update due to dependencies between test data, how to solve this?
			// The best would be independent data tailored just for single test, but there is a lot of data to setup
			// which will make the class with tests very long.

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 1,  Title = "1",  CategoryId = 2, CreationDate = new DateTime(2015, 3, 12),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(2)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 2,  Title = "2",  CategoryId = 6, CreationDate = new DateTime(2013, 5, 25),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(2)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 3,  Title = "3",  CategoryId = 6, CreationDate = new DateTime(2013, 6, 11),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(2)), SellerId = "2" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 4,  Title = "4",  CategoryId = 2, CreationDate = new DateTime(2014, 9, 16),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)), SellerId = "1",
																BuyoutPrice = new Money(100, new Currency("$", CurrencySymbolPosition.BeforeAmount)),
																Offers = new Collection<BuyOffer> { new TestBuyOffer { UserId = "2", Amount = 100 } } });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 5,  Title = "5",  CategoryId = 2, CreationDate = new DateTime(2013, 9, 5),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(2)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 6,  Title = "6",  CategoryId = 2, CreationDate = new DateTime(2012, 1, 16),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(10)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 7,  Title = "7",  CategoryId = 2, CreationDate = new DateTime(2014, 12, 22),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(10)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 8,  Title = "8",  CategoryId = 2, CreationDate = new DateTime(2013, 1, 12),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 9,  Title = "9",  CategoryId = 3, CreationDate = new DateTime(2015, 2, 1),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)), SellerId = "2" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 10, Title = "10", CategoryId = 5, CreationDate = new DateTime(2014, 4, 30),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)), SellerId = "1" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 11, Title = "11",  CategoryId = 3, CreationDate = new DateTime(2013, 2, 1),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)), SellerId = "2" });

			context.Auctions.Add(new TestAuction { Id = 12, Title = "12",  CategoryId = 3, CreationDate = new DateTime(2013, 2, 1),
			                                       EndDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)), SellerId = "1" });
        private void AddTestData(AuctioneerDbContext context)
            context.Categories.Add(new TestCategory { Id = 1 });
            context.Users.Add(new TestUser { Id = "1" });

            mExpiredAuction = new TestAuction
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(2))

            mAuctionSoldByBidding = new TestAuction
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(3)),
                Offers  = new BuyOffer[]
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 10 }

            mAuctionSoldByBuyout = new TestAuction
                BuyoutPrice = new Money(100, new Currency("$", CurrencySymbolPosition.BeforeAmount)),
                EndDate     = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),
                Offers      = new BuyOffer[]
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 50 },
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 100 }

            mActiveActionWithoutOffers = new TestAuction
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3)

            mActiveActionWithOffers = new TestAuction
                EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),
                Offers  = new BuyOffer[]
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 50 },
                    new TestBuyOffer { Amount = 30 }

Exemple #15
        private static void InsertAuctions(AuctioneerDbContext context, IList<Auction> auctions)
            // It's the fastest way to correctly insert a lot of auctions.
            // Plain SQL Insert took more than 4 minutes while this method takes only 16 seconds.
            // EntityFramework.AddRange() was way too slow and BulkInsert requires foreign key property on entity to
            // relate the entities properly (which I don't want to add because it is not needed).

            var minPrices    = auctions.Select(x => x.MinimumPrice).Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            var buyoutPrices = auctions.Select(x => x.BuyoutPrice).Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            InsertMoneys(context, minPrices.Concat(buyoutPrices));

            var table = new DataTable("Auctions");

            table.Columns.Add("Id",              typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Title",           typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Description",     typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("CreationDate",    typeof(DateTime));
            table.Columns.Add("EndDate",         typeof(DateTime));
            table.Columns.Add("PhotoCount",      typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("CategoryId",      typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("SellerId",        typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("MinimumPrice_Id", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("BuyoutPrice_Id",  typeof(int));

            int minPriceId    = 1;
            int buyoutPriceId = minPrices.Count + 1;
            foreach(var auction in auctions)
                var row = table.NewRow();

                row[1] = auction.Title;
                row[2] = auction.Description;
                row[3] = auction.CreationDate;
                row[4] = auction.EndDate;
                row[5] = auction.PhotoCount;
                row[6] = auction.CategoryId;
                row[7] = auction.SellerId;

                if(auction.MinimumPrice != null)
                    row[8] = minPriceId++;

                if(auction.BuyoutPrice != null)
                    row[9] = buyoutPriceId++;


            BulkInsert(context, table);

            InsertBuyOffers(context, auctions.SelectMany(x => x.Offers));
Exemple #16
        private static void BulkInsert(AuctioneerDbContext context, DataTable data)
            var bulkInsert = new SqlBulkCopy(context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock)
                DestinationTableName = data.TableName

            foreach(var column in data.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>())
                bulkInsert.ColumnMappings.Add(column.ColumnName, column.ColumnName);

Exemple #17
        public static void Add(AuctioneerDbContext context)
            var rndGenerator     = new Random(Seed: 746293114);
            var imageInitializer = new AuctionImageInitializer();
            var categoryCount    = context.Categories.Count();
            var userIds          = context.Users.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
            var currencies       = context.Currencies.ToList();

            var auctions = new Auction[100000];
            for(int i = 0; i < auctions.Length; ++i)
                var creationDate = new DateTime
                    day    : rndGenerator.Next(1, 29),
                    month  : rndGenerator.Next(1, 13),
                    year   : rndGenerator.Next(2010, 2016),
                    hour   : rndGenerator.Next(0, 24),
                    minute : rndGenerator.Next(0, 60),
                    second : rndGenerator.Next(0, 60)

                if(creationDate > DateTime.Now)
                    creationDate = DateTime.Now;

                auctions[i] = new Auction
                    CategoryId   = rndGenerator.Next(categoryCount) + 1,
                    Title        = "The auction #" + (i + 1),
                    Description  = "The description of auction number " + (i + 1),
                    SellerId     = userIds[rndGenerator.Next(userIds.Count)],
                    CreationDate = creationDate,
                    EndDate      = creationDate.AddDays(rndGenerator.NextDouble() * 14),
                    PhotoCount   = 0

                bool hasBuyoutPrice = (rndGenerator.Next(100) + 1) < 90;
                    auctions[i].BuyoutPrice = new Money(rndGenerator.Next(1, 1000), currencies[rndGenerator.Next(currencies.Count)]);

                bool isBiddingEnabled = !hasBuyoutPrice || ((rndGenerator.Next(100) + 1) < 30 && (auctions[i].BuyoutPrice.Amount >= 10.0m));
                    auctions[i].MinimumPrice = new Money(rndGenerator.Next(1, 1000), currencies[rndGenerator.Next(currencies.Count)]);

                if(isBiddingEnabled && hasBuyoutPrice)
                    var fixedAmount = Math.Min(auctions[i].MinimumPrice.Amount, auctions[i].BuyoutPrice.Amount * 0.5m);

                    auctions[i].MinimumPrice = new Money(fixedAmount, auctions[i].BuyoutPrice.Currency);

                bool hasBidOffer = (rndGenerator.Next(100) + 1) < 90;
                if(isBiddingEnabled && hasBidOffer)
                    var offerCountProbability = new int[100];
                    for(int x =  0; x <  30; ++x) offerCountProbability[x] = 1;
                    for(int x = 30; x <  60; ++x) offerCountProbability[x] = 2;
                    for(int x = 60; x <  80; ++x) offerCountProbability[x] = 3;
                    for(int x = 80; x <  95; ++x) offerCountProbability[x] = 4;
                    for(int x = 95; x < 100; ++x) offerCountProbability[x] = 5;

                    var offerCount          = offerCountProbability[rndGenerator.Next(offerCountProbability.Length)];
                    var previousOfferDate   = auctions[i].CreationDate.AddDays(1);
                    var previousOfferAmount = 0.0m;
                    for(int x = 0; x < offerCount; ++x)
                        var minimumPossibleOffer = Math.Max(Math.Ceiling(auctions[i].MinimumPrice.Amount), previousOfferAmount + 1);
                        var maximumPossibleOffer = Math.Floor(hasBuyoutPrice ? auctions[i].BuyoutPrice.Amount * 0.9m : 1000.0m);
                        if(minimumPossibleOffer >= maximumPossibleOffer)

                        var offer = new BuyOffer
                            AuctionId = i + 1,
                            UserId    = userIds[rndGenerator.Next(userIds.Count)],
                            Date      = previousOfferDate.AddHours(rndGenerator.Next(1, 24)),
                            Amount    = rndGenerator.Next((int)minimumPossibleOffer, (int)maximumPossibleOffer)

                        previousOfferDate   = offer.Date;
                        previousOfferAmount = offer.Amount;


                bool hasBeenBoughtOut = (rndGenerator.Next(100) + 1) < 75;
                if(hasBeenBoughtOut && hasBuyoutPrice)
                    var lastOfferDate = (auctions[i].Offers.Any()) ? auctions[i].Offers.Last().Date : auctions[i].CreationDate;

                    var buyoutOffer = new BuyOffer
                        AuctionId = i + 1,
                        UserId    = userIds[rndGenerator.Next(userIds.Count)],
                        Date      = lastOfferDate.AddHours(rndGenerator.Next(1, 24)),
                        Amount    = auctions[i].BuyoutPrice.Amount


                if(auctions[i].Status == AuctionStatus.Active)
                    imageInitializer.CopyRandomThumbnailForAuction(i + 1);
                    imageInitializer.CopyRandomPhotosForAuction(i + 1);

                    auctions[i].PhotoCount = imageInitializer.GetAuctionPhotoCount(i + 1);

            InsertAuctions(context, auctions);
Exemple #18
		public CategoryService(AuctioneerDbContext context)
			Contract.Requires(context != null);

			mContext = context;
Exemple #19
 private static void InsertBuyOffers(AuctioneerDbContext context, IEnumerable<BuyOffer> offers)
Exemple #20
        private static void InsertMoneys(AuctioneerDbContext context, IEnumerable<Money> moneys)
            var table = new DataTable("Moneys");

            table.Columns.Add("Id",              typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Amount",          typeof(decimal));
            table.Columns.Add("Currency_Symbol", typeof(string));

            foreach(var money in moneys)
                var row = table.NewRow();

                row[1] = money.Amount;
                row[2] = money.Currency.Symbol;


            BulkInsert(context, table);
Exemple #21
        public static void Add(AuctioneerDbContext context)
            var categories = new Category[]
                new Category
                    Name          = "Computers",
                    SubCategories = new Category[]
                        new Category { Name = "Desktop computers" },
                        new Category
                            Name          = "Mobile computers",
                            SubCategories = new Category[]
                                new Category { Name = "Tablets" },
                                new Category { Name = "Netbooks" },
                                new Category { Name = "Notebooks" },
                        new Category
                            Name          = "Components",
                            SubCategories = new Category[]
                                new Category { Name = "Hard drives" },
                                new Category { Name = "Graphics cards" },
                                new Category { Name = "Motherboards" },
                                new Category { Name = "Processors" },
                                new Category { Name = "RAM memory" },
                                new Category { Name = "Power supplies" },
                                new Category { Name = "Cases" },
                new Category
                    Name          = "Sport",
                    SubCategories = new Category[]
                        new Category
                            Name          = "Cycling",
                            SubCategories = new Category[]
                                new Category { Name = "Bicycles" },
                                new Category { Name = "Accessories" },
                                new Category { Name = "Clothing" }
                        new Category
                            Name          = "Team sports",
                            SubCategories = new Category[]
                                new Category { Name = "Baseball" },
                                new Category { Name = "Soccer" },
                                new Category { Name = "Hockey" },
                        new Category { Name = "Weightlifting" }
                new Category
                    Name          = "Software",
                    SubCategories = new Category[]
                        new Category
                            Name          = "Operating systems",
                            SubCategories = new Category[]
                                new Category { Name = "Microsoft Windows" },
                                new Category { Name = "Apple OS X" },
                                new Category { Name = "Linux" },
                                new Category { Name = "Other" },
                        new Category { Name = "Office" },
                        new Category { Name = "Security" },
                        new Category
                            Name          = "Games",
                            SubCategories = new Category[]
                                new Category { Name = "XBox One" },
                                new Category { Name = "Xbox 360" },
                                new Category { Name = "PlayStation 4" },
                                new Category { Name = "PlayStation 3" },
                                new Category { Name = "PC" },
                                new Category { Name = "Other" },
                        new Category { Name = "Programming software" },
                        new Category { Name = "Other" },

