Exemple #1
        private AuctionProduct GetAuctionProductDetail(DataRow row)
            var ap = AuctionProduct.CreateAuctionProduct();

            ap.Product    = row["Producto"].ToString();
            ap.UnitValue  = float.Parse(row["Valor unitario"].ToString());
            ap.Quantity   = float.Parse(row["Cantidad"].ToString());
            ap.TotalValue = float.Parse(row["Total producto"].ToString());
Exemple #2
        public IActionResult Create(AuctionProductCreateViewModel model)
            ViewBag.Categories = _context.Categories.ToList();

            if (model.Uploads == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Uploads", "The Photo field is required.");

            if (model.Uploads.Length < 4)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Uploads", "The auction must have at least 4 photos.");

            if (model.BuyNowPrice <= model.StartPrice)
                ModelState.AddModelError("BuyNowPrice", "Buy now price must be bigger than start price.");

            if (model.EndDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(1))
                ModelState.AddModelError("EndDate", "Auction must be at least 24 hours.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                AuctionProduct product = new AuctionProduct()
                    Name        = model.Name,
                    About       = model.About,
                    BuyNowPrice = model.BuyNowPrice,
                    StartPrice  = model.StartPrice,
                    EndDate     = model.EndDate,
                    CategoryId  = model.CategoryId


                foreach (var item in model.Uploads)
                    AuctionProductGallery productGallery = new AuctionProductGallery();
                    var fileName = _fileManager.Upload(item);
                    productGallery.Photo            = fileName;
                    productGallery.AuctionProductId = _context.AuctionProducts.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault().Id;


Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(AuctionViewModel auction)
            var claimsIdentity = (ClaimsIdentity)this.User.Identity;
            var claim          = claimsIdentity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
            var user           = await _db.Seller.Where(s => s.Id == claim.Value).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                AuctionHeader auctionHeader = new AuctionHeader()
                    Seen         = false,
                    SellerId     = claim.Value,
                    User         = user,
                    BeginDate    = auction.AuctionHeader.BeginDate,
                    EndDate      = auction.AuctionHeader.EndDate,
                    CurrentPrice = auction.AuctionHeader.CurrentPrice,
                    PriceStep    = auction.AuctionHeader.PriceStep
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                foreach (var item in auction.Products)
                    var productSale = await _db.ProductSale.Include(p => p.Product).Where(p => p.Id == item.ProductSale.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                    productSale.Units -= item.Quantity;

                    var product = await _db.Product.Where(p => p.Id == productSale.ProductId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                    var auctionProduct = new AuctionProduct()
                        ProductId     = product.Id,
                        Product       = product,
                        AuctionId     = auctionHeader.Id,
                        AuctionHeader = auctionHeader,
                        Quantity      = item.Quantity
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Seller"));

            foreach (var modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
                foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors)

Exemple #4
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

            modelBuilder.Entity <NotiBuy>()
            .HasMany(n => n.OrderDetails)

            modelBuilder.Entity <NotiSell>()
            .HasMany(n => n.OrderDetails)

            #region *******************Seeding Data*******************

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                //Seeding 10 products...
                modelBuilder.Entity <Product>()
                .HasData(new Product()
                    Id          = i * 10, Name = "Producto" + i.ToString(),
                    Description = "Descripcion del producto" + i.ToString()

                //Seeding 10 users(customers)
                RegisterUser(modelBuilder, (i * 10 + 1).ToString(), SD.CustomerUser, "Customer" + i.ToString());

                //Seeding 10 seller
                RegisterSeller(modelBuilder, (i * 10 + 2).ToString(), SD.SellerUser, "Seller" + i.ToString());

                //Seeding 10 products sales
                modelBuilder.Entity <ProductSale>()
                .HasData(new ProductSale()
                    Id        = i * 1000 + 3,
                    ProductId = i * 10,
                    SellerId  = (i * 10 + 2).ToString(),
                    Units     = i + 1,
                    Price     = (i + 15) / 2,
                    Image     = @"/images/default.png"

                //Seeding Notifications of Role Upgrade
                if (i % 3 == 0)
                    modelBuilder.Entity <NotiRole>()
                    .HasData(new NotiRole()
                        Id         = i * 10 + 4,
                        UserID     = (i * 10 + 1).ToString(),
                        Message    = "Customer" + i.ToString() + " wants to become a Seller",
                        SendToUser = "******",
                        Seen       = false

                //Seeding Auctions
                if (i % 2 != 0)
                    AuctionHeader ah;

                    if (i == 3 || i == 5) // Seeding two Ended Auctions
                        ah = new AuctionHeader()
                            BeginDate    = DateTime.Now,
                            CurrentPrice = i + 3,
                            EndDate      = DateTime.Now,
                            Id           = i * 10 + 5,
                            PriceStep    = i,
                            SellerId     = (i * 10 + 2).ToString()
                    else if (i == 1) //Seeding an upcoming auction
                        ah = new AuctionHeader()
                            BeginDate    = DateTime.Now.AddHours(5),
                            CurrentPrice = i,
                            EndDate      = DateTime.Now.AddHours(i + 10),
                            Id           = i * 10 + 5,
                            PriceStep    = i,
                            SellerId     = (i * 10 + 2).ToString()
                        ah = new AuctionHeader()
                            BeginDate    = DateTime.Now,
                            CurrentPrice = i + 3,
                            EndDate      = DateTime.Now.AddHours(i + 10),
                            Id           = i * 10 + 5,
                            PriceStep    = i,
                            SellerId     = (i * 10 + 2).ToString()

                    var ap = new AuctionProduct()
                        AuctionId = i * 10 + 5,
                        Id        = i * 10 + 6,
                        ProductId = i * 10,
                        Quantity  = (i + 1) / 2,

                    var ap1 = new AuctionProduct()
                        AuctionId = i * 10 + 5,
                        Id        = i * 100000 + 6,
                        ProductId = (i + 1) * 10,
                        Quantity  = (i + 1) / 2,

                    if (i != 5 && i != 1) // The auction 5 and 1 does not contain an auctionUser

                        if (i == 3) // Auction 3 has two auctionUser
                            var auser2 = new AuctionUser()
                                Id               = i * 10000000 + 7,
                                AuctionId        = i * 10 + 5,
                                UserId           = ((i + 1) * 10 + 1).ToString(),
                                LastPriceOffered = i + 1

                            modelBuilder.Entity <AuctionUser>()

                        var auser = new AuctionUser()
                            Id               = i * 10 + 7,
                            AuctionId        = i * 10 + 5,
                            UserId           = (i * 10 + 1).ToString(),
                            LastPriceOffered = i + 3
                        modelBuilder.Entity <AuctionUser>()

                    modelBuilder.Entity <AuctionHeader>()

                    modelBuilder.Entity <AuctionProduct>()

                    modelBuilder.Entity <AuctionProduct>()

            //Adding just one more product sale, Seller 8 is selling product 1
            modelBuilder.Entity <ProductSale>()
            .HasData(new ProductSale()
                Id        = 8 * 10000 + 3,
                ProductId = 1 * 10,
                SellerId  = (8 * 10 + 2).ToString(),
                Units     = 8 + 1,
                Price     = (8 + 15) / 2

            //Defining Roles
            string [] roles = { SD.CustomerUser, SD.ManagerUser, SD.SellerUser };
            foreach (var role in roles)
                modelBuilder.Entity <IdentityRole>().HasData(new IdentityRole()
                    Id             = "a18be9c0" + role,
                    Name           = role,
                    NormalizedName = role

            //Adding an Admin
            RegisterSeller(modelBuilder, "21123111111", SD.ManagerUser, "admin");
        protected override void Process()
                log.Debug("Start import auction items");

                Concentrator.SpiderServiceSoapClient soap =
                    new Concentrator.SpiderServiceSoapClient();
                XDocument products = XDocument.Parse(soap.GetAssortment(int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectorID"].ToString())).OuterXml);

                using (AuctionDataContext ctx = new AuctionDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Staging"].ConnectionString))
                    var auctionProductList = (from p in ctx.AuctionProducts
                                              select p).ToList();

                    Dictionary <int, Product> existingProducts = new Dictionary <int, Product>();

                    log.DebugFormat("Xml contains {0} products", products.Root.Elements("Product").Count());

                    foreach (var r in products.Root.Elements("Product"))
                        var auctionProduct = (from a in auctionProductList
                                              where a.AuctionProductID == int.Parse(r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value)
                                              select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        log.DebugFormat("Start import product {0}", r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value);
                            if (auctionProduct == null)
                                var product = (from p in ctx.Products
                                               where p.ProductID == int.Parse(r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value)
                                               select p).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (product == null)
                                    #region add product
                                    Brand brand = (from b in ctx.Brands
                                                   where b.BrandCode == r.Element("Brand").Element("Code").Value.Trim()
                                                   select b).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (brand != null)
                                        decimal unitprice        = decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Element("UnitPrice").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                        decimal costprice        = decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Element("CostPrice").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                        string  shortDescription = r.Element("Content").Attribute("ShortDescription").Value;
                                        string  longDescription  = r.Element("Content").Attribute("LongDescription").Value;

                                        int?taxRateID = (from t in ctx.TaxRates
                                                         where t.TaxRate1.HasValue &&
                                                         (t.TaxRate1.Value * 100) == decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Attribute("TaxRate").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                                         select t.TaxRateID).SingleOrDefault();

                                        if (!taxRateID.HasValue)
                                            taxRateID = 1;

                                        DateTime temppdDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                        DateTime?pdDate     = null;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("PromisedDeliveryDate").Value, out temppdDate))
                                            if (temppdDate == DateTime.MinValue && temppdDate == DateTime.MaxValue)
                                                pdDate = null;
                                                pdDate = temppdDate;

                                        product = new Product
                                            ProductID            = int.Parse(r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value),
                                            ShortDescription     = shortDescription,
                                            LongDescription      = longDescription,
                                            ManufacturerID       = r.Attribute("ManufacturerID").Value,
                                            BrandID              = brand.BrandID,
                                            TaxRateID            = taxRateID.Value,
                                            UnitPrice            = unitprice,
                                            UnitCost             = costprice,
                                            IsCustom             = false,
                                            LineType             = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Attribute("LineType").Value) ? "S" : r.Attribute("LineType").Value.Trim(),
                                            ProductStatus        = r.Element("Price").Attribute("CommercialStatus").Value,
                                            IsVisible            = true,
                                            CreationTime         = DateTime.Now,
                                            LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now,
                                            ExtendedCatalog      = false,
                                            PromisedDeliveryDate = pdDate

                                        log.DebugFormat("Brand {0} does not exists for {1}", r.Element("Brand").Element("Code").Value.Trim(), r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value);

                                auctionProduct = new AuctionProduct()
                                    AuctionProductID = int.Parse(r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value)


                            var bsc = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                       where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSC"
                                       select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                            int bscStock = 0;
                            int.TryParse(bsc, out bscStock);

                            var bscOEM = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                          where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCOEM"
                                          select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                            int bscOEMStock = 0;
                            int.TryParse(bscOEM, out bscOEMStock);

                            var bscCostPrices = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                                 where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSC"
                                                 select b.Attribute("CostPrice").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                            decimal BSCCostPrice = 0;
                            if (bscCostPrices != null)
                                BSCCostPrice = decimal.Parse(bscCostPrices, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            decimal DC10CostPrice = decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Element("CostPrice").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            auctionProduct.AuctionBSCStock   = bscStock;
                            auctionProduct.AuctionDC10Stock  = int.Parse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("InStock").Value);
                            auctionProduct.AuctionOEMStock   = bscOEMStock;
                            auctionProduct.BSCCostPrice      = BSCCostPrice;
                            auctionProduct.DC10CostPrice     = DC10CostPrice;
                            auctionProduct.QuantityToReceive = int.Parse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("QuantityToReceive").Value);;
                            auctionProduct.StockStatus       = r.Element("Stock").Attribute("StockStatus").Value;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            log.Error("error insert product", ex);

                log.Debug("Start cleanup auctionproducts");
                using (AuctionDataContext context = new AuctionDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Staging"].ConnectionString))
                    #region Vendor Assortment

                    List <int> itemNumbers = (from r in products.Root.Elements("Product")
                                              select int.Parse(r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value)).ToList();

                    List <AuctionProduct> unused = (from c in context.AuctionProducts
                                                    select c).ToList();

                    unused.RemoveAll(c => itemNumbers.Contains(c.AuctionProductID));

                    if (unused != null && unused.Count > 0)
                log.Debug("Finish cleanup assormtent");

                log.DebugFormat("Product import Completed On: {0}", DateTime.Now);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Error import products", ex);
        protected override void Process()
            foreach (Connector connector in base.Connectors) //already filtered
                log.DebugFormat("Start Process auction export for {0}", connector.Name);
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                    log.Debug("Start import auction items");

                    AssortmentServiceSoapClient soap = new AssortmentServiceSoapClient();
                    XDocument products = new XDocument(soap.GetAssortment(connector.ConnectorID, null, true));

                    Processor processor  = new Processor(products, log, connector);
                    DateTime? lastUpdate = null;

                    using (WebsiteDataContext ctx = new WebsiteDataContext(connector.ConnectionString))
                        var auctionProductList = (from p in ctx.AuctionProducts
                                                  select new
                            AuctionProduct = p,
                            BrandCode = p.Product.Brand.BrandCode,
                            Product = p.Product

                        if (auctionProductList.Count > 0)
                            lastUpdate = (from lu in auctionProductList
                                          let update = (lu.AuctionProduct.LastModificationTime.HasValue ? lu.AuctionProduct.LastModificationTime.Value : lu.AuctionProduct.CreationTime)
                                                       select update).Max();

                        Dictionary <int, Product> existingProducts = new Dictionary <int, Product>();

                        log.DebugFormat("Xml contains {0} products", products.Root.Elements("Product").Count());

                        log.Info("Start import brands");
                        log.Info("Finish import brands");
                        log.Info("Start import productgroups");
                        log.Info("Finish import productgroups");

                        var allProductGroups = (from p in ctx.ProductGroups
                                                select p).ToList();

                        var productGroupMappings = (from p in ctx.ProductGroupMappings
                                                    group p by p.ProductGroupID
                                                    into grouped
                                                    select grouped).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.ToList());

                        foreach (var r in products.Root.Elements("Product"))
                            #region Get Concentrator Product ID

                            int concentratorProductID = Utility.GetConcentratorProductID(connector, r, log);
                            if (concentratorProductID == 0)

                            AuctionProduct auctionProduct = null;
                            Product        product        = null;

                            if (connector.UseConcentratorProductID)
                                auctionProduct = (from a in auctionProductList
                                                  a.Product.ConcentratorProductID.HasValue &&
                                                  a.Product.ConcentratorProductID.Value == concentratorProductID
                                                  select a.AuctionProduct).FirstOrDefault();

                                product = (from a in ctx.Products
                                           a.ConcentratorProductID.HasValue &&
                                           a.ConcentratorProductID.Value == concentratorProductID
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();
                                auctionProduct = (from a in auctionProductList
                                                  where a.Product.ProductID == concentratorProductID
                                                  select a.AuctionProduct).FirstOrDefault();

                                product = (from a in ctx.Products
                                           where a.ProductID == concentratorProductID
                                           select a).FirstOrDefault();


                                List <ProductGroup> productgroups = new List <ProductGroup>();

                                foreach (var productGroupNode in r.Element("ProductGroupHierarchy").Elements("ProductGroup"))
                                    var productGroups = (from pg in allProductGroups
                                                         where pg.BackendProductGroupCode == productGroupNode.Attribute("ID").Value
                                                         select pg).ToList();

                                    List <string> parentNodes = new List <string>()

                                    var parent = productGroupNode.Element("ProductGroup");
                                    while (parent != null)
                                        parent = parent.Element("ProductGroup");

                                    string path = String.Join("/", parentNodes.ToArray());

                                    ProductGroup group = null;

                                    foreach (var g in productGroups)
                                        string groupPath = g.GetProductGroupCodeTree();
                                        if (groupPath == path)
                                            group = g;

                                    if (group != null)

                                if (r.Element("Price") != null)
                                    decimal unitprice = decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Element("UnitPrice").Value,
                                    decimal costprice = decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Element("CostPrice").Value,
                                    string shortDescription   = r.Element("Content").Attribute("ShortDescription").Value;
                                    string longDescription    = r.Element("Content").Attribute("LongDescription").Value;
                                    string backendDescription = string.Empty;

                                    if (connector.ImportCommercialText)
                                        backendDescription = longDescription;

                                        //shortDescription = r.Element("Content").Attribute("ShortContentDescription").Value;
                                        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Element("Content").Attribute("LongContentDescription").Value))
                                        //longDescription = r.Element("Content").Attribute("LongContentDescription").Value;

                                    int?taxRateID = (from t in ctx.TaxRates
                                                     where t.TaxRate1.HasValue
                                                     (t.TaxRate1.Value * 100) ==
                                                     select t.TaxRateID).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (!taxRateID.HasValue)
                                        taxRateID = 1;

                                    if (auctionProduct == null)
                                        #region Create New (Auction) Product

                                        Brand brand = (from b in ctx.Brands
                                                       where b.BrandCode == r.Element("Brands").Element("Brand").Attribute("BrandID").Value.Trim()
                                                       select b).FirstOrDefault();

                                        if (brand != null)
                                            //DateTime temppdDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                            //DateTime? pdDate = null;
                                            //if (DateTime.TryParse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("PromisedDeliveryDate").Value, out temppdDate))
                                            //  if (temppdDate == DateTime.MinValue && temppdDate == DateTime.MaxValue)
                                            //    pdDate = null;
                                            //  else
                                            //    pdDate = temppdDate;

                                            if (product == null)
                                                if (!connector.UseConcentratorProductID)
                                                    //create stub product with identity_insert on

                                                    string cmd =
INSERT INTO Products (ProductID, ShortDescription,LongDescription,brandid,taxrateid,iscustom,isvisible,extendedcatalog
	, canmodifyprice,creationtime,lastmodificationtime
	)  VALUES( {0}, '{1}','{2}', {3},{4},0,0,1,0,getdate(), getdate())
                                                            concentratorProductID, shortDescription, longDescription, brand.BrandID, taxRateID.Value);


                                                    product           = ctx.Products.Single(x => x.ProductID == concentratorProductID);
                                                    product.IsVisible = false;
                                                    product = new Product
                                                        //ProductID = int.Parse(r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value),
                                                        //ProductGroupID = subprodid,

                                                        IsVisible            = false,
                                                        CreationTime         = DateTime.Now,
                                                        LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now

                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backendDescription))
                                                    product.BackEndDescription = backendDescription;

                                                DateTime pdDate;
                                                if (DateTime.TryParse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("PromisedDeliveryDate").Value, out pdDate))
                                                    if (pdDate != DateTime.MinValue && pdDate != DateTime.MaxValue)
                                                        product.PromisedDeliveryDate = pdDate;

                                            if (!product.IsVisible)
                                                product.UnitPrice        = unitprice;
                                                product.ShortDescription = shortDescription;
                                                product.LongDescription  = longDescription;
                                                product.ManufacturerID   = r.Attribute("ManufacturerID").Value;
                                                product.BrandID          = brand.BrandID;
                                                product.TaxRateID        = taxRateID.Value;
                                                product.UnitCost         = 0;
                                                product.IsCustom         = false;
                                                product.LineType         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Attribute("LineType").Value)
                                     ? "S"
                                     : r.Attribute("LineType").Value.Trim();
                                                product.ProductStatus = r.Element("Price").Attribute("CommercialStatus").Value;
                                            product.CustomProductID       = r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value;
                                            product.ConcentratorProductID = int.Parse(r.Attribute("ProductID").Value);

                                            log.DebugFormat("Product {0} does not have a price in xml", r.Attribute("ProductID").Value);

                                        if (product != null)
                                            auctionProduct = new AuctionProduct()
                                                AuctionProductID = product.ProductID,
                                                CreationTime     = DateTime.Now

                                                AuctionProduct = auctionProduct,
                                                BrandCode      = product.Brand.BrandCode,
                                                Product        = product
                                            log.WarnFormat("Cannot create new product info for product ID : {0}", concentratorProductID);
                                    log.DebugFormat("Brand {0} does not exists for {1}",
                                                    r.Elements("Brands").Elements("Brand").FirstOrDefault().Attribute("BrandID").Value.Trim(), r.Attribute("ProductID").Value);

                                if (auctionProduct == null)
                                    log.WarnFormat("Cannot create new auction product info for product ID : {0}", concentratorProductID);

                                #region Parse Stock Data

                                var bsc = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                           where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSC"
                                           select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bsc, out bscStock);

                                var bscOEM = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                              where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCOEM"
                                              select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscOEMStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscOEM, out bscOEMStock);

                                var bscDemo = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                               where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCDEMO"
                                               select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscDemoStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscDemo, out bscDemoStock);
                                var bscDMGBOX = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                                 where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCDMGBOX"
                                                 select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscDMGBOXStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscDMGBOX, out bscDMGBOXStock);
                                var bscDMGITEM = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                                  where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCDMGITEM"
                                                  select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscDMGITEMStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscDMGITEM, out bscDMGITEMStock);
                                var bscINCOMPL = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                                  where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCINCOMPL"
                                                  select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscINCOMPLStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscINCOMPL, out bscINCOMPLStock);
                                var bscRETURN = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                                 where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCRETURN"
                                                 select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscRETURNStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscRETURN, out bscRETURNStock);
                                var bscUSED = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                               where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSCUSED"
                                               select b.Attribute("InStock").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                int bscUSEDStock = 0;
                                int.TryParse(bscUSED, out bscUSEDStock);

                                var totalBscStock = bscDemoStock + bscDMGBOXStock + bscDMGITEMStock + bscINCOMPLStock + bscRETURNStock + bscUSEDStock + bscStock;

                                var bscCostPrices = (from b in r.Element("Stock").Element("Retail").Elements("RetailStock")
                                                     where b.Attribute("Name").Value == "BSC"
                                                     select b.Attribute("CostPrice").Value).FirstOrDefault();

                                decimal BSCCostPrice = 0;
                                if (bscCostPrices != null)
                                    BSCCostPrice = decimal.Parse(bscCostPrices, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                decimal DC10CostPrice = decimal.Parse(r.Element("Price").Element("CostPrice").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


                                if (auctionProduct.AuctionBSCStock != totalBscStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionDC10Stock != int.Parse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("InStock").Value) ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionOEMStock != bscOEMStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.BSCCostPrice != BSCCostPrice ||
                                    auctionProduct.DC10CostPrice != DC10CostPrice ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionDEMOStock != bscDemoStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionDMGBOXStock != bscDMGBOXStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionDMGITEMStock != bscDMGITEMStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionINCOMPLStock != bscINCOMPLStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionRETURNStock != bscRETURNStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionUSEDStock != bscUSEDStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.AuctionMYVEILStock != bscStock ||
                                    auctionProduct.QuantityToReceive != int.Parse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("QuantityToReceive").Value) ||
                                    auctionProduct.StockStatus != r.Element("Stock").Attribute("StockStatus").Value)
                                    auctionProduct.LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now;

                                auctionProduct.AuctionBSCStock  = totalBscStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionDC10Stock = int.Parse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("InStock").Value);
                                auctionProduct.AuctionOEMStock  = bscOEMStock;
                                auctionProduct.BSCCostPrice     = BSCCostPrice;

                                auctionProduct.AuctionDEMOStock    = bscDemoStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionDMGBOXStock  = bscDMGBOXStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionDMGITEMStock = bscDMGITEMStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionINCOMPLStock = bscINCOMPLStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionRETURNStock  = bscRETURNStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionUSEDStock    = bscUSEDStock;
                                auctionProduct.AuctionMYVEILStock  = bscStock;

                                auctionProduct.DC10CostPrice     = DC10CostPrice;
                                auctionProduct.QuantityToReceive = int.Parse(r.Element("Stock").Attribute("QuantityToReceive").Value);;
                                auctionProduct.StockStatus       = r.Element("Stock").Attribute("StockStatus").Value;


                                processor.ImportProductGroupMapping(ctx, productgroups, productGroupMappings, auctionProduct.AuctionProductID, concentratorProductID);

                                if (!product.ConcentratorProductID.HasValue)
                                    product.ConcentratorProductID = int.Parse(r.Attribute("ProductID").Value);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                log.Error("error insert product", ex);

                        //log.Info("Start import productgroupmapppings");
                        //processor.ImportProductGroupMapping(ctx, connector);
                        //log.Info("Finish import productgroupmapppings");

                        log.Debug("Start cleanup auctionproducts");

                        var cItemNumbers = (from r in products.Root.Elements("Product")
                                            select new
                            concentratorProductID = r.Attribute("ProductID").Value,
                            customProductID = r.Attribute("CustomProductID").Value

                        List <string> xmlProducts = new List <string>();

                        if (connector.UseConcentratorProductID)
                            xmlProducts = (from c in cItemNumbers
                                           where c.concentratorProductID != String.Empty
                                           select c.concentratorProductID).ToList();
                            foreach (var c in cItemNumbers.Select(x => x.customProductID))
                                int tmp = 0;
                                if (Int32.TryParse(c, out tmp))

                        List <AuctionProduct> siteProducts = new List <AuctionProduct>();

                        if (connector.UseConcentratorProductID)
                            var tempSiteProducts = (from c in ctx.AuctionProducts
                                                    where c.Product.ConcentratorProductID.HasValue
                                                    select new
                                concentratorProductID = c.Product.ConcentratorProductID.Value.ToString(),
                                auctionItem = c

                            foreach (var p in cItemNumbers)
                                tempSiteProducts.RemoveAll(c => c.concentratorProductID == p.concentratorProductID.ToString());

                            siteProducts = tempSiteProducts.Select(x => x.auctionItem).ToList();

                            if (siteProducts != null && siteProducts.Count > 0)

                            var delProds = (from c in ctx.AuctionProducts
                                            where !c.Product.ConcentratorProductID.HasValue
                                            select c).ToList();

                            log.DebugFormat("Delete {0} items without concentrator productid", delProds.Count);
                            siteProducts = (from c in ctx.AuctionProducts
                                            select c).ToList();

                            foreach (var p in cItemNumbers)
                                siteProducts.RemoveAll(c => c.AuctionProductID.ToString() == p.customProductID);

                            if (siteProducts != null && siteProducts.Count > 0)
                    log.Debug("Finish cleanup assormtent");

                    // processor.CleanUpProductGroupMapping();

                    log.Debug("Start import productattributes");
                    processor.ProcessAttributes(soap, connector, true, lastUpdate, false);
                    log.Debug("Finish import productattributes");

                    log.DebugFormat("Auction Product import Completed On: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Error("Error import products", ex);

                log.DebugFormat("Finish Process auction import for {0}", connector.Name);