public void contiueToAuction() { increaseBid.gameObject.SetActive(true); decreaseBid.gameObject.SetActive(true); App app = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <App>(); int playerIndex = app.GetHumanIndex(); Nation player = State.getNations()[playerIndex]; Debug.Log("Coutinune to Auction @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" + State.GetPhase().ToString()); tradeResultsExit.Play(); tradeResultsPanel.SetActive(false); //State.advanceGamePhase(); Debug.Log("GamePhase is: " + State.GetPhase().ToString()); // Check if should to go auction (if enough turns have gone by) int turn = State.turn; if (turn > 5 && turn % 3 == 0) { // Debug.Log("Auction Time? It is Turn: " + State.turn); AuctionHandler auction = State.getAuctionHandler(); auction.NewAuction(); prepareAuctionPanel(auction); openAuctionPanel(); nextAuctionPhase(); turnButton.interactable = true; } else { // turnButton.interactable = true; continueToEvents(); // Have these guys only get called after all events are resolved // Probably want to have at least one Decision Event come up and have the final one call continueToNextTurn when // the event queue is empty turnButton.interactable = true; continueToNextTurn(); } }