Exemple #1
        public void TestAttributes()
            var originalClass = typeof(AttributesClass);


            var originalMethod = originalClass.GetMethod("Method");

            Assert.AreEqual(originalMethod, AttributesPatch.Patch0());

            var instance = new Harmony("test");


            var patchClass = typeof(AttributesPatch);



            var patcher = instance.ProcessorForAnnotatedClass(patchClass);


            (new AttributesClass()).Method("foo");
            Assert.IsTrue(AttributesPatch.targeted, "TargetMethod was not executed");
            Assert.IsTrue(AttributesPatch.postfixed, "Prefix was not executed");
            Assert.IsTrue(AttributesPatch.postfixed, "Prefix was not executed");
        private void OnChatAdded(string s)
            // Don't allow commands in automatch
            if (this.SetupLobbyRole != LobbyRole.CustomMP)

            Func <AttributesPatch, string> getPatchVersionStr = delegate(AttributesPatch patch) {
                string versionStr = "";
                if (patch.Meta.Version.Length > 0)
                    versionStr = patch.Meta.Version;
                    if (patch.Meta.LastUpdate.Length > 0)
                        versionStr += String.Format(" {0}", patch.Meta.LastUpdate);
                    versionStr += " ";
                else if (patch.Meta.LastUpdate.Length > 0)
                    versionStr = String.Format("{0} ", patch.Meta.LastUpdate);

            string d = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 3);

            string[] words = d.Split(' ');
            for (int i = 1; i < words.Length; i++)
                string command = words[i].ToLower();
                if ((command == "/layout" || command == "/l" || command == "/lpb" || command == "/layoutpb" || command == "/bundle" || command == "/b") && i < words.Length - 1)
                    string arg = words[++i];
                    if (command == "/bundle" || command == "/b")
                    if (arg == "none")
                        MapModManager.MapXml     = "";
                        MapModManager.LayoutName = "";
                        Print(SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " cleared layout");

                    // Set the address
                    string address = (command == "/lpb" || command == "/layoutpb") ? String.Format("https://pastebin.com/raw/{0}", arg)
                                                : String.Format("http://frejwedlund.se/jaraci/index.php?l={0}", arg);

                    // Download the layout
                    try {
                        string layoutData = MapModUtil.DownloadWebPage(address);
                        if (layoutData == "")
                            Print(String.Format("[FF0000][b][i]{0}: '{1}' FAILED (EMPTY)", SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, command));
                            Print(SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " received layout [ " + MapModUtil.GetHash(layoutData) + " ]");
                            MapModManager.MapXml     = layoutData;
                            MapModManager.LayoutName = arg;

                            // Select the correct map
                            if (this.IsLobbyHost)
                                try {
                                    bool          cont            = true;
                                    XmlTextReader xmlDokmapReader = new XmlTextReader(new System.IO.StringReader(layoutData));
                                    while (xmlDokmapReader.Read() && cont)
                                        if (xmlDokmapReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                            switch (xmlDokmapReader.Name)
                                                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("[GE mod] WARNING: Unknown tag '{0}'", xmlDokmapReader.Name));

                                            case "meta":
                                            case "dokmap":

                                            case "layout":
                                                string[]    maps = Regex.Replace(xmlDokmapReader.GetAttribute("map"), @"\s+", "").Split(',');
                                                string      map  = maps[0];
                                                TeamSetting mode = (TeamSetting)Enum.Parse(typeof(TeamSetting), xmlDokmapReader.GetAttribute("mode"));
                                                cont = false;
                                                if (map == "*")
                                                    break;                                                                     // Can't switch to a map if its meant for all of them
                                                // Code to switch to map here
                                                for (int j = 0; j < this.mLevelManager.LevelEntriesMP.Length; j++)
                                                    if (this.mLevelManager.LevelEntriesMP[j].SceneName == map &&
                                                        this.mLevelManager.LevelEntriesMP[j].IsFFAOnly == (mode == TeamSetting.FFA))
                                                        MultiplayerMissionPanel ths             = ((MultiplayerMissionPanel)this);
                                                        Network.VictorySettings currentVictory  = new Network.VictorySettings(ths.m_LobbyViewPanel.ActiveVictorySettings.VictoryConditions, mode);
                                                        GameModeSettings        currentSettings = ths.m_LobbyViewPanel.ActiveGameModeSettings;

                                                        ths.m_LobbyViewPanel.SetActiveSettings(currentVictory, currentSettings, j);
                                } catch {}
                    } catch (WebException e) {
                        string reason = (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) ? "TIMEOUT" : "NOT FOUND";
                        Print(String.Format("[FF0000][b][i]{0}: '{1}' FAILED ({2})", SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, command, reason));

                // Deliberate missing else to run both the patch and layout command if /bundle is typed
                if ((command == "/patchpb" || command == "/ppb" || command == "/patch" || command == "/p" || command == "/bundle" || command == "/b") && i < words.Length - 1)
                    string arg = words[++i];
                    if (arg == "none")
                        Subsystem.AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData = "";
                        MapModManager.PatchName = "";
                        Print(SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " cleared patch");

                    // Set the address
                    string address = (command == "/patchpb" || command == "/ppb") ? String.Format("https://pastebin.com/raw/{0}", arg)
                                                : String.Format("http://frejwedlund.se/jaraci/index.php?p={0}", arg);

                    // Download the patch
                    try {
                        string patchData = MapModUtil.DownloadWebPage(address);
                        try {
                            if (patchData == "")
                                Print(String.Format("[FF0000][b][i]{0}: '{1}' FAILED (EMPTY)", SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, command));
                                AttributesPatch patch = AttributeLoader.GetPatchObject(patchData);
                                Print(SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " received patch [ " + MapModUtil.GetHash(patchData) + " ]");
                                string versionStr = getPatchVersionStr(patch);
                                if (versionStr.Length > 0)
                                    Print(String.Format("  {0}", versionStr));
                                Subsystem.AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData = patchData;
                                MapModManager.PatchName = arg;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Print(String.Format("[FF0000][b][i]{0}: '{1}' PARSE FAILED: {2}", SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, command, e.Message));
                    } catch (WebException e) {
                        string reason = (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) ? "TIMEOUT" : "NOT FOUND";
                        Print(String.Format("[FF0000][b][i]{0}: '{1}' FAILED ({2})", SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, command, reason));
                else if (command == "/praise")                     // Praise the almighty Sajuuk
                    Print("[FF00FF][b][i]" + SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " PRAISES SAJUUK");
                else if (command == "/clear")                     // Clear both layout and patch
                    MapModManager.MapXml     = "";
                    MapModManager.LayoutName = "";
                    Subsystem.AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData = "";
                    MapModManager.PatchName = "";
                    Print(SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " cleared layout and patch");
                else if (command == "/zoom")                     // Get the zoom of all players in lobby
                    Print(SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + "'s zoom extended by " + MapModManager.GetMaxCameraDistance(0).ToString());
                else if (command == "/tip")                     // Give your respects to the rest of the lobby
                    Print("[FF8800][b][i]" + SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + " TIPS FEDORA");
                else if (command == "/42348973457868203402395873406897435823947592375-892356773534598347508346578307456738456")                     // WMD DO NOT USE
                    try {
                    } catch {}
                else if (command == "/check" || command == "/c")                     // Advanced state check
                    Print(String.Format("{0}: {1} [ {2} ] [ {3} ]", SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, MapModManager.ModVersion,
                                        MapModUtil.GetHash(MapModManager.MapXml), MapModUtil.GetHash(Subsystem.AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData)));
                else if (command == "/pm" || command == "/patchmeta")
                    if (this.IsLobbyHost)
                        if (AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData == "")
                            Print("Lobby host has no patch applied");
                            try {
                                AttributesPatch patch     = AttributeLoader.GetPatchObject(AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData);
                                string          outputStr = String.Format("Lobby host patch: {0}", MapModManager.PatchName);
                                if (patch.Meta.Name.Length > 0)
                                    outputStr += String.Format("\n      [b]{0}[/b]", patch.Meta.Name);
                                    if (patch.Meta.Version.Length > 0)
                                        outputStr += String.Format(" {0}", patch.Meta.Version);
                                else if (patch.Meta.Version.Length > 0)
                                    outputStr += String.Format("\n      Version: {0}", patch.Meta.Version);
                                if (patch.Meta.Author.Length > 0)
                                    outputStr += String.Format("\n      By: {0}", patch.Meta.Author);
                                if (patch.Meta.LastUpdate.Length > 0)
                                    outputStr += String.Format("\n      Updated: {0}", patch.Meta.LastUpdate);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                Print("[FF0000][b][i]Failed to get patch object");
                else if (command == "/pv" || command == "/patchversion")
                    try {
                        AttributesPatch patch = AttributeLoader.GetPatchObject(AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData);
                        Print(String.Format("{0}: {1}[ {2} ]",
                                            SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName, getPatchVersionStr(patch), MapModUtil.GetHash(Subsystem.AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData)));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Print("[FF0000][b][i]Failed to get patch object");
                else if (s.IndexOf("[FFFFFF]" + SteamAPIIntegration.SteamUserName + ": ", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)                     // Client based commands
                    string address = "";
                    if (command == "/repo")
                        address = "https://github.com/AGameAnx/dok-repo";
                    else if (command == "/layouts" || command == "/ls")
                        address = "https://github.com/AGameAnx/dok-repo#tournament-layouts";
                    else if (command == "/patches" || command == "/ps")
                        address = "https://github.com/AGameAnx/dok-repo#patches";
                    else if (command == "/help")
                        address = "https://github.com/AGameAnx/dok-repo/blob/master/info/help.md#help";
                    else if (command == "/pn" || command == "/patchnotes")
                        try {
                            AttributesPatch patch = AttributeLoader.GetPatchObject(AttributeLoader.PatchOverrideData);
                            if (patch.Meta.Link.Length > 0)
                                address = patch.Meta.Link;
                            else if (patch.Meta.LastUpdate.Length > 0)
                                Print("Patch doesn't have link meta");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Print("[FF0000][b][i]Failed to get patch object");

                    if (address != "")
                        try {
                        } catch {
                            Print("[FF0000][b][i]Failed to open steam overlay");