private void RefreshMainAttribute(int addLevel)
            RoleInfo roleInfo = HeroStrengthenProxy.instance.StrengthenHeroInfo;

            TransformUtil.ClearChildren(heroAttributeViewRoot, true);

            //List<RoleAttribute> mainAttriList = HeroUtil.CalcHeroMainAttributesByHeroType(heroInfo);
            //HeroInfo nextTemp = new HeroInfo(0,,heroInfo.breakthroughLevel,heroInfo.strengthenLevel+addLevel,heroInfo.advanceLevel,heroInfo.level);
            List <RoleAttribute> mainAttriList = RoleUtil.CalcRoleMainAttributesList(roleInfo);
            RoleInfo             nextTemp      = null;

            if ((roleInfo as HeroInfo) != null)
                nextTemp = new HeroInfo(roleInfo.instanceID, roleInfo.modelDataId, roleInfo.breakthroughLevel, roleInfo.strengthenLevel + addLevel, roleInfo.advanceLevel, roleInfo.level);
            else if ((roleInfo as PlayerInfo) != null)
                nextTemp = new PlayerInfo(0, (uint)roleInfo.modelDataId, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
                nextTemp.breakthroughLevel = roleInfo.breakthroughLevel;
                nextTemp.strengthenLevel   = roleInfo.strengthenLevel + addLevel;
                nextTemp.advanceLevel      = roleInfo.advanceLevel;
                nextTemp.level             = roleInfo.level;

            bool isMaxLevel = HeroStrengthenNeedData.IsMaxLevel(roleInfo.strengthenLevel);
            List <RoleAttribute> nextMainAttriList = RoleUtil.CalcRoleMainAttributesList(nextTemp);

            for (int i = 0, count = mainAttriList.Count; i < count; i++)
                AttributeView view = Instantiate <AttributeView>(heroAttributeViewPrefab);
                Transform     tran = view.transform;
                tran.SetParent(heroAttributeViewRoot, false);
                if (isMaxLevel)
                    view.Set(mainAttriList[i], (int)(nextMainAttriList[i].value - mainAttriList[i].value));
Exemple #2
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var dm = values[0] as Datamodel.Datamodel;

            if (dm == null)

            var path = (string)values[1];

            if (path == String.Empty)

            object current;

            if (path.StartsWith("//"))
                current = dm.Root;
                path    = path.Remove(0, 2);
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            foreach (var part in path.Split('/').Where(p => p.Length > 0))
                var attr = current as AttributeView;
                if (attr != null && attr.Value is Element)
                    current = attr.Value;
                    attr    = null;

                var elem = current as Element;
                if (elem == null)

                var name  = part;
                var index = -1;

                if (!elem.ContainsKey(part))
                    var indexer_pos = part.LastIndexOf('[');
                    if (indexer_pos != -1)
                        name  = part.Substring(0, indexer_pos);
                        index = Int32.Parse(part.Substring(indexer_pos + 1, part.Length - indexer_pos - 2));

                if (!elem.ContainsKey(name))

                current = attr = new AttributeView(elem, name, index);

        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var dm = values[0] as Datamodel.Datamodel;
            if (dm == null) return null;

            var path = (string)values[1];
            if (path == String.Empty) return null;

            object current;
            if (path.StartsWith("//"))
                current = dm.Root;
                path = path.Remove(0, 2);
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            foreach (var part in path.Split('/').Where(p => p.Length > 0))
                var attr = current as AttributeView;
                if (attr != null && attr.Value is Element)
                    current = attr.Value;
                    attr = null;

                var elem = current as Element;
                if (elem == null)

                var name = part;
                var index = -1;

                if (!elem.ContainsKey(part))
                    var indexer_pos = part.LastIndexOf('[');
                    if (indexer_pos != -1)
                        name = part.Substring(0, indexer_pos);
                        index = Int32.Parse(part.Substring(indexer_pos + 1, part.Length - indexer_pos - 2));

                if (!elem.ContainsKey(name)) return null;

                current = attr = new AttributeView(elem, name, index);

            return current;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询属性集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns>属性数据集合</returns>
        public List <AttributeView> QueryAttrId(SearchCondition search)
            List <AttributeView> result     = new List <AttributeView>();
            MySqlConnection      connection = Connection.GetConnection();
            MySqlCommand         cmd        = new MySqlCommand();

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            sql.Append("SELECT a.Id AS AttrId,a.`Name`,b.Id AS ValueId,b.`Value` FROM Himall_Attributes a ");
            sql.Append("INNER JOIN Himall_AttributeValues b on a.Id=b.AttributeId ");
            sql.Append("INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT _pa.AttributeId,_pa.ValueId FROM Himall_Products _p ");
            sql.Append("INNER JOIN Himall_ProductAttributes _pa on _p.Id = _pa.ProductId ");
            sql.Append("WHERE _p.IsDeleted=0 AND _p.AuditStatus=2 AND _p.SaleStatus=1 ");
            #region 店铺过滤
            if (search.shopId > 0)
                sql.Append(" AND _p.ShopId=@ShopId ");
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ShopId", search.shopId);

            #region 品牌过滤
            if (search.BrandId > 0)
                sql.Append(" AND _p.BrandId=@BrandId ");
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BrandId", search.BrandId);

            #region 分类过滤
            if (search.CategoryId > 0)
                if (search.shopId > 0)
                    sql.Append(" AND _p.Id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ProductId FROM Himall_ProductShopCategories WHERE ShopCategoryId = @ShopCategoryId)");
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ShopCategoryId", search.ShopCategoryId);
                    sql.AppendFormat("AND _p.CategoryId IN (SELECT Id FROM Himall_Categories WHERE CONCAT('|',Path,'|') LIKE '%|{0}|%')", search.CategoryId);

            #region 属性过滤
            if (search.AttrIds.Count > 0)
                string sqlAttrWhere = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < search.AttrIds.Count; i++)
                    if (search.AttrIds[i].Contains("_"))
                        string attrId = search.AttrIds[i].Split(new char[] { '_' })[0];
                        string valId  = search.AttrIds[i].Split(new char[] { '_' })[1];

                        sqlAttrWhere += string.Format("(AttributeId=@AttrId{0} AND ValueId=@ValId{0}) OR", i.ToString());
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(string.Format("@AttrId{0}", i.ToString()), attrId);
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(string.Format("@ValId{0}", i.ToString()), valId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlAttrWhere))
                    sqlAttrWhere = sqlAttrWhere.Substring(0, sqlAttrWhere.Length - 3);
                    sql.AppendFormat(" AND _p.Id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ProductId FROM Himall_ProductAttributes WHERE {0}) ", sqlAttrWhere);

            #region 价格区间
            if (search.StartPrice > 0)
                sql.Append(" AND _p.MinSalePrice>=@StartPrice ");
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartPrice", search.StartPrice);
            if (search.EndPrice > 0 && search.EndPrice >= search.StartPrice)
                sql.Append(" AND _p.MinSalePrice <= @EndPrice ");
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndPrice", search.EndPrice);

            #region 关键词处理
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Keyword))
                List <string> words = new List <string>();
                List <string> ws    = _segment.DoSegment(search.Keyword);
                foreach (string s in ws)
                    if (!words.Contains(s))

                if (search.Ex_Keyword != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Ex_Keyword.Trim()) && search.Ex_Keyword.Trim().Length <= 5)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Ex_Keyword))
                        ws = _segment.DoSegment(search.Ex_Keyword);
                        foreach (string s in ws)
                            if (!words.Contains(s))

                if (words.Count > 0)
                    MySqlCommand IdCmd      = new MySqlCommand();
                    string       sqlWhere   = "SELECT Id FROM Himall_Products WHERE ProductName=@ProductName UNION ALL SELECT a.ProductId FROM Himall_ProductWords a INNER JOIN Himall_SegmentWords b ON a.WordId=b.Id WHERE b.Word IN (SELECT WORD FROM ({0}) AS _WordTable) OR MATCH(b.Word) AGAINST(@WordList IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
                    string       wordList   = string.Empty;
                    string       wordInList = string.Empty;
                    string       IdList     = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < words.Count; i++)
                        wordList   += words[i] + "*,";
                        wordInList += string.Format("SELECT @word{0} AS WORD {1} ", i.ToString(), (i == words.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : " UNION ALL "));
                        IdCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(string.Format("@word{0}", i.ToString()), words[i]);
                    IdCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@WordList", wordList.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }));
                    IdCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductName", search.Keyword.Trim());
                    IdCmd.CommandText = string.Format(sqlWhere, wordInList);
                    IdCmd.Connection  = connection;
                    if (IdCmd.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                    MySqlDataReader IdReader = IdCmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (IdReader.Read())
                        IdList += IdReader["Id"].ToString() + ",";

                    sql.AppendFormat(" AND _p.Id IN ({0})", string.IsNullOrEmpty(IdList) ? "0" : IdList.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }));

            sql.Append(") AS _r ON b.AttributeId=_r.AttributeId AND b.Id=_r.ValueId ");

            cmd.Connection = connection;
            if (cmd.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

            cmd.CommandText = sql.ToString();
            MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            AttributeView   attr;
            while (reader.Read())
                bool isfind = true;
                attr = result.Find(t => t.AttrId == long.Parse(reader["AttrId"].ToString()));
                if (attr == null)//新属性构造
                    isfind      = false;
                    attr        = new AttributeView();
                    attr.AttrId = long.Parse(reader["AttrId"].ToString());
                    attr.Name   = reader["Name"].ToString();
                AttributeValue v = new AttributeValue();
                v.Id   = long.Parse(reader["ValueId"].ToString());
                v.Name = reader["Value"].ToString();
                if (attr.AttrValues.Find(t => t.Id == v.Id && t.Name == v.Name) == null)
                if (!isfind)