public async Task <ActionResult> proc() { var json = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd(); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ApplicationUser>(json); if (data.Id != null && data.Id != "") { // Update Profile var record = await UserBLL.Update_User_Profile(_context, data, data.isadmin); /* attribute processing */ foreach (var attr in data.attr_values) { attr.userid = data.Id; attr.attr_type = (byte)Attr_Type.UserProfile; if ( > 0) { /* update record */ await AttrValueBLL.Update(_context, attr); } else { /* add attribute */ if (attr.value != "") { await AttrValueBLL.Add(_context, attr); } } } record.img_url = UserUrlConfig.ProfilePhoto(record.UserName, record.picturename, 0); return(Ok(new { status = "success", record = record, message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_record_updated"].Value })); } else { // Create New Account var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = data.UserName, Email = data.Email, created_at = DateTime.Now, isenabled = 1, // internal use only (to suspend user account and all posted data at once) firstname = data.firstname, lastname = data.lastname }; var result = await SiteConfig.userManager.CreateAsync(user, data.password); if (result.Succeeded) { // role process if (data.role_name != null && data.role_name != "") { var roleExist = await SiteConfig.roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(data.role_name); if (!roleExist) { ApplicationRole role = new ApplicationRole(); role.Name = data.role_name; role.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; await SiteConfig.roleManager.CreateAsync(role); } await SiteConfig.userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, data.role_name); } // Init User Profile await UserProfileBLL.InitializeUserProfile(_context, user); Directory_Process.CreateRequiredDirectories(SiteConfig.Environment.ContentRootPath + UtilityBLL.ParseUsername(SystemDirectoryPaths.UserDirectory, user.Id.ToString())); // enable account directly UserBLL.Update_Field_Id(_context, user.Id, "EmailConfirmed", true); // setup url / picture url for app use only data.Id = user.Id; data.picturename = "none"; data.LockoutEnabled = false; data.EmailConfirmed = true; data.img_url = UserUrlConfig.ProfilePhoto(data.UserName, data.picturename, 0); // default set data.url = UserUrlConfig.ProfileUrl(data, Configs.RegistrationSettings.uniqueFieldOption); return(Ok(new { status = "success", record = data, message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_account_created"].Value })); } else { return(Ok(new { status = "error", record = data, message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_account_failed"].Value })); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> profile(string username) { var model = new UserModelView(); model.ActiveIndex = 10; // profile section if (!InitProfile(model, username)) { return(Redirect(Config.GetUrl() + "signin?ReturnUrl=" + Config.GetUrl(username))); } if (!InitProfile(model, username)) { return(Redirect(Config.GetUrl() + "signin?ReturnUrl=" + Config.GetUrl(username))); } // fetch profile user information var query = new MemberEntity() { ispublic = true, loadall = true }; if (Jugnoon.Settings.Configs.RegistrationSettings.uniqueFieldOption == 0) { query.username = model.UserName; } else { query.userid = model.UserName; } var userInfo = await UserProfileBLL.LoadItems(_context, query); if (userInfo.Count > 0) { model.user = userInfo[0]; // load dynamic attributes model.attr_values = await AttrValueBLL.LoadItems(_context, new AttrValueEntity() { userid = model.user.Id, attr_type = Attr_Type.UserProfile, order = "priority desc", nofilter = false }); model.UserInfo = prepare_user_info(model); model.FullName = UserUrlConfig.PrepareUserName(model.user, Jugnoon.Settings.Configs.RegistrationSettings.uniqueFieldOption); model.Nav = new NavModelView() { username = model.UserName, ActiveIndex = 100, }; } else { model.UserExist = false; } ViewBag.title = model.FullName + "'s " + SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_profile_detail"].Value; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> getinfo() { var json = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd(); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MemberEntity>(json); if ( == "") { var _post = new ApplicationUser(); _post.options = await AttrTemplatesSectionsBLL.LoadItems(_context, new AttrTemplateSectionEntity() { templateid = 0, // if you want to manage multiple templates for dynamic attributes use it here attr_type = Attr_Type.UserProfile, order = "priority desc", iscache = true }); foreach (var option in _post.options) { option.attributes = await AttrAttributeBLL.LoadItems(_context, new AttrAttributeEntity() { sectionid =, order = "priority desc", iscache = true, attr_type = (byte)Attr_Type.UserProfile }); } return(Ok(new { status = "success", post = _post })); } else { var _posts = await UserProfileBLL.LoadItems(_context, data); if (_posts.Count == 0) { return(Ok(new { status = "error", message = SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_no_records"].Value })); } // Raw Attributes _posts[0].options = await AttrTemplatesSectionsBLL.LoadItems(_context, new AttrTemplateSectionEntity() { templateid = 0, // if you want to manage multiple templates for dynamic attributes use it here order = "priority desc", attr_type = Attr_Type.UserProfile, iscache = true }); foreach (var option in _posts[0].options) { option.attributes = await AttrAttributeBLL.LoadItems(_context, new AttrAttributeEntity() { sectionid =, order = "priority desc", iscache = true, attr_type = (byte)Attr_Type.UserProfile }); } _posts[0].attr_values = await AttrValueBLL.LoadItems(_context, new AttrValueEntity() { userid = _posts[0].Id, attr_type = Attr_Type.UserProfile, nofilter = false }); _posts[0].img_url = UserUrlConfig.ProfilePhoto(_posts[0].UserName, _posts[0].picturename, 0); // default set _posts[0].url = UserUrlConfig.ProfileUrl(_posts[0], Configs.RegistrationSettings.uniqueFieldOption); _posts[0].customize_register_date = UtilityBLL.CustomizeDate((DateTime)_posts[0].created_at, DateTime.Now); if (_posts[0].last_login != null) { _posts[0].customize_last_login = UtilityBLL.CustomizeDate((DateTime)_posts[0].last_login, DateTime.Now); } return(Ok(new { status = "ok", post = _posts[0] })); } }