void Awake()
     audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
     animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
     _unitMoveScript = GetComponent<UnitMove>();
     self = GetComponent<AttackingUnit>();
    public void SpawnEnemy(AttackingUnit enemy, Vector3 position)
        var ai = enemyAIFactory.Create(enemy.Prefab[0]);

        ai.transform.position = position;
Exemple #3
    public int Damage(AttackingUnit enemy, int damage)
        damage   -= enemy.Def;
        enemy.Hp -= damage;
        if (enemy.Hp < 0)
            enemy.Hp = 0;

Exemple #4
    public void AttackEnemy(AttackingUnit enemy)
        if (enemy != null && !enemy.DodgeAttack())
            int atkDamage;

            int chance = r.Next(1, 101);
            if (chance <= Crit)
                atkDamage = critDamage();
                atkDamage = Atk;
            atkDamage = Damage(enemy, atkDamage);
            Debug.Log(this.GetType().ToString() + " did " + atkDamage + " to the " + enemy.GetType().ToString());
            Debug.Log("The " + enemy.GetType().ToString() + " dodged!");
Exemple #5
    public void UpdateEveryFields()
        GameObject tmpShit = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(search_results[indexGO], typeof(GameObject));

        if (unitType.Equals(UnitType.AttackingUnit))
            AttackingUnit unit = tmpShit.GetComponent <AttackingUnit>();

            nameUnit        = unit.NameGo;
            unitType        = unit.UnitType;
            defaultMaterial = unit.DefaultMaterial;
            //GameObject tmpSkin = new GameObject();
            //tmpSkin.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = unit.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
            //skin = tmpSkin;
            regenManaPerSecond = unit.RegenManaPerSecond;
            healthMax          = unit.HealthMax;
            manaMax            = unit.ManaMax;
            cost    = unit.Cost;
            xpValue = unit.XpValue;

            bool inventoryEmpty = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < unit.Inventory.Length; i++)
                if (unit.Inventory[i] != null)
                    inventoryEmpty = false;

            if (!inventoryEmpty)
                for (int i = 0; i < unit.Inventory.Length; i++)
                    inventory[i] = unit.Inventory[i];

            creationTime         = unit.CreationTime;
            attackSpeed          = unit.AttackSpeed;
            damage               = unit.Damage;
            range                = unit.Range;
            defense              = unit.Defense;
            rangeAggroWhenAttack = unit.RangeAggroWhenAttack;
            moveSpeed            = unit.MoveSpeed;
        else if (unitType.Equals(UnitType.Building))
            CreationBuilding unit = tmpShit.GetComponent <CreationBuilding>();

            nameUnit        = unit.NameGo;
            unitType        = unit.UnitType;
            defaultMaterial = unit.DefaultMaterial;
            healthMax       = unit.HealthMax;
            manaMax         = unit.ManaMax;
            cost            = unit.Cost;
            xpValue         = unit.XpValue;
            creation        = unit.Creations[0];
            //bool creationsEmpties = true;
            //for (int i = 0; i < unit.Creations.Length; i++)
            //    if (unit.Creations[i] != null)
            //        creationsEmpties = false;
            //if (!creationsEmpties)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < unit.Creations.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        if (unit.Creations[i] != null)
            //            creations[i] = unit.Creations[i];
            //    }
Exemple #6
    public static void AddNewAttackingUnit()
        GameObject emptyGO = new GameObject();

        AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets/Prefabs", nameUnit);
        GameObject tmp = PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab("Assets/Prefabs/" + nameUnit + "/" + nameUnit + ".prefab", emptyGO);

        tmp.AddComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
        tmp.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
        tmp.AddComponent <Animator>();
        tmp.AddComponent <AudioSource>();

        AttackingUnit atunit = tmp.AddComponent <AttackingUnit>();

        atunit.NameGo             = nameUnit;
        atunit.UnitType           = unitType;
        atunit.DefaultMaterial    = defaultMaterial;
        atunit.RegenManaPerSecond = regenManaPerSecond;
        Material   inAreaUnit     = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/Skills/InAreaUnit.mat", typeof(Material));
        GameObject smallHealthBar = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/HealthBar/HealthBar.prefab", typeof(GameObject));

        atunit.InAreaMaterial       = inAreaUnit;
        atunit.SmallHealthBarPrefab = smallHealthBar;
        atunit.HealthMax            = healthMax;
        atunit.ManaMax = manaMax;
        atunit.Cost    = cost;
        atunit.XpValue = xpValue;

        bool inventoryEmpty = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Length; i++)
            if (inventory[i] != null)
                inventoryEmpty = false;

        if (!inventoryEmpty)
            atunit.Inventory = new CollectableObject[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < atunit.Inventory.Length; i++)
                atunit.Inventory[i] = inventory[i];

        atunit.CreationTime         = creationTime;
        atunit.AttackSpeed          = attackSpeed;
        atunit.Damage               = damage;
        atunit.Range                = range;
        atunit.Defense              = defense;
        atunit.RangeAggroWhenAttack = rangeAggroWhenAttack;
        atunit.MoveSpeed            = moveSpeed;

        NavMeshAgent navmesh = tmp.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();

        navmesh.speed                 = moveSpeed;
        navmesh.angularSpeed          = 200;
        navmesh.acceleration          = 100;
        navmesh.stoppingDistance      = 0;
        navmesh.obstacleAvoidanceType = ObstacleAvoidanceType.MedQualityObstacleAvoidance;

        GameObject instantiatedTmp = Instantiate(tmp);

        if (skin)
            Instantiate(skin, instantiatedTmp.transform);

        GameObject aggro         = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/Aggro/Aggro.prefab", typeof(GameObject));
        GameObject projector     = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/Projector/ProjectorPrefab.prefab", typeof(GameObject));
        GameObject triggerXpArea = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Prefabs/TriggerXpArea/TriggerXpArea.prefab", typeof(GameObject));

        if (!aggro || !projector || !triggerXpArea)
            Debug.LogError("No aggro or projector or triggerXpArea object");
        Instantiate(aggro, instantiatedTmp.transform);
        Instantiate(projector, instantiatedTmp.transform);
        Instantiate(triggerXpArea, instantiatedTmp.transform);

        PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(instantiatedTmp, tmp);

Exemple #7
 private void Awake()
     m_AttackingAgent = GetComponent <AttackingUnit>();
     m_NavMeshAgent   = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     m_Rigidbody      = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        public string FightUnit(IUnit FirstUnit, IUnit SecondUnit)
            int    UnitFlag = 1;
            string result   = string.Empty;
            IUnit  AttackingUnit;
            IUnit  DefendingUnit;

            Random random = new Random();
            int    RandomForAttackingUnit = random.Next(1, 21);
            int    RandomForDefendingUnit = random.Next(1, 21);

            if (RandomForAttackingUnit + FirstUnit.Initiative > RandomForDefendingUnit + SecondUnit.Initiative)
                AttackingUnit = FirstUnit;
                DefendingUnit = SecondUnit;
                result       += result += string.Format("{0} из вашей армии против {1} ", AttackingUnit.Name, DefendingUnit.Name);
                AttackingUnit = SecondUnit;
                DefendingUnit = FirstUnit;
                UnitFlag      = 2;
                result       += result += string.Format("{0} из вражеской армии против {1} ", AttackingUnit.Name, DefendingUnit.Name);

            bool DonaldTramp(IUnit Attacking, IUnit Defending)
                int Rand = random.Next(1, 21);

                if (Rand + Attacking.Dexterity > Defending.Armor)

            bool IsAlive = true;

            if (DonaldTramp(AttackingUnit, DefendingUnit))
                IsAlive = DefendingUnit.GetHit(AttackingUnit.Damage);
                result += string.Format("\nнаносит {0} урона противнику ", AttackingUnit.Damage);
                result += "\nпромахивается по противнику ";

            if (IsAlive)
                if (DonaldTramp(DefendingUnit, AttackingUnit))
                    IsAlive = AttackingUnit.GetHit(DefendingUnit.Damage);
                    result += string.Format("\nпроитвник наносит {0} урона ", DefendingUnit.Damage);
                    result += "\nпротивник промахивается";
                result += "противник убит";
