private bool mayKingMoveOrthogonallyHere(AttackedSquare clearMove, IEnumerable <AttackedSquare> attacksOnKing, List <AttackedSquare> attacks)
            var kingSquare = (Square)attacksOnKing.First();
            //need to detect if we're moving into check
            var anybodyAttackingThisSquare = attacks.Any(a => a.Index == clearMove.Index && a.AttackingSquare.Piece.Color != kingSquare.Piece.Color);

            if (anybodyAttackingThisSquare)
            //now make sure we're not ignoring the issue where an attack isn't displayed because the king was blocking the square
            //that he would move into, that is still being attacked by the original attacker.
            var isRankMove = GeneralEngine.GivenOrthogonalMove_IsItARankMove(clearMove.AttackingSquare.Index, clearMove.Index);
            //find all attackers who attack orthogonally and determine if they are on the same line
            var orthogonalAttacksOnKing = attacksOnKing.Where(a => orthogonalAttackers.Contains(a.AttackingSquare.Piece.PieceType));

            foreach (var x in orthogonalAttacksOnKing)
                var oxs = getEntireOrthogonalLine(isRankMove ? false : true, x);
                //if oxs contains the clearMove.Index, then the king has not moved out of check
                if (oxs.Contains(clearMove.Index))
        private bool mayKingMoveDiagonallyHere(AttackedSquare clearMove, IEnumerable <AttackedSquare> attacksOnKing, List <AttackedSquare> attacks)
            var kingSquare = (Square)attacksOnKing.First();
            //need to detect if we're moving into check
            var anybodyAttackingThisSquare = attacks.Any(a => a.Index == clearMove.Index && a.AttackingSquare.Piece.Color != kingSquare.Piece.Color);

            if (anybodyAttackingThisSquare)
            var diagonalAttacksOnKing = attacksOnKing.Where(a =>
                                                            diagonalAttackers.Contains(a.AttackingSquare.Piece.PieceType) &&
                                                            DiagonalEngine.IsDiagonal(a.Index, a.AttackingSquare.Index)

            if (!diagonalAttacksOnKing.Any())
            foreach (var x in diagonalAttacksOnKing)
                var dxs = DiagonalEngine.GetDiagonalLine(x.Index, x.AttackingSquare.Index);
                //if dxs contains the clearMove.Index, then the king has not moved out of check
                if (dxs.Contains(clearMove.Index))
Exemple #3
        public static List <AttackedSquare> GetDiagonalLine(GameState gameState, Square square, Piece attackingPiece, DiagonalDirection direction)
            var attacks        = new List <AttackedSquare>();
            var diagonalLine   = getIteratorByDirectionEnum(direction);
            var position       = square.Index;
            var attackPosition = square.Index;

                if (!canDoDiagonalsFromStartPosition(position, diagonalLine))
                attackPosition = attackPosition + diagonalLine;
                var moveViability = GeneralEngine.DetermineMoveViability(gameState, attackingPiece, attackPosition);
                //I don't think either of these conditions should occur.
                if (!moveViability.IsValidCoordinate || moveViability.SquareToAdd == null)
                var attack = new AttackedSquare(square, moveViability.SquareToAdd, isProtecting: moveViability.IsTeamPiece);
                if (moveViability.SquareToAdd.Occupied)
            } while (isValidDiagonalCoordinate(attackPosition));
        public List <AttackedSquare> GetOrthogonalLine(GameState gameState, Square square, Direction direction)
            var attacks               = new List <AttackedSquare>();
            var currentPosition       = square.Index;
            var lineTerminator        = getOrthogonalLineTerminator(direction, currentPosition);
            var iterator              = getIteratorByDirectionEnum(direction);
            var nextPositionInTheLine = currentPosition + iterator;

            for (var position = nextPositionInTheLine; position != lineTerminator; position = position + iterator)
                var isValidCoordinate = GeneralEngine.IsValidCoordinate(position);
                if (!isValidCoordinate)
                var moveViability = GeneralEngine.DetermineMoveViability(gameState, square.Piece, position);
                //these conditions shouldn't occur
                if (!moveViability.IsValidCoordinate || moveViability.SquareToAdd == null)
                var attack = new AttackedSquare(square, moveViability.SquareToAdd, isProtecting: moveViability.IsTeamPiece);
                if (moveViability.SquareToAdd.Occupied)
        //private List<int> getEntireDiagonalLine(int pos1, int pos2)
        //    //diagonal moves: rise LtoR /  or RtoL \
        //    var diff = Math.Abs(pos1 - pos2);
        //    var ltr = diff % 9 == 0;
        //    var rtl = diff % 7 == 0;
        //    if (!ltr && !rtl)
        //    {
        //        throw new Exception("What? This is supposed to be diagonal.");
        //    }
        //    var dxs = new List<int> { pos1, pos2 };
        //    //smallest # will be closest to the left or right in the line
        //    //the left terminating position is evenly divisible by 8
        //    //the right terminating position is evently divisible by 7
        //    //find terminators
        //    //left
        //    var increment = ltr ? 9 : 7;
        //    var smallest = dxs.Min();
        //    var largest = dxs.Max();
        //    var nextSmallest = smallest;
        //    while (nextSmallest % 8 > 0 && nextSmallest >= 0)
        //    {
        //        nextSmallest = nextSmallest - increment;
        //        if (nextSmallest >= 0 && !dxs.Contains(nextSmallest))
        //        {
        //            dxs.Add(nextSmallest);
        //        }
        //    };
        //    //right
        //    var nextLargest = largest;
        //    while (nextLargest % 7 > 0 && nextLargest <= 63)
        //    {
        //        nextLargest = nextLargest + increment;
        //        if (nextLargest <= 63 && !dxs.Contains(nextLargest))
        //        {
        //            dxs.Add(nextLargest);
        //        }
        //    };
        //    //fill in the middle
        //    var mid = smallest;
        //    var nextMid = mid;
        //    if (diff > increment)
        //    {
        //        while (nextMid < largest)
        //        {
        //            nextMid = nextMid + increment;
        //            if (!dxs.Contains(nextMid))
        //            {
        //                dxs.Add(nextMid);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return dxs;

        private List <int> getEntireOrthogonalLine(bool isRankMove, AttackedSquare x, bool trim = false)
            List <int> result;

            if (isRankMove)
                var file = NotationEngine.PositionToFile(x.Index);
                result = this._orthogonalService.GetEntireFile(file);
                var rank = NotationEngine.PositionToRank(x.Index);
                result = this._orthogonalService.GetEntireRank(rank);
            if (!trim)
            var low  = x.Index > x.AttackingSquare.Index ? x.AttackingSquare.Index : x.Index;
            var high = x.Index < x.AttackingSquare.Index ? x.AttackingSquare.Index : x.Index;

            return(result.Where(a => a > low && a < high).ToList());