Exemple #1
        public float ComputeVulnerabilityRatio(ICombatant targetUnit, bool iCanMove)
            float         hp;
            Mech          targetMech  = targetUnit as Mech;
            AbstractActor targetActor = targetUnit as AbstractActor;

            if ((!iCanMove) && (targetMech != null))
                // only use armor exposed to us at our current position
                hp = targetMech.ExpectedRelativeArmorFromAttackerWorldPosition(thisUnit.CurrentPosition, targetMech.CurrentPosition, targetMech.CurrentRotation)
                     + targetMech.GetCurrentStructure(ChassisLocations.Head) + targetMech.GetCurrentStructure(ChassisLocations.CenterTorso);
                // find the target's weakest armor
                hp = AttackEvaluator.MinHitPoints(targetUnit);

            bool  targetIsEvasive = (targetMech != null) && targetMech.IsEvasive;
            float expectedDamage  = GetExpectedDamageForAllWeaponsVsTarget(thisUnit, targetUnit, targetIsEvasive);

            if ((targetActor != null) && (targetActor.IsVulnerableToCalledShots()))
                float multiplier = targetActor.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Float_CalledShotVulnerabilityMultiplier).FloatVal;
                expectedDamage *= multiplier;

            if (hp <= 0)
            return(expectedDamage / hp);
Exemple #2
        static List <Weapon> PartitionWeaponListToKillTarget(AbstractActor attacker, List <Weapon> weapons, ICombatant target, float overkillThresholdFrac)
            // evaluate the weapons' damages to the target

            List <KeyValuePair <Weapon, float> > weaponsWithDamage = new List <KeyValuePair <Weapon, float> >();

            for (int wi = 0; wi < weapons.Count; ++wi)
                Weapon w          = weapons[wi];
                Mech   targetMech = target as Mech;

                if (!attacker.Combat.LOFCache.UnitHasLOFToTargetAtTargetPosition(
                        attacker, target, w.MaxRange, attacker.CurrentPosition, attacker.CurrentRotation,
                        target.CurrentPosition, target.CurrentRotation, w.IndirectFireCapable))

                bool  targetIsEvasive = ((targetMech != null) && (targetMech.IsEvasive));
                float dmg             = GetExpectedDamageForMultiTargetWeapon(attacker, attacker.CurrentPosition, target, target.CurrentPosition, targetIsEvasive, w, attacker.MaxTargets);
                weaponsWithDamage.Add(new KeyValuePair <Weapon, float>(w, dmg));

            // sort by damage
            weaponsWithDamage.Sort((x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value));

            // reverse it to start with big damage

            float totalDamage  = 0.0f;
            float targetDamage = AttackEvaluator.MinHitPoints(target) * overkillThresholdFrac;

            List <Weapon> killList = new List <Weapon>();

            for (int wi = 0; wi < weaponsWithDamage.Count; ++wi)
                Weapon w   = weaponsWithDamage[wi].Key;
                float  dmg = weaponsWithDamage[wi].Value;
                totalDamage += dmg;
                if (totalDamage >= targetDamage)

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate an "overkill" ratio; if the shooter did an alpha strike on the target's weakest location, what's the ratio of damage compared to the amount to blow through.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shooterUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="targetUnit"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float ComputeThreatRatio(ICombatant shooterUnit, AbstractActor targetUnit)
            AbstractActor shooterActor = shooterUnit as AbstractActor;

            if (shooterActor == null)

            float targetHP = AttackEvaluator.MinHitPoints(targetUnit);
            float expectedDamageToTarget = GetExpectedDamageForAllWeaponsVsTarget(shooterActor, targetUnit, targetUnit.IsEvasive);

            if (targetHP < 1.0f)
                targetHP = 1.0f;
            return(expectedDamageToTarget / targetHP);