public UploadResponse Upload(UploadRequest request) { var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { // write data to a temp file File.WriteAllBytes(tempFile, request.DataContent); // create the new document object, and put the remote file var args = new AttachedDocumentCreationArgs { MimeType = request.MimeType, FileExtension = request.FileExtension, LocalContentFilePath = tempFile }; var document = AttachedDocument.Create(args, AttachmentStore.GetClient()); PersistenceContext.Lock(document, DirtyState.New); PersistenceContext.SynchState(); var assembler = new AttachedDocumentAssembler(); return(new UploadResponse(assembler.CreateAttachedDocumentSummary(document))); } finally { File.Delete(tempFile); } }
public Patient FindDocumentOwner(AttachedDocument document) { var q = this.GetNamedHqlQuery("documentPatientOwner"); q.SetParameter(0, document); return((Patient)q.UniqueResult()); }
public AttachedDocumentSummary CreateAttachedDocumentSummary(AttachedDocument doc) { var summary = new AttachedDocumentSummary(); UpdateAttachedDocumentSummary(doc, summary); return(summary); }
public void UpdateAttachedDocumentSummary(AttachedDocument doc, AttachedDocumentSummary summary) { summary.DocumentRef = doc.GetRef(); summary.CreationTime = doc.CreationTime; summary.ReceivedTime = doc.DocumentReceivedTime; summary.MimeType = doc.MimeType; summary.ContentUrl = doc.ContentUrl; summary.FileExtension = doc.FileExtension; summary.DocumentHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>(doc.DocumentHeaders); summary.DocumentTypeName = doc.DocumentTypeName; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the list of documents attached to a test case /// </summary> /// <param name="projectId">The id of the project</param> /// <param name="testCaseId">The id of the test case</param> /// <returns>The list of documents</returns> public List <AttachedDocument> GetAttachedDocuments(int projectId, int testCaseId) { List <AttachedDocument> attachedDocs = new List <AttachedDocument>(); //Connect to the project. if (this._client.Connection_ConnectToProject(projectId)) { try { RemoteSort remoteSort = new RemoteSort(); remoteSort.PropertyName = "Filename"; remoteSort.SortAscending = true; RemoteDocument[] remoteDocuments = this._client.Document_RetrieveForArtifact((int)ArtifactType.TestCase, testCaseId, null, remoteSort); //Iterate through each document and download the physical file if it is a file foreach (RemoteDocument remoteDocument in remoteDocuments) { //Populate the internal object class AttachedDocument attachedDoc = new AttachedDocument(); attachedDocs.Add(attachedDoc); attachedDoc.Type = (AttachedDocument.AttachmentType)remoteDocument.AttachmentTypeId; attachedDoc.FilenameOrUrl = remoteDocument.FilenameOrUrl; attachedDoc.TestCaseId = remoteDocument.ArtifactId.Value; attachedDoc.ProjectAttachmentTypeId = remoteDocument.ProjectAttachmentTypeId.Value; attachedDoc.ProjectAttachmentFolderId = remoteDocument.ProjectAttachmentFolderId.Value; attachedDoc.Size = remoteDocument.Size; attachedDoc.Tags = remoteDocument.Tags; attachedDoc.UploadDate = remoteDocument.UploadDate; attachedDoc.EditedDate = remoteDocument.EditedDate; attachedDoc.CurrentVersion = remoteDocument.CurrentVersion; if (remoteDocument.AttachmentTypeId == (int)AttachedDocument.AttachmentType.File) { byte[] binaryData = this._client.Document_OpenFile(remoteDocument.AttachmentId.Value); attachedDoc.BinaryData = binaryData; } } } catch (Exception exception) { string strMessage = "Error getting attachments for test case TC:" + testCaseId + " in project PR:" + projectId + " (" + exception.Message + ")"; Logger.LogMessage(strMessage, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); return(null); } } else { string strMessage = "Could not connect to project PR:" + projectId + "."; Logger.LogMessage(strMessage, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); return(null); } return(attachedDocs); }
public void Test2() { var cq = new CertificateQuality(100); var doc = new AttachedDocument(100); doc.Content = ImagesConverter.ToByteArray(new Bitmap(@"D:\Repositories\HalfbloodApp\Halfblood.UnitTests\Halfblood.UnitTests\36.jpg")); cq.Documents.Add(doc); var context = new CopyContext <CertificateQuality>(cq); context.Commit(); }
private void ExecutedFind(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { var pubinfo = e.Parameter as IUserInformation; if ((pubinfo == null) || (pubinfo.Source == null) || (AttachedDocument == null)) { return; } // if is defined Field then jump directly to it if (pubinfo.NavigateToSourceAction != null) { pubinfo.NavigateToSourceAction.Invoke(); return; } //if there is a bookmark with name of the workitem title if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pubinfo.Source.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) && pubinfo.Source.Id != 0) { object title = string.Concat("w2t", pubinfo.Source.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (AttachedDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(title.ToString())) { AttachedDocument.Bookmarks[title].Select(); } else { //if there is no bookmark, but it has an Id -> Find ID! Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range range = AttachedDocument.Range(); var find = range.Find; find.Text = pubinfo.Source.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (find.Execute()) { range.Select(); } } } else { //If not propper synced, search for the Title Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range range = AttachedDocument.Range(); var find = range.Find; if (!pubinfo.Source.Fields.Contains(FieldReferenceNames.SystemTitle)) { return; } find.Text = pubinfo.Source.Fields[FieldReferenceNames.SystemTitle].Value; if (find.Execute()) { range.Select(); } } }
public void Test5() { var connection = new NhConnection("hibernate.cfg.xml"); connection.Connecting(); ISession session = connection.GetSessionFactory().OpenSession(); var doc = new AttachedDocument { AttachedDocumentType = new AttachedDocumentType { Rn = 813609324 }, BData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, Code = "Code", Catalog = new Catalog(465000873), Document = 437790479, Note = "1", // UnitCode = "Contracts" }; session.Save(doc); return; // var planCertificate = // session.Query<PlanCertificate>() // .Fetch(x => x.CertificateQuality) // .ThenFetchMany(x => x.ChemicalIndicatorValues) // .Where(x => x.Rn == 1008028460L).ToList().First(); // // var dto = planCertificate.MapTo<PlanCertificateDto>(); // planCertificate = dto.MapTo<PlanCertificate>(); // // session.Clear(); // session.Dispose(); // // // session = connection.GetSessionFactory().OpenSession(); // // planCertificate.Rn = 0; // planCertificate.CertificateQuality.Rn = 0; // // // planCertificate.CertificateQuality.AttachedDocuments.Add(doc); // // // var repository = new RepositoryFactory(session).Create<PlanCertificate>(); // repository.Insert(planCertificate); // // session.Flush(); // session.Dispose(); }
public Patient FindDocumentOwner(AttachedDocument document) { var q = this.GetNamedHqlQuery("documentPatientOwner"); q.SetParameter(0, document); return (Patient) q.UniqueResult(); }
public void ExcuteViewDocumentCommand(object obj) { try { AttachmentDTO attachment = null; switch (SelectedTabItem.Name) { case "TabAgreement": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.AgreementAttachment; break; case "TabPassport": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.PassportAttachment; break; case "TabIdCard": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.IdCardAttachment; break; case "TabContactIdCard": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.ContactIdCardAttachment; break; case "TabFingerPrint": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.FingerPrintAttachment; break; case "TabMedical": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.MedicalAttachment; break; case "TabPreDeparture": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.PreDepartureAttachment; break; case "TabGradeEight": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.GradeEightAttachment; break; case "TabCoc": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.CocAttachment; break; case "TabInsurance": attachment = SelectedRequiredDocument.InsuranceAttachment; break; } if (attachment != null && attachment.AttachedFile != null) { if (SelectedTabItem.Name == "TabAgreement") { var pdfFilePath = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments + attachment.Id + ".pdf"; System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pdfFilePath, attachment.AttachedFile); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pdfFilePath); } else { var myDataSet = new ReportsDataSet(); myDataSet.LetterHeads.Rows.Add("1", attachment.AttachedFile, null, null, "", ""); var myReport = new AttachedDocument(); myReport.SetDataSource(myDataSet); var report = new ReportViewerCommon(myReport); report.ShowDialog(); } } } catch { } }
private void Save() { if (IsAttach && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCompanyTxt) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DocumentNumber)) { Document newDocument = FillDocument(); // Get path from tree nodes string url = CurrentNode == null ? "" : GetNewPath(CurrentNode); // Check folder exist string path = string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? "" : FolderService.GetFolderPath((int)CurrentPresentation, CurrentNode.Node.Name, url) + string.Format("{0} {1}.{2}", SelectedDocumentType.descriptionRU, newDocument.number.Replace("/", "_").Replace("\\", "_"), AttachedDocument.Substring(AttachedDocument.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)); if (document != null && != null && > 0) // Update { // Update link if need if (AttachedDocument != DocumentService.ReadDocumentLink( { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { DocumentService.UpdateDocumentLink(path, path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf(".") + 1), (int)document.linkId); // Copy attached file to destination if (FileSystemService.CopyFile(AttachedDocument, path)) { MessagesService.Show("РЕДАКТИРОВАНИЕ", "Файл удачно занесен в архив"); } } else { MessagesService.Show("РЕДАКТИРОВАНИЕ", "Изменение прикрепленного файла не возможно, так как не выбрана ветка пути.\nБудут изменены лишь основные данные."); } } // Update document DocumentService.UpdateDocument(newDocument,; // Update serial number if (CurrentPresentation == PresentationEnum.Archive) { DocumentService.UpdateDocumentWithASN(, DocumentSerialNumber); } // Update view presentTreeVM.DetailsVM.SelectedDocument.Document = DocumentService.ReadDocument(; // Close panel Cancel(); } else // Create { // Create link int linkId = DocumentService.CreateDocumentLink(path, path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)); if (linkId > 0) { newDocument.linkId = linkId; string query = string.Format("{0}={1},{2}", CurrentNode.Node.Level_id, CurrentNode.Node.Name, presentTreeVM.GetParentValues(CurrentNode.Parent)); // Create document in base int newDocId = DocumentService.CreateDocument(newDocument, (int)CurrentPresentation, query); if (newDocId > 0) { // Set archive serial number if archive presentation if (CurrentPresentation == PresentationEnum.Archive) { DocumentService.UpdateDocumentWithASN(newDocId, DocumentSerialNumber); } // Copy attached file to destination if (FileSystemService.CopyFile(AttachedDocument, path)) { MessagesService.Show("СОХРАНЕНИЕ", "Файл удачно занесен в архив"); // Update view presentTreeVM.DetailsVM.Documents.Add(new DocumentVM(DocumentService.ReadDocument(newDocId))); // Close panel Cancel(); } else { MessagesService.Show("СОХРАНЕНИЕ", "Произошла ошибка во время занесения файла в архив"); } } else { MessagesService.Show("СОХРАНЕНИЕ", "Произошла ошибка во время сохранения документа в базе"); } } else { MessagesService.Show("СОХРАНЕНИЕ", "Произошла ошибка во время сохранения пути"); } } } else { MessagesService.Show("СОХРАНЕНИЕ", "Нет прикрепленного документа или не все данные заполненны."); } }