void InstanciateAsteroid()
        Vector3 asteroidScale = (Vector3.one + Random.insideUnitSphere * 0.1f) * Random.Range(minScaleSize, maxScaleSize);

        Vector3 asteroidPosition = ToVector3(Random.insideUnitCircle * 2f * zoneRadius);
        float   asteroidRadius   = asteroidScale.magnitude;
        int     tryCount         = 10;

        while (Physics.CheckSphere(asteroidPosition, asteroidRadius, checkLayerMask) && tryCount > 0)
            asteroidPosition = ToVector3(Random.insideUnitCircle * 2f * zoneRadius);

        if (tryCount == 0)
            //Fail to find a good position for the new asteroid
            //Debug.LogWarning("Fail to find a good position for the new asteroid");

        GameObject go = Instantiate(asteroidPrefabs[Random.Range(0, asteroidPrefabs.Length)], asteroidPosition, Random.rotation) as GameObject;

        go.transform.localScale = asteroidScale;
        AsteroidProp a = go.GetComponent <AsteroidProp>();

        a.health = 10;
        a.split  = 2;

        Rigidbody r = go.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        r.velocity        = ToVector3(Random.insideUnitCircle.normalized * Random.Range(minVelocity, maxVelocity));
        r.angularVelocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * initialAngularVelocity;
Exemple #2
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "Asteroid")
            AsteroidProp ap = other.GetComponent <AsteroidProp>();
            ap.TakeHealthDamage(10000000f, currentShooter.gameObject);
            currentShooter.Score += ap.scorePoint;
        else if (other.tag == "Player")
            PlayerBase pb = other.GetComponent <PlayerBase>();
            pb.TakeHealthDamage(damage, currentShooter.gameObject);
            currentShooter.Score += Mathf.RoundToInt(pb.Score * 0.2f);
