public static Expression Apply(Expression[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return(null); } Expression c = Ast.ConvertHelper(args[0], typeof(Callable)); if (args.Length > 1) { Expression arg = Ast.ConvertHelper(args[args.Length - 1], typeof(object)); if (arg.IsConstant(null)) { Debugger.Break(); } for (int i = args.Length - 2; i > 0; i--) { arg = MakeCons(args[i], arg); } return(Ast.ComplexCallHelper(c, ICallable_Call, Ast.Call(ListToVector, arg))); } else { return(null); } }
public static Expression GetConsList(Cons c, CodeBlock cb) { List <int> splices = new List <int>(); List <Expression> e = new List <Expression>(); bool proper = true; while (c != null) { e.Add(GetCons(, cb)); if (c.cdr != null && !(c.cdr is Cons)) { e.Add(GetCons(c.cdr, cb)); proper = false; break; } c = c.cdr as Cons; } Expression r = null; Expression[] aa = e.ToArray(); MethodInfo lm = MakeList(aa, proper); r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(lm, aa); return(r); }
protected static Expression CallNormal(CodeBlockExpression cbe, params Expression[] ppp) { bool needscontext = NeedsContext(cbe); // true; int pc = ppp.Length; MethodInfo dc = GetDirectCallable(needscontext, pc, cbe.Type); List <Variable> paruninit = new List <Variable>(cbe.Block.Parameters); for (int i = 0; i < ppp.Length; i++) { if (ppp[i].Type == typeof(Uninitialized)) { paruninit[i].SetUnInitialized(); } } if (needscontext) { ppp = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), ppp); } var delegatetype = cbe.Type != typeof(Delegate) ? cbe.Type : CallTargets.GetTargetType(needscontext, pc, false); cbe = Ast.CodeBlockReference(cbe.Block, delegatetype); cbe.Block.Bind(); var r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(cbe, dc, ppp); if (SpanHint.IsValid) { r.SetLoc(SpanHint); } return(r); }
private void SetErrorTarget(OperatorInfo info) { _rule.SetTarget( _rule.MakeError( Ast.ComplexCallHelper( typeof(RuntimeHelpers).GetMethod("BadArgumentsForOperation"), ArrayUtils.Insert((Expression)Ast.Constant(info.Operator), _rule.Parameters) ) ) ); }
protected static Expression CallVarArgs(CodeBlockExpression cbe, Expression[] ppp) { bool needscontext = NeedsContext(cbe); //true; int pc = cbe.Block.ParameterCount; Expression[] tail = new Expression[ppp.Length - (pc - 1)]; Array.Copy(ppp, ppp.Length - tail.Length, tail, 0, tail.Length); Expression[] nppp = new Expression[pc]; Array.Copy(ppp, nppp, ppp.Length - tail.Length); if (tail.Length > 0) { nppp[nppp.Length - 1] = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(MakeList(tail, true), tail); } else { nppp[nppp.Length - 1] = Ast.Null(); } ppp = nppp; MethodInfo dc = GetDirectCallable(needscontext, pc, cbe.Type); if (needscontext) { ppp = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), ppp); } cbe = Ast.CodeBlockReference(cbe.Block, CallTargets.GetTargetType(needscontext, pc, false)); cbe.Block.Bind(); var r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(cbe, dc, ppp); if (SpanHint.IsValid) { r.SetLoc(SpanHint); } return(r); }
// (clr-call type member obj arg1 ... ) public override Expression Generate(object args, CodeBlock cb) { Type t = null; string type = null; bool inferred = false; object rtype = Builtins.First(args); ExtractTypeInfo(rtype, out t, out type, out inferred); string member = null; var marg = Builtins.Second(args); object memobj = null; Type[] argtypes = null; Type[] gentypes = null; if (marg is SymbolId) { var mem = Builtins.SymbolValue(marg); if (mem is Cons) { ExtractMethodInfo(mem as Cons, out member, ref argtypes, ref gentypes); } else { ClrSyntaxError("clr-call", "type member not supported", mem); } } else { memobj = Builtins.Second(marg); member = memobj is SymbolId?SymbolTable.IdToString((SymbolId)memobj) : ""; if (memobj is string) { string mems = memobj as string; int bi = mems.IndexOf('('); if (bi < 0) { member = mems; } else { member = mems.Substring(0, bi); } } else if (memobj is Cons) { ExtractMethodInfo(memobj as Cons, out member, ref argtypes, ref gentypes); } } Expression instance = GetAst(Builtins.Third(args), cb); CallType ct = CallType.ImplicitInstance; if (instance is ConstantExpression && ((ConstantExpression)instance).Value == null) { ct = CallType.None; if (inferred) { ClrSyntaxError("clr-call", "type inference not possible on static member", member); } } else if (inferred) { if (instance is UnaryExpression && instance.Type == typeof(object)) { var ue = (UnaryExpression)instance; instance = ue.Operand; } t = instance.Type; } else { instance = ConvertToHelper(t, instance); } type = t.Name; Expression[] arguments = GetAstListNoCast(Cdddr(args) as Cons, cb); if (member == "get_Item") { if (Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute))) { var dma = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute)) as DefaultMemberAttribute; member = "get_" + dma.MemberName; } else if (t.IsArray) { var index = arguments[0]; return(Ast.ArrayIndex(instance, Ast.ConvertHelper(index, typeof(int)))); } } else if (member == "set_Item") { if (Attribute.IsDefined(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute))) { var dma = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute)) as DefaultMemberAttribute; member = "set_" + dma.MemberName; } else if (t.IsArray) { var index = arguments[0]; var v = arguments[1]; return(Ast.Comma(Ast.AssignArrayIndex(instance, Ast.ConvertHelper(index, typeof(int)), v), Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified))); } } List <MethodBase> candidates = new List <MethodBase>(); BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | (ct == CallType.None ? BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Instance) | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; foreach (MethodInfo mi in t.GetMember(member, MemberTypes.Method, bf)) { if (PAL.ExcludeParamtypes(mi)) { continue; } if (mi.ContainsGenericParameters) { if (gentypes != null && mi.GetGenericArguments().Length == gentypes.Length) { candidates.Add(mi.MakeGenericMethod(gentypes)); continue; } } candidates.Add(mi); } Type[] types = new Type[arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { types[i] = arguments[i].Type; } if (memobj is string) { string mems = memobj as string; int bi = mems.IndexOf('('); if (bi < 0) { // do notthig } else { string[] typeargs = mems.Substring(bi + 1).TrimEnd(')').Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { if (typeargs[i].Length > 0) { types[i] = ScanForType(typeargs[i]); } } } } else if (argtypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { types[i] = argtypes[i]; } } if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance) { types = ArrayUtils.Insert(t, types); } MethodBinder mb = MethodBinder.MakeBinder(Binder, member, candidates, BinderType.Normal); MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(ct, types); if (mc == null) { types = new Type[arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { types[i] = typeof(object); } if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance) { types = ArrayUtils.Insert(t, types); } mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(ct, types); } if (mc != null) { MethodInfo meth = (MethodInfo)mc.Target.Method; // do implicit cast ParameterInfo[] pars = meth.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++) { Type tt = pars[i].ParameterType; arguments[i] = ConvertToHelper(tt, arguments[i]); } Expression r = null; // o god... if (ct == CallType.ImplicitInstance) { r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(instance, (MethodInfo)mc.Target.Method, arguments); } else { r = Ast.ComplexCallHelper((MethodInfo)mc.Target.Method, arguments); } return(ConvertFromHelper(meth.ReturnType, r)); } ClrSyntaxError("clr-call", "member could not be resolved on type: " + type, args, member); return(null); }
protected override bool Walk(MethodCallExpression node) { var i = node.Instance; if (node.Method != Generator.ICallable_CallN) { while (i is UnaryExpression && i.NodeType == AstNodeType.Convert) { i = ((UnaryExpression)i).Operand; } if (i is BoundExpression) { var be = (BoundExpression)i; var v = be.Variable.Name; if (Builtins.IsTrue(Builtins.IsSymbolBound(v))) { var val = Builtins.SymbolValue(v); var c = val as BuiltinMethod; if (c != null) { var mb = c.Binder; var pars = new Expression[node.Arguments.Count]; node.Arguments.CopyTo(pars, 0); Type[] types = Array.ConvertAll(pars, x => x.Type); MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types); if (mc != null) { var meth = mc.Target.Method as MethodInfo; node.Method = meth; node.Instance = null; } } else if (val is Closure) { var cc = val as Closure; // will not work on varargs, need to somehow decorate them var meth = Array.Find(cc.Targets, x => x.GetParameters().Length == node.Arguments.Count && (Generator.AllowTransientBinding || !Generator.IsTransient(x.Module))); if (meth != null) { node.Method = meth; node.Instance = null; } else { meth = Array.Find(cc.VarargTargets, x => x.GetParameters().Length - 1 <= node.Arguments.Count && (Generator.AllowTransientBinding || !Generator.IsTransient(x.Module))); if (meth != null) { var newargs = new List <Expression>(); var pars = meth.GetParameters(); var parlen = pars.Length; int x = 0; for (; x < parlen - 1; x++) { newargs.Add(node.Arguments[x]); } var tail = new List <Expression>(); for (; x < node.Arguments.Count; x++) { tail.Add(node.Arguments[x]); } var tailarr = tail.ToArray(); newargs.Add(Ast.ComplexCallHelper(Compiler.Generator.MakeList(tailarr, true), tailarr)); node.Arguments.Clear(); node.Arguments.AddRange(newargs); node.Method = meth; node.ParameterInfos = pars; node.Instance = null; } } } } } } return(base.Walk(node)); }
protected internal static Expression GetAst(object args, CodeBlock cb, bool istailposition) { if (args is Annotation) { args = ((Annotation)args).stripped; } Cons c = args as Cons; if (c != null) { if ( is SymbolId) { SymbolId f = (SymbolId); Variable var = cb.Lookup(f); if (var != null && !assigns.ContainsKey(f)) { var = null; } object m; #if OPTIMIZATIONS #if !BLAH CodeBlockExpression cbe; //// needs to do the same for overloads... if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobals.TryGetValue(f, out cbe)) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (cbe.Block.ParameterCount < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length) { //inline here? we could for simple bodies, but we need to copy the entire structure if (!(cbe.Block.HasEnvironment || cbe.Block.IsClosure)) { if (cbe.Block.Body is ReturnStatement) { ReturnStatement rs = (ReturnStatement)cbe.Block.Body; if (!ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.LightweightDebugging && !cb.IsGlobal && IsSimpleExpression(rs.Expression)) { return(InlineCall(cb, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(RewriteBody(cbe.Block), false, cbe.IsStronglyTyped), ppp)); } } } if (cbe.Block != cb.Parent && cbe.Block != cb) // do TCE later { return(CallNormal(cbe, ppp)); } } } // varargs if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobalsX.TryGetValue(f, out cbe)) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (cbe.Block.ParameterCount < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount - 1 <= ppp.Length) { //inline here? return(CallVarArgs(cbe, ppp)); } } // overloads CodeBlockDescriptor[] cbd; if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobalsN.TryGetValue(f, out cbd)) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); foreach (CodeBlockDescriptor d in cbd) { if (d.codeblock.Block.ParameterCount < 9) { if (ppp.Length == d.arity || (d.varargs && ppp.Length > d.arity)) { if (d.varargs) { //inline here? return(CallVarArgs(d.codeblock, ppp)); } else { //inline here? //if (d.codeblock.Block != cb.Parent && d.codeblock.Block != cb) // do TCE later, not yet { return(CallNormal(d.codeblock, ppp)); } } } } } } #endif //if (!ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode) { if (f == SymbolTable.StringToId("call-with-values")) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (ppp.Length == 2 && ppp[1] is MethodCallExpression) { MethodCallExpression consumer = ppp[1] as MethodCallExpression; if (ppp[0] is MethodCallExpression) { MethodCallExpression producer = ppp[0] as MethodCallExpression; if (consumer.Method == Closure_Make && producer.Method == Closure_Make) { CodeBlockExpression ccbe = consumer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; CodeBlockExpression pcbe = producer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; pcbe.Block.Bind(); ccbe.Block.Bind(); if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 0) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe)); } else if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 1) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe, Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("UnwrapValue"), InlineCall(cb, pcbe)))); } else { Variable values = cb.CreateTemporaryVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym("values"), typeof(object[])); Expression valuesarr = Ast.Read(values); Expression[] pppp = new Expression[ccbe.Block.ParameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pppp.Length; i++) { pppp[i] = Ast.ArrayIndex(valuesarr, Ast.Constant(i)); } return(Ast.Comma( Ast.Void( Ast.Write( values, Ast.ComplexCallHelper( Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("WrapValue"), InlineCall(cb, pcbe)), typeof(MultipleValues).GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { typeof(int) }), Ast.Constant(pppp.Length)))), InlineCall(cb, ccbe, pppp))); } } } if (consumer.Method == Closure_Make) { CodeBlockExpression ccbe = consumer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; ccbe.Block.Bind(); Expression producer = ppp[0]; Expression exx = Ast.ConvertHelper(producer, typeof(Callable)); MethodInfo callx = GetCallable(0); if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 0) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe)); } else if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 1) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe, Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("UnwrapValue"), Ast.Call(exx, callx)))); } else { Variable values = cb.CreateTemporaryVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym("values"), typeof(object[])); Expression valuesarr = Ast.Read(values); Expression[] pppp = new Expression[ccbe.Block.ParameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pppp.Length; i++) { pppp[i] = Ast.ArrayIndex(valuesarr, Ast.Constant(i)); } return(Ast.Comma( Ast.Void( Ast.Write( values, Ast.ComplexCallHelper( Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("WrapValue"), Ast.Call(exx, callx)), typeof(MultipleValues).GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { typeof(int) }), Ast.Constant(pppp.Length)))), InlineCall(cb, ccbe, pppp))); } } } else { ; } } } #endif // this can be enabled once builtins are auto CPS'd. // ok I tried, but there are issues still, not sure what #if OPTIMIZATIONS // check for inline emitter InlineEmitter ie; if (TryGetInlineEmitter(f, out ie)) { Expression result = ie(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb)); // if null is returned, the method cannot be inlined if (result != null) { if (spanhint.IsValid) { result.SetLoc(spanhint); } return(result); } } #endif if (Context.Scope.TryLookupName(f, out m)) { if (var == null) { IGenerator gh = m as IGenerator; if (gh != null) { return(gh.Generate(c.cdr, cb)); } BuiltinMethod bf = m as BuiltinMethod; if (bf != null) { MethodBinder mb = bf.Binder; Expression[] pars = Array.ConvertAll(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb), e => Unwrap(e)); if (bf.AllowConstantFold && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode) { bool constant = Array.TrueForAll(pars, e => e is ConstantExpression && e.Type != typeof(BigInteger)); if (constant) { object[] cargs = Array.ConvertAll(pars, e => GetRuntimeConstant((ConstantExpression)e)); CallTarget0 disp = delegate { return(bf.Call(cargs)); }; CallTarget1 handler = delegate(object e) { throw new CompileTimeEvaluationException(); }; try { object result = Runtime.R6RS.Exceptions.WithExceptionHandler( Closure.Create(handler), Closure.Create(disp)); var rrrr = GetCons(result, cb); if (spanhint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanhint); } return(rrrr); } catch (CompileTimeEvaluationException) { } } } Type[] types = GetExpressionTypes(pars); MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types); if (mc != null) { if (mc.Target.NeedsContext) { pars = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), pars); } MethodBase meth = mc.Target.Method; var rrrr = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(meth as MethodInfo, pars); if (spanhint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanhint); } return(rrrr); } } Closure clos = m as Closure; if (clos != null && !SetGenerator.IsAssigned(f)) { // no provision for varargs MethodInfo[] mis = clos.Targets; if (mis.Length > 0) { MethodBinder mb = MethodBinder.MakeBinder(binder, SymbolTable.IdToString(f), mis, BinderType.Normal); Expression[] pars = Array.ConvertAll(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb), e => Unwrap(e)); if (clos.AllowConstantFold && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode) { bool constant = Array.TrueForAll(pars, e => e is ConstantExpression && e.Type != typeof(BigInteger)); if (constant) { object[] cargs = Array.ConvertAll(pars, e => GetRuntimeConstant((ConstantExpression)e)); CallTarget0 disp = delegate { var rrrr = clos.Call(cargs); return(rrrr); }; CallTarget1 handler = delegate(object e) { throw new CompileTimeEvaluationException(); }; try { object result = Runtime.R6RS.Exceptions.WithExceptionHandler( Closure.Create(handler), Closure.Create(disp)); var rrrr = GetCons(result, cb); if (spanhint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanhint); } return(rrrr); } catch (CompileTimeEvaluationException) { } } } // exclude transient members if needed if (!AllowTransientBinding) { mis = Array.FindAll(mis, x => !IsTransient(x.Module)); } if (mis.Length > 0) { Type[] types = GetExpressionTypes(pars); MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types); if (mc != null) { if (mc.Target.NeedsContext) { pars = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), pars); } MethodBase meth = mc.Target.Method; var rrrr = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(meth as MethodInfo, pars); if (spanhint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanhint); } return(rrrr); } } } // check for overload thing } } } } Expression ex = Unwrap(GetAst(, cb)); // a 'let' if (ex is MethodCallExpression) { var ppp = GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb); MethodCallExpression mcexpr = (MethodCallExpression)ex; if (mcexpr.Method == Closure_Make) { CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length) { return(InlineCall(cb, cbe, istailposition, ppp)); } } // cater for varargs more efficiently, this does not seem to hit, probably needed somewhere else if (mcexpr.Method == Closure_MakeVarArgsX) { CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount <= ppp.Length) { return(CallVarArgs(cbe, ppp)); } } } if (ex is NewExpression && typeof(ITypedCallable).IsAssignableFrom(ex.Type)) { NewExpression mcexpr = ex as NewExpression; CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; if (cbe == null && mcexpr.Arguments[0].Type == typeof(CodeContext) && mcexpr.Arguments[0] is ConstantExpression) // implies null { cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[1] as CodeBlockExpression; } if (cbe != null) { var ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length) { return(InlineCall(cb, cbe, istailposition, ppp)); } } } if (ex is ConstantExpression) { Builtins.SyntaxError(SymbolTable.StringToObject("generator"), "expecting a procedure",, c); } Expression r = null; if (ex.Type.Name.Contains("TypedClosure")) { Expression[] pp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); var m = ex.Type.GetMethod("Invoke"); r = Ast.SimpleCallHelper(ex, m, pp); } else { Expression[] pp = GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (ex.Type != typeof(Callable)) { ex = Ast.ConvertHelper(ex, typeof(Callable)); } MethodInfo call = GetCallable(pp.Length); r = pp.Length > 8 ? Ast.Call(ex, call, Ast.NewArray(typeof(object[]), pp)) : Ast.Call(ex, call, pp); } if (spanhint.IsValid) { r.SetLoc(spanhint); } return(r); } object[] v = args as object[]; if (v != null) { return(GetConsVector(v, cb)); } else if (args is byte[]) { Expression[] ba = Array.ConvertAll(args as byte[], b => Ast.Constant(b)); return(Ast.NewArray(typeof(byte[]), ba)); } else { if (args is SymbolId) { SymbolId sym = (SymbolId)args; if (sym == SymbolTable.StringToId("uninitialized")) { return(Ast.ReadField(null, typeof(Uninitialized), "Instance")); } else { return(Read(sym, cb, typeof(object))); } } if (args == Builtins.Unspecified) { return(Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified)); } if (args is Fraction) { Fraction f = (Fraction)args; return(Ast.Constant(new FractionConstant(f))); } if (args is ComplexFraction) { ComplexFraction f = (ComplexFraction)args; return(Ast.Constant(new ComplexFractionConstant(f))); } if (args != null && args.GetType().Name == "stx") { args = new SerializedConstant(args); } return(Ast.Constant(args)); } }