public async Task ReactionRemoved(ICacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cachedMessage, IISocketMessageChannel channel, ISocketReaction reaction)
            //Bugfix for NRE?
            if (reaction is null || reaction.User.Value is null)

            //Don't trigger if the emoji is wrong, or if the user is bot
            if (reaction.User.IsSpecified && reaction.User.Value.IsBot)

            if (reaction.Emote.Name != _emoji)

            //If there's an error reply when the reaction is removed, delete that reply,
            //remove the cached error, remove it from the cached replies, and remove
            //the reactions from the original message
            if (ErrorReplies.TryGetValue(cachedMessage.Id, out var botReplyId) == false)

            await channel.DeleteMessageAsync(botReplyId);

                AssociatedErrors.TryRemove(cachedMessage.Id, out _) &&
                ErrorReplies.TryRemove(cachedMessage.Id, out _)
                var originalMessage = await cachedMessage.GetOrDownloadAsync();

                //If we know what user added the reaction, remove their and our reaction
                //Otherwise just remove ours

                if (reaction.User.IsSpecified)
                    await originalMessage.RemoveReactionAsync(_emote, reaction.User.Value);

                await originalMessage.RemoveReactionAsync(_emote, await _selfUserProvider.GetSelfUserAsync());