void drawAssetScope() { if (SRWindow.Instance.Compact()) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } string[] scopeLabels = new string[] { "Prefabs", "Scenes", "Scriptable Objects", "Materials", "Animations", "Animators", "Textures", "AudioClips" }; AssetScope newAssetScope = (AssetScope)EditorGUILayout.MaskField("Assets:", (int)assetScope, scopeLabels); if (newAssetScope != assetScope) { assetScope = newAssetScope; SRWindow.Instance.PersistCurrentSearch(); } if (SRWindow.Instance.Compact()) { GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { // GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }
public VFSIndex CreateIndexReader(AssetScope scope) { var indexDatabaseName = scope == AssetScope.Global ? "globals.idx" : "locals.idx"; var indexDbPath = Path.Combine(_prefixFolderPath, indexDatabaseName); return(new VFSIndex(indexDbPath, scope)); }
public VFSDataFile CreateDataFileReader(AssetScope scope) { var dataDatabaseName = scope == AssetScope.Global ? "globals.data" : "locals.data"; var dataDbPath = Path.Combine(_prefixFolderPath, dataDatabaseName); return(new VFSDataFile(dataDbPath)); }
void addObjectsInLocation(ObjectID scopeObj, string[] allAssets, AssetScope jobScope) { string[] addedPaths = new string[0]; if (scopeObj.isDirectory) { if ((jobScope & assetScope) == assetScope) { string scopePath = scopeObj.assetPath; addedPaths = allAssets.Where(asset => suffixes.Any(suffix => asset.EndsWith(suffix, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToArray(); addedPaths = addedPaths.Where(asset => asset.StartsWith(scopePath)).ToArray(); // Debug.Log("[SearchSubJob"+GetType()+"] Found "+addedPaths.Length + " things in "+scopePath); // foreach(string path in addedPaths) // { // Debug.Log("[SearchSubJob] found:"+path); // } } else { // Debug.Log("[SearchSubJob] Ignoring, not in scope."); } } else { if (suffixes.Any(suffix => scopeObj.assetPath.EndsWith(suffix))) { // Debug.Log("[SearchSubJob] searching object:"+scopeObj.assetPath); addedPaths = new string[1]; addedPaths[0] = scopeObj.assetPath; } } addItems(addedPaths); // Debug.Log("[SearchSubJob] added:"+addedPaths.Length); }
public SearchScopeData(ProjectScope ep, AssetScope s, ObjectID oid, bool sd) { projectScope = ep; assetScope = s; scopeObj = oid; searchDependencies = sd; searchDependencies = false; }
public SearchScopeData(ProjectScope ep, AssetScope s, ObjectID oid, bool sd, bool lp) { projectScope = ep; assetScope = s; scopeObj = oid; searchDependencies = sd; loadPrefab = lp; }
public Material(String name, Texture2D texture, AssetScope scope) { this.Name = name; this._texture = texture; this.Filename = ""; this.AreasDefinitionFilename = ""; this.Scope = scope; this.Areas = new Dictionary<String, Rectangle>(); }
public Material(String name, Texture2D texture, AssetScope scope) { this.Name = name; this._texture = texture; this.Filename = ""; this.AreasDefinitionFilename = ""; this.Scope = scope; this.Areas = new Dictionary <String, Rectangle>(); }
public SceneSubJob(SearchJob j, AssetScope sc, string[] allAssets, string[] s) : base(j, sc, allAssets, s, false) { sceneSetups = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup(); foreach (SceneSetup sceneSetup in sceneSetups) { loadScenesHash[sceneSetup.path] = sceneSetup; // Debug.Log("[SceneSubJob] scene:"+sceneSetup.path); } }
public SearchSubJob(SearchJob j, AssetScope sc, string[] allAssets, string[] s, bool ari) { job = j; suffixes = s; assetScope = sc; assetRequiresImporter = ari; foreach (string ss in s) { job.supportedFileTypes.Add(ss); } filterAssetPaths(allAssets); }
internal VFSIndex(string indexDbPath, AssetScope scope) { Contract.Requires(indexDbPath != null); Contract.Requires(Directory.Exists(indexDbPath), "Specified indexDbPath does not exist!"); // Still might not later, but an upfront check is not unreasonable. _indexDbPath = indexDbPath; LOG.Debug($"Initializing connection to Index DB '{_indexDbPath}'"); _indexDbConnection = new SqliteConnection($"Data Source={_indexDbPath};Version=3;"); _scope = scope; }
public HashSet <string> GetSuffixesForScope(AssetScope scope) { HashSet <string> retVal = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var kvp in suffixesForScope) { if ((scope & kvp.Key) == kvp.Key) { foreach (string suffix in kvp.Value) { retVal.Add(suffix); } } } return(retVal); }
public override void OnSearchBegin() { UnityEngine.Object o = objID.obj; if (o is Component || o is GameObject) { searchScope = AssetScope.Prefabs | AssetScope.Scenes; } else if (o is MonoScript) { //This could be better but for now we just search anything that can have a monoscript. searchScope = AssetScope.Prefabs | AssetScope.Scenes | AssetScope.ScriptableObjects; } else if (o is ScriptableObject) { searchScope = AssetScope.ScriptableObjects; } else if (o is Material) { searchScope = AssetScope.Materials; } else if (o is AnimationClip) { searchScope = AssetScope.Animations; } else if (o is UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController) { searchScope = AssetScope.Animators; } else if (o is Texture) { searchScope = AssetScope.Textures; } else if (o is AudioClip) { searchScope = AssetScope.AudioClips; } else { // Debug.Log("[SearchItemProperty] Unknown! Setting to all"); searchScope = (AssetScope) ~0; //All! } }
AssetScope DrawAssetScopeButton(AssetScope val, AssetScope currentMask, GUIContent content) { bool selected = GUILayout.Toggle((currentMask & val) == val, content, SRWindow.toolbarButton, GUILayout.MinWidth(30)); if (selected) { if ((currentMask & val) == 0) { currentMask |= val; } } else { if ((currentMask & val) == val) { currentMask &= ~val; } } return(currentMask); }
public SceneObjectSubJob(SearchJob j, AssetScope sc, string[] allAssets, string[] s) : base(j, sc, allAssets, s, false) { }
public IceEffect(AssetScope scope, string name) { this.Scope = scope; this.Name = name; }
public IceFont(String name, SpriteFont font, AssetScope scope) { this.Name = name; this._font = font; this.Scope = scope; }
public IceFont(String name, SpriteFont font, AssetScope scope) { this.Name = name; this._font= font; this.Scope = scope; }
public ActionResult GetRoleItems(AssetScope scope, int iDisplayStart, int iDisplayLength, string sEcho) { using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { var query = context.Roles.Where(x => x.ScopeValue == (int)scope) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Name); var totalRecords = query.Count(); var page = query.Skip(iDisplayStart).Take(iDisplayLength).ToList(); var model = new DataTablePage { sEcho = sEcho, iTotalRecords = totalRecords, iTotalDisplayRecords = totalRecords }; var roles = (from x in page select new RoleModel { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name }).ToList(); foreach (var role in roles) { var item = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"Name", role.Name}, {"DT_RowId", "roleItem_" + role.Id} }; model.aaData.Add(item); } return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }