/// <summary>
        /// Reloads the specified asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetName">Name of the asset to load</param>
        /// <returns>The new reference to the reloaded asset</returns>
        public object Reload(string assetName, AssetLoadedHandler Callback)
            if (mCache.ContainsKey(assetName))
                AssetTracker oldAssetTracker = mCache[assetName];

                // Remove tracker so Load<T>() will create a new one

                // Load it again
                object asset = Load(assetName, Callback);

                // Invoke AssetChanged event
                oldAssetTracker.OnAssetChanged(new AssetChangedEventArgs(asset));

                // Destroy previous tracker
                DisposeAssetTracker(oldAssetTracker, true);

                return(Load(assetName, Callback));
Exemple #2
        private AssetRequest <TAsset> loadAsync <TAsset>(string key, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null) where TAsset : class
            ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry = getAssetEntry(key);
            TAsset indexedAsset = getIndexedAsset <TAsset>(entry.Key);
            AssetRequest <TAsset> assetRequest;
            CoroutineReturn       value;

            if (indexedAsset != null)
                assetRequest = new IndexedAssetRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, indexedAsset);
                if (handler != null)
                    CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitOneFrameBeforeCallingHandler(key, indexedAsset, handler), this, "waitOneFrameBeforeCallingHandler");
            else if (!activeRequests.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out value))
                activeRequestHandlers.Add(entry.Key, new List <object>());
                assetRequest = loadAsyncEntry(ref entry, handler);
                activeRequests.Add(entry.Key, assetRequest);
                if (handler != null)
                assetRequest = (AssetRequest <TAsset>)value;
            if (assetRequest == null)
                Log.LogError(this, "Failed to load " + key);
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the specified asset arrays. Read it from disk if not available
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The Type of asset to load</typeparam>
 /// <param name="assetNames">Names of the assets to load</param>
 /// <returns>A reference array to the loaded assets</returns>
 public object[] Load(string[] assetNames, AssetLoadedHandler Callback)
     object[] assets = new object[assetNames.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++)
         assets[i] = Load(assetNames[i], null, Callback);
		/// <summary>
		/// Asyncronously loads the specified asset
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="assetName">Name of asset to laod</param>
		/// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
		/// <returns>AssetTracker of asset to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
		public AssetTracker LoadAsync(string assetName, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler Callback) {
			AssetTracker tracker = null;

			// Check if asset is already loaded
			if (mCache.ContainsKey(assetName)) {
				tracker = mCache[assetName];

				// Increment reference count

				// Call the specified item loaded method
				if (itemLoadedMethod != null)
			} else {
				if (mLoadThread == null) {
					// First time LoadAsync has been called so 
					// initialise thread, reset event and queue
					mLoadThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoadingThreadWorker));
					mLoadItemsQueue = new Queue<LoadAsyncParams>();
					mLoadResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

					// Start thread. It will wait once queue is empty

				// Create the async argument structure and enqueue it for async load.
				lock (mLoadItemsQueue) {
					// first check if this item is already enqueued
					Queue<LoadAsyncParams>.Enumerator enumer = mLoadItemsQueue.GetEnumerator();
					while (enumer.MoveNext()) {
						if (enumer.Current.Tracker.AssetName == assetName) {
							// Register the itemLoaded method
							tracker = enumer.Current.Tracker;

					// Item not already queued for loading
					if (tracker == null) {
						LoadAsyncParams args = new LoadAsyncParams(assetName, itemLoadedMethod);
						tracker = args.Tracker;

				// Tell loading thread to stop waiting

			tracker.OnAssetLoaded = Callback;

			// Return tracker. Allows async caller to poll loaded status
			return tracker;
Exemple #5
        public static bool TryLoadAsync <TAsset>(out AssetRequest <TAsset> result, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler, TypedAssetContentKey <TAsset> key, params string[] args) where TAsset : class
            string key2 = key.Expand(args);

            if (ContainsKey(key2))
                result = LoadAsync(key2, handler);
            result = null;
Exemple #6
        public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            Resources.Load <TextAsset>(entry.Key);
            ResourceRequest unityRequest                   = Resources.LoadAsync <TextAsset>(entry.Key);
            AssetRequestWrapper <TAsset> request           = new AssetRequestWrapper <TAsset>(null);
            AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset>   asyncAssetRequest = new AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, request);

            CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForTextAssetToLoad(entry.Key, unityRequest, asyncAssetRequest), this, "test");
        public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            string    key       = entry.Key;
            TextAsset textAsset = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(key);

            return(new IndexedAssetRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, (TAsset)(object)textAsset));
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the specified asset arrays. Read it from disk if not available
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filenames">Names of the assets to load</param>
 /// <param name="callback"></param>
 /// <returns>A reference array to the loaded assets</returns>
 public object[] Load(string[] filenames, AssetLoadedHandler callback)
     return(mExtendedContentManager.Load(filenames, callback));
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the specified asset List. Read it from disk if not available
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filenames"></param>
 /// <param name="callback"></param>
 /// <returns>A reference List to the loaded assets</returns>
 public List <object> Load(List <string> filenames, AssetLoadedHandler callback)
     return(mExtendedContentManager.Load(filenames, callback));
        private IEnumerator waitForFileStreamAssetToLoad <TAsset>(AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset> assetRequest, string key, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(key, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 1024, useAsync: true);

            byte[] bytes;
                bytes = new byte[fileStream.Length];
                IAsyncResult asyncResult = fileStream.BeginRead(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, null, null);
                while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
                    yield return(null);
            assetRequest.Request = new IndexedAssetRequest <TAsset>(key, (TAsset)(object)bytes);
            yield return(assetRequest);

            handler?.Invoke(key, (TAsset)(object)bytes);
Exemple #11
        private IEnumerator waitForBundleToCreate <TAsset>(string key, AssetBundleCreateWrapper bundleRequest, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            AssetBundleCreateRequest bundleLoadRequest = (AssetBundleCreateRequest)(bundleRequest.MutableOperation = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(key));

            yield return(bundleLoadRequest);

            AssetBundle bundle = bundleLoadRequest.assetBundle;

            if (bundle == null)
                Log.LogError(this, "Failed to load asset bundle:" + key);
		/// <summary>
		/// Asyncronously loads the specified asset array
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="assetNames">Names of assets to laod</param>
		/// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
		/// <returns>AssetTracker array of assets to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
		public AssetTracker[] LoadAsync(string[] assetNames, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler Callback) {
			AssetTracker[] assets = new AssetTracker[assetNames.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++)
				assets[i] = LoadAsync(assetNames[i], itemLoadedMethod, Callback);
			return assets;
		/// <summary>
		/// Reloads the specified asset.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="assetName">Name of the asset to load</param>
		/// <returns>The new reference to the reloaded asset</returns>
		public object Reload( string assetName, AssetLoadedHandler Callback ) {
			if( mCache.ContainsKey( assetName ) ) {
				AssetTracker oldAssetTracker = mCache[ assetName ];

				// Remove tracker so Load<T>() will create a new one
				mCache.Remove( assetName );
				mCacheNames.Remove( assetName );

				// Load it again
				object asset = Load( assetName, Callback );

				// Invoke AssetChanged event
				oldAssetTracker.OnAssetChanged( new AssetChangedEventArgs( asset ) );

				// Destroy previous tracker
				DisposeAssetTracker( oldAssetTracker, true );

				return asset;
			} else
				return Load( assetName, Callback );
Exemple #14
        public AsyncAssetBundleRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string key, string assetPath, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null) where TAsset : class
            AsyncAssetBundleRequest <TAsset> asyncAssetBundleRequest;

            if (activeRequests.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
                asyncAssetBundleRequest = (AsyncAssetBundleRequest <TAsset>)value;
                asyncAssetBundleRequest = new AsyncAssetBundleRequest <TAsset>(key, null);
                activeRequests[key]     = asyncAssetBundleRequest;
                CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForAssetToLoad(key, assetPath, asyncAssetBundleRequest, handler), this, "waitForAssetToLoad");
            LastLoadFrame = Time.frameCount;
 public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
     return(AsycnResourceLoader <TAsset> .Load(ref entry, handler));
        public static AssetRequest <TAsset> Load(ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            ResourceRequest resourceRequest = Resources.LoadAsync(entry.Key, typeof(TAsset));

            if (resourceRequest.isDone && resourceRequest.asset == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Asset could not be loaded. Is the key correct? Key = " + entry.Key);
            AsyncAssetResourceRequest <TAsset> asyncAssetResourceRequest = new AsyncAssetResourceRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, resourceRequest);

            if (handler != null)
                CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForLoadToFinish(entry.Key, asyncAssetResourceRequest, handler), typeof(AsycnResourceLoader <TAsset>), "waitForLoadToFinish");
		private object Load( string assetName, AssetTracker tracker, AssetLoadedHandler Callback ) {
			// Return asset if currently loaded
			if( mCache.ContainsKey( assetName ) ) {
				// Get asset tracker
				AssetTracker trackerExisting = mCache[ assetName ];

				object asset = trackerExisting.Asset;

				// Increment tracker's reference count after the cast as the cast will  
				// throw an exception if the incorrect generic type parameter is given 

				// Maintain the reference lists to show that this asset was loaded by
				// the asset on the top of the stack
				if( mCacheLoadingStack.Count > 0 ) {
					mCacheLoadingStack.Peek().RefersTo.Add( assetName );
					trackerExisting.ReferredToBy.Add( mCacheLoadingStack.Peek().AssetName );

				return asset;

			// Need to load the asset. Create an AssetTracker to track it
			// unless we have been passed an existing AssetTracker
			if( tracker == null ) {
				// Initialise tracker
				tracker = new AssetTracker();
				tracker.RefCount = 1;
				tracker.AssetName = assetName;

			// Stack count will be zero if called by user. 
			// Otherwise, Load<T> was called internally by ReadAsset<T>
			if( mCacheLoadingStack.Count > 0 ) {
				// Maintain the reference lists

				// The asset on the top of the stack refers to this asset
				mCacheLoadingStack.Peek().RefersTo.Add( assetName );

				// This asset was loaded by the asset on the top of the stack
				tracker.ReferredToBy.Add( mCacheLoadingStack.Peek().AssetName );

			// Put current asset tracker on top of the stack 
			// for next call to Load<T>
			mCacheLoadingStack.Push( tracker );

			try {
				tracker.Asset = ReadAsset( assetName, tracker.TrackDisposableAsset );
				tracker.Asset = Callback( tracker );

				// Ensure the list of disposables doesn't refer to the 
				// actual asset, or to any assets in the loadedAssets Dictionary.
				// Best to do this now to avoid multiple disposing later
				tracker.Disposables.RemoveAll( delegate( IDisposable d ) {
					string tmp = "";
					return tracker.Asset == d || SearchForAsset( d, out tmp );
				} );
			} catch( Exception ex ) {
				System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Asset.Load() Exception\n" + ex.ToString() );

			} finally {
				// Asset has been loaded so the top tracker is not needed on the stack

			// Store the asset and it's disposables list
			mCache.Add( assetName, tracker );
			mCacheNames.Add( assetName );

			// Mark tracker as ready to use
			tracker.Status = EAssetStatus.Active;

			// Return loaded asset
			return tracker.Asset;
		/// <summary>
		/// Return the specified asset. Read it from disk if not available
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T">The Type of asset to load</typeparam>
		/// <param name="assetName">Name of the asset to load</param>
		/// <returns>A reference to the loaded asset</returns>
		public object Load( string assetName, AssetLoadedHandler Callback ) {
			return Load( assetName, null, Callback );
		/// <summary>
		/// Return the specified asset List. Read it from disk if not available
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T">The Type of asset to load</typeparam>
		/// <param name="assetNames">Names of the assets to load</param>
		/// <returns>A reference List to the loaded assets</returns>
		public List<object> Load( List<string> assetNames, AssetLoadedHandler Callback ) {
			return new List<object>( this.Load( assetNames.ToArray(), Callback ) );
		/// <summary>
		/// Return the specified asset arrays. Read it from disk if not available
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T">The Type of asset to load</typeparam>
		/// <param name="assetNames">Names of the assets to load</param>
		/// <returns>A reference array to the loaded assets</returns>
		public object[] Load( string[] assetNames, AssetLoadedHandler Callback ) {
			object[] assets = new object[ assetNames.Length ];
			for( int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++ )
				assets[ i ] = Load( assetNames[ i ], null, Callback );
			return assets;
        private IEnumerator waitForStringToLoad <TAsset>(AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset> assetRequest, AssetRequest <TextAsset> textRequest, string key, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            yield return(textRequest);

            string text = textRequest.Asset.text;

            assetRequest.Request = new IndexedAssetRequest <TAsset>(key, (TAsset)(object)text);
            yield return(assetRequest);

            handler?.Invoke(key, (TAsset)(object)text);
        public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            string bundlePath = UriUtil.Combine(baseUri, entry.Key);
            AssetBundleWwwWrapper          assetBundleWwwWrapper = new AssetBundleWwwWrapper(bundlePath, gcsAccessTokenService);
            AsyncBundleWwwRequest <TAsset> result = new AsyncBundleWwwRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, assetBundleWwwWrapper);
            uint result2 = 0u;

            if (entry.UserData != null && entry.UserData is ContentManifest.BundleEntry && !uint.TryParse(((ContentManifest.BundleEntry)entry.UserData).Crc, out result2))
                result2 = 0u;
            CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForBundleToLoad(assetBundleWwwWrapper, result2, handler), this, "waitForBundleToLoad");
        private IEnumerator waitForFileStreamAssetToLoad <TAsset>(AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset> assetRequest, string key, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            string fileText;

            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(key))
                fileText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            assetRequest.Request = new IndexedAssetRequest <TAsset>(key, (TAsset)(object)fileText);
            yield return(assetRequest);

            handler?.Invoke(key, (TAsset)(object)fileText);
        private IEnumerator waitForBundleToLoad <TAsset>(AssetBundleWwwWrapper bundleRequestWrapper, uint crc, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            CPipeManifestResponse cpipeManifestResponse = new CPipeManifestResponse();

            yield return(cpipeManifestService.LookupAssetUrl(cpipeManifestResponse, bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cpipeManifestResponse.FullAssetUrl))
                throw new Exception($"Bundle \"{bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath}\" NOT FOUND in CPipe manifest.");
            while (!Caching.ready)
                yield return(null);
            bundleRequestWrapper.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(cpipeManifestResponse.FullAssetUrl, crc);
            Service.Get <LoadingController>().RegisterDownload(bundleRequestWrapper.WebRequest);
            yield return(bundleRequestWrapper.Send());

            Service.Get <LoadingController>().UnRegisterDownload(bundleRequestWrapper.WebRequest);
            if (DelayLoading)
                yield return(null);

                yield return(null);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (bundleRequestWrapper.WebRequest.isNetworkError)
                    Log.LogErrorFormatted(this, "Retry count {0}. Failed to download bundle {1} with error: {2}", i + 1, bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath, bundleRequestWrapper.WebRequest.error);
                    if (!(bundleRequestWrapper.AssetBundle == null))
                    Log.LogErrorFormatted(this, "Retry count {0}. Downloaded bundle was null", i + 1);
                bundleRequestWrapper.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(cpipeManifestResponse.FullAssetUrl, crc);
                string message = $"Retry bundle load with expected CRC {crc}: {bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath}";
                Service.Get <LoadingController>().RegisterDownload(bundleRequestWrapper.WebRequest);
                yield return(bundleRequestWrapper.Send());

                Service.Get <LoadingController>().UnRegisterDownload(bundleRequestWrapper.WebRequest);
            if (bundleRequestWrapper.AssetBundle != null)
                string breadcrumb = $"Loaded bundle with expected CRC {crc}: {bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath}";
                string breadcrumb = $"Failed to load bundle with expected CRC {crc}: {bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath}";
            if (handler != null)
                TAsset asset = null;
                if (bundleRequestWrapper.AssetBundle != null)
                    asset = (TAsset)(object)bundleRequestWrapper.AssetBundle;
                handler(bundleRequestWrapper.BundlePath, asset);
            bundleRequestWrapper.IsComplete = true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Asyncronously loads the specified asset List
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="assetNames">Names of assets to laod</param>
		/// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
		/// <returns>AssetTracker List of assets to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
		public List<AssetTracker> LoadAsync(List<string> assetNames, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler Callback) {
			return new List<AssetTracker>(LoadAsync(assetNames.ToArray(), itemLoadedMethod, Callback));
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Asyncronously loads the specified asset array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assetNames">Names of assets to laod</param>
 /// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
 /// <returns>AssetTracker array of assets to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
 public AssetTracker[] LoadAsync(string[] assetNames, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler Callback)
     AssetTracker[] assets = new AssetTracker[assetNames.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++)
         assets[i] = LoadAsync(assetNames[i], itemLoadedMethod, Callback);
        public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            AssetRequestWrapper <TAsset> request           = new AssetRequestWrapper <TAsset>(null);
            AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset>   asyncAssetRequest = new AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, request);

            CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForFileStreamAssetToLoad(asyncAssetRequest, entry.AssetPath, handler), this, "waitForFileStreamAssetToLoad");
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Asyncronously loads the specified asset List
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assetNames">Names of assets to laod</param>
 /// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
 /// <returns>AssetTracker List of assets to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
 public List <AssetTracker> LoadAsync(List <string> assetNames, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler Callback)
     return(new List <AssetTracker>(LoadAsync(assetNames.ToArray(), itemLoadedMethod, Callback)));
Exemple #29
        public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            AssetBundleCreateWrapper          assetBundleCreateWrapper = new AssetBundleCreateWrapper(null);
            AsyncBundleCreateRequest <TAsset> result = new AsyncBundleCreateRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, assetBundleCreateWrapper);

            CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForBundleToCreate(entry.Key, assetBundleCreateWrapper, handler), this, "waitForBundleToCreate");
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Asyncronously loads the specified asset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetName">Name of asset to laod</param>
        /// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
        /// <returns>AssetTracker of asset to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
        public AssetTracker LoadAsync(string assetName, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler Callback)
            AssetTracker tracker = null;

            // Check if asset is already loaded
            if (mCache.ContainsKey(assetName))
                tracker = mCache[assetName];

                // Increment reference count

                // Call the specified item loaded method
                if (itemLoadedMethod != null)
                if (mLoadThread == null)
                    // First time LoadAsync has been called so
                    // initialise thread, reset event and queue
                    mLoadThread     = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoadingThreadWorker));
                    mLoadItemsQueue = new Queue <LoadAsyncParams>();
                    mLoadResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                    // Start thread. It will wait once queue is empty

                // Create the async argument structure and enqueue it for async load.
                lock (mLoadItemsQueue) {
                    // first check if this item is already enqueued
                    Queue <LoadAsyncParams> .Enumerator enumer = mLoadItemsQueue.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumer.MoveNext())
                        if (enumer.Current.Tracker.AssetName == assetName)
                            // Register the itemLoaded method
                            tracker = enumer.Current.Tracker;

                    // Item not already queued for loading
                    if (tracker == null)
                        LoadAsyncParams args = new LoadAsyncParams(assetName, itemLoadedMethod);
                        tracker = args.Tracker;

                // Tell loading thread to stop waiting

            tracker.OnAssetLoaded = Callback;

            // Return tracker. Allows async caller to poll loaded status
 /// <summary>
 /// Asyncronously loads the specified asset List
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filenames"></param>
 /// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
 /// <param name="callback"></param>
 /// <returns>AssetTracker List of assets to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
 public List <AssetTracker> LoadAsync(List <string> filenames, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler callback)
     return(mExtendedContentManager.LoadAsync(filenames, itemLoadedMethod, callback));
        public override AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null)
            gcsAccessTokenService = Service.Get <IGcsAccessTokenService>();
            string bundlePath = UriUtil.Combine(baseUri, entry.Key);
            AssetBundleWwwWrapper          assetBundleWwwWrapper = new AssetBundleWwwWrapper(bundlePath, gcsAccessTokenService);
            AsyncBundleWwwRequest <TAsset> result = new AsyncBundleWwwRequest <TAsset>(entry.Key, assetBundleWwwWrapper);

            CoroutineRunner.StartPersistent(waitForBundleToLoad(assetBundleWwwWrapper, handler, entry.IsCacheOnly), this, "Local_waitForBundleToLoad");
 /// <summary>
 /// Asyncronously loads the specified asset array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filenames"></param>
 /// <param name="itemLoadedMethod">Method to call once load is completed</param>
 /// <param name="callback"></param>
 /// <returns>AssetTracker array of assets to be loaded. Allows to poll the asset status if desired</returns>
 public AssetTracker[] LoadAsync(string[] filenames, AssetLoaded itemLoadedMethod, AssetLoadedHandler callback)
     return(mExtendedContentManager.LoadAsync(filenames, itemLoadedMethod, callback));
        private IEnumerator waitForBundleToLoad <TAsset>(AssetBundleWwwWrapper bundleRequest, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler, bool cacheOnly) where TAsset : class
            Service.Get <LoadingController>().RegisterDownload(bundleRequest.WebRequest);
            yield return(bundleRequest.Send());

            Service.Get <LoadingController>().UnRegisterDownload(bundleRequest.WebRequest);
            if (handler != null)
                AssetBundle assetBundle = null;
                if (!cacheOnly)
                    assetBundle = bundleRequest.AssetBundle;
                TAsset asset = null;
                if (assetBundle != null)
                    asset = (TAsset)(object)assetBundle;
                handler(bundleRequest.BundlePath, asset);
            yield return(null);
 public AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null) where TAsset : class
     prepareDevice(ref deviceList, out var device);
     return(device.LoadAsync(deviceList, ref entry, handler));
Exemple #36
        private IEnumerator waitForStringToLoad <TAsset>(AsyncAssetRequest <TAsset> assetRequest, AssetRequest <string> stringRequest, string key, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            yield return(stringRequest);

            string      jsonString = stringRequest.Asset;
            JsonService json       = Service.Get <JsonService>();
            TAsset      jsonAsset  = json.Deserialize <TAsset>(jsonString);

            assetRequest.Request = new IndexedAssetRequest <TAsset>(key, jsonAsset);
            handler?.Invoke(key, jsonAsset);
Exemple #37
 public abstract AssetRequest <TAsset> LoadAsync <TAsset>(string deviceList, ref ContentManifest.AssetEntry entry, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler = null) where TAsset : class;
Exemple #38
        private IEnumerator waitForAssetToLoad <TAsset>(string key, string assetPath, AsyncAssetBundleRequest <TAsset> assetRequest, AssetLoadedHandler <TAsset> handler) where TAsset : class
            AssetBundleRequest unityRequest = (assetRequest.Request = Bundle.LoadAssetAsync <TAsset>(assetPath));

            yield return(unityRequest);

            handler?.Invoke(key, (TAsset)(object)unityRequest.asset);
            if (this.EFinishedLoading != null && activeRequests.Count == 0)
                yield return(null);
