public NoveltyThread(JSPopulationEvaluator jsPop, AssessGenotypeFunction assess, int popSize)
            //save our objects for executing later!
            popEval = jsPop;
            populationSize = popSize;

            autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            waitNextTime = true;

            novelThread = new Thread(delegate()

                    //we'll start by testing with 0 parents, and popsize of 15 yay!
                    noveltyRun = EvolutionManager.SharedEvolutionManager.initializeEvolutionAlgorithm(popEval, populationSize, assess);

                    //let our algoirhtm know we want to do novelty gosh darnit
                    if(noveltyRun.multiobjective != null)
                         noveltyRun.multiobjective.doNovelty = true;

                    //we make sure we don't wait in this loop, since we just got started!
                    waitNextTime = false;

                    while (true)
                        //this will cause us to pause!
                        if (waitNextTime)
                            waitNextTime = false;
                        // Start the stopwatch we'll use to measure eval performance
                        Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                        //run the generation

                        // Stop the stopwatch

                        // Report the results
                        Console.WriteLine("Time used per gen (float): {0} ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                        Console.WriteLine("Time used per gen (rounded): {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);


        //, bool evaluate = true)
        /// <summary>
        /// Default Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public EvolutionAlgorithm(Population pop, IPopulationEvaluator populationEvaluator, NeatParameters neatParameters, AssessGenotypeFunction assess)
            assessFunction = assess;
            this.pop = pop;
            this.populationEvaluator = populationEvaluator;
            this.neatParameters = neatParameters;
            neatParameters_Normal = neatParameters;

            neatParameters_PrunePhase = new NeatParameters(neatParameters);
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pMutateAddConnection = 0.0;
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pMutateAddNode = 0.0;
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pMutateAddModule = 0.0;
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pMutateConnectionWeights = 0.33;
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pMutateDeleteConnection = 0.33;
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pMutateDeleteSimpleNeuron = 0.33;

            // Disable all crossover as this has a tendency to increase complexity, which is precisely what
            // we don't want during a pruning phase.
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pOffspringAsexual = 1.0;
            neatParameters_PrunePhase.pOffspringSexual = 0.0;

            if(neatParameters.multiobjective) {
                this.multiobjective=new Multiobjective.Multiobjective(neatParameters);
                neatParameters.compatibilityThreshold=100000000.0; //disable speciation w/ multiobjective

            //if (!evaluate)
            //    return;

                    this.noveltyFixed = new noveltyfixed(neatParameters.archiveThreshold);
                    this.histogram = new noveltyhistogram(neatParameters.histogramBins);

                if(neatParameters.noveltyFixed || neatParameters.noveltyFloat)
                    this.noveltyFixed = new noveltyfixed(neatParameters.archiveThreshold);
                    populationEvaluator.EvaluatePopulation(pop, this);

Exemple #3
        public static GenomeList CreateGenomeListPreserveIDs(GenomeList seedGenomes, int length, NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, AssessGenotypeFunction assess)
            //Eventually, WIN will be brought in to maintain the genomes, for now, no need

            //Build the list.
            GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();

            if (length < seedGenomes.Count)
                throw new Exception("Attempting to generate a population that is smaller than the number of seeds (i.e. some seeds will be lost). Please change pop size to accomodate for all seeds.");
            NeatGenome newGenome;

            for (int i = 0; i < seedGenomes.Count; i++)
                // Use each seed directly just once.
                newGenome = new NeatGenome((NeatGenome)seedGenomes[i], idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

            int testCount = 0; int maxTests = 5;

            // For the remainder we alter the weights.
            //for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
            while (genomeList.Count < length)
                newGenome = new NeatGenome((NeatGenome)seedGenomes[Utilities.Next(seedGenomes.Count)], idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

                // Reset the connection weights

                //in this particular instance, we would take a snapshot of the genome AFTER mutation for WIN purposes. But we don't track genomes yet
                foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in newGenome.ConnectionGeneList)
                    connectionGene.Weight += (0.1 - Utilities.NextDouble() * 0.2);

                //!connectionGene.Weight = (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0;
                //Console.WriteLine((0.1 - Utilities.NextDouble() * 0.2));
                //newGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId,5,newGenome.NeuronGeneList[Utilities.Next(newGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count-7)+7].InnovationId ,(Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0));
                //newGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, 6, newGenome.NeuronGeneList[Utilities.Next(newGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count - 7) + 7].InnovationId, (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0));
                //if we have an assess function, it should be used for generating this individual!

                if (assess != null && assess(newGenome) && testCount++ < maxTests)
                    //after adding the genome, reset test count
                    testCount = 0;
                else if (assess == null)
                else if (testCount >= maxTests)
                    testCount = 0;


            return genomeList;
Exemple #4
        public static GenomeList CreateGenomeListPreserveIDs(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, 
            int inputNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount, float connectionProportion, int length, AssessGenotypeFunction assess)
            GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();

            int testCount = 0; int maxTests = 5;

            //for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            while(genomeList.Count < length)
                    IGenome genome = CreateGenomePreserveID(neatParameters, idGenerator, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount, connectionProportion);

                    if (assess != null && assess(genome) && testCount++ < maxTests)
                        //after adding the genome, reset test count
                        testCount = 0;
                    else if (assess == null)
                    else if (testCount >= maxTests)
                        testCount = 0;

            return genomeList;
        public EvolutionAlgorithm initializeEvolutionAlgorithm(IPopulationEvaluator popEval, int popSize, AssessGenotypeFunction assess, List<long> parentGenomeIDs = null)
            //have to add our seed to the parents!
            if (officialSeedGenome != null)
                //if we aren't given any parents, make a new list, and add the seed
                if (parentGenomeIDs == null)
                    parentGenomeIDs = new List<long>();


            //create our initial population, using seeds or not, making sure it is at least "popsize" long
            GenomeList gl = createGenomeList(popSize, assess, parentGenomeIDs);

            //now we have a genomelist full of our parents, if they didn't die in a car crash when we were young, yay!
            //also, these parents, their connections, and neurons are safely catalogued by WIN (eventually...)
            Population pop = new Population(idgen, gl);

            //create our algorithm
            evoAlgorithm = new EvolutionAlgorithm(pop, popEval, neatParams, assess);


            //send it away!
            return evoAlgorithm;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a genomeList from a random start, or using a list of seed genome IDs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="popSize"></param>
        /// <param name="parentGenomeIDs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GenomeList createGenomeList(int popSize, AssessGenotypeFunction genoAssess, List<long> parentGenomeIDs = null)
            //must return a genome list!
            GenomeList gl;

            //if we have parents, add their genomes to our starting genomelist
            if (parentGenomeIDs != null)
                GenomeList seeds = new GenomeList(); seeds.AddRange(getGenomesFromIDs(parentGenomeIDs).Values);
                gl = new GenomeList();
                gl.AddRange(GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeListPreserveIDs(seeds, popSize, neatParams, idgen, genoAssess));
                //we don't have any seeds, we need to form our own initial population
                gl = GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeListPreserveIDs(neatParams, idgen,
                    cppnInputs, cppnOutputs, neatParams.pInitialPopulationInterconnections, popSize,

            //add each genome to our list of generated genomes, yo.
            //gl.ForEach(genome => allGeneratedGenomes.Add(genome));

            //now we are free to return the genomes
            return gl;