Exemple #1
        public string BuildBundleContent(string filePath, string areaName, BundleContext context)
            if (areaName == null)
                throw new OrnamentException("Cannot find areaName in virtual path " + filePath);
            areaName = areaName.ToLower();
            filePath = filePath.ToLower();
            AssemblyResourceStore resourceStoreForArea = AssemblyResourceManager.GetResourceStoreForArea(areaName);

            if (!filePath.StartsWith("~/areas/"))
                filePath = "~/areas" + filePath.TrimStart(new[] { '~' });
            Stream resourceStream = resourceStoreForArea.GetResourceStream(filePath);

            if (resourceStream == null)
                return(string.Format("console.log('Cannot find embed file {0} in {1} assembly')",
                                     resourceStoreForArea.GetFullyQualifiedTypeFromPath(filePath), areaName));
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(resourceStream))
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Index(string resourceName, string resourcePath)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourcePath))
                resourceName = "~/" + resourcePath + "." + resourceName;

            var areaName = (string)RouteData.DataTokens["area"];
            AssemblyResourceStore resourceStore = AssemblyResourceManager.GetResourceStoreForArea(areaName);
            // pre-pend "~" so that it will be replaced with assembly namespace

            Stream resourceStream = resourceStore.GetResourceStream(resourceName);
            var    minfy          = new SeajsMinify();

            if (resourceStream == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 404;

            string contentType = GetContentType(resourceName);

            return(File(resourceStream, contentType));