/// <summary>
        /// Resolves namespace into array of global assembly (GAC) locations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="namespaceStr">'namespace' name</param>
        /// <returns>collection of assembly file names wher namespace is impelemented</returns>
        static public string[] FindGlobalAssembly(String namespaceStr)
            ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();

                AssemblyEnum asmEnum = new AssemblyEnum(namespaceStr);
                String       asmName;
                while ((asmName = asmEnum.GetNextAssembly()) != null)
                    string asmLocation = AssemblyCache.QueryAssemblyInfo(asmName);

                //If exception is thrown it is very likely it is because where fusion.dll does not exist/unavailable/broken.
                //We might be running under the MONO run-time.

            if (retval.Count == 0 && namespaceStr.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll"))
                retval.Add(namespaceStr);                 //in case of if the namespaceStr is a dll name
        public void TestNumber_WithEnum()
            // number int | double | enum value
            var service = this.GetService();

            AssemblyEnum value = AssemblyEnum.Other;

            var result = service.ToJson(value);

            Assert.AreEqual("1", result);
        public void TestNumber_WithEnum()
            // number int | double | enum value
            var service = this.GetService();

            AssemblyEnum value = AssemblyEnum.Other;

            var result = service.ToJsonValue(value);

            Assert.AreEqual(JsonValueType.Number, result.ValueType);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ((JsonNumber)result).Value);