private TimeStampedDataParser(Asn1SequenceParser parser)
            this.parser  = parser;
            this.version = DerInteger.GetInstance(parser.ReadObject());

            Asn1Object obj = parser.ReadObject().ToAsn1Object();

            if (obj is DerIA5String)
                this.dataUri = DerIA5String.GetInstance(obj);
                obj          = parser.ReadObject().ToAsn1Object();

            if (//obj is MetaData ||
                obj is Asn1SequenceParser)
                this.metaData = MetaData.GetInstance(obj.ToAsn1Object());
                obj           = parser.ReadObject().ToAsn1Object();

            if (obj is Asn1OctetStringParser)
                this.content = (Asn1OctetStringParser)obj;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void InjectReferenceValue(X509Certificate2 value)
            Certificate = value;

            Asn1Object exValue = GetExtensionValue(value);

            if (exValue == null)
                if (IsRequired())
                    throw new PolicyRequiredException("Extention " + ExtentionIdentifier.Display + " is marked as required by is not present.");
                var emptyList = new List <string>();
                PolicyValue = new PolicyValue <IList <String> >(emptyList);
            var retVal = new List <String>();
            var seq    = exValue.ToAsn1Object() as Asn1Sequence;

            if (seq != null)
                var pols = seq.GetEnumerator();
                while (pols.MoveNext())
                    PolicyInformation pol = PolicyInformation.GetInstance(pols.Current);
            //TODO: PolicyInformation is only storing the ID.  There other intersting info items in here that we may want
            //maybe not for rules but for when things go wrong... logging info.
            PolicyValue = new PolicyValue <IList <String> >(retVal);
 public DerExternal(DerObjectIdentifier directReference, DerInteger indirectReference, Asn1Object dataValueDescriptor, int encoding, Asn1Object externalData)
     DirectReference     = directReference;
     IndirectReference   = indirectReference;
     DataValueDescriptor = dataValueDescriptor;
     Encoding            = encoding;
     ExternalContent     = externalData.ToAsn1Object();
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void InjectReferenceValue(X509Certificate2 value)
            Certificate = value;

            Asn1Object exValue = GetExtensionValue(value);

            if (exValue == null)
                if (IsRequired())
                    throw new PolicyRequiredException("Extention " + ExtentionIdentifier.Display + " is marked as required by is not present.");
                var emptyList = new List <string>();
                PolicyValue = new PolicyValue <IList <string> >(emptyList);
            var retVal = new List <String>();
            var seq    = exValue.ToAsn1Object() as Asn1Sequence;

            if (seq != null)
                var pols = seq.GetEnumerator();
                while (pols.MoveNext())
                    PolicyInformation pol = PolicyInformation.GetInstance(pols.Current);
                    if (pol.PolicyQualifiers != null)
                        var polInfos = pol.PolicyQualifiers.GetEnumerator();
                        while (polInfos.MoveNext())
                            // The PolicyQualifier object is not exposed nicely in the BouncyCastle API where Java is.
                            var derseq = polInfos.Current as DerSequence;

                            if (derseq.Id().Equals(PolicyQualifierID.IdQtCps))

            PolicyValue = new PolicyValue <IList <string> >(retVal);
Exemple #5
    private TimeStampedDataParser(Asn1SequenceParser parser)
        this.parser = parser;
        version     = DerInteger.GetInstance(parser.ReadObject());
        Asn1Object asn1Object = parser.ReadObject().ToAsn1Object();

        if (asn1Object is DerIA5String)
            dataUri    = DerIA5String.GetInstance(asn1Object);
            asn1Object = parser.ReadObject().ToAsn1Object();
        if (asn1Object is Asn1SequenceParser)
            metaData   = MetaData.GetInstance(asn1Object.ToAsn1Object());
            asn1Object = parser.ReadObject().ToAsn1Object();
        if (asn1Object is Asn1OctetStringParser)
            content = (Asn1OctetStringParser)asn1Object;