public AsFragmentFilter(int numPasses, float resolution)
     if (AsCapabilities.getIsDebugger() && AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this) == "starling.filters::FragmentFilter")
         throw new AsAbstractClassError();
     if (numPasses < 1)
         throw new AsArgumentError("At least one pass is required.");
     mNumPasses  = numPasses;
     mMarginX    = mMarginY = 0.0f;
     mOffsetX    = mOffsetY = 0;
     mResolution = resolution;
     mMode       = AsFragmentFilterMode.REPLACE;
     mVertexData = new AsVertexData(4);
     mVertexData.setTexCoords(0, 0, 0);
     mVertexData.setTexCoords(1, 1, 0);
     mVertexData.setTexCoords(2, 0, 1);
     mVertexData.setTexCoords(3, 1, 1);
     mIndexData = new AsVector <uint>();
     mIndexData.setOwnProperty("_fixed", true);
     AsStarling.getCurrent().getStage3D().addEventListener(AsEvent.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated, false, 0, true);
 public AsDisplayObjectContainer()
     if (AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this) == "DisplayObjectContainer")
         throw new AsAbstractClassError();
        public static AsTexture empty(int width, int height, bool premultipliedAlpha, bool optimizeForRenderTexture, float scale)
            if (scale <= 0)
                scale = AsStarling.getContentScaleFactor();
            int         origWidth   = (int)(width * scale);
            int         origHeight  = (int)(height * scale);
            int         legalWidth  = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo(origWidth);
            int         legalHeight = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo(origHeight);
            String      format      = AsContext3DTextureFormat.BGRA;
            AsContext3D context     = AsStarling.getContext();

            if (context == null)
                throw new AsMissingContextError();
            bc.flash.display3D.textures.AsTexture nativeTexture = context.createTexture(legalWidth, legalHeight, AsContext3DTextureFormat.BGRA, optimizeForRenderTexture);
            AsConcreteTexture concreteTexture = new AsConcreteTexture(nativeTexture, format, legalWidth, legalHeight, false, premultipliedAlpha, optimizeForRenderTexture, scale);

            if (origWidth == legalWidth && origHeight == legalHeight)
                return(new AsSubTexture(concreteTexture, new AsRectangle(0, 0, width, height), true));
 public AsTexture()
     if (AsCapabilities.getIsDebugger() && AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this) == "starling.textures::Texture")
         throw new AsAbstractClassError();
     mRepeat = false;
 private void initialize()
     mLastFrameTimestamp = AsGlobal.getTimer() / 1000.0f;
 public AsDisplayObjectContainer()
     if (AsCapabilities.getIsDebugger() && AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this) == "starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer")
         throw new AsAbstractClassError();
     mChildren = new AsVector <AsDisplayObject>();
        public virtual void nextFrame()
            float now        = AsGlobal.getTimer() / 1000.0f;
            float passedTime = now - mLastFrameTimestamp;

            mLastFrameTimestamp = now;
 private void initializeGraphicsAPI()
     mContext = mStage3D.getContext3D();
     mPrograms = new AsDictionary();
     AsGlobal.trace("[Starling] Initialization complete.");
     AsGlobal.trace("[Starling] Display Driver:", mContext.getDriverInfo());
     dispatchEventWith(, false, mContext);
Exemple #9
        private void parseFontXml(AsXML fontXml)
            float       scale = mTexture.getScale();
            AsRectangle frame = mTexture.getFrame();

            mName       = fontXml.elements("info").attribute("face");
            mSize       = AsGlobal.parseFloat(fontXml.elements("info").attribute("size")) / scale;
            mLineHeight = AsGlobal.parseFloat(fontXml.elements("common").attribute("lineHeight")) / scale;
            mBaseline   = AsGlobal.parseFloat(fontXml.elements("common").attribute("base")) / scale;
            if (fontXml.elements("info").attribute("smooth").ToString() == "0")
            if (mSize <= 0)
                AsGlobal.trace("[Starling] Warning: invalid font size in '" + mName + "' font.");
                mSize = mSize == 0.0f ? 16.0f : mSize * -1.0f;
            AsXMLList __charElements_ = fontXml.elements("chars").elements("_char");

            if (__charElements_ != null)
                foreach (AsXML charElement in __charElements_)
                    int         id       = (int)(AsGlobal.parseInt(charElement.attribute("id")));
                    float       xOffset  = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("xoffset")) / scale;
                    float       yOffset  = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("yoffset")) / scale;
                    float       xAdvance = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("xadvance")) / scale;
                    AsRectangle region   = new AsRectangle();
                    region.x      = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("x")) / scale + frame.x;
                    region.y      = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("y")) / scale + frame.y;
                    region.width  = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("width")) / scale;
                    region.height = AsGlobal.parseFloat(charElement.attribute("height")) / scale;
                    AsTexture    texture    = AsTexture.fromTexture(mTexture, region);
                    AsBitmapChar bitmapChar = new AsBitmapChar(id, texture, xOffset, yOffset, xAdvance);
                    addChar(id, bitmapChar);
            AsXMLList __kerningElements_ = fontXml.elements("kernings").elements("kerning");

            if (__kerningElements_ != null)
                foreach (AsXML kerningElement in __kerningElements_)
                    int   first  = (int)(AsGlobal.parseInt(kerningElement.attribute("first")));
                    int   second = (int)(AsGlobal.parseInt(kerningElement.attribute("second")));
                    float amount = AsGlobal.parseFloat(kerningElement.attribute("amount")) / scale;
                    if (mChars.containsKey(second))
                        getChar(second).addKerning(first, amount);
 public AsDisplayObject()
     if (AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this) == "starling.display::DisplayObject")
         throw new AsAbstractClassError();
     mX                  = mY = mPivotX = mPivotY = mRotation = 0.0f;
     mScaleX             = mScaleY = mAlpha = 1.0f;
     mVisible            = mTouchable = true;
     mLastTouchTimestamp = -1;
     mTransform          = new AsTransform(this);
 public AsDisplayObject()
     if (AsCapabilities.getIsDebugger() && AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this) == "starling.display::DisplayObject")
         throw new AsAbstractClassError();
     mX                    = mY = mPivotX = mPivotY = mRotation = mSkewX = mSkewY = 0.0f;
     mScaleX               = mScaleY = mAlpha = 1.0f;
     mVisible              = mTouchable = true;
     mBlendMode            = AsBlendMode.AUTO;
     mTransformationMatrix = new AsMatrix();
     mOrientationChanged   = mUseHandCursor = false;
Exemple #12
        public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
            if ((resultRect == null))
                resultRect = new AsRectangle();
            if ((targetSpace == this))
                resultRect.x      = getX();
                resultRect.y      = getY();
                resultRect.width  = mBitmapData.getWidth();
                resultRect.height = mBitmapData.getHeight();
            float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
            float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
            float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
            float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;

            getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
            sPosition.x = getX();
            sPosition.y = getY();
            AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
            minX        = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            maxX        = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            minY        = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            maxY        = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            sPosition.x = (sPosition.x + getBitmapData().getWidth());
            AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
            minX        = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            maxX        = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            minY        = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            maxY        = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            sPosition.y = (sPosition.y + getBitmapData().getHeight());
            AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
            minX        = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            maxX        = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            minY        = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            maxY        = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            sPosition.x = getX();
            AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, sPosition.x, sPosition.y, sHelperPoint);
            minX              = (((minX < sHelperPoint.x)) ? (minX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            maxX              = (((maxX > sHelperPoint.x)) ? (maxX) : (sHelperPoint.x));
            minY              = (((minY < sHelperPoint.y)) ? (minY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            maxY              = (((maxY > sHelperPoint.y)) ? (maxY) : (sHelperPoint.y));
            resultRect.x      = minX;
            resultRect.y      = minY;
            resultRect.width  = (maxX - minX);
            resultRect.height = (maxY - minY);
 private void onContextCreated(AsEvent _event)
     if (!AsStarling.getHandleLostContext() && mContext != null)
         showFatalError("Fatal error: The application lost the device context!");
         AsGlobal.trace("[Starling] The device context was lost. " + "Enable 'Starling.handleLostContext' to avoid this error.");
        public AsRenderTexture(int width, int height, bool persistent, float scale)
            : base(mActiveTexture = AsTexture.empty(width, height, PMA, true, scale = scale <= 0 ? AsStarling.getContentScaleFactor() : scale), new AsRectangle(0, 0, width, height), true)
            int nativeWidth  = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo((int)(width * scale));
            int nativeHeight = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo((int)(height * scale));

            mSupport = new AsRenderSupport();
            mSupport.setOrthographicProjection(0, 0, nativeWidth / scale, nativeHeight / scale);
            if (persistent)
                mBufferTexture = AsTexture.empty(width, height, PMA, true, scale);
                mHelperImage   = new AsImage(mBufferTexture);
        public override AsRectangle getBounds(AsDisplayObject targetSpace, AsRectangle resultRect)
            if (resultRect == null)
                resultRect = new AsRectangle();
            int childsCount = getNumChildren();

            if (childsCount == 0)
                getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace, sHelperMatrix);
                AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, sHelperPoint);
                resultRect.x     = sHelperPoint.x;
                resultRect.y     = sHelperPoint.y;
                resultRect.width = resultRect.height = 0;
                if (childsCount == 1)
                    return(mChildren[0].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect));
                    float minX = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
                    float maxX = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
                    float minY = AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
                    float maxY = -AsMathHelper.MAX_NUMBER;
                    int   i    = 0;
                    for (; i < childsCount; ++i)
                        mChildren[i].getBounds(targetSpace, resultRect);
                        minX = minX < resultRect.x ? minX : resultRect.x;
                        maxX = maxX > resultRect.getRight() ? maxX : resultRect.getRight();
                        minY = minY < resultRect.y ? minY : resultRect.y;
                        maxY = maxY > resultRect.getBottom() ? maxY : resultRect.getBottom();
                    resultRect.x      = minX;
                    resultRect.y      = minY;
                    resultRect.width  = maxX - minX;
                    resultRect.height = maxY - minY;
        public static AsTexture fromBitmapData(AsBitmapData data, bool generateMipMaps, bool optimizeForRenderTexture, float scale)
            int          origWidth   = data.getWidth();
            int          origHeight  = data.getHeight();
            int          legalWidth  = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo(origWidth);
            int          legalHeight = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo(origHeight);
            AsContext3D  context     = AsStarling.getContext();
            AsBitmapData potData     = null;

            if (context == null)
                throw new AsMissingContextError();
            bc.flash.display3D.textures.AsTexture nativeTexture = context.createTexture(legalWidth, legalHeight, AsContext3DTextureFormat.BGRA, optimizeForRenderTexture);
            if (legalWidth > origWidth || legalHeight > origHeight)
                potData = new AsBitmapData(legalWidth, legalHeight, true, 0);
                potData.copyPixels(data, data.getRect(), sOrigin);
                data = potData;
            uploadBitmapData(nativeTexture, data, generateMipMaps);
            AsConcreteTexture concreteTexture = new AsConcreteTexture(nativeTexture, AsContext3DTextureFormat.BGRA, legalWidth, legalHeight, generateMipMaps, true, optimizeForRenderTexture, scale);

            if (AsStarling.getHandleLostContext())
                if (potData != null)
            if (origWidth == legalWidth && origHeight == legalHeight)
                return(new AsSubTexture(concreteTexture, new AsRectangle(0, 0, origWidth / scale, origHeight / scale), true));
        private void calculateBounds(AsDisplayObject _object, AsStage stage, AsRectangle resultRect)
            if (_object == stage || _object == AsStarling.getCurrent().getRoot())
                resultRect.setTo(0, 0, stage.getStageWidth(), stage.getStageHeight());
                _object.getBounds(stage, resultRect);
            float deltaMargin = mResolution == 1.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / mResolution;

            resultRect.x      = resultRect.x - mMarginX + deltaMargin;
            resultRect.y      = resultRect.y - mMarginY + deltaMargin;
            resultRect.width  = resultRect.width + 2 * (mMarginX + deltaMargin);
            resultRect.height = resultRect.height + 2 * (mMarginY + deltaMargin);
            resultRect.width  = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo((int)(resultRect.width * mResolution)) / mResolution;
            resultRect.height = AsGlobal.getNextPowerOfTwo((int)(resultRect.height * mResolution)) / mResolution;
        public override AsDisplayObject hitTest(AsPoint localPoint, bool forTouch)
            if (forTouch && (!getVisible() || !getTouchable()))
            float localX      = localPoint.x;
            float localY      = localPoint.y;
            int   childsCount = getNumChildren();
            int   i           = childsCount - 1;

            for (; i >= 0; --i)
                AsDisplayObject child = mChildren[i];
                getTransformationMatrix(child, sHelperMatrix);
                AsGlobal.transformCoords(sHelperMatrix, localX, localY, sHelperPoint);
                AsDisplayObject target = child.hitTest(sHelperPoint, forTouch);
                if (target != null)
Exemple #19
        protected virtual void parseAtlasXml(AsXML atlasXml)
            float        scale          = mAtlasTexture.getScale();
            AsSubTexture __subTextures_ = atlasXml.SubTexture;

            if (__subTextures_ != null)
                foreach (AsXML subTexture in __subTextures_)
                    String      name        = subTexture.attribute("name");
                    float       x           = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("x")) / scale;
                    float       y           = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("y")) / scale;
                    float       width       = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("width")) / scale;
                    float       height      = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("height")) / scale;
                    float       frameX      = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameX")) / scale;
                    float       frameY      = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameY")) / scale;
                    float       frameWidth  = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameWidth")) / scale;
                    float       frameHeight = AsGlobal.parseFloat(subTexture.attribute("frameHeight")) / scale;
                    AsRectangle region      = new AsRectangle(x, y, width, height);
                    AsRectangle frame       = frameWidth > 0 && frameHeight > 0 ? new AsRectangle(frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight) : null;
                    addRegion(name, region, frame);
Exemple #20
 public virtual String toString()
     return(AsGlobal.formatString("[{0} type=\"{1}\" bubbles={2}]", (As_AS_REST)(AsString.split(AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(this), "::").pop()), mType, mBubbles));
        private static int compileObject(AsDisplayObject _object, AsVector <AsQuadBatch> quadBatches, int quadBatchID, AsMatrix transformationMatrix, float alpha, String blendMode, bool ignoreCurrentFilter)
            int         i                      = 0;
            AsQuadBatch quadBatch              = null;
            bool        isRootObject           = false;
            float       objectAlpha            = _object.getAlpha();
            AsDisplayObjectContainer container = _object as AsDisplayObjectContainer;
            AsQuad           quad              = _object as AsQuad;
            AsQuadBatch      batch             = _object as AsQuadBatch;
            AsFragmentFilter filter            = _object.getFilter();

            if (quadBatchID == -1)
                isRootObject = true;
                quadBatchID  = 0;
                objectAlpha  = 1.0f;
                blendMode    = _object.getBlendMode();
                if (quadBatches.getLength() == 0)
                    quadBatches.push(new AsQuadBatch());
            if (filter != null && !ignoreCurrentFilter)
                if (filter.getMode() == AsFragmentFilterMode.ABOVE)
                    quadBatchID = compileObject(_object, quadBatches, quadBatchID, transformationMatrix, alpha, blendMode, true);
                quadBatchID = compileObject(filter.compile(_object), quadBatches, quadBatchID, transformationMatrix, alpha, blendMode);
                if (filter.getMode() == AsFragmentFilterMode.BELOW)
                    quadBatchID = compileObject(_object, quadBatches, quadBatchID, transformationMatrix, alpha, blendMode, true);
                if (container != null)
                    int      numChildren = container.getNumChildren();
                    AsMatrix childMatrix = new AsMatrix();
                    for (i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
                        AsDisplayObject child        = container.getChildAt(i);
                        bool            childVisible = child.getAlpha() != 0.0f && child.getVisible() && child.getScaleX() != 0.0f && child.getScaleY() != 0.0f;
                        if (childVisible)
                            String childBlendMode = child.getBlendMode() == AsBlendMode.AUTO ? blendMode : child.getBlendMode();
                            AsRenderSupport.transformMatrixForObject(childMatrix, child);
                            quadBatchID = compileObject(child, quadBatches, quadBatchID, childMatrix, alpha * objectAlpha, childBlendMode);
                    if (quad != null || batch != null)
                        AsTexture texture   = null;
                        String    smoothing = null;
                        bool      tinted    = false;
                        int       numQuads  = 0;
                        if (quad != null)
                            AsImage image = quad as AsImage;
                            texture = image != null?image.getTexture() : null;

                            smoothing = image != null?image.getSmoothing() : null;

                            tinted   = quad.getTinted();
                            numQuads = 1;
                            texture   = batch.mTexture;
                            smoothing = batch.mSmoothing;
                            tinted    = batch.mTinted;
                            numQuads  = batch.mNumQuads;
                        quadBatch = quadBatches[quadBatchID];
                        if (quadBatch.isStateChange(tinted, alpha * objectAlpha, texture, smoothing, blendMode, numQuads))
                            if (quadBatches.getLength() <= quadBatchID)
                                quadBatches.push(new AsQuadBatch());
                            quadBatch = quadBatches[quadBatchID];
                        if (quad != null)
                            quadBatch.addQuad(quad, alpha, texture, smoothing, transformationMatrix, blendMode);
                            quadBatch.addQuadBatch(batch, alpha, transformationMatrix, blendMode);
                        throw new AsError("Unsupported display object: " + AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(_object));
            if (isRootObject)
                for (i = (int)(quadBatches.getLength() - 1); i > quadBatchID; --i)
 public virtual String toString()
     return(AsGlobal.formatString("Touch {0}: globalX={1}, globalY={2}, phase={3}", mID, mGlobalX, mGlobalY, mPhase));
Exemple #23
        private AsVector <AsCharLocation> arrangeChars(float width, float height, String text, float fontSize, String hAlign, String vAlign, bool autoScale, bool kerning)
            if (text == null || text.Length == 0)
                return(new AsVector <AsCharLocation>());
            if (fontSize < 0)
                fontSize = fontSize * -mSize;
            AsVector <AsVector <AsCharLocation> > lines = null;
            bool           finished        = false;
            AsCharLocation charLocation    = null;
            int            numChars        = 0;
            float          containerWidth  = 0;
            float          containerHeight = 0;
            float          scale           = 0;

            while (!finished)
                scale           = fontSize / mSize;
                containerWidth  = width / scale;
                containerHeight = height / scale;
                lines           = new AsVector <AsVector <AsCharLocation> >();
                if (mLineHeight <= containerHeight)
                    int   lastWhiteSpace = -1;
                    int   lastCharID     = -1;
                    float currentX       = 0;
                    float currentY       = 0;
                    AsVector <AsCharLocation> currentLine = new AsVector <AsCharLocation>();
                    numChars = text.Length;
                    int i = 0;
                    for (; i < numChars; ++i)
                        bool         lineFull = false;
                        int          charID   = (int)(AsString.charCodeAt(text, i));
                        AsBitmapChar _char    = getChar(charID);
                        if (charID == CHAR_NEWLINE || charID == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN)
                            lineFull = true;
                            if (_char == null)
                                AsGlobal.trace("[Starling] Missing character: " + charID);
                                if (charID == CHAR_SPACE || charID == CHAR_TAB)
                                    lastWhiteSpace = i;
                                if (kerning)
                                    currentX = currentX + _char.getKerning(lastCharID);
                                charLocation       = mCharLocationPool.getLength() != 0 ? mCharLocationPool.pop() : new AsCharLocation(_char);
                                charLocation._char = _char;
                                charLocation.x     = currentX + _char.getXOffset();
                                charLocation.y     = currentY + _char.getYOffset();
                                currentX   = currentX + _char.getXAdvance();
                                lastCharID = charID;
                                if (currentLine.getLength() == 1)
                                    currentX       = currentX - _char.getXOffset();
                                    charLocation.x = charLocation.x - _char.getXOffset();
                                if (charLocation.x + _char.getWidth() > containerWidth)
                                    int numCharsToRemove = lastWhiteSpace == -1 ? 1 : i - lastWhiteSpace;
                                    int removeIndex      = (int)(currentLine.getLength() - numCharsToRemove);
                                    currentLine.splice(removeIndex, (uint)(numCharsToRemove));
                                    if (currentLine.getLength() == 0)
                                    i        = i - numCharsToRemove;
                                    lineFull = true;
                        if (i == numChars - 1)
                            finished = true;
                            if (lineFull)
                                if (lastWhiteSpace == i)
                                if (currentY + 2 * mLineHeight <= containerHeight)
                                    currentLine    = new AsVector <AsCharLocation>();
                                    currentX       = 0;
                                    currentY       = currentY + mLineHeight;
                                    lastWhiteSpace = -1;
                                    lastCharID     = -1;
                if (autoScale && !finished)
                    fontSize = fontSize - 1;
                    finished = true;
            AsVector <AsCharLocation> finalLocations = new AsVector <AsCharLocation>();
            int   numLines = (int)(lines.getLength());
            float bottom   = currentY + mLineHeight;
            int   yOffset  = 0;

            if (vAlign == AsVAlign.BOTTOM)
                yOffset = (int)(containerHeight - bottom);
                if (vAlign == AsVAlign.CENTER)
                    yOffset = (int)((containerHeight - bottom) / 2);
            int lineID = 0;

            for (; lineID < numLines; ++lineID)
                AsVector <AsCharLocation> line = lines[lineID];
                numChars = (int)(line.getLength());
                if (numChars == 0)
                AsCharLocation lastLocation = line[line.getLength() - 1];
                float          right        = lastLocation.x + lastLocation._char.getWidth();
                int            xOffset      = 0;
                if (hAlign == AsHAlign.RIGHT)
                    xOffset = (int)(containerWidth - right);
                    if (hAlign == AsHAlign.CENTER)
                        xOffset = (int)((containerWidth - right) / 2);
                int c = 0;
                for (; c < numChars; ++c)
                    charLocation       = line[c];
                    charLocation.x     = scale * (charLocation.x + xOffset);
                    charLocation.y     = scale * (charLocation.y + yOffset);
                    charLocation.scale = scale;
                    if (charLocation._char.getWidth() > 0 && charLocation._char.getHeight() > 0)
 public virtual void start()
     mStarted            = true;
     mLastFrameTimestamp = AsGlobal.getTimer() / 1000.0f;
Exemple #25
        public virtual void advanceTime(float time)
            if (time == 0 || (mRepeatCount == 1 && mCurrentTime == mTotalTime))
            int   i             = 0;
            float previousTime  = mCurrentTime;
            float restTime      = mTotalTime - mCurrentTime;
            float carryOverTime = time > restTime ? time - restTime : 0.0f;

            mCurrentTime = AsMath.min(mTotalTime, mCurrentTime + time);
            if (mCurrentTime <= 0)
            if (mCurrentCycle < 0 && previousTime <= 0 && mCurrentTime > 0)
                if (mOnStart != null)
            float ratio         = mCurrentTime / mTotalTime;
            bool  reversed      = mReverse && (mCurrentCycle % 2 == 1);
            int   numProperties = (int)(mStartValues.getLength());

            for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i)
                if (AsGlobal.isNaN(mStartValues[i]))
                    mStartValues[i] = ((AsObject)(mTarget)).getOwnProperty(mProperties[i]) as float;
                float startValue      = mStartValues[i];
                float endValue        = mEndValues[i];
                float delta           = endValue - startValue;
                float transitionValue = reversed ? mTransitionFunc(1.0f - ratio) : mTransitionFunc(ratio);
                float currentValue    = startValue + transitionValue * delta;
                if (mRoundToInt)
                    currentValue = AsMath.round(currentValue);
                ((AsObject)(mTarget)).setOwnProperty(mProperties[i], currentValue);
            if (mOnUpdate != null)
            if (previousTime < mTotalTime && mCurrentTime >= mTotalTime)
                if (mRepeatCount == 0 || mRepeatCount > 1)
                    mCurrentTime = -mRepeatDelay;
                    if (mRepeatCount > 1)
                    if (mOnRepeat != null)
                    AsTransitionCallback onComplete = mOnComplete;
                    AsArray onCompleteArgs          = mOnCompleteArgs;
                    if (onComplete != null)
            if (carryOverTime != 0)
        public AsStarling(AsClass rootClass, bc.flash.display.AsStage stage, AsRectangle viewPort, AsStage3D stage3D, String renderMode, String profile)
            if (stage == null)
                throw new AsArgumentError("Stage must not be null");
            if (rootClass == null)
                throw new AsArgumentError("Root class must not be null");
            if (viewPort == null)
                viewPort = new AsRectangle(0, 0, stage.getStageWidth(), stage.getStageHeight());
            if (stage3D == null)
                stage3D = stage.getStage3Ds()[0];
            mRootClass     = rootClass;
            mViewPort      = viewPort;
            mStage3D       = stage3D;
            mStage         = new AsStage(viewPort.width, viewPort.height, stage.getColor());
            mNativeOverlay = new AsSprite();
            mNativeStage   = stage;
            mTouchProcessor      = new AsTouchProcessor(mStage);
            mJuggler             = new AsJuggler();
            mAntiAliasing        = 0;
            mSimulateMultitouch  = false;
            mEnableErrorChecking = false;
            mLastFrameTimestamp  = AsGlobal.getTimer() / 1000.0f;
            mPrograms            = new AsDictionary();
            mCustomData          = new AsDictionary();
            mSupport             = new AsRenderSupport();
            AsArray __touchEventTypes_ = getTouchEventTypes();

            if (__touchEventTypes_ != null)
                foreach (String touchEventType in __touchEventTypes_)
                    stage.addEventListener(touchEventType, onTouch, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(AsEvent.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(AsKeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(AsKeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(AsEvent.RESIZE, onResize, false, 0, true);
            if (mStage3D.getContext3D() != null && mStage3D.getContext3D().getDriverInfo() != "Disposed")
                mShareContext = true;
                AsGlobal.setTimeout(initialize, 1);
                mShareContext = false;
                mStage3D.addEventListener(AsEvent.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated, false, 1, true);
                mStage3D.addEventListener(AsErrorEvent.ERROR, onStage3DError, false, 1, true);
                catch (AsError e)
                    showFatalError("Context3D error: " + e.message);