Exemple #1
    public void RemoveSlot()
        ArtifactsScript artifact = currentSlot.GetComponent <GarageSlot> ().assignedArtifact;

        FindObjectOfType <PlayerScript> ().garage.Remove(artifact);

        artifactWorthText.text = artifact.moneyValue.ToString();

    private void AuctionManager()
        allArtifactsHaveBeenBought = !CheckForAvailableArtifacts();

        // If no auctions are currently happening ...
        if (auctionIsHappening == false)
            if (!allArtifactsHaveBeenBought)
                // ... get a new artifact
                currentArtifact = GetNewArtifact();

                // Get value of Initial Offer
                currentOffer = offerManager.GetNewOffer();
                initialOffer = currentOffer;

                // Update the "Current Artifact" sprite,
                artifactGraphic.sprite = currentArtifact.graphic;

                // And now the auction is happening.
                auctionIsHappening = true;
                Debug.Log("No Artifacts Left!");
                gameOver = true;

        // If an auction is already happening then ...
            // ... and the Current Artifact has already been bought ...
            if (currentArtifact.hasBeenBought)
                // ... then end this auction
                auctionIsHappening = false;

            // If the Current Artifact hasn't been bought yet, then wait.
    private ArtifactsScript GetNewArtifact()
        List <ArtifactsScript> availableArtifactsList = new List <ArtifactsScript>();

        // Go through all the artifacts
        for (int i = 0; i < artifacts.Length; i++)
            // If the artifact has NOT been bought ...
            if (!artifacts[i].hasBeenBought)
                // ... and the player has money and space for it ...
                if (player.availableMoney >= artifacts[i].moneyValue)
                    // Add it to the available list
                    availableArtifactsList.Add(artifacts [i]);

        ArtifactsScript newArtifact = availableArtifactsList [Random.Range(0, availableArtifactsList.Count)];
