static void Main(string[] args)
            // Ongoing WMS is a Warehouse Management System based in Sweden.
            // This file demonstrates one way of integrating with the WMS' REST API.
            // For more information, please see:

            // These are the credentials and other information which are required to connect to the API.
            // Ask the warehouse to generate them for you -
            var userName     = "******";
            var password     = "******";
            var baseUrl      = "";
            var goodsOwnerId = 162;

            // Set up all the client objects.
            var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();

            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{userName}:{password}")));
            var articlesClient = new ArticlesClient(client)
                BaseUrl = baseUrl
            var ordersClient = new OrdersClient(client)
                BaseUrl = baseUrl
            var purchaseOrderClient = new PurchaseOrdersClient(client)
                BaseUrl = baseUrl
            var inventoryAdjustmentsClient = new InventoryAdjustmentsClient(client)
                BaseUrl = baseUrl
            var transporterContractsClient = new TransporterContractsClient(client)
                BaseUrl = baseUrl

            // Run the tests.
            TestArticles(goodsOwnerId, articlesClient);
            TestOrders(goodsOwnerId, ordersClient);
            TestPurchaseOrders(goodsOwnerId, purchaseOrderClient);
            TestInventoryAdjustments(goodsOwnerId, inventoryAdjustmentsClient);
            TestTransporterContracts(goodsOwnerId, transporterContractsClient);

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit.");

        private static void TestArticles(int goodsOwnerId, ArticlesClient articlesClient)
            Console.WriteLine("Running article examples...");

            // Define a new article.
            var article = new PostArticleModel()
                GoodsOwnerId  = goodsOwnerId,
                ArticleNumber = "12345",
                ArticleName   = "Test article",
                Weight        = 1.7m, // Unit is kilograms.
                BarCodeInfo   = new PostArticleBarCodeInfo()
                    BarCode = "733123"

            // Send the new article to the warehouse, thus creating it.
            var createResponse = articlesClient.Put3(article);

            // Update the barcode to something else.
            article.BarCodeInfo.BarCode = "507543";
            var updateResponse = articlesClient.Put3(article);

            // You may query for articles using various ways. The response will include various article data (including stock balances).
            var getArticleByArticleSystemId = articlesClient.Get(createResponse.ArticleSystemId.Value);
            var getArticleByArticleNumber   = articlesClient.GetAll(goodsOwnerId, "12345", null, null);

            // If you have a file (such as an image), you may attach it to the article.
            var imagePath = @"C:\WMS\12345.png";

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(imagePath))
                var fileBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath));
                var file       = new PostFileModel()
                    FileName = "12345.png", FileDataBase64 = fileBase64, MimeType = "image/png"
                articlesClient.Post(createResponse.ArticleSystemId.Value, file);
 public async static Task UpdateArticles()
     ArticlesClient articles = new ArticlesClient();
     await articles.UpdateAsync();