Exemple #1
        private static UIElement GetPolyLine(Point from, Point to, Brush stroke)
            var line = new ArrowPolyline();

            line.Stroke          = stroke;
            line.StrokeThickness = 2.0;
            line.ArrowEnds       = ArrowEnds.End;
            line.ArrowLength     = 8;


            if (from.Y != to.Y)
                line.Points.Add(new Point(from.X, to.Y));
        private void DrawLinks()
            // remove all links
            for (int i = 0; i <= graphCanvas.Children.Count - 1; i++)
                var child = graphCanvas.Children[i];
                if (child is ArrowLineBase)

            // draw links
            foreach (var node in drawnNodes.Keys)
                Point startPosition = drawnNodes[node].Point;
                foreach (var link in node.Links)
                    if (drawnLinks.ContainsKey(link))

                    if (link.IsLoop)
                        ArrowPolyline apoly = new ArrowPolyline()
                            Stroke = this.linkColor, StrokeThickness = 0.5, ArrowAngle = 25, ArrowLength = 6
                        apoly.ArrowEnds = graph.GraphType == GraphType.Undirected ? ArrowEnds.None : ArrowEnds.End;
                        Point nodePosition = drawnNodes[link.Node1].Point;
                        apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X, nodePosition.Y + nodeRadius * 2));
                        apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X + nodeRadius * 2, nodePosition.Y + nodeRadius * 2));
                        apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X + nodeRadius * 2, nodePosition.Y));
                        apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X + nodeRadius, nodePosition.Y));
                        drawnLinks.Add(link, apoly);

                        Label lbl = new Label()
                            Content = link.Weight.ToString(), Foreground = nodeNameColor, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        Canvas.SetLeft(lbl, apoly.Points.Last().X + nodeRadius);
                        Canvas.SetTop(lbl, apoly.Points.Last().Y + nodeRadius);
                        Canvas.SetZIndex(lbl, 101);
                        Point endPosition = drawnNodes[link.Node2].Point;
                        if (graph.GraphType == GraphType.Undirected)
                            if (node == link.Node2)
                                endPosition = drawnNodes[link.Node1].Point;

                        Petzold.Media2D.ArrowLine line = new Petzold.Media2D.ArrowLine()
                            Stroke = this.linkColor, StrokeThickness = 1, ArrowAngle = 25, ArrowLength = 6
                        line.ArrowEnds = graph.GraphType == GraphType.Undirected ? ArrowEnds.None : ArrowEnds.End;
                        line.X1        = startPosition.X;
                        line.Y1        = startPosition.Y;

                        Point endPoint = new Point();
                        if (endPosition.X - startPosition.X == 0 || endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y == 0)
                            endPoint.X = endPosition.X;
                            endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y;
                            double alpha    = Math.Atan(Math.Abs((endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y) / (endPosition.X - startPosition.X)));
                            double sinAlpha = Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha));
                            double cosAlpha = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha));

                            if (endPosition.X > startPosition.X && endPosition.Y < startPosition.Y)         //first quarter
                                endPoint.X = endPosition.X - ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha;
                                endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y + ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha;
                            else if (endPosition.X > startPosition.X && endPosition.Y > startPosition.Y)    //second quarter
                                endPoint.X = endPosition.X - ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha;
                                endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y - ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha;
                            else if (endPosition.X < startPosition.X && endPosition.Y > startPosition.Y)    //third quarter
                                endPoint.X = endPosition.X + ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha;
                                endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y - ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha;
                            else if (endPosition.X < startPosition.X && endPosition.Y < startPosition.Y)    //fourth quarter
                                endPoint.X = endPosition.X + ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha;
                                endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y + ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha;

                        line.X2 = endPoint.X;
                        line.Y2 = endPoint.Y;
                        line.MouseDown += Line_MouseDown;
                        line.Tag        = link;
                        drawnLinks.Add(link, line);
                        Canvas.SetZIndex(line, 99);

                        // add link weight to canvas
                        var   p   = new Point((line.X1 + line.X2) / 2, (line.Y1 + line.Y2) / 2);
                        Label lbl = new Label()
                            Content = link.Weight.ToString(), Foreground = nodeNameColor, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold
                        Canvas.SetLeft(lbl, p.X - nodeRadius);
                        Canvas.SetTop(lbl, p.Y - nodeRadius);
                        Canvas.SetZIndex(lbl, 101);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The arrow demo is uses an adaption of Charles Petzold's WPF arrow class
        /// http://charlespetzold.com/blog/2007/04/191200.html to be used as custom MapShape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>
        public void AddArrows(ShapeLayer layer)
            // ArrowLine with animated arrow properties.
            var arrowLine1 = new ArrowLine
                Stroke             = Brushes.Red,
                MapStrokeThickness = 30,
                ScaleFactor        = .25,
                ArrowLength        = 3,
                X1 = 8.100,
                Y1 = 49.400,
                X2 = 8.400,
                Y2 = 49.100

            // the adaptive stroke thickness
            // the scale factor [0..1]. 0: Don't scale (thickness = pixels); 1: scale linear (thickness = mercator units)
            // the arrow length is relative to the arrow stroke thickness

            var doubleAnimation1 = new DoubleAnimation(10, 50, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)))
                AutoReverse    = true,
                RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever

            arrowLine1.BeginAnimation(ArrowLineBase.ArrowAngleProperty, doubleAnimation1);

            var doubleAnimation2 = new DoubleAnimation(1, 20, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)))
                AutoReverse    = true,
                RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever

            arrowLine1.BeginAnimation(ArrowLineBase.ArrowLengthProperty, doubleAnimation2);

            // ArrowLine with animated point properties.
            var arrowLine2 = new ArrowLine
                ArrowEnds          = ArrowEnds.Both,
                Stroke             = Brushes.Blue,
                MapStrokeThickness = 30,
                ScaleFactor        = .25

            arrowLine1.ArrowLength = 3;
            arrowLine2.X1          = 8.100;
            arrowLine2.Y1          = 49.100;
            arrowLine2.X2          = 8.200;
            arrowLine2.Y2          = 49.400;

            AnimationTimeline doubleAnimation3 = new DoubleAnimation(8.100, 8.400, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)));

            doubleAnimation3.AutoReverse    = true;
            doubleAnimation3.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            arrowLine2.BeginAnimation(ArrowLine.X1Property, doubleAnimation3);

            AnimationTimeline doubleAnimation4 = new DoubleAnimation(49.400, 49.100, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)));

            doubleAnimation4.AutoReverse    = true;
            doubleAnimation4.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            arrowLine2.BeginAnimation(ArrowLine.Y2Property, doubleAnimation4);

            // ArrowPolyline rotated.
            var arrowPolyline = new ArrowPolyline
                ArrowEnds          = ArrowEnds.Both,
                Stroke             = Brushes.Green,
                MapStrokeThickness = 30,
                ScaleFactor        = .25

            arrowLine1.ArrowLength = 3;

            arrowPolyline.Points.Add(new Point(8.25, 49.25));
            arrowPolyline.Points.Add(new Point(8.125, 49.25));
            arrowPolyline.Points.Add(new Point(8.125, 49.125));
            arrowPolyline.Points.Add(new Point(8.25, 49.125));


            // the rotation center of the canvas needs to be calculated for a rotate transform
            // only works after the shape has been added to the canvas.
            var rotateCenter    = arrowPolyline.GeoTransform(new Point(8, 49));
            var rotateTransform = new RotateTransform(0, rotateCenter.X, rotateCenter.Y);

            arrowPolyline.RenderTransform = rotateTransform;
            AnimationTimeline animaDouble5 = new DoubleAnimation(0, 360, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10)));

            animaDouble5.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
            rotateTransform.BeginAnimation(RotateTransform.AngleProperty, animaDouble5);