Exemple #1
            internal int DecodeBinHex(char[] inArray, int offset, int inLength, byte[] outArray, int offsetOut, int countOut, bool flush)
                //String msg;

                if (0 > offset)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");

                if (0 > offsetOut)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offsetOut");

                int len = (null == inArray) ? 0 : inArray.Length;

                if (len < inLength)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inLength");

                // make sure that countOut + offsetOut are okay
                int outArrayLen = outArray.Length;

                if (outArrayLen < (countOut + offsetOut))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offsetOut");

                int inBufferCount = inLength - offset;

                if (flush)

                if (inBufferCount > 0)
                    _charBuffer.Append(inArray, offset, inLength);

                if ((_charBuffer.Length == 0) || (countOut == 0))

                // let's just make sure countOut > 0 and countOut < outArray.Length
                countOut += offsetOut;
                byte lowHalfByte = 0;                 //TODO: Changed

                // walk hex digits pairing them up and shoving the value of each pair into a byte
                int  internalBufferLength = _charBuffer.Length;
                int  offsetOutCur         = offsetOut;
                char ch;
                int  internalBufferOffset = 0;

                    ch = _charBuffer[internalBufferOffset++];
                    if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
                        lowHalfByte = (byte)(10 + ch - 'a');
                    else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
                        lowHalfByte = (byte)(10 + ch - 'A');
                    else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
                        lowHalfByte = (byte)(ch - '0');
                    else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
                        continue;        // skip whitespace
                    }                    /*
                                          * else {
                                          * msg = new String(_charBuffer.CurrentBuffer, _charBuffer.CurrentBufferOffset, (_charBuffer.CurrentBuffer == null) ? 0:(_charBuffer.CurrentBufferLength - _charBuffer.CurrentBufferOffset));
                                          * throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidBinHexValue, msg);
                                          * }
                    if (_HighNibblePresent)
                        outArray[offsetOutCur++] = (byte)((_highHalfByte << 4) + lowHalfByte);
                        _HighNibblePresent       = false;
                        if (offsetOutCur == countOut)
                        // shift nibble into top half of byte
                        _highHalfByte      = lowHalfByte;
                        _HighNibblePresent = true;
                }while (internalBufferOffset < internalBufferLength);


                return(offsetOutCur - offsetOut);