public void TestIsBST() { // Any tree created like this should be a BST int[] turnintotree = ArrayLib.CreateArray(10); BinaryTreeNode treeHead = new BinaryTreeNode(turnintotree); Assert.IsTrue(treeHead.IsBinarySearchTree()); // add another node to mess it up BinaryTreeNode tmp = treeHead; while (tmp.Right != null) { tmp = tmp.Right; } tmp.Right = new BinaryTreeNode(-42); Assert.IsFalse(treeHead.Balanced()); }
public void TestBalanced() { // Any tree created like this should be balanced int[] turnintotree = ArrayLib.CreateArray(10); BinaryTreeNode treeHead = new BinaryTreeNode(turnintotree); Assert.IsTrue(treeHead.Balanced()); // add another node to unbalance the tree BinaryTreeNode tmp = treeHead; while (tmp.Right != null) { tmp = tmp.Right; } tmp.Right = new BinaryTreeNode(42); Assert.IsFalse(treeHead.Balanced()); }