Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up the data and game state for the test run
        /// </summary>
        public static void InitialiseGameState()
            //game = new Game();
            //server = new Server();
            //client = new TestClient();

            Username          = "******";
            Pass              = "******";
            MyPlayerCharacter = Globals_Game.ownedPlayerCharacters[Username];
            // We want to run the test with constants, so we set the success chance to 100 to remove random element
            MyPlayerCharacter.fixedSuccessChance = 100;
            Dictionary <string, PlayerCharacter> .Enumerator e = Globals_Game.pcMasterList.GetEnumerator();
            NotMyPlayerCharacter = e.Current.Value;
            while (NotMyPlayerCharacter == MyPlayerCharacter)
                NotMyPlayerCharacter = e.Current.Value;
            if (MyPlayerCharacter.myArmies != null && MyPlayerCharacter.myArmies.Count > 0)
                OwnedArmy = MyPlayerCharacter.myArmies[0];
                Army army = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), null, MyPlayerCharacter.charID, 30, NotMyPlayerCharacter.location.id, false, trp: new uint[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 });
                OwnedArmy = army;
            if (NotMyPlayerCharacter.myArmies != null && NotMyPlayerCharacter.myArmies.Count > 0)
                NotOwnedArmy = NotMyPlayerCharacter.myArmies[0];
                Army army = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), null, NotMyPlayerCharacter.charID, 30, NotMyPlayerCharacter.location.id, false, trp: new uint[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 });
                NotOwnedArmy = army;
            if (MyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs != null && MyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs.Count > 0)
                OwnedFief = MyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs[0];
            if (NotMyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs != null && NotMyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs.Count > 0)
                NotOwnedFief = NotMyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs[0];
        ///// <summary>
        ///// The main entry point for the application.
        ///// </summary>
        //static void Main()

        //    try
        //    {
        //        using (Globals_Server.LogFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("LogFile.txt"))
        //        {

        //            //Globals_Server.rCluster = RiakCluster.FromConfig("riakConfig","app.config");
        //            //Globals_Server.rClient = Globals_Server.rCluster.CreateClient();
        //            Globals_Server.LogFile.AutoFlush = true;
        //            Globals_Server.logEvent("Server start");

        //            Game game = new Game();
        //            SetUpForDemo();
        //            /*
        //            //DatabaseWrite.DatabaseWriteAll ("testBucket");

        //            /*if (Globals_Server.rClient.Ping ().IsSuccess) {
        //                Console.WriteLine ("Database connection successful");
        //                string gameID = "testBucket";
        //                foreach (string trait in Globals_Game.traitKeys) {
        //                    Console.WriteLine (trait);
        //                }

        //                // Test can read from database
        //                var newClient = Globals_Server.rCluster.CreateClient();
        //                RiakObject newObj = new RiakObject (gameID, "superawesome3", Globals_Game.traitKeys.ToArray ());
        //                newClient.Put (newObj);
        //                Thread.Sleep (5000);
        //                var testRead =newClient.Get (gameID, "superawesome3");
        //                if (!testRead.IsSuccess) {
        //                    Console.WriteLine ("FAIL :(" + testRead.ErrorMessage);
        //                } else {
        //                    Console.WriteLine ("Got traitkeys:");
        //                }
        //                //DatabaseRead.DatabaseReadAll (gameID);
        //            } else {
        //                Console.WriteLine ("Could not connect to database :( ");
        //            } */

        //            //testCaptives();

        //            Server server = new Server();
        //            try
        //            {
        //                //TestSuite testSuite = new TestSuite();
        //                TestClient client = new TestClient();
        //                client.LogInAndConnect("helen", "potato");
        //            }
        //            catch (Exception e)
        //            {
        //                Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
        //            }
        //            //client.LogIn("helen", "potato");
        //            String s = Console.ReadLine();
        //            if (s != null && s.Equals("exit"))
        //            {
        //                Globals_Server.logEvent("Server exits");
        //                server.isListening = false;
        //                Globals_Server.server.Shutdown("Server exits");
        //            }

        //            //testArmy();
        //            //testSpying();
        //            /*
        //                    while (true)
        //                    {

        //                        if (s != null && s.Equals("exit"))
        //                        {
        //                            Globals_Server.logEvent("Server exits");
        //                            server.isListening = false;
        //                            Globals_Server.server.Shutdown("Server exits");
        //                            break;
        //                        }

        //                    }

        //                    * */
        //            Globals_Server.LogFile.Close();

        //        }

        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        Globals_Server.LogFile.Close();
        //        Console.WriteLine("Encountered an error:" + e.StackTrace);
        //        Console.ReadLine();
        //    }


        /// <summary>
        /// Code which was used in the 2015 demo- sets up a few armies, adds funds and sets a few traits to demonstrate trait effects
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetUpForDemo()
            // Make Anselm Marshal very sneaky
            Character Anselm = Globals_Game.getCharFromID("Char_390");
            Character Bishop = Globals_Game.getCharFromID("Char_391");

            Tuple <Trait, int>[] newTraits = new Tuple <Trait, int> [2];
            newTraits[0]  = new Tuple <Trait, int>(Globals_Game.traitMasterList["trait_9"], 9);
            newTraits[1]  = new Tuple <Trait, int>(Globals_Game.traitMasterList["trait_8"], 9);
            Anselm.traits = newTraits;
            // Make Bishop Henry Marshal not sneaky
            Tuple <Trait, int>[] newTraits2 = new Tuple <Trait, int> [1];
            newTraits2[0] = new Tuple <Trait, int>(Globals_Game.traitMasterList["trait_5"], 2);
            Bishop.traits = newTraits2;
            // Add funds to home treasury
            (Globals_Game.getCharFromID("Char_158") as PlayerCharacter).GetHomeFief().AdjustTreasury(100000);

            // create enemy character in home fief
            NonPlayerCharacter enemyGeneral  = new NonPlayerCharacter("Char_164459", "John", "Smith", new Tuple <uint, byte>(1142, 3), true, Globals_Game.nationalityMasterList["Sco"], true, 9, 9, new Queue <Fief>(), Globals_Game.languageMasterList["lang_C1"], 90, 9, 9, 9, new Tuple <Trait, int> [0], true, false, "Char_126", null, "Char_126", null, 0, false, false, new List <string>(), null, null, Globals_Game.fiefMasterList["EPM02"]);
            PlayerCharacter    factionLeader = Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_126"];

            enemyGeneral.inKeep = false;
            // create enemy army for above enemy character
            uint[] enemyArmyTroops = new uint[] { 3, 7, 0, 20, 30, 65, 190 };
            Army   enemyArmy       = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), Globals_Game.npcMasterList["Char_164459"].charID, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_196"].charID, Globals_Game.npcMasterList["Char_164459"].days, Globals_Game.npcMasterList["Char_164459"].location.id, trp: enemyArmyTroops);


            // create and add army
            uint[] myArmyTroops1 = new uint[] { 8, 10, 0, 30, 60, 100, 220 };
            Army   myArmy1       = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_196"].charID, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_196"].charID, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_196"].days, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_196"].location.id, trp: myArmyTroops1);

            // create and add army
            uint[] myArmyTroops2 = new uint[] { 5, 10, 0, 30, 40, 80, 220 };
            Army   myArmy2       = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_158"].charID, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_158"].charID, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_158"].days, Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_158"].location.id, trp: myArmyTroops2, aggr: 1, odds: 2);


            // Add single lady appropriate for marriage
            //Nationality nat = Globals_Game.nationalityMasterList["Sco"];
            NonPlayerCharacter proposalChar = new NonPlayerCharacter("Char_626", "Mairi", "Meah", new Tuple <uint, byte>(1162, 3), false, Globals_Game.nationalityMasterList["Sco"], true, 9, 9, new Queue <Fief>(), Globals_Game.languageMasterList["lang_C1"], 90, 9, 9, 9, new Tuple <Trait, int> [0], true, false, "Char_126", null, "Char_126", null, 0, false, false, new List <string>(), null, null, Globals_Game.fiefMasterList["ESW05"]);
            PlayerCharacter    pc           = Globals_Game.pcMasterList["Char_126"];

            proposalChar.inKeep = false;
 public static void InitialiseGameState(TestContext ctx = null)
     Globals_Server.LogFile           = new System.IO.StreamWriter("LogFile.txt");
     Globals_Server.LogFile.AutoFlush = true;
     game              = new Game();
     server            = new Server();
     client            = new TestClient();
     Username          = "******";
     Pass              = "******";
     OtherUser         = "******";
     OtherPass         = "******";
     BadUsername       = "******";
     BadPass           = "******";
     MyPlayerCharacter = Globals_Game.ownedPlayerCharacters[Username];
     Dictionary <string, PlayerCharacter> .Enumerator e = Globals_Game.pcMasterList.GetEnumerator();
     NotMyPlayerCharacter = e.Current.Value;
     while (NotMyPlayerCharacter == MyPlayerCharacter)
         NotMyPlayerCharacter = e.Current.Value;
     foreach (NonPlayerCharacter npc in MyPlayerCharacter.myNPCs)
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(npc.familyID))
             MyFamily = npc;
         else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(npc.employer))
             MyEmployee = npc;
         if (MyEmployee != null && MyFamily != null)
     foreach (NonPlayerCharacter npc in NotMyPlayerCharacter.myNPCs)
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(npc.familyID))
             NotMyFamily = npc;
         else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(npc.employer))
             NotMyEmplployee = npc;
         if (NotMyEmplployee != null && NotMyFamily != null)
     if (MyPlayerCharacter.myArmies != null && MyPlayerCharacter.myArmies.Count > 0)
         OwnedArmy = MyPlayerCharacter.myArmies[0];
         Army army = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), null, MyPlayerCharacter.charID, 30, NotMyPlayerCharacter.location.id, false, trp: new uint[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 });
         OwnedArmy = army;
     if (NotMyPlayerCharacter.myArmies != null && NotMyPlayerCharacter.myArmies.Count > 0)
         NotOwnedArmy = NotMyPlayerCharacter.myArmies[0];
         Army army = new Army(Globals_Game.GetNextArmyID(), null, NotMyPlayerCharacter.charID, 30, NotMyPlayerCharacter.location.id, false, trp: new uint[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 });
         NotOwnedArmy = army;
     if (MyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs != null && MyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs.Count > 0)
         OwnedFief = MyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs[0];
     if (NotMyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs != null && NotMyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs.Count > 0)
         NotOwnedFief = NotMyPlayerCharacter.ownedFiefs[0];
     foreach (var npc in Globals_Game.npcMasterList)
         if (npc.Value.GetPlayerCharacter() == null)
             NobodysCharacter = npc.Value;
     client.LogInAndConnect(Username, Pass, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 });
     while (!client.IsConnectedAndLoggedIn())