Exemple #1
        public async Task <ArmorViewModel> CreateArmor([FromBody] ArmorViewModel armorVM)
            var domainModel = armorVM.ToDomainModel();

            domainModel.CreatedAtMS = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
            domainModel.Player = userSession.Player;
            domainModel.Id     = 0;

            var originalSpellsById = domainModel.Enchantments.ToDictionary(e => e.BaseSpellId, e => e.BaseSpell);

            domainModel.Enchantments.ForEach(e => e.BaseSpell = null);

            if (armorVM.EquipmentId > 0) // editing an existing feature
                //make sure they're the author of this feature
                var existingArmor = await this.dbCtx.Armor.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Player.Id == userSession.Player.Id && f.Id == armorVM.EquipmentId);

                if (existingArmor != null)
                    //yep, it's theirs
                    existingArmor.Delisted = true;

                    domainModel.Enchantments.ForEach(e => e.Id = 0);

            await dbCtx.SaveChangesAsync();

            domainModel.Enchantments.ForEach(e => e.BaseSpell = originalSpellsById[e.BaseSpellId]);
Exemple #2
 public static Armor ToDomainModel(this ArmorViewModel armorVM)
     return(new Armor
         Cost = armorVM.Cost,
         Name = armorVM.Name,
         Description = armorVM.Description,
         ImageUrl = armorVM.ImageUrl,
         WeightInPounds = armorVM.WeightInPounds,
         SpeedPenalty = armorVM.SpeedPenalty,
         DefenseBonus = armorVM.DefenseBonus,
         Enchantments = armorVM.Enchantments.Select(e => e.ToDomainModel()).ToList()
Exemple #3
        public ActionResult Details(int armorId)
            ArmorViewModel armor = _armorHelper.ArmorSearch(armorId: armorId).Single();

        public ActionResult CalculateEquipBurden(int vit,
                                                 int adp,
                                                 int end,
                                                 int?rWeapon1 = null,
                                                 int?lWeapon1 = null,
                                                 int?helm     = null,
                                                 int?chest    = null,
                                                 int?gauntlet = null,
                                                 int?legging  = null,
                                                 int?ring1    = null,
                                                 int?ring2    = null,
                                                 int?ring3    = null,
                                                 int?ring4    = null)
            double  maxEquipLoad     = vit > 29 ? (38.5 + (1.5 * 29) + 1 * (vit - 29)) : (38.5 + (1.5 * vit));
            decimal currentEquipLoad = 0;
            double  equipPercentage  = 0;
            double  poise            = 0;

            int relevantPoiseStat = Math.Min(adp, end);

            if (relevantPoiseStat > 50)
                poise = 30 * .3 + 20 * .2 + .1 * (relevantPoiseStat - 50);
            else if (relevantPoiseStat > 30)
                poise = 30 * .3 + .2 * (relevantPoiseStat - 50);
                poise = relevantPoiseStat * .3;

            List <Ring> rings = new List <Ring>();

            if (ring1 > 0)
            if (ring2 > 0)
            if (ring3 > 0)
            if (ring4 > 0)

            foreach (Ring ring in rings)
                currentEquipLoad += ring.Weight;

                if (ring.Effects != null)
                    foreach (Effect effect in ring.Effects)
                        if (effect.Affects == Effect.Modifies.EquipLoad)
                            maxEquipLoad = (maxEquipLoad * effect.Amount);

            if (rWeapon1 != null)
                WeaponViewModel rW1 = _weaponsHelper.WeaponSearch(weaponId: rWeapon1).First();
                currentEquipLoad += rW1.Weight.Value;

            if (lWeapon1 != null)
                WeaponViewModel lW1 = _weaponsHelper.WeaponSearch(weaponId: lWeapon1).First();
                currentEquipLoad += lW1.Weight.Value;

            if (helm != null)
                ArmorViewModel hlm = _armorHelper.ArmorSearch(armorId: helm).First();
                currentEquipLoad += (decimal)hlm.Weight;
                poise            += hlm.Poise;

            if (chest != null)
                ArmorViewModel cht = _armorHelper.ArmorSearch(armorId: chest).First();
                currentEquipLoad += (decimal)cht.Weight;
                poise            += cht.Poise;

            if (gauntlet != null)
                ArmorViewModel glt = _armorHelper.ArmorSearch(armorId: gauntlet).First();
                currentEquipLoad += (decimal)glt.Weight;
                poise            += glt.Poise;

            if (legging != null)
                ArmorViewModel lgg = _armorHelper.ArmorSearch(armorId: legging).First();
                currentEquipLoad += (decimal)lgg.Weight;
                poise            += lgg.Poise;

            equipPercentage = (double)currentEquipLoad / maxEquipLoad;
            string equipLoad = String.Format("{0} / {1} ({2:P2})", currentEquipLoad, maxEquipLoad, equipPercentage);

            return(Json(new { equipLoad = equipLoad, poise = poise }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));