public void StopRangeServo(ArmPart part, bool isGripper = false, bool lightTouch = false) { //validate if (!IsRunning) { return; } if (isGripper && lightTouch) { part.Node.RemoveAction(_rangeGripperLight); } else if (isGripper) { part.Node.RemoveAction(_rangeGripper); } else { part.Node.RemoveAction(_range); } part.Node.RunActions(_stopRange); //enable recentering App.CameraOrbit.AutoCenter = true; }
public void StopSwingServo(ArmPart part) { //validate if (!IsRunning) { return; } part.Node.RemoveAllActions(); part.Node.RunActions(_stopSwing); //enable recentering App.CameraOrbit.AutoCenter = true; }
public void SwingServo(ArmPart part) { //validate if (!IsRunning) { return; } part.Node.RemoveAllActions(); part.Node.RunActions(_swing); //disabled recentering App.CameraOrbit.AutoCenter = false; }
// OnStateUpdate is called on each Update frame between OnStateEnter and OnStateExit callbacks //override public void OnStateUpdate(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { // //} // OnStateExit is called when a transition ends and the state machine finishes evaluating this state override public void OnStateExit(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { if (armPart == null) { armPart = animator.GetComponentInParent <ArmPart>(); } if (stateInfo.IsName("Punch") || stateInfo.IsName("StrongPunch") || stateInfo.IsName("2Handed")) { armPart.ArmColliders(false, 0); armPart.ArmColliders(false, 1); armPart.StartedNewAttack(ECombatInputType.NONE); //fightSolver.HandleInput(); } }
public void Attack() { Debug.Log("atk"); if ( == "Right Arm Display") { animator.Play("AIRightPunchWindUp"); } else { animator.Play("AILeftPunchWindUp"); } currArm = GetRandomArm(); target = AIData.Instance.GetNearestTarget(attachedObject); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { myCamera = GetComponentInChildren <CameraController>(); inventory = GetComponent <Inventory>(); armPart = GetComponentInChildren <ArmPart>(); torsoPart = GetComponentInChildren <TorsoPart>(); legPart = GetComponentInChildren <LegPart>(); AddInitialItems(new GameObject[3] { armPart.gameObject, torsoPart.gameObject, legPart.gameObject }); currHp = torsoPart.maxHp; currStamina = torsoPart.maxStamina; uiBars = GetComponent <HandleUIBars>(); uiBars.UpdateBarMaxValue(0, torsoPart.maxHp); uiBars.UpdateBarMaxValue(1, torsoPart.maxStamina); uiBars.UpdateBarValue(0, currHp); uiBars.UpdateBarValue(1, currStamina); startRegeningStamina = false; timerRestDelay = 0; armPart.ArmsAddedToBody(this); CanAttack = true; }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { if (armPart == null) { armPart = animator.GetComponentInParent <ArmPart>(); } if (stateInfo.IsName("Punch") || stateInfo.IsName("StrongPunch") || stateInfo.IsName("2Handed")) { if (stateInfo.IsName("Punch")) { armPart.StartedNewAttack(ECombatInputType.WEAK_ATTACK); } else if (stateInfo.IsName("StrongPunch")) { armPart.StartedNewAttack(ECombatInputType.STRONG_ATTACK); } else if (stateInfo.IsName("2Handed")) { armPart.StartedNewAttack(ECombatInputType.BOTH_ATTACKS); } } }
public void RangeServo(ArmPart part, bool isGripper = false, bool lightTouch = false) { //validate if (!IsRunning) { return; } if (isGripper && lightTouch) { part.Node.RunActions(_rangeGripperLight); } else if (isGripper) { part.Node.RunActions(_rangeGripper); } else { part.Node.RunActions(_range); } //disabled recentering App.CameraOrbit.AutoCenter = false; }
public GameObject BuildCharacter(GameObject characterContainer, PartsManager caller = null) { SetEquippedUsingIndex(equip.equippedParts); if (currentTorsoPrefab == null) { return(null); } GameObject ad = Instantiate(currentTorsoPrefab, characterContainer.transform, false); ad.transform.localPosition =; if (caller != null) { caller.TorsoEquipped = ad.GetComponent <TorsoPart>(); } TorsoPart parent = ad.GetComponent <TorsoPart>(); if (currentHeadPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentHeadPrefab, parent.neckForHead.transform, false); adding.transform.localPosition =; if (caller != null) { caller.headEquipped = adding.GetComponent <ItemPart>(); } } if (currentLeftArmPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentLeftArmPrefab, parent.LeftArmUpper.transform, false); ArmPart armPart = adding.GetComponent <ArmPart>(); armPart.EquipArm(parent, parent.LeftArmUpper, parent.LeftArmFore, parent.LeftArmHand); if (caller != null) { caller.leftArmEquipped = armPart; } } if (currentRightArmPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentRightArmPrefab, parent.RightArmUpper.transform, false); ArmPart armPart = adding.GetComponent <ArmPart>(); armPart.EquipArm(parent, parent.RightArmUpper, parent.RightArmFore, parent.RightArmHand); if (caller != null) { caller.rightArmEquipped = armPart; } } if (currentLeftLegPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentLeftLegPrefab, parent.LeftUpperThigh.transform, false); LegPart legPart = adding.GetComponent <LegPart>(); legPart.EquipLeg(parent.LeftUpperThigh, parent.Leftshin, parent.LefttAnkle, parent.LeftFoot); if (caller != null) { caller.leftLegEquipped = legPart; } } if (currentRightLegPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentRightLegPrefab, parent.RightUpperThigh.transform, false); LegPart legPart = adding.GetComponent <LegPart>(); legPart.EquipLeg(parent.RightUpperThigh, parent.Rightshin, parent.RightAnkle, parent.RightFoot); if (caller != null) { caller.rightLegEquipped = legPart; } } if (parent.bodyType == BodyType.FourArm) { Debug.Log("Four"); if (currentRightArmPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentRightArmPrefab, parent.LowerRightArmUpper.transform, false); ArmPart armPart = adding.GetComponent <ArmPart>(); armPart.EquipArm(parent, parent.LowerRightArmUpper, parent.LowerRightArmFore, parent.LowerRightArmHand); } if (currentLeftArmPrefab != null) { GameObject adding = Instantiate(currentLeftArmPrefab, parent.LowerLeftArmUpper.transform, false); ArmPart armPart = adding.GetComponent <ArmPart>(); armPart.EquipArm(parent, parent.LowerLeftArmUpper, parent.LowerLeftArmFore, parent.LowerLeftArmHand); } } return(ad); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { arms = GetComponentInParent <ArmPart>(); }
public override void Init() { currArm = GetRandomArm(); }
private void Awake() { arms = GetComponentInParent <ArmPart>(); }
public void addLimb() { combinedShop.Refresh = true; changed = true; GameObject adding; GameObject currentPart = combinedShop.currentPart; //The object, found at the index inside the list. int currentIndex = combinedShop.currentIndex; partType currentType = combinedShop.currentType; if (currentPart == null) { return; } if (currentType == partType.Torso) { addingTorso(); return; } if (TorsoEquipped == null) { return; } switch (currentType) { case partType.Head: if (headEquipped != null && == { return; } if (headEquipped != null) { Destroy(headEquipped.gameObject); } adding = Instantiate(currentPart, TorsoEquipped.neckForHead.transform, false); headEquipped = adding.GetComponent <ItemPart>(); list.ChangeEquip(currentPart, partType.Head, currentIndex); =; break; case partType.LeftArm: if (leftArmEquipped != null && == { return; } if (leftArmEquipped != null) { leftArmEquipped.deleteArm(); } adding = Instantiate(currentPart, TorsoEquipped.LeftArmUpper.transform, false); leftArmEquipped = adding.GetComponent <ArmPart>(); leftArmEquipped.EquipArm(TorsoEquipped, TorsoEquipped.LeftArmUpper, TorsoEquipped.LeftArmFore, TorsoEquipped.LeftArmHand); =; list.ChangeEquip(currentPart, partType.LeftArm, currentIndex); adding = null; break; case partType.RightArm: if (rightArmEquipped != null && == { return; } if (rightArmEquipped != null) { rightArmEquipped.deleteArm(); } adding = Instantiate(currentPart, TorsoEquipped.RightArmUpper.transform, false); rightArmEquipped = adding.GetComponent <ArmPart>(); rightArmEquipped.EquipArm(TorsoEquipped, TorsoEquipped.RightArmUpper, TorsoEquipped.RightArmFore, TorsoEquipped.RightArmHand); =; list.ChangeEquip(currentPart, partType.RightArm, currentIndex); adding = null; break; case partType.LeftLeg: if (leftLegEquipped != null && == { return; } if (leftLegEquipped != null) { leftLegEquipped.DeleteLeg(); } adding = Instantiate(currentPart, TorsoEquipped.RightUpperThigh.transform, false); leftLegEquipped = adding.GetComponent <LegPart>(); leftLegEquipped.EquipLeg(TorsoEquipped.LeftUpperThigh, TorsoEquipped.Leftshin, TorsoEquipped.LefttAnkle, TorsoEquipped.LeftFoot); list.ChangeEquip(currentPart, partType.LeftLeg, currentIndex); =; adding = null; break; case partType.RightLeg: if (rightLegEquipped != null && == { } if (rightLegEquipped != null) { rightLegEquipped.DeleteLeg(); } adding = Instantiate(currentPart, TorsoEquipped.RightUpperThigh.transform, false); rightLegEquipped = adding.GetComponent <LegPart>(); rightLegEquipped.EquipLeg(TorsoEquipped.RightUpperThigh, TorsoEquipped.Rightshin, TorsoEquipped.RightAnkle, TorsoEquipped.RightFoot); list.ChangeEquip(currentPart, partType.RightLeg, currentIndex); =; adding = null; break; default: break; } if (TorsoEquipped.bodyType == BodyType.FourArm) { Destroy(TorsoEquipped.gameObject); list.BuildCharacter(parentOfTorso, this); return; } }