public BinaryFormatterFactory(BinaryFormatType formatType, Encoding encoding)
     ArgumentAssert.IsDefinedInEnum(typeof(BinaryFormatType), formatType, "formatType");
     ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(encoding, "encoding");
     _formatType = formatType;
     _encoding   = encoding;
        public GenDeserializeContext(
            MethodGenerator generator,
            PartDefinition part,
            IExpression instance,
            IExpression args,
            IVariable header)
            : base(generator)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(generator, "generator");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(part, "part");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(instance, "instance");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(args, "args");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(header, "header");

            DeserializationArgs = args;
            Reader   = args.Copy().AddMember("Reader");
            Instance = instance;
            Member   = part.IsBaseType
                                ? instance
                                : instance
            IsBaseType = part.IsBaseType;
            Header     = header;
Exemple #3
        private static object[] GetArguments(XmlNode section)
            var nodes = section.SelectNodes("arguments/add");

            if (nodes.Count == 0)
                return(Array.Empty <object>());

            object[] arguments = new object[nodes.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                var value = nodes[i].Attributes["value"].Value;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(value, "value");

                var type = nodes[i].Attributes["type"].Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                    type = "string";

                object arg = DataUtil.ToValue(value, type);
                if (arg == null)
                    throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format(Strings.OnlySupportedTypes, DataUtil.PrimitiveTypes));
                arguments[i] = arg;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read requested bytes from response stream. The implementation will block until all requested bytes readed from source stream, or <see cref="TimeoutException"/> will be thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">An array of type Byte that is the location in memory to store data read from the NetworkStream.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Number of bytes to be read from the source stream.</param>
        /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">Thrown when the time allotted for data read operation has expired.</exception>
        public override int ReadBytes(byte[] buffer, int length)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(buffer, "buffer");
            ArgumentAssert.IsGreaterThan(length, 0, "length");

            NetworkReadState state = new NetworkReadState();

            state.DataStream = Stream;
            state.BytesLeft  = length;
            _resetEvent      = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            while (state.BytesLeft > 0)
                Stream.BeginRead(buffer, length - state.BytesLeft, state.BytesLeft, ReadDataCallback, state);


                if (state.Exception != null)
                    throw state.Exception;
        public void IsDefinedInEnumTest()
            string argumentName = string.Empty;
            Type   enumType     = typeof(DayOfWeek);
            object value        = DayOfWeek.Friday;

                ArgumentAssert.IsDefinedInEnum(enumType, value, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);
            // incorrect
            value = 128;
                ArgumentAssert.IsDefinedInEnum(enumType, value, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.");
            catch (InvalidEnumArgumentException)
                // test passed
        public static IEnumerable <PartDefinition> CreateInheritedParts(Type type)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(type, "type");
            foreach (SerializableInheritedPropertyAttribute attribute in Attribute
                     .GetCustomAttributes(type, typeof(SerializableInheritedPropertyAttribute), false))
                const BindingFlags flags       = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;
                const MemberTypes  memberTypes = MemberTypes.Property | MemberTypes.Field;
                var member = attribute.BaseClass.GetMember(attribute.BasePropertyName, memberTypes, flags).FirstOrDefault <MemberInfo>();
                if (member == null)
                    throw new MissingMemberException(attribute.BaseClass.FullName, attribute.BasePropertyName);
                var prop       = member as PropertyInfo;
                var memberType = prop != null
                                        ? prop.PropertyType
                                        : ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType;

                yield return(new PartDefinition
                    Member = member,
                    MemberName = member.Name,
                    Version = attribute.Version,
                    ObsoleteVersion = attribute.ObsoleteVersion,
                    Flags = attribute.Dynamic ? PartFlags.Dynamic : PartFlags.None,
                    ReadMethod = attribute.ReadMethod,
                    WriteMethod = attribute.WriteMethod,
                    Type = memberType
        public void IsLessThanTestDouble()
            string argumentName = string.Empty;
            // correct
            double value = 1;

                ArgumentAssert.IsLessThan(value, 2, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);
            // incorrect
            value = 2;
                ArgumentAssert.IsLessThan(value, 1, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                // test passed
        public void IsNotEmptyTestCollectionGeneric()
            ICollection argumentValue = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            string      argumentName  = string.Empty;

                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);

            argumentValue = null;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // test passed
        public void IsNotEmptyTestIn32()
            int    argumentValue = 1;
            string argumentName  = string.Empty;

                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);

            argumentValue = 0;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // test passed
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for IsNotEmpty with generic array param.
        public void IsNotEmptyTestGenericArrayHelper <T>() where T : class, new()
            T[]    argumentValue = new T[] { new T() };
            string argumentName  = string.Empty;

                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);

            argumentValue = null;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // test passed
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for IsNotEmpty with generic dictionary param.
        public void IsNotEmptyTestGenericDictionaryHelper <TKey, TValue>() where TKey : class, new() where TValue : class, new()
            IDictionary <TKey, TValue> argumentValue = new Dictionary <TKey, TValue>();

            argumentValue.Add(new TKey(), new TValue());
            string argumentName = string.Empty;

                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);

            argumentValue = null;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // test passed
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for IsNotEmpty with generic <T> param.
        public void IsNotEmptyTestGerericHelper <T>() where T : class, new()
            ICollection <T> argumentValue = new Collection <T>();

            argumentValue.Add(new T());
            string argumentName = string.Empty;

                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);

            argumentValue = null;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty(argumentValue, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // test passed
        /// <summary>
        ///A test for IsNotNull
        public void IsNotNullTestHelper <T>() where T : class, new()
            string argumentName = string.Empty;

            T argumentValue = new T();

                ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull <T>(argumentValue, argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);

            argumentValue = null;
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull <T>(argumentValue, argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // test passed
        private static string GetServerCode(string userId, string markedCode, Func <IEnumerable <UIMenuItem> > getServerCode)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(markedCode, "markedCode");

            string fileName = GetMenuFileName(userId, markedCode);

            if (File.Exists(fileName))

            UIMenu menu = new UIMenu(getServerCode());
            var    code = menu.ToJSON();

                WriteText(fileName, code);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #15
        public static InterfaceMapper Create(XmlNode section)
            if (section == null)
            InterfaceMapper mapper     = new InterfaceMapper();
            var             implements = section.SelectNodes("implement");

            foreach (XmlNode implement in implements)
                string contractTypeName = section.GetAttributeValue("contractType");
                ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(contractTypeName, "contractTypeName");
                Type contractType = Type.GetType(contractTypeName);
                if (contractType == null)
                    throw new NoTypeDefinedException(contractTypeName);

                var imp = InterfaceImplementer.Create(implement);
                if (imp != null)
                    mapper.AddImplement(contractType, imp);
        public void IsGreaterThanTestDateTime()
            string argumentName = string.Empty;
            // correct
            DateTime value = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);

                ArgumentAssert.IsGreaterThan(value, new DateTime(1999, 1, 1), argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);
            // incorrect
            value = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
                ArgumentAssert.IsGreaterThan(value, new DateTime(2001, 1, 1), argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                // test passed
        public BuildKeywordsCommand(ConnectionBase connection, IEnumerable <string> indexes, string query) : base(connection)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(indexes, "indexes");

            _queryText = query;
        public void IsLessThanTestDateTime()
            string argumentName = string.Empty;
            // correct
            DateTime value = new DateTime(2009, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59);

                ArgumentAssert.IsLessThan(value, new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), argumentName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw no exceptions.\n" + ex.Message);
            // incorrect
            value = new DateTime(1993, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6);
                ArgumentAssert.IsLessThan(value, new DateTime(1992, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6), argumentName);
                Assert.Fail("Assert method must throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception.");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                // test passed
        /// <summary>
        /// 从领域对象上获得方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerType"></param>
        /// <param name="methodName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MethodInfo GetMethodFromObject()
            var ownerType  = this.ObjectOrExtensionType;
            var methodInfo = ownerType.ResolveMethod(this.MethodName);

            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(methodInfo, this.MethodName);
 /// <summary>
 /// Validate parameters
 /// </summary>
 internal void ValidateParameters()
     foreach (SearchQuery query in this)
         ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(query, "query");
        public UpdateAttributesCommand(ConnectionBase connection, IEnumerable <string> indexes, IEnumerable <AttributeUpdateBase> attributesValues) : base(connection)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(indexes, "indexes");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(attributesValues, "attributesValues");

 public override void Write(byte[] data)
     ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(data, "bytes");
     if (OutputStream == null)
         throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, Messages.Exception_IOStreamDisposed);
     OutputStream.WriteBytes(data, data.Length);
Exemple #23
 protected override void ValidateParameters()
     ArgumentAssert.IsNotEmpty <SearchQuery>(QueryList, "QueryList");
     if (MaxQueries > 0)
         ArgumentAssert.IsInRange(QueryList, 1, MaxQueries, "QueryList");
        protected override void WriteBody(IBinaryWriter writer, int maxCount)
            ArgumentAssert.IsInRange(Values.Count, 0, maxCount, "Values.Count");

            foreach (T value in Values)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the size of the primitive type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The primitive type.</param>
        /// <returns>The size of the primitive type.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///		<para><paramref name="type"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</para>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        ///		<para><paramref name="type"/> is not primitive.</para>
        /// </exception>
        public static int GetPrimitiveSize(this Type type)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(type, "type");
            if (!type.IsPrimitive)
                throw new ArgumentException("type must be a primitive.", "type");

        internal static bool ShouldLoadAddress(this LoadOptions loadOptions, Type targetType)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(targetType, "targetType");

            if (targetType.IsValueType)
                return((loadOptions & LoadOptions.ValueAsAddress) == LoadOptions.ValueAsAddress);
            return((loadOptions & LoadOptions.ReferenceAsAddress) == LoadOptions.ReferenceAsAddress);
        public XmlnsDefinitionAttribute(string xamlNamespace, string clrNamespace, string assemblyName)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(xamlNamespace, "xamlNamespace");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(clrNamespace, "clrNamespace");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(assemblyName, "assemblyName");

            this.XamlNamespace = xamlNamespace;
            this.ClrNamespace  = clrNamespace;
            this.AssemblyName  = assemblyName;
Exemple #28
        private object CreateInstance()
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(this.ImplementType, "ImplementType");
            var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(this.ImplementType, this.Arguments);

            if (instance == null)
                throw new NoTypeDefinedException(this.ImplementType);
 /// <summary>
 /// Send request to Sphinx server using underlying data stream and process server response.
 /// Connection behaviour is changed - underlying network connection will not closed until <see cref="PersistentTcpConnection.Close()"/> method is called or object is disposed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
 internal override void PerformCommand(CommandBase command)
     ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(command, "command");
     if (!IsConnected)
        protected SimpleVariable(ICILWriter writer, int index, Type type, string name, bool isPinned)
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(writer, "writer");
            ArgumentAssert.IsNotNull(type, "type");

            Writer   = writer;
            Index    = index;
            Type     = type;
            Name     = name;
            IsPinned = isPinned;