Exemple #1
        public static IEnumerable <RDPSessionInfo> Get_NetRDPSession(Args_Get_NetRDPSession args = null)
            if (args == null)
                args = new Args_Get_NetRDPSession();

            IntPtr LogonToken = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (args.Credential != null)
                LogonToken = InvokeUserImpersonation.Invoke_UserImpersonation(new Args_Invoke_UserImpersonation {
                    Credential = args.Credential

            var RDPSessions = new List <RDPSessionInfo>();

            foreach (var Computer in args.ComputerName)
                // open up a handle to the Remote Desktop Session host
                var Handle = NativeMethods.WTSOpenServerEx(Computer);

                // if we get a non-zero handle back, everything was successful
                if (Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // arguments for WTSEnumerateSessionsEx
                    var    ppSessionInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
                    UInt32 pCount        = 0;

                    // get information on all current sessions
                    UInt32 level     = 1;
                    var    Result    = NativeMethods.WTSEnumerateSessionsEx(Handle, ref level, 0, ref ppSessionInfo, ref pCount);
                    var    LastError = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                    // locate the offset of the initial intPtr
                    var Offset = ppSessionInfo.ToInt64();

                    if ((Result != 0) && (Offset > 0))
                        // work out how much to increment the pointer by finding out the size of the structure
                        var Increment = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.WTS_SESSION_INFO_1));

                        // parse all the result structures
                        for (var i = 0; (i < pCount); i++)
                            // create a new int ptr at the given offset and cast the pointer as our result structure
                            var NewIntPtr = new IntPtr(Offset);
                            var Info      = (NativeMethods.WTS_SESSION_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(NewIntPtr, typeof(NativeMethods.WTS_SESSION_INFO_1));

                            var RDPSession = new RDPSessionInfo();

                            if (Info.pHostName != null)
                                RDPSession.ComputerName = Info.pHostName;
                                // if no hostname returned, use the specified hostname
                                RDPSession.ComputerName = Computer;

                            RDPSession.SessionName = Info.pSessionName;

                            if ((Info.pDomainName == null) || (Info.pDomainName == ""))
                                // if a domain isn't returned just use the username
                                RDPSession.UserName = Info.pUserName;
                                RDPSession.UserName = $@"{Info.pDomainName}\{Info.pUserName}";

                            RDPSession.ID    = Info.SessionId;
                            RDPSession.State = Info.State;

                            var  ppBuffer       = IntPtr.Zero;
                            uint pBytesReturned = 0;

                            // query for the source client IP with WTSQuerySessionInformation
                            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383861(v=vs.85).aspx
                            var Result2    = NativeMethods.WTSQuerySessionInformation(Handle, Info.SessionId, NativeMethods.WTS_INFO_CLASS.WTSClientAddress, out ppBuffer, out pBytesReturned);
                            var LastError2 = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                            if (Result2 == false)
                                Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-NetRDPSession] Error: {new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)LastError2).Message}");
                                var Offset2    = ppBuffer.ToInt64();
                                var NewIntPtr2 = new IntPtr(Offset2);
                                var Info2      = (NativeMethods.WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(NewIntPtr2, typeof(NativeMethods.WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS));

                                string SourceIP;
                                if (Info2.Address[2] != 0)
                                    SourceIP = $@"{Info2.Address[2]}.{Info2.Address[3]}.{Info2.Address[4]}.{Info2.Address[5]}";
                                    SourceIP = null;

                                RDPSession.SourceIP = SourceIP;

                                // free up the memory buffer

                                Offset += Increment;
                        // free up the memory result buffer
                        NativeMethods.WTSFreeMemoryEx(WTS_TYPE_CLASS.WTSTypeSessionInfoLevel1, ppSessionInfo, pCount);
                        Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-NetRDPSession] Error: {new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)LastError).Message}");
                    // close off the service handle
                    Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-NetRDPSession] Error opening the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server for: {Computer}");

            if (LogonToken != IntPtr.Zero)

Exemple #2
 public static IEnumerable <RDPSessionInfo> Get_NetRDPSession(Args_Get_NetRDPSession args = null)