public static void InitializeContent() { #region tutorial step 2 #region arena var map = new Point(2000, 2000); var arena = new ArenaControl(); = Color.FromGray(0xc0); arena.SetLocation( Rectangle.Of(0, 0, Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height)); arena.SetCanvasSize(map); arena.Control.AttachToDocument(); arena.DrawTextToInfo(Title, new Point(8, 8), Color.Blue); Native.window.onresize += delegate { arena.SetLocation( Rectangle.Of(0, 0, Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height)); arena.SetCanvasPosition( arena.CurrentCanvasPosition ); }; #endregion #endregion var pending = default(Dude2); #region arsenal var arsenal = new Dictionary <string, DudeAnimationInfo> { { "Soldier", new DudeAnimationInfo { Frames_Stand = Frames.WolfSoldier, Frames_Walk = Frames.WolfSoldier_Walk } }, { "Imp", new DudeAnimationInfo { Frames_Stand = Frames.DoomImp, Frames_Walk = Frames.DoomImp_Walk } } }; #endregion #region tutorial step 3 Func <DudeAnimationInfo, Point, Dude2> CreateActor = (_frames, _coords) => { var actor = new Dude2(); actor.Frames = _frames.Frames_Stand; actor.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand = _frames.Frames_Stand; actor.AnimationInfo.Frames_Walk = _frames.Frames_Walk; actor.Zoom.DynamicZoomFunc = a => 1; actor.SetSize(48, 72); actor.TeleportTo(_coords.X, _coords.Y); actor.Zoom.StaticZoom = DefaultActiorZoom; actor.Direction = Math.PI * 0.5; actor.Control.AttachTo(arena.Layers.Canvas); //actor.HasShadow = _frames.Frames_Stand.Length > 1; if (_frames.Frames_Stand.Length == 1) { = 0.4; } actor.AnimationInfo.WalkAnimationInterval = 1000 / 30; return(actor); }; var actors = new List <Dude2> { }; var selection = from i in actors where i.IsSelected select i; arena.ApplySelection += (rect, ev) => { if (pending != null) { return; } foreach (var v in actors) { v.IsSelected = rect.Contains(v.CurrentLocation.ToInt32()); } }; var Argh = new Argh(); var Affirmative = new Affirmative(); var ghoullaugh = new ghoullaugh(); var sheep = new sheep(); var pig = new pig(); var click = new click().AttachToDocument(); arena.SelectionClick += (p, ev) => { if (pending != null) { return; } foreach (var v in selection) { if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.ManWithHorns.Frames_Stand[0].Source) {; ghoullaugh = new ghoullaugh(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.ThePig.Frames_Stand[0].Source) {; pig = new pig(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.TheSheep.Frames_Stand[0].Source) {; sheep = new sheep(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == Frames.WolfSoldier[0].Source) {; Affirmative = new Affirmative(); } else {; Argh = new Argh(); } v.WalkTo(p.ToDouble()); // move in group formation p.X += 16; p.Y += 16; } }; #endregion #region tutorial step 4 #region CreateDialogAt var CreateDialogAt = new { //Dialog = default(IHTMLDiv), Content = default(IHTMLDiv), Width = default(string) } .ToFunc( (Point pos, string width) => { var f = new Form(); f.Show(); f.SizeTo(200, 200); // //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing(); f.MoveTo(pos.X, pos.Y); //f.SizeTo( //var dialog = new IHTMLDiv(); //, pos.Y); // = Color.Gray; // = "1px"; //var caption = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(dialog); // = Color.Blue; // = width; // = "0.5em"; // = IStyle.CursorEnum.move; //var drag = new DragHelper(caption); //drag.Position = pos; //drag.Enabled = true; //drag.DragMove += // delegate // { //, drag.Position.Y); // }; var _content = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(f.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); =; = Color.White; = "1px"; //dialog.AttachToDocument(); return(new { //Dialog = dialog, Content = _content, Width = width }); } ); #endregion #region dialog var toolbar = CreateDialogAt(new Point(2, 2), "8em"); var combo = new IHTMLSelect(); var build = new IHTMLButton();, 72); = "0px"; var avatar = new IHTMLImage().AttachTo(build); var remove = new IHTMLButton("Remove"); combo.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); build.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); remove.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); #endregion #region GetSelectedArsenal Func <DudeAnimationInfo> GetSelectedArsenal = () => { if (arsenal.ContainsKey(combo[combo.selectedIndex].value)) { return(arsenal[combo[combo.selectedIndex].value]); } return(null); }; #endregion Action Refresh = delegate { var i = GetSelectedArsenal(); if (i != null) { avatar.src = i.Images.Random().src; } }; combo.Add(arsenal.Keys.ToArray()); Refresh(); combo.onchange += delegate { Refresh();; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #region pending actor arena.MouseMove += p => { if (pending == null) { return; } pending.TeleportTo(p.X, p.Y); }; arena.Layers.User.oncontextmenu += e => { e.preventDefault(); if (pending != null) { pending.Control.Orphanize(); pending = null; arena.ShowSelectionRectangle = true; return; } actors.ForEach( k => k.IsSelected = false ); }; arena.SelectionClick += (p, ev) => { if (pending == null) { return; } pending.TeleportTo(p.X, p.Y); actors.Add(pending); pending.IsHot = false; var x = GetSelectedArsenal(); pending = CreateActor(x, new Point( Native.window.Width / 2, Native.window.Height / 2 ) ); pending.IsHot = true;; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; build.onclick += delegate { if (pending != null) { pending.Control.Orphanize(); pending = null; return; } var x = GetSelectedArsenal(); pending = CreateActor(x, new Point( Native.window.Width / 2, Native.window.Height / 2 ) ); pending.IsHot = true; arena.ShowSelectionRectangle = false;; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion remove.onclick += delegate { foreach (var v in selection.ToArray()) { v.Control.Orphanize(); actors.Remove(v); }; click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion if (FilterToImpAndSoldier) { } else { #region step 6 { var n = "NPC"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.NPC3); combo.Add(n); } #endregion { var n = "ManWithHorns"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.ManWithHorns); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "TheSheep"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.TheSheep); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "ThePig"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.ThePig); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "TheCactus"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.TheCactus); combo.Add(n); } } if (BeforeAddingDebris != null) { BeforeAddingDebris(arena.Layers.Canvas); } 3.Times( delegate() { new DebrisImages().Images.ForEach( img => img.AttachTo(arena.Layers.Canvas).style.SetLocation(map.X.Random(), map.Y.Random()) ); } ); 16.Times( delegate() { actors.Add( CreateActor(arsenal.Random().Value, new Point(map.X.Random(), map.Y.Random())) ); } ); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new control /// </summary> /// <param name="DataElement">The hidden data element</param> public GameOfLife() { var MyContainer = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; var vv = new ArenaControl(); var cx = 32; var cy = 32; var w = 32; var h = 32; vv.SetCanvasSize(new Point(cx * w, cy * h)); vv.SetLocation(new Rectangle { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = Native.window.Width, Height = Native.window.Height }); Native.window.onresize += delegate { Console.WriteLine("onresize"); vv.SetLocation(new Rectangle { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = Native.window.Width, Height = Native.window.Height }); }; = Color.White; vv.Control.AttachTo(MyContainer); var buffer = new Array2D <LayeredControl.CanvasRectangle>(cx, cy); vv.Layers.Canvas.Hide(); Action <string, Point, Color> DrawTextWithShadow = (text, pos, c) => { vv.DrawTextToInfo(text, pos + new Point(2, 2), Color.Black); vv.DrawTextToInfo(text, pos, Color.White); vv.DrawTextToInfo(text, pos + new Point(1, 1), c); }; //DrawTextWithShadow("Game Of Life - Use middle mouse button to drag map around", new Point(8, 8), Color.Red); int index = 0; var State = new __Type1 { ColorDeath = Color.White, //ColorSurvival = Color.Gray, ColorBirth = Color.Black }; Func <Color> RandomState = () => new System.Random().NextDouble() > 0.5 ? State.ColorDeath : State.ColorBirth; #region reset Action Reset = () => buffer.ForEach( (int x, int y) => { var c = new LayeredControl.CanvasRectangle { BackgroundColor = RandomState(), Location = new Rectangle { Left = x * w + 1, Top = y * h + 1, Width = w - 2, Height = h - 2 } }; vv.DrawRectangleToCanvas(c); buffer[x, y] = c; } ); Reset(); #endregion vv.Layers.Canvas.Show(); //var f = new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.fieldset); //var chk_enabled = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.checkbox); //var btn_reset = new IHTMLButton("Randomize"); //btn_reset.onclick += (i) => Reset(); //f.appendChild(btn_reset, chk_enabled, new IHTMLLabel("Activate", chk_enabled)); //f.AttachToDocument(); //, 60); var NextEvolution = default(Action); Action <int> SleepAndEvolve = (timeout) => new Timer((t) => NextEvolution(), timeout, 0); #region NextEvolution NextEvolution = () => { var nextframe = default(Action); var t = IDate.Now.getTime(); //if (chk_enabled.@checked) buffer.ForEach( (int x, int y) => { Func <int, int, LayeredControl.CanvasRectangle> g = (ox, oy) => buffer[x + ox, y + oy]; var u = g(0, 0); var c = new[] { g(-1, -1), g(-1, 0), g(-1, 1), g(0, 1), g(0, -1), g(1, -1), g(1, 0), g(1, 1) }.Count(i => i != null && i.BackgroundColor == State.ColorBirth); var ncolor = default(Color); var IsDeath = u.BackgroundColor == State.ColorDeath; var IsBirth = u.BackgroundColor == State.ColorBirth; var Is2 = c == 2; var Is3 = c == 3; var Is2or3 = Is2 || Is3; if (IsDeath && Is3) { ncolor = State.ColorBirth; } else if (IsBirth && Is2or3) { ncolor = State.ColorBirth; } else { ncolor = State.ColorDeath; } nextframe += () => { u.BackgroundColor = ncolor; u.Update(); }; } ); if (nextframe != null) { nextframe(); nextframe = null; } int timeout = (int)(IDate.Now.getTime() - t) - 0; System.Console.WriteLine("time: " + timeout); SleepAndEvolve(timeout.Max(100)); }; #endregion SleepAndEvolve(1); }