public void ModelIsNull() { // Arrange var validator = new AreaValidator(null, "", codeService); // Act validator.Validate(controller.ModelState); // Assert controller.ModelState.IsValid.Should().BeTrue(); }
public void AreaWithDescriptionAndCeilingNullAndAltitudeNullIsValid() { var info = new Info(); var area = new Area(); area.Description = "U.S. nationwide and interests worldwide"; area.Ceiling = null; area.Altitude = null; info.Areas.Add(area); var areaValidator = new AreaValidator(info); Assert.True(areaValidator.IsValid); }
public void ModelSetAndAreaDoesNotExist() { // Arrange codeServiceMockSetup.Setup(c => c.GetAreaByCodeAndType(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((VmOpenApiArea)null); var validator = new AreaValidator("areaCode", "", codeService); // Act validator.Validate(controller.ModelState); // Assert controller.ModelState.IsValid.Should().BeFalse(); }
public void AreaWith4CoordinatePairsAndFirstAndLastPairEqualIsValid() { var info = new Info(); var area = new Area(); area.Description = "U.S. nationwide and interests worldwide"; var polygon = new Polygon("68.47,-120.14 38.34,-119.95 38.52,-119.74 38.62,-119.89 38.47,-120.14"); area.Polygons.Add(polygon); info.Areas.Add(area); var areaValidator = new AreaValidator(info); Assert.False(areaValidator.IsValid); var polygonsErrors = from error in areaValidator.Errors where error.GetType() == typeof(PolygonWithFirstCoordinatePairEqualToLastCoordinatePairError) select error; Assert.NotEmpty(polygonsErrors); }
public void AreaWithDescriptionAndCeilingAndAltitudeNullIsInvalid() { var info = new Info(); var area = new Area(); area.Description = "U.S. nationwide and interests worldwide"; area.Ceiling = 123; area.Altitude = null; info.Areas.Add(area); var areaValidator = new AreaValidator(info); Assert.False(areaValidator.IsValid); var ceilingExistanceErrors = from error in areaValidator.Errors where error.GetType() == typeof(CeilingExistanceError) select error; Assert.NotEmpty(ceilingExistanceErrors); }
static async Task MainAsync(string[] arguments) { var versionString = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() .GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>() .InformationalVersion .ToString(); var recordCount = 10; var root = ""; var countryCode = arguments.Length == 1 || arguments.Length > 1 ? arguments[0] : string.Empty; var countCheck = arguments.Length == 2 ? int.TryParse(arguments[1], out recordCount) : false; var url = $"{root}/Data/GetAvailableCallForPapers/{recordCount}/{countryCode}"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryCode) || !AreaValidator.Validate(countryCode)) { Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine($"C4P Online v{versionString}"); Console.WriteLine("Usage: c4p <country> [count]"); Console.WriteLine("Example: c4p [NA|SA|AF|EU|IT|AUS]"); Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); return; } using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.GetAsync(url); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var stringData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var typedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CallForPaperResponse>(stringData); Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); if (typedResponse.Proposals.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"There are no active Call for Papers at the moment in {countryCode}."); Console.WriteLine($"Check back later or submit yours @ {root}"); Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); return; } Console.WriteLine($"C4P Online v{versionString}"); Console.WriteLine($"Here are the available Call for Papers in {countryCode}"); foreach (var item in typedResponse.Proposals) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Conference Name: {item.ConferenceName}"); Console.WriteLine($"URL: {item.Website}"); Console.WriteLine($"Ends: {item.EndDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}"); } Console.Write(Environment.NewLine); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry, there was an error fetching the available Call for Papers in {countryCode}"); } } }
public void AreaWithOneDescriptionEmptyIsInvalid() { var info = new Info(); var firstArea = new Area(); firstArea.Description = "U.S. nationwide and interests worldwide"; var secondArea = new Area(); secondArea.Description = ""; info.Areas.Add(firstArea); info.Areas.Add(secondArea); var areaValidator = new AreaValidator(info); Assert.False(areaValidator.IsValid); var emptyDescriptionErrors = from error in areaValidator.Errors where error.GetType() == typeof(AreaDescriptionRequiredError) select error; Assert.NotEmpty(emptyDescriptionErrors); }
public void AreaWithDescriptionIsValid() { var info = new Info(); var area = new Area(); area.Description = "U.S. nationwide and interests worldwide"; info.Areas.Add(area); var areaValidator = new AreaValidator(info); Assert.True(areaValidator.IsValid); }
public async Task <AreaDTO> Put(Guid instanceID, Guid userID, Guid identityWorkID, AreaValidator validator, IMapper mapper, AreaDTO AreaDTO) { var mgr = new MiddlewareManager <Area>(new BaseRecordManager <Area>(), validator); var found = (await mgr.FindByExpressionAsync(x => x.ID == AreaDTO.ID, identityWorkID)).FirstOrDefault(); if (found != null) { found.Name = AreaDTO.Name; await mgr.UpdateAsync(new List <Area>() { found }, identityWorkID); } else { return(await Post(instanceID, userID, identityWorkID, validator, mapper, AreaDTO)); } return(AreaDTO); }
public async Task <AreaDTO> Post(Guid instanceID, Guid userID, Guid identityWorkID, AreaValidator validator, IMapper mapper, AreaDTO AreaDTO) { Area dep = new Area(); mapper.Map(AreaDTO, dep); dep.InstanceID = instanceID; dep.CompanyID = identityWorkID; var mgr = new MiddlewareManager <Area>(new BaseRecordManager <Area>(), validator); await mgr.CreateAsync(new List <Area>() { dep }, identityWorkID); return(AreaDTO); }
public async Task Delete(Guid instanceID, Guid userID, Guid identityWorkID, AreaValidator validator, IMapper mapper, Guid AreaID) { var mgr = new MiddlewareManager <Area>(new BaseRecordManager <Area>(), validator); await mgr.DeleteAsync(new List <Guid>() { AreaID }, identityWorkID); }