Exemple #1
        public IList <ArchiveBE> Archive_GetPagesInTransaction(ulong pageId, out uint transactionId)
            uint             tempTranId = 0;
            List <ArchiveBE> archivedPagesInTransaction = new List <ArchiveBE>();

            Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Archive_GetPagesInTransaction */
select  t.*, archive.*
from archive
join (      
	select  *
	from	transactions	
	where	t_type = 5
	and     t_reverted = 0
	and     t_page_id = ?PAGEID
	order by t_timestamp desc
	limit 1
) t
on t.t_id = ar_transaction_id
where ar_old_id = 0
order by ar_title asc;")
            .With("PAGEID", pageId)
            .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    tempTranId = DbUtils.Convert.To <uint>(dr["t_id"]) ?? 0;
                    //Populate list of archived pages in trans. (assumes sort by transaction with first archived page being the transaction 'root')
                    ArchiveBE archive = Archive_Populate(dr);
            transactionId = tempTranId;
Exemple #2
        public Dictionary <ulong, IList <ArchiveBE> > Archive_GetRevisionsByPageIds(IList <ulong> pageIds)
            Dictionary <ulong, IList <ArchiveBE> > archivesRevsByPageId = new Dictionary <ulong, IList <ArchiveBE> >();
            string pageidsString = pageIds.ToCommaDelimitedString();

            Catalog.NewQuery(string.Format(@" /* Archive_GetRevisionsByPageIds */
select  *
from	archive
where   ar_last_page_id in ({0})
order by ar_last_page_id desc, ar_timestamp asc
", pageidsString)).Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    IList <ArchiveBE> revisions = null;
                    ArchiveBE p = Archive_Populate(dr);
                    archivesRevsByPageId.TryGetValue(p.LastPageId, out revisions);
                    if (revisions == null)
                        revisions = new List <ArchiveBE>();

                    archivesRevsByPageId[p.LastPageId] = revisions;

Exemple #3
        private static XDoc GetArchivePageXml(XDoc doc, ArchiveBE archivedPage, UserBE user, DateTime ts)
            XDoc ret        = doc;
            bool singlePage = false;

            if (ret == null || ret.IsEmpty)
                ret        = new XDoc("page.archive");
                singlePage = true;
                ret = ret.Start("page.archive");

            ret = ret.Attr("id", archivedPage.LastPageId).Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("archive", "pages", archivedPage.LastPageId.ToString(), "info"))
                  .Start("contents").Attr("type", archivedPage.ContentType).Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("archive", "pages", archivedPage.LastPageId.ToString(), "contents")).End();

            if (user != null)
                ret.Add(UserBL.GetUserXml(user, "deleted", false));

            if (ts != DateTime.MinValue)
                ret.Elem("date.deleted", ts);
            if (!singlePage)
Exemple #4
        public static DreamMessage BuildDeletedPageContents(uint pageid)
            ArchiveBE page = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Archive_GetPageHeadById(pageid);

            if (page == null)
                throw new PageArchiveLogicNotFoundException(pageid);

            //HACKHACKHACK MaxM: Copy data to a PageBE object since parser will not work on an ArchiveBE. ArchiveBE needs to go away.
            PageBE tempP = new PageBE();

            tempP.Title = page.Title;
            tempP.ContentType = page.ContentType;

            ParserResult parserResult = DekiXmlParser.Parse(tempP, ParserMode.VIEW_NO_EXECUTE);

            // TODO (steveb): this code is almost identical to the one in "GET:pages/{pageid}/contents"; consider merging

            // post process tail

            // wrap the result in a content tag and return it to the user
            XDoc result = new XDoc("content").Attr("type", parserResult.ContentType);

            foreach (XDoc entry in parserResult.Content.Elements)
                if (entry.HasName("body"))
                    result.Start("body").Attr("target", entry["@target"].AsText).Value(entry.ToInnerXHtml()).End();
                    result.Elem(entry.Name, entry.ToInnerXHtml());
            // check if we hit a snag, which is indicated by a plain-text response
            if ((parserResult.ContentType == MimeType.TEXT.FullType) && (page.ContentType != MimeType.TEXT.FullType))
                // something happened during parsing
                return(new DreamMessage(DreamStatus.NonAuthoritativeInformation, null, result));
        public void RestoreAttachment(ResourceBE attachmentToRestore, PageBE toPage, DateTime timestamp, uint transactionId)
            if (toPage == null || toPage.ID == 0)
                ArchiveBE archivesMatchingPageId = _session.Archive_GetPageHeadById(attachmentToRestore.ParentPageId.Value);
                if (archivesMatchingPageId == null)
                    throw new AttachmentRestoreFailedNoParentFatalException();
                    toPage = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(archivesMatchingPageId.Title);
                    if (0 == toPage.ID)
                        PageBL.Save(toPage, _resources.Localize(DekiResources.RESTORE_ATTACHMENT_NEW_PAGE_TEXT()), DekiMimeType.DEKI_TEXT, null);

            string filename = attachmentToRestore.Name;

            //Check for name conflicts on target page
            ResourceBE conflictingFile = GetPageAttachment(toPage.ID, filename);

            if (conflictingFile != null)
                //rename the restored file
                filename        = string.Format("{0}(restored {1}){2}", attachmentToRestore.FilenameWithoutExtension, DateTime.Now.ToString("g"), string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentToRestore.FilenameExtension) ? string.Empty : "." + attachmentToRestore.FilenameExtension);
                conflictingFile = GetPageAttachment(toPage.ID, filename);
                if (conflictingFile != null)
                    throw new AttachmentRestoreNameConflictException();

            //Build new revision for restored file
            attachmentToRestore = BuildRevForRestore(attachmentToRestore, toPage, filename, transactionId);

            //Insert new revision into DB
            attachmentToRestore = SaveResource(attachmentToRestore);

            //Recent Changes
            RecentChangeBL.AddFileRecentChange(_dekiContext.Now, toPage, _dekiContext.User, DekiResources.FILE_RESTORED(attachmentToRestore.Name), transactionId);
            _dekiContext.Instance.EventSink.AttachmentRestore(_dekiContext.Now, attachmentToRestore, _dekiContext.User);
Exemple #6
        public ArchiveBE Archive_GetPageHeadById(ulong pageId)
            ArchiveBE page = null;

            Catalog.NewQuery(@" /* Archive_GetPageHeadById */
select *
from archive
where ar_last_page_id = ?PAGEID
and ar_old_id = 0;")
            .With("PAGEID", pageId)
            .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                if (dr.Read())
                    page = Archive_Populate(dr);
Exemple #7
        private static void RestorePageRevisionsForPage(ArchiveBE[] archivedRevs, Title newTitle, uint transactionId, bool minorChange, DateTime utcTimestamp)
            // add the most recent archive entry to the pages table
            // NOTE:  this will preserve the page id if it was saved with the archive or create a new page id if it is not available
            ArchiveBE mostRecentArchiveRev = archivedRevs[archivedRevs.Length - 1];
            PageBE    restoredPage         = null;

            if (0 < archivedRevs.Length)
                restoredPage           = new PageBE();
                restoredPage.Title     = newTitle;
                restoredPage.Revision  = mostRecentArchiveRev.Revision;
                restoredPage.MinorEdit = mostRecentArchiveRev.MinorEdit;
                bool conflict;
                PageBL.Save(restoredPage, null, mostRecentArchiveRev.Comment, mostRecentArchiveRev.Text, mostRecentArchiveRev.ContentType, mostRecentArchiveRev.Title.DisplayName, mostRecentArchiveRev.Language, -1, null, mostRecentArchiveRev.TimeStamp, mostRecentArchiveRev.LastPageId, false, false, null, false, out conflict);
                RecentChangeBL.AddRestorePageRecentChange(utcTimestamp, restoredPage, DekiContext.Current.User, DekiResources.UNDELETED_ARTICLE(restoredPage.Title.AsPrefixedUserFriendlyPath()), minorChange, transactionId);

            // add all other archive entries to the old table
            // NOTE:  this will preserve the old ids if they were saved with the archive or create new old ids if not available
            for (int i = 0; i < archivedRevs.Length - 1; i++)
                ArchiveBE archivedRev = archivedRevs[i];
                PageBE    currentPage = new PageBE();
                currentPage.Title = newTitle;
                if (i < archivedRevs.Length - 1)
                    ParserResult parserResult = DekiXmlParser.ParseSave(currentPage, archivedRev.ContentType, currentPage.Language, archivedRev.Text, -1, null, false, null);
                    currentPage.ContentType = parserResult.ContentType;
                    currentPage.UserID      = archivedRev.UserID;
                    currentPage.TimeStamp   = archivedRev.TimeStamp;
                    currentPage.MinorEdit   = archivedRev.MinorEdit;
                    currentPage.Comment     = archivedRev.Comment;
                    currentPage.Language    = archivedRev.Language;
                    currentPage.IsHidden    = archivedRev.IsHidden;
                    currentPage.Revision    = archivedRev.Revision;
                    currentPage.ID          = restoredPage.ID;
                    PageBL.InsertOld(currentPage, archivedRev.OldId);
Exemple #8
        private IList <KeyValuePair <uint, IList <ArchiveBE> > > Archive_PopulateByTransactionQuery(DataCommand cmd, out Dictionary <uint, TransactionBE> transactionsById, out uint?queryTotalTransactionCount)
            Dictionary <uint, TransactionBE> transactionsByIdtemp = new Dictionary <uint, TransactionBE>();
            List <KeyValuePair <uint, IList <ArchiveBE> > > archivedPagesByTransaction = new List <KeyValuePair <uint, IList <ArchiveBE> > >();
            uint?queryTotalTransactionCountTemp = null;

            cmd.Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                KeyValuePair <uint, IList <ArchiveBE> > currentTrans = new KeyValuePair <uint, IList <ArchiveBE> >();
                while (dr.Read())
                    //Populate list of archived pages per trans. (assumes sort by transaction with first archived page being the transaction 'root')
                    uint tranId            = DbUtils.Convert.To <uint>(dr["t_id"]) ?? 0;
                    ArchiveBE archivedPage = Archive_Populate(dr);
                    TransactionBE tran     = null;
                    if (!transactionsByIdtemp.TryGetValue(tranId, out tran))
                        tran = Transactions_Populate(dr);
                        transactionsByIdtemp[tranId] = tran;

                    if (currentTrans.Key != tranId)
                        currentTrans = new KeyValuePair <uint, IList <ArchiveBE> >(tranId, new List <ArchiveBE>());


                if (dr.NextResult() && dr.Read())
                    queryTotalTransactionCountTemp = DbUtils.Convert.To <uint>(dr["queryTotalTransactionCount"]);
            transactionsById           = transactionsByIdtemp;
            queryTotalTransactionCount = queryTotalTransactionCountTemp;
Exemple #9
        private ArchiveBE Archive_Populate(IDataReader dr)
            ArchiveBE archive = new ArchiveBE();

            archive._Comment      = dr.Read <byte[]>("ar_comment");
            archive._DisplayName  = dr.Read <string>("ar_display_name");
            archive._Namespace    = dr.Read <ushort>("ar_namespace");
            archive._Title        = dr.Read <string>("ar_title");
            archive._TimeStamp    = dr.Read <string>("ar_timestamp");
            archive.ContentType   = dr.Read <string>("ar_content_type");
            archive.Id            = dr.Read <uint>("ar_id");
            archive.IsHidden      = dr.Read <bool>("ar_is_hidden");
            archive.Language      = dr.Read <string>("ar_language");
            archive.LastPageId    = dr.Read <ulong>("ar_last_page_id");
            archive.Meta          = dr.Read <string>("ar_meta");
            archive.MinorEdit     = dr.Read <bool>("ar_minor_edit");
            archive.OldId         = dr.Read <ulong>("ar_old_id");
            archive.Text          = dr.Read <string>("ar_text");
            archive.TransactionId = dr.Read <uint>("ar_transaction_id");
            archive.UserID        = dr.Read <uint>("ar_user");
            archive.Revision      = dr.Read <uint>("ar_revision");
Exemple #10
        public static XDoc GetArchivePageXml(uint pageid)
            XDoc      ret  = XDoc.Empty;
            ArchiveBE page = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Archive_GetPageHeadById(pageid);

            if (page == null)
                throw new PageArchiveLogicNotFoundException(pageid);

            //Retrieve metadata about the deletion to populate page info
            TransactionBE t         = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Transactions_GetById(page.TransactionId);
            DateTime      deleteTs  = DateTime.MinValue;
            UserBE        deletedBy = null;

            if (t != null)
                deletedBy = UserBL.GetUserById(t.UserId);
                deleteTs  = t.TimeStamp;

            return(GetArchivePageXml(ret, page, deletedBy, deleteTs));
 private ArchiveBE Archive_Populate(IDataReader dr) {
     ArchiveBE archive = new ArchiveBE();
     archive._Comment = dr.Read<byte[]>("ar_comment");
     archive._DisplayName = dr.Read<string>("ar_display_name");
     archive._Namespace = dr.Read<ushort>("ar_namespace");
     archive._Title = dr.Read<string>("ar_title");
     archive._TimeStamp = dr.Read<string>("ar_timestamp");
     archive.ContentType = dr.Read<string>("ar_content_type");
     archive.Id = dr.Read<uint>("ar_id");
     archive.IsHidden = dr.Read<bool>("ar_is_hidden");
     archive.Language = dr.Read<string>("ar_language");
     archive.LastPageId = dr.Read<ulong>("ar_last_page_id");
     archive.Meta = dr.Read<string>("ar_meta");
     archive.MinorEdit = dr.Read<bool>("ar_minor_edit");
     archive.OldId = dr.Read<ulong>("ar_old_id");
     archive.Text = dr.Read<string>("ar_text");
     archive.TransactionId = dr.Read<uint>("ar_transaction_id");
     archive.UserID = dr.Read<uint>("ar_user");
     archive.Revision = dr.Read<uint>("ar_revision");
     return archive;