public override void OnLaserEnter(LaserDiffuser laserDiffuser, ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { //slow down camera movement for easier aiming cam.turnSpeedModifier = slowTurnSpeedModifier; laserDiffuser.Diffuse(hitInfo); this.laserDiffuser = laserDiffuser; }
public override void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { //Update the hit position of the particle effect Debug.Log("Laser Hit!"); hitParticles.transform.position = hit.raycastHit.point; hitParticles.transform.LookAt(hit.raycastHit.point + hit.raycastHit.normal); hitParticles.gameObject.SetActive(true); hitParticles.enableEmission = true; }
//Called when a new laser hit is detected public virtual void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { StartCoroutine(TrackHit()); foreach (LaserModule module in laserModules) { if (module.IsEnabled) { module.DoHitStart(hitInfo); } } }
public void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { //Update the hit position of the particle effect SingleLaserHit newHit = new SingleLaserHit(); newHit.particles = GameObject.Instantiate <ParticleSystem> (hitParticles); newHit.particles.transform.position = hit.raycastHit.point; newHit.particles.transform.LookAt(hit.raycastHit.point + hit.raycastHit.normal); newHit.hitThisFrame = true; allLaserHits.Add(hit.launcher, newHit); StartCoroutine(TrackHit(newHit, hit.launcher)); }
//Invoked from the ArcReactor system whenever a laser hits the collider this object is attached to public void ArcReactorHit(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { SingleLaserHit hit; if (allLaserHits.TryGetValue(hitInfo.launcher, out hit)) { DoHitContinue(hit, hitInfo); } else { DoHitStart(hitInfo); } }
public void ArcReactorReflection(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { //Debug.Log(; mirrorHit = true; temperature = Mathf.Clamp01(temperature + heatRate * Time.deltaTime); if (!partSystem.activeSelf) partSystem.SetActive(true); if (!partSystem.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().enableEmission) partSystem.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().enableEmission = true; partSystem.transform.position = hit.raycastHit.point; partSystem.transform.LookAt(hit.raycastHit.point + hit.raycastHit.normal); }
//Invoked from the ArcReactor system whenever a laser hits the collider this object is attached to public void ArcReactorHit(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { hitThisFrame = true; if (!hitLastFrame) { DoHitStart(hitInfo); } else { //send all modules updated hitInfo foreach (LaserModule module in laserModules) { if (module.IsEnabled) { module.DoHitContinue(hitInfo); } } } }
public void ArcReactorReflection(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { //Debug.Log(; mirrorHit = true; temperature = Mathf.Clamp01(temperature + heatRate * Time.deltaTime); if (!partSystem.activeSelf) { partSystem.SetActive(true); } if (!particleSystem0.enableEmission) { particleSystem0.enableEmission = true; } partSystem.transform.position = hit.raycastHit.point; partSystem.transform.LookAt(hit.raycastHit.point + hit.raycastHit.normal); }
public virtual void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { }
public override void DoHitContinue(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { //Update the hit position of the particle effect hitParticles.transform.position = hit.raycastHit.point; hitParticles.transform.LookAt(hit.raycastHit.point + hit.raycastHit.normal); }
void ArcReactorTouch(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { Debug.Log(hitInfo.raycastHit.point); }
public override void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { source = (LaserSnapFrom)hitInfo.launcher; source.StartSnap(this); }
// Update is called once per frame void LateUpdate () { for (int x = 0; x < rays.Count; x++) { if (rays[x].arc == null) { destrArr.Add(rays[x]); } else { rays[x].distance = Mathf.Clamp(rays[x].distance + PropagationSpeed * Time.deltaTime,0,Distance); Vector3 endPos =; switch (reflectionSettings.reflections) { case ReflectSettings.no_reflections: if (startBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position,-transform.forward,out hit,rays[x].distance,layers.value)) { if (SendMessageToHitObjects) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rays[x]; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorHit",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position,-transform.forward, Vector3.Distance(transform.position,hit.point), touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rays[x]; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rays[x].startObject = hit.transform.gameObject; rays[x].shape[0].position = transform.position + (transform.position - hit.point).normalized * (float)((transform.position - hit.point).magnitude - 0.05); } else { if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position,-transform.forward, rays[x].distance, touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rays[x]; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rays[x].startObject = null; rays[x].shape[0].position = transform.position - transform.forward * rays[x].distance; } } if (endBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position,transform.forward,out hit,rays[x].distance,layers.value)) { if (SendMessageToHitObjects) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rays[x]; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorHit",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position,transform.forward, Vector3.Distance(transform.position,hit.point), touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rays[x]; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rays[x].endObject = hit.transform.gameObject; endPos = transform.position + (hit.point - transform.position).normalized * (float)((hit.point - transform.position).magnitude - 0.05); //endPos = hit.point; } else { if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position,transform.forward, rays[x].distance, touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rays[x]; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rays[x].endObject = null; endPos = transform.position + transform.forward * rays[x].distance; } } else { endPos = rays[x].shape[rays[x].shape.Length-1].position; } switch (rayInertiaSettings.type) { case InertiaMethod.none: rays[x].shape[rays[x].shape.Length-1].position = endPos; break; case InertiaMethod.linespeed: int transformCount = rays[x].shape.Length; Vector3 targetPos; for (int i = 1; i < transformCount; i++) { targetPos = Vector3.Lerp(rays[x].shape[0].position,endPos,(float)i/(transformCount-1)); rays[x].shape[i].position = Vector3.MoveTowards(rays[x].shape[i].position,targetPos, rayInertiaSettings.speed * rayInertiaSettings.snapbackForceCurve.Evaluate(Vector3.Distance(rays[x].shape[i].position,targetPos) / rayInertiaSettings.maxSnapBackDistance) * Time.deltaTime); } break; } break; case ReflectSettings.reflect_by_layer: case ReflectSettings.reflect_specified_objects: int posNum; GameObject obj; if (startBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { posArrayLen = 0; FillPosArray(transform.position,-transform.forward,rays[x].distance,rays[x]); for (int i = 0; i < posArrayLen; i++) { positions[i] = posArray[i]; } posNum = posArrayLen; } else { posNum = 1; positions[0] = rays[x].shape[0].position; } if (endBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { posArrayLen = 0; FillPosArray(transform.position,transform.forward,rays[x].distance,rays[x]); for (int i = 0; i < posArrayLen; i++) { positions[posNum + i] = posArray[i]; } posNum += posArrayLen; } else { positions[posNum] = rays[x].shape[rays[x].shape.Length-1].position; posNum++; } if (rays[x].shape.Length == posNum) { } if (rays[x].shape.Length > posNum) { for (int i = posNum-1; i < rays[x].shape.Length-1; i++) GameObject.Destroy(rays[x].shape[i].gameObject); rays[x].shape[posNum-1] = rays[x].shape[rays[x].shape.Length-1]; Array.Resize(ref rays[x].shape,posNum); } if (rays[x].shape.Length < posNum) { int oldSize = rays[x].shape.Length; Array.Resize(ref rays[x].shape, posNum); rays[x].shape[rays[x].shape.Length-1] = rays[x].shape[oldSize-1]; for (int i = oldSize-1; i < posNum-1; i++) { obj = new GameObject("RayPoint" + (i+1).ToString()); obj.transform.parent = globalSpaceTransform; rays[x].shape[i] = obj.transform; } } for (int i = 0; i < posNum; i++) rays[x].shape[i].position = positions[i]; rays[x].arc.shapeTransforms = rays[x].shape; break; } } } for (int x = 0; x < destrArr.Count; x++) { foreach (Transform tr in destrArr[x].shape) GameObject.Destroy(tr.gameObject); rays.RemoveAt(x); } if (destrArr.Count > 0) destrArr.Clear(); }
protected void FillPosArray(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance,RayInfo rayInfo) { RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit(); if (Physics.Raycast(position,direction,out hit,maxDistance,layers.value | reflectionSettings.reflectLayers.value)) { if (SendMessageToHitObjects) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorHit",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } posArray[posArrayLen] = hit.point; posArrayLen++; if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(position, direction, Vector3.Distance(position,hit.point), touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } if ((reflectionSettings.reflections == ReflectSettings.reflect_by_layer || CheckReflectObject(hit.transform)) && (reflectionSettings.reflectLayers.value & 1 << hit.transform.gameObject.layer) > 0) { if (reflectionSettings.sendMessageToReflectors) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorReflection",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } FillPosArray(hit.point + hit.normal * reflectionSettings.thickness,Vector3.Reflect(direction, hit.normal), maxDistance - Vector3.Distance(position,hit.point),rayInfo ); } } else { if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(position, direction, maxDistance, touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch",arcHit,SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } posArray[posArrayLen] = position + direction.normalized * maxDistance; posArrayLen++; } }
public override void OnLaserEnter(LaserDiffuser laserDiffuser, ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { TunnelRunnerCompleteScreen.controller.PopDisplayAndReload(); }
//Called when a new laser hit is detected public override void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { heating = true; StartCoroutine(HeatUpObject()); }
//Called when a laser hits the ball - the reaction is processed in the transform public override void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { base.DoHitStart(hitInfo); transformController.currentTransform.OnLaserEnter(laserDiffuser, hitInfo); }
protected void FillPosArray(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance, RayInfo rayInfo) { RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit(); if (Physics.Raycast(position, direction, out hit, maxDistance, layers.value | reflectionSettings.reflectLayers.value)) { if (SendMessageToHitObjects) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorHit", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } posArray[posArrayLen] = hit.point; posArrayLen++; if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(position, direction, Vector3.Distance(position, hit.point), touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } if ((reflectionSettings.reflections == ReflectSettings.reflect_by_layer || CheckReflectObject(hit.transform)) && (reflectionSettings.reflectLayers.value & 1 << hit.transform.gameObject.layer) > 0) { if (reflectionSettings.sendMessageToReflectors) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorReflection", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } FillPosArray(hit.point + hit.normal * reflectionSettings.thickness, Vector3.Reflect(direction, hit.normal), maxDistance - Vector3.Distance(position, hit.point), rayInfo); } } else { if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(position, direction, maxDistance, touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rayInfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } posArray[posArrayLen] = position + direction.normalized * maxDistance; posArrayLen++; } }
private void DoHitContinue(SingleLaserHit existingHit, ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { existingHit.particles.transform.position = hit.raycastHit.point; existingHit.particles.transform.LookAt(hit.raycastHit.point + hit.raycastHit.normal); existingHit.hitThisFrame = true; }
public override void DoHitStart(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { laserSwitch.OnLaserEnter(); }
void ArcReactorTouch (ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { Debug.Log(hitInfo.raycastHit.point); }
public virtual void OnLaserEnter(LaserDiffuser laserDiffuser, ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { laserDiffuser.GetComponentInParent <BallDestroyer>().Pop(); }
public virtual void DoHitContinue(ArcReactorHitInfo hitInfo) { }
// Update is called once per frame void LateUpdate() { RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit(); List <RayInfo> destrArr = new List <RayInfo>(); foreach (RayInfo rinfo in rays) { if (rinfo.arc == null) { destrArr.Add(rinfo); } else { rinfo.distance = Mathf.Clamp(rinfo.distance + PropagationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, Distance); Vector3 endPos =; switch (reflectionSettings.reflections) { case ReflectSettings.no_reflections: if (startBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -transform.forward, out hit, rinfo.distance, layers.value)) { if (SendMessageToHitObjects) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rinfo; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorHit", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, -transform.forward, Vector3.Distance(transform.position, hit.point), touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rinfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rinfo.startObject = hit.transform.gameObject; rinfo.shape[0].position = transform.position + (transform.position - hit.point).normalized * (float)((transform.position - hit.point).magnitude - 0.05); } else { if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, -transform.forward, rinfo.distance, touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rinfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rinfo.startObject = null; rinfo.shape[0].position = transform.position - transform.forward * rinfo.distance; } } if (endBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, rinfo.distance, layers.value)) { if (SendMessageToHitObjects) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rinfo; arcHit.raycastHit = hit; hit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorHit", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, transform.forward, Vector3.Distance(transform.position, hit.point), touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rinfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rinfo.endObject = hit.transform.gameObject; endPos = transform.position + (hit.point - transform.position).normalized * (float)((hit.point - transform.position).magnitude - 0.05); //endPos = hit.point; } else { if (SendMessageToTouchedObjects) { RaycastHit[] hits; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, transform.forward, rinfo.distance, touchLayers); foreach (RaycastHit touchHit in hits) { ArcReactorHitInfo arcHit = new ArcReactorHitInfo(); arcHit.launcher = this; arcHit.rayInfo = rinfo; arcHit.raycastHit = touchHit; touchHit.transform.gameObject.SendMessage("ArcReactorTouch", arcHit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } rinfo.endObject = null; endPos = transform.position + transform.forward * rinfo.distance; } } else { endPos = rinfo.shape[rinfo.shape.Length - 1].position; } switch (rayInertiaSettings.type) { case InertiaMethod.none: rinfo.shape[rinfo.shape.Length - 1].position = endPos; break; case InertiaMethod.linespeed: int transformCount = rinfo.shape.Length; Vector3 targetPos; for (int i = 1; i < transformCount; i++) { targetPos = Vector3.Lerp(rinfo.shape[0].position, endPos, (float)i / (transformCount - 1)); rinfo.shape[i].position = Vector3.MoveTowards(rinfo.shape[i].position, targetPos, rayInertiaSettings.speed * rayInertiaSettings.snapbackForceCurve.Evaluate(Vector3.Distance(rinfo.shape[i].position, targetPos) / rayInertiaSettings.maxSnapBackDistance) * Time.deltaTime); } break; } break; case ReflectSettings.reflect_by_layer: case ReflectSettings.reflect_specified_objects: int posNum; GameObject obj; if (startBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { posArrayLen = 0; FillPosArray(transform.position, -transform.forward, rinfo.distance, rinfo); for (int i = 0; i < posArrayLen; i++) { positions[i] = posArray[i]; } posNum = posArrayLen; } else { posNum = 1; positions[0] = rinfo.shape[0].position; } if (endBehaviour == RayTransformBehaivour.follow_raycast) { posArrayLen = 0; FillPosArray(transform.position, transform.forward, rinfo.distance, rinfo); for (int i = 0; i < posArrayLen; i++) { positions[posNum + i] = posArray[i]; } posNum += posArrayLen; } else { positions[posNum] = rinfo.shape[rinfo.shape.Length - 1].position; posNum++; } if (rinfo.shape.Length == posNum) { } if (rinfo.shape.Length > posNum) { for (int i = posNum - 1; i < rinfo.shape.Length - 1; i++) { GameObject.Destroy(rinfo.shape[i].gameObject); } rinfo.shape[posNum - 1] = rinfo.shape[rinfo.shape.Length - 1]; Array.Resize(ref rinfo.shape, posNum); } if (rinfo.shape.Length < posNum) { int oldSize = rinfo.shape.Length; Array.Resize(ref rinfo.shape, posNum); rinfo.shape[rinfo.shape.Length - 1] = rinfo.shape[oldSize - 1]; for (int i = oldSize - 1; i < posNum - 1; i++) { obj = new GameObject("RayPoint" + (i + 1).ToString()); obj.transform.parent = globalSpaceTransform; rinfo.shape[i] = obj.transform; } } for (int i = 0; i < posNum; i++) { rinfo.shape[i].position = positions[i]; } rinfo.arc.shapeTransforms = rinfo.shape; break; } } } foreach (RayInfo rinfo in destrArr) { foreach (Transform tr in rinfo.shape) { GameObject.Destroy(tr.gameObject); } rays.Remove(rinfo); } }
public void Diffuse(ArcReactorHitInfo hit) { //Launch a new ray and set it to the same lifecycle stage as the source ray so that they will appear as one continuous ray this.LaunchRay(); this.rays [0].arc.elapsedTime = hit.rayInfo.arc.elapsedTime; }