public static void Create(System.IO.Stream output, IEnumerable<ArchiveCreateEntry> files, ArchiveFlags flags, CompressType compress, Action<double, string> onProgress) { if (!files.Any()) throw new IrosArcException("Can't create an archive that contains no files"); var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); double total = files.Count() + 2; int count = 0; onProgress(count / total, ""); ArcHeader h = new ArcHeader() { Flags = flags, Version = MAX_VERSION, Directory = 16 }; List<DirectoryEntry> entries = files.Select(f => new DirectoryEntry() { Filename = f.Filename, Flags = 0, }).ToList(); int dsize = entries.Select(e => (int)e.GetSize()).Sum(); h.Save(output); output.WriteInt(entries.Count); long position = h.Directory + dsize + 4; onProgress(++count / total, "Wrote header"); int index = 0; var combined = entries.Zip(files, (d,e) => new { Dir = d, ACE = e }).ToList(); var cw = new CompressWork() { Input = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag<CompressEntry>(), Compressed = new System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection<CompressEntry>(8), Compress = compress }; foreach (var comb in combined) { cw.Input.Add(new CompressEntry() { ACE = comb.ACE, Dir = comb.Dir }); } foreach (int _ in Enumerable.Range(0, 8)) System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CompressWorkThread, cw); int filesDone = 0; while (filesDone < combined.Count) { var entry = cw.Compressed.Take(); entry.Dir.Offset = position; var data = entry.DataRec.Data; if (entry.DataRec.Compressed) entry.Dir.Flags |= FileFlags.CompressLZMA; entry.Dir.Length = data.Length; output.Position = position; output.Write(data, 0, data.Length); position += entry.Dir.Length; onProgress(++count / total, "Written " + entry.ACE.Filename); index++; filesDone++; } output.Position = h.Directory + 4; foreach (var entry in entries) { entry.Save(output); } sw.Stop(); onProgress(++count / total, String.Format("Complete: {0} files, {1:0.0}MB in {2} seconds", entries.Count, output.Length / (1024f*1024f), sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); }
public void ApplyPatch(IrosArc patch, Action <double, string> onProgress) { int currentDirSize = _entries.Sum(e => e.GetSize()); byte[] deldata = patch.GetBytes("%IrosPatch:Deleted"); if (deldata != null) { string[] delfile = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(deldata).Split(new[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string del in delfile) { RuntimeLog.Write("Removing file {0} from archive", del); _entries.RemoveAll(e => e.Filename.Equals(del, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } onProgress(0, "Removed " + delfile.Length + " deleted files"); } int count = 0; var files = patch.AllFileNames().Where(s => !s.StartsWith("%")).ToArray(); foreach (string file in files) { var patchEntry = patch._lookup[file]; byte[] data = new byte[patchEntry.Length]; patch._data.Position = patchEntry.Offset; patch._data.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if (HasFile(file)) //update existing { RuntimeLog.Write("File {0} is already in archive...", file); DirectoryEntry exist = _lookup[file]; if (exist.Length >= data.Length) //put data in same position, woo { RuntimeLog.Write("...updating in place"); _data.Position = exist.Offset; } else //stick at end of file { _data.Position = _data.Length; exist.Offset = _data.Position; RuntimeLog.Write("...size increase: writing to end of file"); } _data.Write(data, 0, data.Length); exist.Length = data.Length; exist.Flags = patchEntry.Flags; } else //new file, just append { RuntimeLog.Write("File {0} is new, appending", file); DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry() { Filename = file, Flags = patchEntry.Flags, Length = patchEntry.Length, Offset = _data.Length }; _data.Position = de.Offset; _data.Write(data, 0, data.Length); _entries.Add(de); _lookup[file] = de; } count++; onProgress(1.0 * count / files.Length, "Processed " + file); } int newDirSize = _entries.Sum(e => e.GetSize()); if (newDirSize <= currentDirSize) { RuntimeLog.Write("Directory will fit in existing location"); _data.Position = _header.Directory; } else { RuntimeLog.Write("Directory size increase, appending"); if (_data.Length >= int.MaxValue) //write forwarder { _data.Position = _header.Directory; _data.WriteInt(-1); _data.WriteLong(_data.Length); _data.Position = _data.Length; } else //write direct location { _header.Directory = (int)_data.Length; _data.Position = _header.Directory; } } _data.WriteInt(_entries.Count); foreach (var e in _entries) { e.Save(_data); } _header.Version = MAX_VERSION; _data.Position = 0; _header.Save(_data); onProgress(1.0, "Wrote directory"); } //TODO: track blank spaces in file and reuse where possible...