private static void Postfix(Aquarium aquarium, AquariumInfo __result)
            //Check for valid AquariumInfo as well as make sure the aquarium is full.
            if (__result == null || aquarium.storageContainer.container.HasRoomFor(1, 1))

            SubRoot subRoot = aquarium.GetComponentInParent <SubRoot>();

            //Ensure the aquarium is built in or on a Cyclops a Base.
            if (subRoot == null)

            double timePassed             = DayNightCycle.main.timePassed;
            bool   bioReactorsFull        = false;
            bool   cyclopsBioReactorsFull = !QModServices.Main.ModPresent("CyclopsBioReactor");
            bool   alterraGensFull        = !QModServices.Main.ModPresent("FCSEnergySolutions");

            //Checks all types of fish in the aquarium and collects data on how many to be put in the BioReactors
            for (int i = 0; i < __result.BreedInfo.Count; i++)
                //Full stop if all reactors are full.
                if (alterraGensFull && cyclopsBioReactorsFull && bioReactorsFull)

                AquariumInfo.AquariumBreedTime nextBreed = __result.BreedInfo[i];

                //skip if not breeding time yet.
                if (nextBreed.BreedTime > timePassed)

                TechType fishType = nextBreed.FishType;

                //Check if fish can go in bioreactors
                if (BaseBioReactor.GetCharge(fishType) <= 0)

                int breedCount = nextBreed.BreedCount;

                if (!alterraGensFull && breedCount > 0)
                    alterraGensFull = AGCompat.TryOverflowIntoAlterraGens(subRoot, fishType, ref breedCount);

                if (!cyclopsBioReactorsFull && breedCount > 0)
                    cyclopsBioReactorsFull = CBRCompat.TryOverflowIntoCyclopsBioreactors(subRoot, fishType, ref breedCount);

                if (!bioReactorsFull && breedCount > 0)
                    bioReactorsFull = Main.TryOverflowIntoBioreactors(subRoot, fishType, ref breedCount);

                nextBreed.BreedTime += 600.0;