public void BeforeEachTests() { Application.Get(ApplicationSourceRepository.ChromeNew()).Browser.Driver.Manage().Cookies.DeleteAllCookies(); Application.Get(ApplicationSourceRepository.ChromeNew()).Browser.OpenUrl(Application.Get(ApplicationSourceRepository.ChromeNew()).ApplicationSource.HomePageUrl); //LogIn to the site MyAccountPage myAccountPage = new LoginPageMethods().LogIntoAccount(EMAIL, PASSWORD); //Click on "Address Book" link myAccountPage.ClickLinkAddressBook(); }
public static TestsApplication Get(ApplicationSource applicationSource) { if (instance == null) { if (applicationSource == null) { applicationSource = ApplicationSourceRepository.Default(); } instance = new TestsApplication(applicationSource); } return(instance); }
public static ApplicationSingleBrouser Get(ApplicationSource applicationSource) { if (instance == null) { if (applicationSource == null) { applicationSource = ApplicationSourceRepository.Default(); } instance = new ApplicationSingleBrouser(applicationSource); } return(instance); }
public static Application Get(ApplicationSource applicationSource) { if (instance == null) { if (applicationSource == null) { applicationSource = ApplicationSourceRepository.Default(); } instance = new Application(applicationSource); Thread.Sleep(500); } return(instance); }
public static Application Get(ApplicationSource applicationSource) { if (instance == null) { lock (lockingObject) if (instance == null) { if (applicationSource == null) { applicationSource = ApplicationSourceRepository.Default(); } instance = new Application(applicationSource); } } return(instance); }
public static Application Get(ApplicationSource applicationSource) { if (instance == null) { lock (lockingObject) { if (instance == null) { if (applicationSource == null) { applicationSource = ApplicationSourceRepository.Default(); } instance = new Application(applicationSource); // //instance.InitBrowser(applicationSource); //instance.InitSearch(); } } } return(instance); }
public void BeforeAllMethods() { Application.Get(ApplicationSourceRepository.Get().ChromeMaximizedWithUi()); }
public void BeforeAllMethods() { Application.Get(ApplicationSourceRepository.Get().SauceLabsChromeRemote()); }
private Branch CheckoutDeploymentManifest(Repository gitRepository, ApplicationSourceRepository repository, UsernamePasswordGitCredentials credentials) { _log.LogInformation("CheckoutDeploymentManifest ..."); var branchNames = gitRepository.Branches.Select(x => x.CanonicalName).ToList(); var branch = gitRepository.Branches.FirstOrDefault(b => b.FriendlyName == repository.Ref); var originBranch = gitRepository.Branches.FirstOrDefault(b => b.FriendlyName == $"origin/{repository.Ref}"); if (branch != null || originBranch != null) { if (branch == null) { // checkout branch from origin and make sure we are tracking the remote branchb branch = gitRepository.CreateBranch(repository.Ref, originBranch.Tip); branch = gitRepository.Branches.Update(branch, b => b.TrackedBranch = originBranch.CanonicalName ); } // we already have a local copy of the branch, make sure it's the current head (if not switch to it) if (branch.Tip != gitRepository.Head.Tip) { // switch to selected branch _log.LogInformation("Switching from branch {currentBranch} to {requestedBranch}", gitRepository.Head.CanonicalName, branch.CanonicalName); Commands.Checkout(gitRepository, branch); } var currentHash = gitRepository.Head.Tip.Sha; _log.LogInformation("Fetching latest sources for {branch} [{currentHash}] ...", branch.CanonicalName, currentHash); // TODO maybe this needs to be a fetch Commands.Pull(gitRepository, new Signature("rig-deploy-bot", "*****@*****.**", DateTimeOffset.Now), new PullOptions() { FetchOptions = new FetchOptions() { Prune = true, CredentialsProvider = (url, fromUrl, types) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials() { Username = credentials.Username, Password = credentials.Password } }, MergeOptions = new MergeOptions() { FastForwardStrategy = FastForwardStrategy.FastForwardOnly } }); if (gitRepository.Head.Tip.Sha != currentHash) { _log.LogInformation("Branch changed, triggered application refresh"); } } else { var tag = gitRepository.Tags[repository.Ref]; if (tag != null) { var currentHash = tag.Target.Sha; Commands.Fetch( gitRepository, "origin", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), new FetchOptions() { Prune = true, CredentialsProvider = (url, fromUrl, types) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials() { Username = credentials.Username, Password = credentials.Password } }, null); tag = gitRepository.Tags[repository.Ref]; if (currentHash != tag.Target.Sha) { _log.LogInformation("Tag hash changed, triggered application refresh."); } } else { // its a git commit hash var currentHash = gitRepository.Head.Tip.Sha; if (currentHash != repository.Ref) { _log.LogInformation( $"Current hash [{currentHash}] is not requested hash [{repository.Ref}], git checkout of commit will be triggered."); Commands.Checkout(gitRepository, repository.Ref); } } } return(branch); }
public MyAccountPage() { Search = Application.Get(ApplicationSourceRepository.Default()).Search; }