/// <summary>
        /// Seed DB per tenant
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tenantName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SeedAsync(int tenantId, string adminPassword = "******")//string tenantName)
            //await _context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            //Apply migrations: tenant DB witll be created, then migrations applied
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                //1.Create 'predefined roles' in the Tenant DB
                //Create 'internal' roles with related permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Tenant admin role", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(managerRoleName, "Manager role of the tenant", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(consultantRoleName, "Consultant role of the tenat", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetConsultantPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(supportRoleName, "Support contact role of the tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });     //TODO: 'Support contact' permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(communicationRoleName, "Communication role of the tenant", tenantId, new string[] { }); //TODO: 'Support role' permissions

                //await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "'Simple user' role of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });//TODO: 'Simple user' permissions

                await EnsureRoleAsync(candidateRoleName, "Candidate - 'external role' of tenant. Candidate not exepted offer yet", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetCandidatePermissionValues()); //TODO: candidate permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(TWRoleName, "TW - temporary worker 'internal role' of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });                                                                    //TODO: TW permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(PLURoleName, "PLU - permanent worker 'interanl role' of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });                                                                  //TODO: PLU permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(contractorRoleName, "Contractor - 'external role' of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });                                                                     //TODO: contractor permissions

                await EnsureRoleAsync(clientRoleName, "Client - 'external role' of the tenant. Who are looking for workers", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetClientPermissionValues());

                //2. Create predefined users
                //NOTE: test users per role (to test logins under different accounts)
                await CreateTestUsers(tenantId, adminPassword);
