public static void afterFeature() { DownloadReportiumReportLink(); Console.WriteLine("Report-Url: " + reportingClient.getReportUrl()); driver.Close(); driver.Quit(); }
public static void PerfectoCloseConnection(AppiumDriver <IWebElement> driver) { string model = "unknown"; try { //get our model and executionId before we close driver model = GetDeviceModel(driver); String executionId = GetExecutionId(driver); StopStartedVitals(); driver.Close(); Dictionary <String, Object> param = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); driver.ExecuteScript("mobile:execution:close", param); string currentPath = TestRunLocation; //Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string newPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(currentPath, @"..\..\..\RunReports\")); driver.DownloadReport(DownloadReportTypes.pdf, newPath + "\\" + model + " " + TestCaseName + " report"); //driver.DownloadAttachment(, newPath + "\\" + model + " " + TestCaseName + " video", "flv"); //driver.DownloadAttachment(DownloadAttachmentTypes.image, "C:\\test\\report\\images", "jpg"); LogDeviceExecution(executionId); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleGeneralException(ex, model, false); } driver.Quit(); }
public void tearDown() { driver.Close(); var visioProcesses = Process.GetProcesses(). Where(pr => pr.ProcessName.Contains("visio")); // without '.exe' foreach (var process in visioProcesses) { process.Kill(); } }
public void DriverQuit(bool forceNoUninstall = false) { Thread.Sleep(1000); try { if (_deviceTarget.Platform == DevicePlatform.IOs) { if (IsBrowser(_packagePath)) { AppiumDriver.Close(); } else { AppInteraction.CloseApp(); } AppiumDriver.Dispose(); AppiumDriver.Quit(); } if (_deviceTarget.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android) { if (IsBrowser(_packagePath)) { AppiumDriver.Close(); } else { AppInteraction.CloseApp(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_installedPackageName) && UnInstallOnDriverQuit) { Console.WriteLine("Uninstall app : " + _installedPackageName); AppInteraction.RemoveApp(_installedPackageName); } else { Console.WriteLine("INFO : app not uninstalled !"); } } if (!forceNoUninstall) { AppiumDriver.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public void TearDown() { driver.Close(); driver.Quit(); }
public void CloseAppiumDriver(AppiumDriver <AndroidElement> appiumDriver) { appiumDriver?.Close(); appiumDriver?.Quit(); }
public static void afterFeature() { Console.WriteLine("Report-Url: " + reportingClient.GetReportUrl()); driver.Close(); driver.Quit(); }
public void Cleanup() { // Close and quit WebDriver driver.Close(); driver.Quit(); }
public void CloseTestCase() { server.respondTo("DELETE", "/window", null); driver.Close(); }