public virtual bool ShouldAppendFlag(Argument argument, Type type, object value)
            if (PreAppendChecker != null && !PreAppendChecker(argument, type, value))

            if (AppendCheckers.TryGetValue(type, out Func <Argument, Type, object, bool> append))
                return(append(argument, type, value));

Exemple #2
        public YoutubeDLApi(string executable, YoutubeDLArguments arguments = null) : base(executable, arguments)
            ValueTranslators.Add(typeof(DateTime), (a, t, v) => {

            ValueTranslators.Add(typeof(ByteSize), (a, t, v) => {

            AppendCheckers.Add(typeof(Dictionary <string, string>), (a, t, v) => {
                return(((Dictionary <string, string>)v).Count > 0);
        protected void SetDefaults(bool clear = true)
            if (clear)
                PreAppendChecker = null;

            // Translates string properties to string... duh!
            ValueTranslators.Add(typeof(string), (a, t, v) => v.ToString());

            // Translates enum properties to string by using the name representing the enum value.
            ValueTranslators.Add(typeof(Enum), (a, t, v) => {
                string name = Enum.GetName(t, v);
                return(a.EnumCase == EnumCasePolicy.LOWERCASE ? name.ToLower() : a.EnumCase == EnumCasePolicy.UPPERCASE ? name.ToUpper() : name);

            // Only append flag if value isn't null. This is checked before any other registered append checkers.
            PreAppendChecker = (a, t, v) => v != null;

            // Only append boolean flags if the value is true.
            AppendCheckers.Add(typeof(bool), (a, t, v) => (bool)v); // Add bool flags if value isnt false.

            // Custom builder for string -> string dictionaries repeatedly adds flag with key-value pair seperated by colon.
            Builders.Add(typeof(Dictionary <string, string>), (a, t, v) => {
                string builtFlag = string.Empty;
                int count        = 0;

                Dictionary <string, string> dic = (Dictionary <string, string>)v;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in dic)
                    string value = string.Format("{0}:{1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);
                    value        = QuoteFlagValue(a.QuotePolicy, value);

                    builtFlag += string.Format("{0}{1} ", (dic.Count > 1 && count > 0) ? (a.Flag + " ") : string.Empty, value);

                if (dic.Count > 0)
                    builtFlag = builtFlag.Remove(builtFlag.Length - 1, 1);

                return(a.Template.Replace("{flag}", a.Flag).Replace("{value}", builtFlag));