// private int count = -1; void Start() { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation; //to allow orientation other than portrait #if UNITY_ANDROID AppTrackerAndroid.startSession("jfjZbrPtdR3mcZW9r83Bx9pB8I5PXvpb"); // Please change this demo API Key to your own API Key AppTrackerAndroid.onModuleClosedEvent += onModuleClosedEvent; AppTrackerAndroid.onModuleFailedEvent += onModuleFailedEvent; AppTrackerAndroid.onModuleLoadedEvent += onModuleLoadedEvent; AppTrackerAndroid.onModuleCachedEvent += onModuleCachedEvent; #endif }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; Invoke("Maker", 0f); if (RemoveAds.control.adsfree != true) { // Initialize Leadbolt SDK with your API Key AppTrackerAndroid.startSession("UGHgCqyAnyqHerqxWXJJVE8HkZXJ1cGU", true); // cache Leadbolt Ad without showing it AppTrackerAndroid.loadModuleToCache("inapp"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AppTrackerAndroid.startSession("ENTER_YOUR_API_KEY"); // Please change this demo API Key to your own API Key }