Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 物业相关费用缴费时锁定积分
        /// </summary>
        private string LockedPointsOnPayPropertyFees(DataRow row)
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UserId"].ToString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "UserId不能为空").toJson());
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("UsePoints") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UsePoints"].ToString()))
                return(new ApiResult(false, "UsePoints不能为空").toJson());

            string UserId    = row["UserId"].ToString();
            int    UsePoints = AppGlobal.StrToInt(row["UsePoints"].ToString());

            using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

                var trans = conn.BeginTransaction();

                // 要使用的积分是否大于用户积分余额
                int balance = conn.Query <int>("SELECT PointBalance FROM Tb_App_UserPoint WHERE UserID=@UserID",
                                               new { UserID = UserId }, trans).FirstOrDefault();
                if (balance < UsePoints)
                    return(new ApiResult(false, "积分余额不足").toJson());

                string useHistoryID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                conn.Execute($@"UPDATE Tb_App_UserPoint SET PointBalance=(PointBalance-@UsePoints) WHERE UserID=@UserID;
                                INSERT INTO Tb_App_Point_UseHistory(IID, UserID, UseWay, UsePoints, PointBalance)
                                    VALUES(@UseHistoryID, @UserID, @UseWay, @UsePoints, @PointBalance);
                                INSERT INTO Tb_App_Point_Locked(UserID, UseHistoryID, LockedPoints) 
                                    VALUES (@UserID, @UseHistoryID, @LockedPoints);",
                    UsePoints    = UsePoints,
                    UserID       = UserId,
                    UseHistoryID = useHistoryID,
                    UseWay       = AppPointUseWayConverter.GetKey(AppPointUseWay.PropertyFeeDeduction),
                    PointBalance = balance - UsePoints,
                    LockedPoints = UsePoints
                }, trans);

                return(new ApiResult(true, useHistoryID).toJson());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成银行及物业订单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GenerateOrder(DataRow Row)
            bool   IsBankOk        = false;
            bool   IsPropertyOk    = false;
            string PropertyOrderId = "";
            string prepay_str      = "";

            string CommunityId = Row["CommunityId"].ToString();
            string FeesIds     = Row["FeesIds"].ToString();
            string txnTime     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string CustID      = Row["CustID"].ToString();

            string UserId = null;

            if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("UserID") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["UserID"].ToString()))
                UserId = Row["UserID"].ToString();

            int UsePoints = 0;

            if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains("UsePoints") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["UsePoints"].ToString()))
                UsePoints = AppGlobal.StrToInt(Row["UsePoints"].ToString());

            if (FeesIds == "")
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "未选择任何费用"));
            string[] feesArray = FeesIds.Split(',').Distinct().ToArray();
            FeesIds = string.Join(",", feesArray.ToArray());

            bool IsConfig = GenerateConfig(CommunityId);

            if (IsConfig == false)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该小区不支持支付宝支付"));

            PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString = GetConnection(CommunityId);

            using (var appConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                if (appConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

                var appTrans = appConn.BeginTransaction();

                // 检查数据
                string useHistoryID = null;

                decimal Amount         = 0.0m;              // 缴费总额
                decimal propertyAmount = 0.0m;              // 物业费缴费总额
                decimal parkingAmount  = 0.0m;              // 车位费缴费总额

                decimal deductionAmount            = 0.0m;  // 积分可抵扣金额
                decimal propertyMaxDiscountsAmount = 0.0m;  // 物管费最大可抵用金额
                decimal parkingMaxDiscountsAmount  = 0.0m;  // 车位费最大可抵用金额

                int pointBalance    = 0;                    // 积分余额
                var deductionObject = new List <string>();  // 积分可抵扣对象

                #region 获取积分抵扣规则
                // 要使用的积分是否大于用户积分余额
                pointBalance = appConn.Query <int>("SELECT PointBalance FROM Tb_App_UserPoint WHERE UserID=@UserID", new { UserID = UserId }, appTrans).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pointBalance < UsePoints)
                    return(new ApiResult(false, "积分余额不足").toJson());

                // 企业编号
                short corpId = appConn.Query <short>("SELECT CorpID FROM Tb_Community WHERE Id=@CommunityId",
                                                     new { CommunityId = CommunityId }, appTrans).FirstOrDefault();

                // 积分权限控制
                var controlInfo = appConn.Query <Tb_Control_AppPoint>(@"SELECT * FROM Tb_Control_AppPoint WHERE CorpID=@CorpID AND IsEnable=1 
                                                                            AND (CommunityID=@CommunityId OR CommunityID IS NULL) ORDER BY CommunityID DESC",
                                                                      new { CorpID = corpId, CommunityId = CommunityId }, appTrans).FirstOrDefault();

                if (controlInfo == null || controlInfo.IsEnable == false)
                    controlInfo             = Tb_Control_AppPoint.DefaultControl;
                    controlInfo.CommunityID = Guid.Empty.ToString();

                // 允许抵用物业费
                if (controlInfo.AllowDeductionPropertyFees)
                // 允许抵用车位费
                if (controlInfo.AllowDeductionParkingFees)

                #region 获取缴费列表,读取欠费总额
                using (IDbConnection erpConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString))
                        IEnumerable <dynamic> arrearsList = erpConn.Query($@"SELECT * FROM view_HSPR_Fees_Filter WHERE FeesID IN({FeesIds})");

                        // 允许抵用物业费
                        if (controlInfo.AllowDeductionPropertyFees)
                            foreach (dynamic item in arrearsList)
                                if (item.SysCostSign != null && item.SysCostSign.ToString() == "B0001")
                                    propertyAmount += item.DebtsAmount;

                        // 允许抵用车位费
                        if (controlInfo.AllowDeductionParkingFees)
                            foreach (dynamic item in arrearsList)
                                if (item.SysCostSign != null && item.SysCostSign.ToString() == "B0002")
                                    parkingAmount += item.DebtsAmount;
                    catch (Exception)
                        return(new ApiResult(false, "验证欠费列表失败").toJson());

                if (UsePoints > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserId))
                    #region 判断积分是否足够
                        if (deductionObject.Count == 0)
                            return(new ApiResult(false, "暂不支持积分抵用功能").toJson());

                        // 积分抵用规则
                        var ruleInfo = appConn.Query($@"SELECT IID,ConditionAmount,DiscountsAmount,DeductionObject,b.Remark AS SysCostSign,StartTime,EndTime 
                                        FROM Tb_App_Point_PropertyDeductionRule a LEFT JOIN Tb_Dictionary_Point_UsableObject b
                                        ON a.DeductionObject=b.[Key] 
                                        WHERE CommunityID=@CommunityId AND DeductionObject IN({string.Join(", ", deductionObject) }) 
                                        AND getdate() BETWEEN StartTime AND EndTime AND a.IsDelete=0 ORDER BY ConditionAmount,DiscountsAmount",
                                                     new { CommunityId = CommunityId }, appTrans);

                        if (ruleInfo.Count() == 0)
                            return(new ApiResult(false, "积分抵用规则未设置或已失效").toJson());

                        // 确定物管费可抵用金额
                        if (propertyAmount > 0)
                            string key = AppPointUsableObjectConverter.GetKey(AppPointUsableObject.PropertyFee);
                            foreach (var item in ruleInfo)
                                if (item.DeductionObject == key && propertyAmount >= item.ConditionAmount)
                                    propertyMaxDiscountsAmount = item.DiscountsAmount;

                        // 确定车位费可抵用金额
                        if (parkingAmount > 0)
                            string key = AppPointUsableObjectConverter.GetKey(AppPointUsableObject.ParkingFee);
                            foreach (var item in ruleInfo)
                                if (item.DeductionObject == key && parkingAmount >= item.ConditionAmount)
                                    parkingMaxDiscountsAmount = item.DiscountsAmount;

                        // 要使用积分抵用的金额
                        deductionAmount = UsePoints / (decimal)controlInfo.PointExchangeRatio;

                        // 积分数量不正常
                        if (deductionAmount > (parkingMaxDiscountsAmount + propertyMaxDiscountsAmount))
                            return(new ApiResult(false, "使用积分超过可抵用最大金额").toJson());
                            decimal tmp = deductionAmount;

                            // 部分抵扣物业费
                            if (propertyMaxDiscountsAmount != 0)
                                if (tmp <= propertyMaxDiscountsAmount)
                                    propertyMaxDiscountsAmount = tmp;
                                    tmp = 0;
                                    tmp -= propertyMaxDiscountsAmount;

                            // 部分抵扣车位费
                            if (parkingMaxDiscountsAmount != 0 && tmp > 0)
                                if (tmp <= parkingMaxDiscountsAmount)
                                    parkingMaxDiscountsAmount = tmp;
                                    tmp = 0;
                                    tmp -= parkingMaxDiscountsAmount;

                            if (tmp != 0)
                                return(new ApiResult(false, "积分抵用出错").toJson());

                        if (UsePoints > 0 && deductionAmount > 0)
                            useHistoryID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return(new ApiResult(false, "积分验证失败" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace).toJson());

                // 积分数量正常,生成订单
                    // 生成ERP账单
                    string PropertyResult = GeneratePropertyOrder(CommunityId, FeesIds, txnTime, CustID, ref IsPropertyOk, ref Amount, ref PropertyOrderId);

                    // ERP订单生成成功
                    if (IsPropertyOk == true)
                        // 应缴总金额
                        Amount = Amount - deductionAmount;

                        // 支付宝签名订单信息
                        string BankResult = GenerateBankOrder(CommunityId, UserId, feesArray.First(), PropertyOrderId, txnTime, Amount, ref IsBankOk, ref prepay_str);

                        if (IsBankOk == true)
                            // 计算预赠送积分
                            new AppPoint().CalcPresentedPointForPropertyFees(CommunityId, propertyAmount - propertyMaxDiscountsAmount, parkingAmount - parkingMaxDiscountsAmount, out int p1, out int p2);
                            prepay_str = prepay_str.Insert(prepay_str.Length - 1, ",\"presented_points\":" + (p1 + p2) + "");

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(useHistoryID))
                                prepay_str = prepay_str.Insert(prepay_str.Length - 1, ",\"deduction_amount\":" + deductionAmount + "");
                                prepay_str = prepay_str.Insert(prepay_str.Length - 1, ",\"point_use_history_id\":\"" + useHistoryID + "\"");

                                appConn.Execute($@"UPDATE Tb_App_UserPoint SET PointBalance=(PointBalance-@UsePoints) WHERE UserID=@UserID;
                                                    INSERT INTO Tb_App_Point_UseHistory(IID, UserID, UseWay, UsePoints, PointBalance, DeductionAmount, Remark)
                                                        VALUES(@UseHistoryID, @UserID, @UseWay, @UsePoints, @PointBalance, @DeductionAmount, @Remark);
                                                    INSERT INTO Tb_App_Point_Locked(UserID, UseHistoryID, LockedPoints) 
                                                        VALUES (@UserID, @UseHistoryID, @LockedPoints);",
                                    UsePoints       = UsePoints,
                                    UserID          = UserId,
                                    UseHistoryID    = useHistoryID,
                                    UseWay          = AppPointUseWayConverter.GetKey(AppPointUseWay.PropertyFeeDeduction),
                                    PointBalance    = pointBalance - UsePoints,
                                    DeductionAmount = deductionAmount,
                                    Remark          = AppPointUseWayConverter.GetValue(AppPointUseWay.PropertyFeeDeduction),
                                    LockedPoints    = UsePoints
                                }, appTrans);

                                string usableObject = string.Join(",", deductionObject.Select(obj => AppPointUsableObjectConverter.GetValue(obj.Replace("'", ""))));

                                // 存储积分使用记录与订单关联关系
                                appConn.Execute(@"INSERT INTO Tb_App_Point_UseHistoryOrder(UseHistoryID, OrderID, Payment, UsableObject) 
                                                    VALUES(@UseHistoryID, @OrderID, '支付宝', @UsableObject)",
                                    UseHistoryID = useHistoryID,
                                    OrderID      = PropertyOrderId,
                                    UsableObject = usableObject
                                }, appTrans);

                            using (var erpConn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.hmWyglConnectionString))
                                // 更新订单
                                erpConn.Execute(@"UPDATE Tb_OL_AlipayOrder SET prepay_str=@prepay_str WHERE out_trade_no = @out_trade_no ",
                                                new { prepay_str = prepay_str.ToString(), out_trade_no = PropertyOrderId });

                            return(JSONHelper.FromJsonString(true, prepay_str));
                            return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, BankResult));
                        return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, PropertyResult));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, ex.Message + ex.StackTrace));