public async Task TestPutAddress()
            var reader = CreateApiReader("accountaddresses");

            reader.ApiKey = YOURAPIKEY_FULLACCESS;
            var newAddress = new ApiAccountAddress();

            newAddress.AccountId = new Guid("075660f7-6a07-47bc-a05d-f039fc9ad3a7");
            newAddress.Address1  = "10550 S. Sam Houston Parkway West";
            newAddress.City      = "Houston";
            await reader.Put(newAddress);
        public async Task TestAddresses()
            var reader = CreateApiReader("accountaddresses");

            reader.ApiKey = YOURAPIKEY_FULLACCESS;
            // check existing addresses
            var allAddresses = await reader.QueryList <ApiAccountAddress>();

            // if we do not have an address, create one

            if (!(await reader.QueryListByFilter <ApiAccountAddress>(ApiReader.BuildFilter("AccountId eq {0}", testAccountId))).Any())
                // an address is separate object and it has its own ID: BranchID
                // however, BranchId will be phased out

                // you should use AccountId instead.

                var newAddress = new ApiAccountAddress();
                // make sure you specify valid AccountId
                newAddress.AccountId = testAccountId;
                newAddress.Address1  = "123 Main Street";
                newAddress.City      = "New York";
                newAddress.Country   = "US";
                await reader.Post(newAddress);

                // to update address, also use specify valid AccountId; remove BranchId from ApiAccountAddress object.
                var postAddress = new ApiAccountAddress();
                postAddress.AccountId = testAccountId;
                postAddress.Address1  = "Another address";
                await reader.Put(testAccountId, postAddress);

            // delete

            await reader.Delete(testAccountId);