public string PasswordStrongMessege(string Password) { AntiInjection ant = new AntiInjection(); ant.Password = true; if (ant.StringData(Password)) { int Minmum = 8; int length = Password.Length; bool Symbol = false; bool Capital = false; bool Smaill = false; bool Number = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (Password[i] >= 32 && Password[i] <= 46 || Password[i] <= 64) { Symbol = true; } if (Password[i] >= 48 && Password[i] <= 57) { Number = true; } if (Password[i] >= 65 && Password[i] <= 90) { Capital = true; } if (Password[i] >= 97 && Password[i] <= 122) { Smaill = true; } } if (length >= Minmum) { if (Number && Capital && Smaill && Symbol) { PasswordRight = true; return("<strong style='color:green;'>strong</strong>"); } else { PasswordRight = false; return("<strong style='color:red;'>week</strong>"); } } else { PasswordRight = false; return("<span style='color:red;'>8 to 20 char</span>"); } } else { PasswordRight = false; return("<strong style='color:red;'>Harmful</strong>"); } }
private bool _UpdateDetails(UpdateClasses Details) { AntiInjection a = new AntiInjection(); a.Url = true; a.FullName = true; a.Address = true; if (a.StringData(Details.FirstName) && a.StringData(Details.LastName) && a.StringData(Details.Region) && a.StringData(Details.Website) && a.StringData(Details.Discription)) { bool returnVal = chk.ExcutionNonQuery("update DeveloperRegistation set Active='" + Details.Active + "',FastName='" + Details.FirstName + "',LastName='" + Details.LastName + "',Discription='" + Details.Discription + "', Website='" + Details.Website + "',Region='" + Details.Region + "',EmailShow='" + Details.EmailShow + "',NumberShow='" + Details.MobileShow + "' where Reg_ID=" + Details.RegID); Messege_ = chk.Messege; return(returnVal); } else { Messege_ = "Security Thread."; return(false); } }
private bool _Reg() { AntiInjection ant = new AntiInjection(); ant.Email = true; ant.Password = true; ant.Url = true; //------------------------------------------ // anti injection for security purpass // it will secure the boolien methord //------------------------------------------ if (ant.StringData(FirstName) && ant.StringData(SureName) && ant.StringData(Email) && ant.StringData(UserName) && ant.StringData(Password) && ant.StringData(Mobile)) { Security_ = true; /*--------------------------------- * security is done now the insert and encript process * ----------------------------------*/ if (UserName_Avaiable(UserName) && Mobile_Avaiable(Mobile) && Email_Avaiable(Email)) { try { int Max_App = 2;/// Comming from main db settings bool EmailVerify = false; bool MobileVerify = false; //---------------------------------------------- Bind(); //----------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------- StringGenarator __ran = new StringGenarator(); __ran.TotalString = 10;/// setting update //------------------------------------------- __ran.Hexadecimal = true; string Encrypt_Key = __ran.RandomStringNumber("DeveloperRegistation", 2, '-'); __ran.TotalString = 5; __ran.Number = true; __ran.Hexadecimal = false; __ran.DatabaseEntry = false; string OTP = __ran.RandomStringNumber("OPT"); this.OTP = OTP; __ran.TotalString = 20; __ran.Number = true; __ran.ApperCase = true; __ran.DatabaseEntry = false; string EmailCode = __ran.RandomStringNumber("EmailCode"); this.EmailCode = EmailCode; //------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------ Check __Chk = new Check(); IPFinder _IPLocation = new IPFinder(); //_IPLocation.IPDetails(); var Offset = __Chk.stringCheck("select Offset from TimeZone where Time_Zone='" + _IPLocation.TimeZone + "' "); DateTimeZone __Dt = new DateTimeZone(Offset); this.Offset = Offset; Settings __Settings = new Settings(); var MaxStorage = __Settings.Get_InValue_Settings(2);//Max Storage in Settings this.MaxStorage = MaxStorage; bool f1 = __Chk.ExcutionNonQuery(string.Format(@"insert into DeveloperRegistation (FastName,LastName,UserName,Email,Mobile,Country,Country_ID,Max_Apps,EmailVerify,MobileVerify,Profileimage,imagebyte,Active,EmailShow,NumberShow,JoinDate,AccountAbility,MaxStorage) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}',{6},{7},'{8}','{9}','{10}',{11},'{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}',{17})", FirstName, SureName, UserName, Email, Mobile, Country, __Chk.stringCheck("select Country_ID from Country where Country_Name='" + Country + "'"), Max_App, EmailCode, OTP, "image/Profile/noimage.jpg", 24576, "Online", "true", "true", __Dt.DateTimes(), "true", MaxStorage)); string _Registation_id = __Chk.stringCheck("select Reg_ID from DeveloperRegistation where UserName='******'"); //randomly add the encrypt key it unique Encrypt __Enc = new Encrypt(); __Enc.EncryptCode = Encrypt_Key; Key = Encrypt_Key; // set the encript key to add database string _UserName = __Enc.HashCode(UserName); string _Password = __Enc.HashCode(Password); bool f2 = __Chk.ExcutionNonQuery(string.Format(@"insert into Login (Reg_ID,UserName,Password,Encrypt_Code) values({0},'{1}','{2}','{3}')", _Registation_id, _UserName, _Password, Encrypt_Key)); Messege_ = string.Format(@"<div class='alert alert-icon-success' role='alert'> <i data-feather='alert-circle'></i> {0} </div> ", "Registation Complete."); _EmailVerify = EmailVerify; _MobileVerify = MobileVerify; RegID = __Chk.stringCheck("select Reg_ID from DeveloperRegistation where UserName='******' "); LoginID = __Chk.stringCheck("select Login_ID from Login where UserName='******' "); if (f1 && f2) { return(true); } else { Messege_ = string.Format(@"<div class='alert alert-icon-danger' role='alert'> <i data-feather='alert-circle'></i> {0} </div> ", __Chk.Messege); return(false); } } catch (Exception er) { Messege_ = string.Format(@"<div class='alert alert-icon-danger' role='alert'> <i data-feather='alert-circle'></i> {0} </div> ", er.Message); return(false); } } else { Messege_ = @"<div class='alert alert-icon-danger' role='alert'> <i data-feather='alert-circle'></i> (Verify your Email, UserName, Moble) If All are not Avaiable. Try again! </div> "; return(false); } } else { Messege_ = @"<div class='alert alert-icon-danger' role='alert'> <i data-feather='alert-circle'></i> Security Threat. </div> "; return(false); } }