private void GameLoop() { var header = new Rule($"\n[grey]World of {this.Game.World.Name}[/]") .RuleStyle(Style.Parse("white dim")) .LeftAligned(); AnsiConsole.Write(header); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]You are currently in the city of {0}.[/]", this.Game.HomeCity.Name); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]There are {0} members in your guild.[/]", this.Game.GuildMembers.Count); string input = string.Empty; while (input != "exit") { AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule()); input = AnsiConsole.Prompt(this.IngameMenu).ToLower(); if (input == "save") { this.SaveGame(); } } }
public static void Execute(string command, string fromWhere) { var mainCommand = Regex.Match(command, "/[a-zA-Z]+").Value.Trim(); var tokens = new Regex("/[a-zA-Z]+").Replace(command, "").Trim(); switch (mainCommand) { case "/exit": AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[blue]Bye![/]"); Environment.Exit(0); return; case "/help": ExecuteHelp(tokens, fromWhere); break; case "/clear": if (!new Regex("/clear").Replace(command, "").Equals("")) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]Unknown token after \"/clear\"![/]"); return; } Console.Clear(); return; case "/angle": ChangeAngle(tokens); break; default: AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]Unknown Command![/]"); break; } }
private async Task <IList <WitsmlRisk> > GetRisks(string wellUid, string wellboreUid, string source, string lastChanged) { var query = new WitsmlRisks { Risks = new WitsmlRisk { UidWell = wellUid, UidWellbore = wellboreUid, CommonData = new WitsmlCommonData { SourceName = source, DTimLastChange = lastChanged } }.AsSingletonList() }; try { var result = await witsmlClient.GetFromStoreAsync(query, new OptionsIn(ReturnElements.All)); return(result?.Risks .OrderBy(risk => risk.NameWellbore) .ThenBy(risk => DateTime.Parse(risk.CommonData.DTimLastChange)) .ToList()); } catch (TimeoutException) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("\nThe request timed out. You might need to filter your request to reduce the query result".WithColor(Color.Red1)); return(new List <WitsmlRisk>()); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { var rootCommand = new RootCommand("CLI for executing various actions against") { new Option <bool>("--nologo", "Doesn't display the startup banner or the copyright message"), }; rootCommand.AddCommand(ClearCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(DataloaderCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(DeploymentCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(ExportCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(LogCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(SourceMapCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(TailCommand.Create()); if (args == null || args.All(arg => arg != "--nologo")) { AnsiConsole.Write(new FigletText("") .LeftAligned() .Color(new Color(13, 165, 142))); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[yellow]Copyright (C)[/] [rgb(13,165,142)][/]. All rights reserved."); } args = args.Where(arg => arg != "--nologo").ToArray(); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); return(rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args).Result); }
public static async Task RunAsync(Source source, Compiler compiler) { if (await InitialTestAsync(compiler)) { return; } IReadOnlyCollection <Mutation> mutants = await Mutator.MutateAsync(source.Production); int padding = mutants.Count.ToString().Length; var report = new Report(); int i = 0; foreach (IGrouping <SyntaxNode, Mutation> group in mutants.GroupBy(mutant => mutant.OriginalNode)) { SyntaxNode mutated = group.Key; AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[bold]{mutated}[/]"); foreach (Mutation mutant in group) { bool hasFailed = await MutationTestAsync(compiler, i ++, mutant, padding); report.Increment(hasFailed); } } report.WriteToConsole(); }
private int List(Settings settings) { var examples = _finder.FindExamples(); if (examples.Count == 0) { AnsiConsole.Markup("[yellow]No examples could be found.[/]"); return(0); } AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); var rows = new Grid().Collapse(); rows.AddColumn(); foreach (var group in examples.GroupBy(ex => ex.Group)) { rows.AddRow(CreateTable(settings, group.Key, group)); rows.AddEmptyRow(); } AnsiConsole.Render(rows); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("Type [blue]dotnet example --help[/] for help"); return(0); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"); if (args is null || args.Length != 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("usage: advent <day>"); } var number = int.Parse(args[0], culture.NumberFormat); var day = CreateDay(number); if (day is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"unable to run day {number}"); } day.LoadInput(); day.Header(); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("Part A:"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"\t[bold yellow]{day.PartA()}[/]"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("Part B:"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"\t[bold yellow]{day.PartB()}[/]"); }
private static async Task Mult() { Console.Clear(); var factors = new List <int>(); int?factor; do { factor = PromptSelection("Enter an integer, or 'X' to end:"); if (factor.HasValue) { factors.Add(factor.Value); } }while (factor.HasValue); if (!factors.Any()) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"There are no factors, no operation performed\n"); return; } var multRequest = new MultRequest { Factors = factors }; var response = await CalculatorServiceClient.MultAsync(multRequest); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"The product of the factors is: {response.Product}\n"); }
private static async Task Div() { Console.Clear(); var dividend = PromptSelection("Enter the dividend, or 'X' to end:"); if (dividend is null) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"There is no dividend, no operation performed\n"); return; } var divisor = PromptSelection("Enter the divisor, or 'X' to end:"); if (dividend is null) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"There is no divisor, no operation performed\n"); return; } var divRequest = new DivRequest { Dividend = dividend.Value, Divisor = divisor.Value }; var response = await CalculatorServiceClient.DivAsync(divRequest); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"The quotient is: {response.Quotient} and the remainder is {response.Remainder}\n"); }
private void WriteSummaries(LamarServicesInput input, IGrouping <Assembly, IServiceFamilyConfiguration>[] configurations, WhatDoIHaveDisplay display, IContainer container) { if (display == WhatDoIHaveDisplay.Summary) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[bold]Key:[/] "); var rule = new Rule($"[blue]Assembly Name (Assembly Version)[/]") { Alignment = Justify.Left }; AnsiConsole.Render(rule); var node = new Tree("{Service Type Namespace}"); node.AddNode("{Service Type Full Name}").AddNode("{Lifetime}: {Description of Registration}"); AnsiConsole.Render(node); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Build Plans for registrations built by calling constructors"); Console.WriteLine(); } foreach (var group in configurations) { WriteAssemblyServices(input, @group, display, container); } }
private static async Task Sub() { Console.Clear(); var minuend = PromptSelection("Enter the minuend, or 'X' to end:"); if (minuend is null) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"There is no minuend, no operation performed\n"); return; } var substrahend = PromptSelection("Enter the substrahend, or 'X' to end:"); if (minuend is null) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"There is no substrahend, no operation performed\n"); return; } var subRequest = new SubRequest { Minuend = minuend.Value, Subtrahend = substrahend.Value }; var response = await CalculatorServiceClient.SubAsync(subRequest); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"The difference is: {response.Difference}\n"); }
private async Task Execute(bool agenda) { var now = DateTime.Now; var query = new CalendarEventsQuery { MinDate = now, MaxDate = agenda ? new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 23, 59, 59) : null }; try { var events = await _mediator.Send(query); string title = agenda ? ":calendar: Today's agenda" : ":tear_off_calendar: Next event"; AnsiConsoleHelper.TitleRule(title); try { if (events.Count() > 0) { bool found = false; foreach (var eventItem in events) { string start = eventItem.Start?.ToString(agenda ? "HH:mm" : "MMM dd HH:mm"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start)) { continue; } string end = eventItem.End?.ToString("-HH:mm") ?? ""; AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{eventItem.Start.GetEmoji()} [white]{start}{end}\t[/][silver]{eventItem.Summary}[/]"); found = true; if (!agenda) { return; } } if (found) { return; } } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[white][[No upcoming events found.]][/]"); } finally { AnsiConsoleHelper.Rule("white"); } } catch (UnauthorizedException ue) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red][[:cross_mark: ${ue.Message}]][/]"); return; } catch (UnconfiguredException ue) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[yellow][[:yellow_circle: ${ue.Message}]][/]"); } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { logger = InitialiseLogging(); try { AvailableDays = LoadDays().ToList(); await BuildCommandLine() .UseDefaults() .Build() .InvokeAsync(args); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error running AoC with args: {@Args}", args); AnsiConsole.WriteException(ex); } finally { Serilog.Log.CloseAndFlush(); } } finally { timer.Stop(); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[blue]All completed in [yellow]{timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}[/]ms[/]"); } }
public static T Load <T>(string name) where T : Configuration, new() { var configurationFile = Path.Combine(ConfigurationDirectory, $"{name}.json"); try { if (File.Exists(configurationFile)) { string json = File.ReadAllText(configurationFile); T config = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <T>(json); config.Name = name; config.ConfigurationFile = configurationFile; return(config); } } catch (Exception ex) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red][[:cross_mark: Failed to load the configuration file for {name}]][/]"); AnsiConsole.WriteException(ex, ExceptionFormats.ShortenPaths | ExceptionFormats.ShortenTypes | ExceptionFormats.ShortenMethods | ExceptionFormats.ShowLinks); } return(new T() { Name = name, ConfigurationFile = configurationFile }); }
private static IExample GetExampleFromPromptChoice(IServiceScope serviceScope) { var choice = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <int>("Which example do you want to run (0 for exit) ?") .InvalidChoiceMessage("[red]That's not a valid choice[/]") .DefaultValue(0) .AddChoice(1) .AddChoice(2) .AddChoice(3) .AddChoice(4)); if (choice == 0) { if (AnsiConsole.Capabilities.SupportLinks) { var link = @""; AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[link={link}]Click to go to github repo[/]!"); } return(null); } var examples = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetServices <IExample>().ToList(); return(examples.SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetType().Name.EndsWith($"{choice}"))); }
private static async Task Add() { Console.Clear(); var addends = new List <int>(); int?addend; do { addend = PromptSelection("Enter an integer, or 'X' to end:"); if (addend.HasValue) { addends.Add(addend.Value); } }while (addend.HasValue); if (!addends.Any()) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"There are no addends, no operation performed\n"); return; } var addRequest = new AddRequest { Addends = addends }; var response = await CalculatorServiceClient.AddAsync(addRequest); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"The sum of the addends is: {response.Sum}\n"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var survey = new Survey("questions.json"); var questions = survey.GetQuestions(); var voterAnswerMap = new SortedDictionary <string, List <Answer> >(); // var users = getUsers(); // hardcoded for now string[] users = { "Dan", "Leon", "Niki" }; foreach (var user in users) { // Styled text announcing the next user var rule = new Rule("[red]" + user + "[/]"); rule.LeftAligned(); AnsiConsole.Render(rule); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[bold]" + user + "[/] - It's your turn to answer the questions."); var answers = new List <Answer>(); foreach (var q in questions) { var answer = q.ask(); answers.Add(answer); } voterAnswerMap.Add(user, answers); } // Create a canvas YesNoDetailedResult detailedResult = new YesNoDetailedResult();, 5); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"); if (args is null || args.Length != 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("usage: advent <day>"); } var number = int.Parse(args[0], culture.NumberFormat); var day = CreateDay(number); if (day is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"unable to run day {number}"); } day !.Header(); if (!day !.Test()) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[bold red]error[/]: test(s) for day {number} failed"); return; } day !.PartA(); day !.PartB(); }
public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync(CommandContext context, CheckSettings settings) { try { _pathToCsProjFile = _csProjFileService.GetPathToCsProjFile(settings.PathToCsProjFile); } catch (CsProjFileNotFoundException ex) { AnsiConsole.Markup($"[dim]WARN:[/] [red]{ex.Message}[/]"); return(await Task.FromResult(-1)); } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"Checking versions for [silver]{_pathToCsProjFile}[/]"); await _nuGetPackagesService.GetPackagesDataFromCsProjFileAsync(_pathToCsProjFile, _packages); if (_packages.Count == 0) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"Could not find any packages in [silver]{_pathToCsProjFile}[/]"); return(await Task.FromResult(0)); } await _nuGetPackagesService.GetPackagesDataFromNugetRepositoryAsync(_pathToCsProjFile, _packages); PrintResult(); return(await Task.FromResult(0)); }
private static void RenderLaunches(List <Launch> launches) { var table = new Table().Title("Launches"); table.AddColumn(nameof(Launch.Mission_name), column => column.Width = 12).AddColumn(nameof(Launch.Launch_date_utc), column => column.Width = 15) .AddColumn(nameof(Launch.Rocket.Rocket_name)).AddColumn(nameof(Launch.Links)).AddColumn( $"{nameof(Launch.Rocket.Second_stage.Payloads)} {nameof(Payload.Manufacturer)}", column => column.Width = 12); foreach (var launch in launches) { var linksTable = new Table().AddColumn(nameof(launch.Links)); linksTable.AddRow(new Markup($"[link={launch.Links.Article_link}]Article_link - {launch.Links.Article_link}[/]")); linksTable.AddRow(new Markup($"[link={launch.Links.Video_link}]Video_link - {launch.Links.Video_link}[/]")); linksTable.AddRow(new Markup($"[link={launch.Links.Presskit}]Presskit - {launch.Links.Presskit}[/]")); linksTable.AddRow(new Markup($"[link={launch.Links.Reddit_launch}]Reddit_launch - {launch.Links.Reddit_launch}[/]")); linksTable.AddRow(new Markup($"[link={launch.Links.Wikipedia}]Wikipedia - {launch.Links.Wikipedia}[/]")); var payloadManufacturers = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, launch.Rocket.Second_stage.Payloads.Where(payload => payload != null) .Select(p => p.Manufacturer)); table.AddRow(new Markup(launch.Mission_name), new Markup(launch.Launch_date_utc.ToString()), new Markup(launch.Rocket.Rocket_name), linksTable, new Markup(payloadManufacturers)); } AnsiConsole.Render(table); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine(""); }
public override int Execute([NotNull] CommandContext context, [NotNull] Settings settings) { try { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[cyan]-=[[ EscapeFromTarkov-Trainer Universal Installer ]]=-[/]"); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); var installation = Installation.GetTargetInstallation(settings.Path, "Please select from where to uninstall the trainer"); if (installation == null) { return((int)ExitCode.NoInstallationFound); } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"Target [green]EscapeFromTarkov ({installation.Version})[/] in [blue]{installation.Location}[/]."); if (!RemoveFile(Path.Combine(installation.Managed, "NLog.EFT.Trainer.dll"))) { return((int)ExitCode.RemoveDllFailed); } if (!RemoveFile(Path.Combine(installation.Data, "outline"))) { return((int)ExitCode.RemoveOutlineFailed); } RemoveOrPatchConfiguration(installation); } catch (Exception ex) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red]Error: {ex.Message}. Please file an issue here : [/]"); return((int)ExitCode.Failure); } return((int)ExitCode.Success); }
public async Task RunAsync() { var faultyOperationContext = new OperationContext(); faultyOperationContext.ResponseReceived += (sender, args) => { if (new Random().Next(3) == 0) { args.Response.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; } }; var table = _cloudTableClient.GetTableReference("products"); await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(_seedData.Select(async(product) => { try { await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(product), new TableRequestOptions(), faultyOperationContext); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[green]{product.Ean13} seeded.[/]"); } catch (Exception exception) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red]{product.Ean13} failed.[/]"); } })); }
private static void WriteLogMessage() { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine( "[grey]LOG:[/] " + DescriptionGenerator.Generate() + "[grey]...[/]"); }
private async Task ListLights(string ip) { try { var lights = await _mediator.Send(new ListLightsQuery { IpAddress = ip, WaitForUserInput = WaitForUserInput }); if (lights.Count() == 0) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red][[:cross_mark: No lights found.]][/]"); return; } AnsiConsoleHelper.TitleRule(":light_bulb: Scans are complete. Found lights..."); OutputLights(lights); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red][[:cross_mark: {ae.Message}]][/]"); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red][[:cross_mark: Failed to register with the bridge.]][/]"); AnsiConsole.WriteException(ex, ExceptionFormats.ShortenPaths | ExceptionFormats.ShortenTypes | ExceptionFormats.ShortenMethods | ExceptionFormats.ShowLinks); } }
private static string AskFruit() { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Render(new Rule("[yellow]Lists[/]").RuleStyle("grey").LeftAligned()); var favorites = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .PageSize(10) .Title("What are your [green]favorite fruits[/]?") .AddChoices(new[] { "Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado", "Banana", "Blackcurrant", "Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cloudberry", "Cocunut", "Date", "Dragonfruit", "Durian", "Egg plant", "Elderberry", "Fig", "Grape", "Guava", "Honeyberry", "Jackfruit", "Jambul", "Kiwano", "Kiwifruit", "Lime", "Lylo", "Lychee", "Melon", "Mulberry", "Nectarine", "Orange", "Olive" })); var fruit = favorites.Count == 1 ? favorites[0] : null; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fruit)) { fruit = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Ok, but if you could only choose [green]one[/]?") .AddChoices(favorites)); } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("Your selected: [yellow]{0}[/]", fruit); return(fruit); }
private async Task Set(string ip, bool on, bool off, bool alert, byte?brightness, string color, uint light) { try { var command = new SetLightCommand { IpAddress = ip, On = on, Off = off, Alert = alert, Brightness = brightness, Color = color, Light = light, WaitForUserInput = WaitForUserInput }; await _mediator.Send(command); AnsiConsoleHelper.TitleRule(":light_bulb: Roamer systems dispatched. Lights have been adjusted..."); var lights = await _mediator.Send(new ListLightsQuery { IpAddress = ip, WaitForUserInput = WaitForUserInput }); OutputLights(lights); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red][[:cross_mark: {ae.Message}]][/]"); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red][[:cross_mark: Failed to register with the bridge.]][/]"); AnsiConsole.WriteException(ex, ExceptionFormats.ShortenPaths | ExceptionFormats.ShortenTypes | ExceptionFormats.ShortenMethods | ExceptionFormats.ShowLinks); } }
public static void Enter() { do { AnsiConsole.Write("> "); var userInput = Console.ReadLine() .Trim(); //if the input is a command if (userInput.StartsWith("/")) { command.Commands.Execute(userInput, "calc"); continue; } //if the input is an assignment if (userInput.Contains("=")) { Variables.Assign(userInput); continue; } var expression = new Expression(userInput); if (expression.IsValid) { var value = expression.Solve(); if (value is null) { continue; } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[blue]{value}[/]"); } } while (true); }
void DisplayDate(bool utc) { var now = utc ? DateTime.UtcNow : DateTime.Now; AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($":tear_off_calendar: [silver][[{now:yyyy-MM-dd}]][/]"); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); }
private static async Task <(CSharpCompilation?, ZipArchive?)> GetCompilationAsync(Installation installation, string branch) { var archive = await GetSnapshotAsync(branch); if (archive == null) { return(null, null); } CSharpCompilation?compilation = null; AnsiConsole .Status() .Start("Compiling trainer", _ => { var compiler = new Compiler(archive, installation); compilation = compiler.Compile(); var errors = compilation .GetDiagnostics() .Where(d => d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error) .ToList(); if (errors.Any()) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[yellow]Compilation failed for {branch} branch.[/]"); compilation = null; } else { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"Compilation [green]succeed[/] for [blue]{branch}[/] branch."); } }); return(compilation, archive); }
private bool ReadActiveServices() { var useForDownload = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Do you want to use pdbMate to add downloads to your usenet client?"); if (useForDownload) { var allowedQualities = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("What [green]video quality[/] do you want to download?") .InstructionsText( "[grey](Press [blue]<space>[/] to toggle a quality, " + "[green]<enter>[/] to accept)[/]") .AddChoices(new[] { "1080p", "2160p" })); var keepOnlyHighestQuality = AnsiConsole.Confirm("When downloading from usenet, only keep the highest quality of the same release?"); var downloadFavoriteActors = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Add downloads based on your favorite actors?"); var downloadFavoriteSites = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Add downloads based on your favorite sites?"); if (!downloadFavoriteActors && !downloadFavoriteSites) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red]You do not want to add downloads based on your [bold]favorite actors OR sites[/] - pdbMate would not add any downloads - let's start from the beginning.[/]"); ReadActiveServices(); } appSettings.UsenetDownload.AllowedQualities = allowedQualities; appSettings.UsenetDownload.KeepOnlyHighestQuality = keepOnlyHighestQuality; appSettings.UsenetDownload.DownloadFavoriteSites = downloadFavoriteSites; appSettings.UsenetDownload.DownloadFavoriteActors = downloadFavoriteActors; } return(useForDownload); }