public ActionResult cbpview(string restcode)
                //string DeliverTime;

                if (restcode == null)
                    restcode = "HN";
                DeliverTime = DateTime.Today.ToString();
                Ankapurservices chartl     = new Ankapurservices();
                var             modelCust2 = chartl.chartbar(DeliverTime, restcode);
                //ViewBag.time = modelCust.Select(m => Convert.ToDateTime(m.OrderDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).ToList();
                var data = String.Join(",", modelCust2.Select(m => Convert.ToDateTime(m.month).ToString("MMMM-yyyy")).ToList());
                //ViewBag.time = String.Join(",", modelCust.Select(m => Convert.ToDateTime(m.OrderDate).ToString("MMM dd")).ToList());
                //var date1 = data.Split(',');
                var result = string.Join(",", data);

                ViewBag.time2   = result;
                ViewBag.orders2 = String.Join(",", modelCust2.Select(m => m.count).ToList());
                return(PartialView("cbpview", modelCust2));
            catch (Exception)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "graph") + "'</script>"));
Exemple #2
 public ActionResult downloadmonth(DateTime DeliverTime, string restcode)
     if (DeliverTime != null)
         //ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
         Ankapurservices objCrd     = new Ankapurservices();
         var             modelCust1 = objCrd.monthlyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);
         var             gv         = new GridView();
         gv.DataSource = modelCust1;
         Response.Buffer = true;
         Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=ankapurchickenmonthly.xls");
         Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
         Response.Charset     = "";
         StringWriter   objStringWriter   = new StringWriter();
         HtmlTextWriter objHtmlTextWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(objStringWriter);
     return(Content("<script> alert('please select date')</script>"));
        public ActionResult customerpview1(string phoneno, string restcode)
            if (phoneno != null)
                var             p2     = "0";
                Ankapurservices objCrd = new Ankapurservices();
                var             od     = objCrd.custreports(phoneno, restcode);
                ViewBag.orders  = od.Count;
                ViewBag.phoneno = phoneno;
                foreach (var item in od)
                    string amount = item.amountPaid;
                    if (amount == null || amount == "")
                        amount = "0";
                    PriceSum = PriceSum + decimal.Parse(amount);
                    p2       = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum));
                ViewBag.Totalamount = p2;
                var od1  = objCrd.custdiscounts(phoneno, restcode).FirstOrDefault();
                var disc = (od1 != null) ? od1.Discount : "0";
       = disc;

                //return View();
                //return Content("<script> alert(phoneno); </script>");
            return(PartialView("customerpview1", null));
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult OrderDetails(string orderid, string restcode)
            if (orderid != null)
                if (restcode == null | restcode == "")
                    restcode = "HN";
                Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
                var             modelCust = objCrd.orderdetails(orderid, restcode);

                //foreach (var item in modelCust)
                //    string Price = item.Price;
                //    string Quantity = item.Quantity;
                //    string ProductName = item.ProductName;
                ViewBag.check = "Y";
        = modelCust.ToList();

            ViewBag.check = "N";
            return(PartialView("OrderDetails", null));
        //excel download
        public ActionResult downloadmonthly(string DeliverTime, string restcode)
            if (DeliverTime != null)
                var    today        = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime);
                string DeliverTime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(today).ToString("yyyy-MM");

                string   DeliverTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime).ToString("MMMM-yyyy");
                string[] nameParts    = DeliverTime2.Split('-');

                string          year      = nameParts[0];
                string          month     = nameParts[1];
                Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
                var             modelCust = objCrd.monthlyreportsk(year, month, restcode);
                var             gv        = new GridView();
                gv.DataSource = modelCust;
                Response.Buffer = true;
                Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=ankapurchickenmonthly.xls");
                Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
                Response.Charset     = "";
                StringWriter   objStringWriter   = new StringWriter();
                HtmlTextWriter objHtmlTextWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(objStringWriter);

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "dailyReport"));

            return(Content("<script> alert('please select date')</script>"));
Exemple #6
        public ActionResult nextmonth(DateTime DeliverTime, string restcode)
            DateTime DeliverTime1 = DeliverTime.AddDays(1);
            DateTime DeliverTime2 = DeliverTime.AddDays(32);
            //string DeliverTime1 = dateTime.AddDays(-15).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
            var             modelCust = objCrd.monthlyreports(DeliverTime2, restcode);

            foreach (var item in modelCust)
                string amount = item.amountPaid;
                string total  = item.TotalPrice;
                if (total == null || total == "")
                    total = "0";
                string cgst            = item.cgstcharges;
                string sgst            = item.sgstcharges;
                string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                string status          = item.status;
                string tip             = item.Tip;
                string disco           = item.Discount;
                if (status != "8")
                    TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                    discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                    revenue2        = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                    PriceSum2       = PriceSum2 + decimal.Parse(amount);
            var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue2));
            var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum2));

            //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
            ViewBag.Pricesum    = p2;
            ViewBag.revenue     = r2;
            ViewBag.modelCust   = modelCust.Count;
            ViewBag.selectdate1 = DeliverTime1.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            ViewBag.selectdate  = DeliverTime2.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            ViewBag.selectdate2 = DeliverTime2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd").Replace('-', '/');
            if (restcode == "HN")
                restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
            else if (restcode == "KP")
                restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
            else if (restcode == "AN")
                restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
            ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
            ViewBag.restcode  = restcode;
Exemple #7
        public PartialViewResult dailytable(string DeliverTime)
            DeliverTime = DateTime.Today.ToString();
            Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
            var             modelCust = objCrd.Getdailyreports(DeliverTime);

            return(PartialView("dailytable", modelCust));
Exemple #8
        public PartialViewResult dailytable(string restcode)
            if (restcode == null)
                restcode = "HN";
            DateTime        DeliverTime = DateTime.Today;
            Ankapurservices objCrd      = new Ankapurservices();
            var             modelCust   = objCrd.Getdailyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);

            foreach (var reports in modelCust)
                string amount = reports.amountPaid;
                string total  = reports.TotalPrice;
                if (total == null || total == "")
                    total = "0";
                string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                string status          = reports.status;
                string tip             = reports.Tip;
                string disco           = reports.Discount;
                if (status != "8")
                    TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                    discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                    revenue2        = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                    PriceSum2       = PriceSum2 + decimal.Parse(amount);
            var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue2));
            var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum2));

            //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
            ViewBag.modelCust   = modelCust.Count;
            ViewBag.Pricesum    = p2;
            ViewBag.revenue     = r2;
            ViewBag.selectdate  = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace('-', '/');
            ViewBag.selectdate1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Replace('-', '/');
            return(PartialView("dailytable", modelCust));
 public ActionResult chpie2view(string restcode)
         if (restcode == null)
             restcode = "HN";
         DeliverTime = DateTime.Today.ToString();
         Ankapurservices chartl     = new Ankapurservices();
         var             modelCust1 = chartl.chartpie(DeliverTime, restcode);
         ViewBag.ordertype = String.Join(",", modelCust1.Select(m => m.Ordertype).ToList());
         ViewBag.orders1   = String.Join(",", modelCust1.Select(m => m.Orders).ToList());
         return(PartialView("chpie2view", modelCust1));
     catch (Exception)
         return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "graph") + "'</script>"));
Exemple #10
        public ActionResult downloadrange(string DeliverTime, string DeliverTime1, string restcode)
            if (DeliverTime == null)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Select date');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "range") + "'</script>"));
            if (DeliverTime1 == null)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Select date');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "range") + "'</script>"));

            if (restcode == null)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Select restaurant');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "range") + "'</script>"));
            if (DeliverTime != null && DeliverTime1 != null && restcode != null)
                //ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
                Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
                var             modelCust = objCrd.rangereports(DeliverTime, DeliverTime1, restcode);
                var             gv        = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView();
                gv.DataSource = modelCust;
                Response.Buffer = true;
                Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=ankapurchickenrange.xls");
                Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
                Response.Charset     = "";
                StringWriter   objStringWriter   = new StringWriter();
                HtmlTextWriter objHtmlTextWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(objStringWriter);

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "dailyReport"));

            return(Content("<script> alert('please select date')</script>"));
        //public PartialViewResult customerpview(string DeliverTime)
        //    if (DeliverTime != null)
        //    {
        //        List<customerviewmodel> allOrder = new List<customerviewmodel>();
        //        Ankapurservices objCrd = new Ankapurservices();
        //        var modelCust = objCrd.customerdetails(DeliverTime);
        //        //ViewBag.orderhistory = Odtails();
        //        foreach (var i in modelCust)
        //        {
        //            string phoneno = i.phoneNo;
        //            var od = objCrd.custreports(phoneno).ToList();;
        //            allOrder.Add(new customerviewmodel { custDetails = i, orderDetails = od });
        //            ViewBag.custdetails = modelCust;
        //            ViewBag.orderdetails = od;
        //        }
        //           return PartialView("customerpview", allOrder);
        //        //  return PartialView("customerpview");
        //    }
        //    return PartialView("customerpview", null);

        public PartialViewResult customerpview(string DeliverTime, string restcode)
                if (DeliverTime != null)
                    List <customerviewmodel> allOrder = new List <customerviewmodel>();
                    Ankapurservices          objCrd   = new Ankapurservices();
                    var modelCust = objCrd.customerdetails(DeliverTime, restcode);
                    //ViewBag.orderhistory = Odtails();
                    ViewBag.restcode = restcode;
                    return(PartialView("customerpview", modelCust));
                    //  return PartialView("customerpview");
                return(PartialView("customerpview", null));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
 public ActionResult clpview(string restcode)
         //string DeliverTime;
         if (restcode == null)
             restcode = "HN";
         DeliverTime = DateTime.Today.ToString();
         Ankapurservices chartl    = new Ankapurservices();
         var             modelCust = chartl.chartline(DeliverTime, restcode);
         var             data      = String.Join(",", modelCust.OrderByDescending(m => m.OrderDate).Select(m => Convert.ToDateTime(m.OrderDate).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")).ToList());
         ViewBag.time   = data;
         ViewBag.orders = String.Join(",", modelCust.OrderByDescending(m => m.OrderDate).Select(m => m.Orders).ToList());
         return(PartialView("clpview", modelCust));
     catch (Exception)
         return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "graph") + "'</script>"));
        public ActionResult monthlyreport(string DeliverTime, string restcode)
            if (DeliverTime != null)
                    string          DeliverTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime).ToString("MMMM-yyyy");
                    string[]        nameParts    = DeliverTime.Split('-');
                    string          year         = nameParts[0];
                    string          month        = nameParts[1];
                    Ankapurservices objCrd       = new Ankapurservices();
                    var             modelCust    = objCrd.monthlyreportsk(year, month, restcode);

                    foreach (var reports in modelCust)
                        string amount = reports.amountPaid;
                        string total  = reports.TotalPrice;
                        if (total == null || total == "")
                            total = "0";
                        string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                        string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                        string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                        string status          = reports.status;
                        string tip             = reports.Tip;
                        string disco           = reports.Discount;
                        if (status != "8")
                            TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                            Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                            sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                            cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                            tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                            discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                            revenue         = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                            PriceSum        = PriceSum + decimal.Parse(amount);
                    var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue));
                    var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum));

                    //string r2 = String.Format("{0:n0}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue));
                    //string p2 = String.Format("{0:n0}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum));
                    ViewBag.revenue   = r2;
                    ViewBag.Pricesum  = p2;
                    ViewBag.modelCust = modelCust.Count;
                    ViewBag.month     = DeliverTime1;
                    ViewBag.restcode  = restcode;

                    if (restcode == "HN")
                        restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
                    else if (restcode == "KP")
                        restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
                    else if (restcode == "AN")
                        restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
                    ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
                    return(PartialView("monthlyreports", modelCust));
                catch (Exception)
                    return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", " monthly") + "'</script>"));
            return(PartialView("monthlyreports", null));
        public ActionResult nextmonth(string DeliverTime, string restcode)
            var      today = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime);
            DateTime lastmonth;

            if (today.Month != 12)
                lastmonth = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month + 1, 1);
                lastmonth = new DateTime(today.Year + 1, today.Month - 11, 1);

            string DeliverTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(lastmonth).ToString("MMMM-yyyy");

            string DeliverTime2 = Convert.ToDateTime(lastmonth).ToString("MM-yyyy");

            string[] nameParts = DeliverTime2.Split('-');

            string month = nameParts[0];
            string year  = nameParts[1];

            Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
            var             modelCust = objCrd.monthlyreportsk(year, month, restcode);

            foreach (var item in modelCust)
                string amount = item.amountPaid;
                string total  = item.TotalPrice;
                if (total == null || total == "")
                    total = "0";
                string cgst            = item.cgstcharges;
                string sgst            = item.sgstcharges;
                string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                string status          = item.status;
                string tip             = item.Tip;
                string disco           = item.Discount;
                if (status != "8")
                    TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                    discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);

                    revenue  = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                    PriceSum = PriceSum + decimal.Parse(amount);
                var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue));
                var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum));
                //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
                ViewBag.Pricesum = p2;
                ViewBag.revenue  = r2;

            ViewBag.modelCust = modelCust.Count;
            ViewBag.month     = DeliverTime1;
            ViewBag.restcode  = restcode;
            if (restcode == "HN")
                restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
            else if (restcode == "KP")
                restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
            else if (restcode == "AN")
                restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
            ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
Exemple #15
        public ActionResult weekpview(string restcode)
            if (restcode == null)
                restcode = "HN";
            DateTime        DeliverTime  = DateTime.Today;
            Ankapurservices objCrd       = new Ankapurservices();
            DateTime        dateTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime, new CultureInfo("en-GB"));
            var             modelCust2   = objCrd.Weeklyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);
            string          DeliverTime1 = dateTime.AddDays(-7).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            foreach (var reports in modelCust2)
                string amount = reports.amountPaid;
                string total  = reports.TotalPrice;
                if (total == null || total == "")
                    total = "0";
                string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                string status          = reports.status;
                string tip             = reports.Tip;
                string disco           = reports.Discount;
                if (status != "8")
                    TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                    discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                    revenue1        = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                    PriceSum1       = PriceSum1 + decimal.Parse(amount);
            var r1 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue1));
            var p1 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum1));

            //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
            ViewBag.modelCust2  = modelCust2.Count;
            ViewBag.Pricesum1   = p1;
            ViewBag.revenue1    = r1;
            ViewBag.selectdate  = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace('-', '/');
            ViewBag.selectdate1 = DeliverTime1;
            if (restcode == "HN")
                restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
            else if (restcode == "KP")
                restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
            else if (restcode == "AN")
                restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
            ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
            ViewBag.restcode  = restcode;

            return(PartialView("weekpview", modelCust2));
Exemple #16
        public PartialViewResult monthlypview(string restcode)
            if (restcode == null)
                restcode = "HN";
            DateTime        DeliverTime  = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime        dateTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime, new CultureInfo("en-GB"));
            string          DeliverTime1 = dateTime.AddDays(31).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            Ankapurservices objCrd       = new Ankapurservices();
            var             modelCust3   = objCrd.monthlyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);

            foreach (var item in modelCust3)
                string orderid = item.OrderId;
                string amount  = item.amountPaid;
                string total   = item.TotalPrice;
                if (total == null || total == "")
                    total = "0";
                string cgst            = item.cgstcharges;
                string sgst            = item.sgstcharges;
                string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                string status          = item.status;
                string tip             = item.Tip;
                string disco           = item.Discount;
                if (status != "8")
                    TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                    discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                    revenue2        = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                    PriceSum2       = PriceSum2 + decimal.Parse(amount);
                var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue2));
                var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum2));
                //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
                ViewBag.modelCust3 = modelCust3.Count;
                ViewBag.Pricesum2  = p2;
                ViewBag.revenue2   = r2;
                ViewBag.selectdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace('-', '/');
                ViewBag.selectdate = DeliverTime1;

                if (restcode == "HN")
                    restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
                else if (restcode == "KP")
                    restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
                else if (restcode == "AN")
                    restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
                ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
                ViewBag.restcode  = restcode;

            return(PartialView("monthlypview", modelCust3));
Exemple #17
        public ActionResult weeklyreport(DateTime DeliverTime, string restcode)
            if (DeliverTime != null)
                    DateTime yesterday1 = DeliverTime.AddDays(-7);
                    ViewBag.selectdate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(yesterday1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
                    var             modelCust = objCrd.Weeklyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);

                    ViewBag.modelCust = modelCust.Count;
                    foreach (var reports in modelCust)
                        string amount = reports.amountPaid;

                        string total = reports.TotalPrice;
                        if (total == null || total == "")
                            total = "0";
                        string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                        string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                        string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                        string status          = reports.status;
                        string tip             = reports.Tip;
                        string disco           = reports.Discount;
                        if (status != "8")
                            TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                            Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                            sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                            cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                            tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                            discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);

                            revenue  = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                            PriceSum = PriceSum + decimal.Parse(amount);
                    var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue));
                    var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum));
                    if (r2 == null || r2 == "")
                        r2 = "0";
                    if (p2 == null || p2 == "")
                        p2 = "0";
                    ViewBag.revenue     = r2;
                    ViewBag.Pricesum    = p2;
                    ViewBag.selectdate  = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    ViewBag.selectdate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(yesterday1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    ViewBag.selectdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    ViewBag.restcode    = restcode;

                    if (restcode == "HN")
                        restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
                    else if (restcode == "KP")
                        restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
                    else if (restcode == "AN")
                        restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
                    ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
                    return(PartialView("weeklyreport", modelCust));
                catch (Exception)
                    return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "weekreports") + "'</script>"));
            return(PartialView("weeklyreport", null));
Exemple #18
        public ActionResult rangereport(string DeliverTime, string DeliverTime1, string restcode)
            if (DeliverTime != null && DeliverTime1 != null)
                    string[] formats = { "dd/MM/yyyy", "dd-MMM-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd",
                                         "dd-MM-yyyy", "M/d/yyyy",    "dd MMM yyyy" };
                    //            DateTime DelTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime,

                    //            DateTime DelTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime1,

                    //    string DeliverT = DateTime.ParseExact(DeliverTime, formats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    //   string DeliverT1 = DateTime.ParseExact(DeliverTime1, formats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    string          DeliverT  = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    string          DeliverT1 = Convert.ToDateTime(DeliverTime1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    Ankapurservices objCrd    = new Ankapurservices();
                    var             modelCust = objCrd.rangereports(DeliverTime, DeliverTime1, restcode);

                    ViewBag.modelCust = modelCust.Count;
                    foreach (var reports in modelCust)
                        string amount = reports.amountPaid;

                        string total = reports.TotalPrice;
                        if (total == null || total == "")
                            total = "0";
                        string tip             = reports.Tip;
                        string disco           = reports.Discount;
                        string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                        string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                        string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                        TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                        Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                        sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                        cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                        tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                        discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                        revenue         = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                        PriceSum        = PriceSum + decimal.Parse(amount);
                    var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue));
                    var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum));
                    ViewBag.revenue     = r2;
                    ViewBag.Pricesum    = p2;
                    ViewBag.selectdate  = DeliverT1;
                    ViewBag.selectdate1 = DeliverT; ViewBag.restcode = restcode;

                    if (restcode == "HN")
                        restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
                    else if (restcode == "KP")
                        restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
                    else if (restcode == "AN")
                        restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
                    ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
                    return(PartialView("rangereport", modelCust));

                catch (Exception)
                    return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "range") + "'</script>"));

            return(PartialView("rangereport", null));
Exemple #19
        public ActionResult About()
                string DeliverTime = DateTime.Today.ToString();
                //ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
                Ankapurservices objCrd     = new Ankapurservices();
                var             modelCust1 = objCrd.Getdailyreports(DeliverTime);

                foreach (var reports in modelCust1)
                    string amount = reports.amountPaid;

                    string total           = reports.TotalPrice;
                    string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                    string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                    string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                    TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    revenue         = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges;
                    PriceSum        = PriceSum + decimal.Parse(amount);

                var modelCust2 = objCrd.Weeklyreports(DeliverTime);
                foreach (var item in modelCust2)
                    string amount = item.amountPaid;

                    string total = item.TotalPrice;
                    if (total == null)
                        total = "0";
                    string cgst            = item.cgstcharges;
                    string sgst            = item.sgstcharges;
                    string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                    TotalPrice1      = TotalPrice1 + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges1 = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges1     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges1     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    revenue1         = TotalPrice1 + Deliverycharges1 + sgstcharges1 + cgstcharges1;
                    PriceSum1        = PriceSum1 + decimal.Parse(amount);

                    //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
                var modelCust3 = objCrd.monthlyreports(DeliverTime);

                foreach (var item in modelCust3)
                    string amount = item.amountPaid;

                    string total = item.TotalPrice;
                    if (total == null)
                        total = "0";
                    string cgst            = item.cgstcharges;
                    string sgst            = item.sgstcharges;
                    string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                    TotalPrice2      = TotalPrice2 + decimal.Parse(total);
                    Deliverycharges2 = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                    sgstcharges2     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                    cgstcharges2     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                    revenue2         = TotalPrice2 + Deliverycharges2 + sgstcharges2 + cgstcharges2;
                    PriceSum2        = PriceSum2 + decimal.Parse(item.amountPaid);
                    //PriceSum2 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+

                ViewBag.modelCust1 = modelCust1.Count;
                ViewBag.modelCust2 = modelCust2.Count;
                ViewBag.modelCust3 = modelCust3.Count;
                ViewBag.Pricesum   = PriceSum;
                ViewBag.Pricesum1  = PriceSum1;
                ViewBag.Pricesum2  = PriceSum2;
                ViewBag.revenue    = revenue;
                ViewBag.revenue1   = revenue1;
                ViewBag.revenue2   = revenue2;
                ViewBag.selectdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace('-', '/');


            catch (Exception)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("Index", "Home") + "'</script>"));
Exemple #20
        public ActionResult About(string restcode)
                if (restcode == null)
                    restcode = "HN";
                DateTime DeliverTime = DateTime.Today;
                //ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
                Ankapurservices objCrd     = new Ankapurservices();
                var             modelCust1 = objCrd.Getdailyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);

                foreach (var reports in modelCust1)
                    string amount = reports.amountPaid;
                    string total  = reports.TotalPrice;
                    if (total == null || total == "")
                        total = "0";
                    string cgst            = reports.cgstcharges;
                    string sgst            = reports.sgstcharges;
                    string deliverycharges = reports.Deliverycharges;
                    string status          = reports.status;
                    string tip             = reports.Tip;
                    string disco           = reports.Discount;
                    if (status != "8")
                        TotalPrice      = TotalPrice + decimal.Parse(total);
                        Deliverycharges = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                        sgstcharges     = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                        cgstcharges     = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                        tips            = tips + decimal.Parse(tip);
                        discounts       = discounts + decimal.Parse(disco);
                        revenue2        = TotalPrice + Deliverycharges + sgstcharges + cgstcharges + tips - discounts;
                        PriceSum2       = PriceSum2 + decimal.Parse(amount);
                var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue2));
                var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum2));
                //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
                ViewBag.modelCust = modelCust1.Count;
                ViewBag.Pricesum  = p2;
                ViewBag.revenue   = r2;

                var modelCust2 = objCrd.Weeklyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);
                //foreach (var item in modelCust2)
                //    string amount = item.amountPaid;
                //    string total = item.TotalPrice;
                //    if (total == null || total == "")
                //    {
                //        total = "0";
                //    }
                //    string cgst = item.cgstcharges;
                //    string sgst = item.sgstcharges;
                //    string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                //    TotalPrice1 = TotalPrice1 + decimal.Parse(total);
                //    Deliverycharges1 = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                //    sgstcharges1 = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                //    cgstcharges1 = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                //    revenue1 = TotalPrice1 + Deliverycharges1 + sgstcharges1 + cgstcharges1;
                //    PriceSum1 = PriceSum1 + decimal.Parse(amount);
                //    //PriceSum1 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
                var modelCust3 = objCrd.monthlyreports(DeliverTime, restcode);

                //foreach (var item in modelCust3)
                //    string amount = item.amountPaid;
                //    string total = item.TotalPrice;
                //    if (total == null || total == "")
                //    {
                //        total = "0";
                //    }
                //    string cgst = item.cgstcharges;
                //    string sgst = item.sgstcharges;
                //    string deliverycharges = item.Deliverycharges;
                //    TotalPrice2 = TotalPrice2 + decimal.Parse(total);
                //    Deliverycharges2 = Deliverycharges + decimal.Parse(deliverycharges);
                //    sgstcharges2 = sgstcharges + decimal.Parse(sgst);
                //    cgstcharges2 = cgstcharges + decimal.Parse(cgst);
                //    revenue2 = TotalPrice2 + Deliverycharges2 + sgstcharges2 + cgstcharges2;
                //    PriceSum2 = PriceSum2 + decimal.Parse(item.amountPaid);
                //    var r2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(revenue2));
                //    var p2 = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", false), "{0:n}", Convert.ToDouble(PriceSum2));
                //    //PriceSum2 += item.amountPaid; // instead of =+
                ViewBag.modeldaily = modelCust1;
                ViewBag.modelCust1 = modelCust1.Count;
                ViewBag.modelCust2 = modelCust2.Count;
                ViewBag.modelCust3 = modelCust3.Count;
                //ViewBag.Pricesum = PriceSum;
                //ViewBag.Pricesum1 = PriceSum1;
                //ViewBag.Pricesum2 = PriceSum2;
                //ViewBag.revenue = revenue;
                //ViewBag.revenue1 = revenue1;
                //ViewBag.revenue2 = revenue2;
                ViewBag.selectdate  = DeliverTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace('-', '/');
                ViewBag.selectdate1 = DeliverTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd").Replace('-', '/');
                if (restcode == "HN")
                    restcode1 = "Himayath Nagar";
                else if (restcode == "KP")
                    restcode1 = "Kukatpally";
                else if (restcode == "AN")
                    restcode1 = "A.S.Rao Nagar";
                ViewBag.restcode1 = restcode1;
                ViewBag.restcode  = restcode;

            catch (Exception)
                return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Restaurant is closed at the moment');location.href='" + @Url.Action("About", "Home") + "'</script>"));